END OF THE DECADE ART WALK As 2020 approaches, Students participate in the Winter Art it is important to remember Walk in a variety of ways, from showing the last decade artwork to singing to selling items Page 6 Page 12 THE VOL. 94 NO. 4 • HAYS HIGH SCHOOL 2300 E. 13th ST. • HAYS, KAN. 67601 www.hayshighguidon.com G DECEMBER 18, 2019 N FRIENDLY LETTERS UIDOSEASON OF GIVING Instructor initiates new Pen Pal program Holiday Help By Alicia Feyerherm Lundmark got the word out Hays High Guidon about the program and accrued 25 interested senior citizens. Standing at Homestead “Some [senior citizens] Projects created to benefit families in need Health, instructor Luke Lun- are from as far away as dmark watched his son carol Arizona, and others are By Michaela Austin Hays High Guidon with his Cub Scout troop and as close as just down the witnessed the joy the chil- street,” Lundmark said. During the holidays, there dren brought to the residents. Lundmark said he hopes the are many things that people “I saw the interaction between program will help brighten the think about, such as giving the kids and lives of senior the right gifts and spending the senior citi- citizens who time with family and friends. zens, and may be lonely One of the biggest ideas that the citizens There are seniors in the nurs- is suggested during the holi- seemed to be ing homes and day season, though, is giv- filled with so in the area that assisted liv- ing to and helping out others. much happi- are lonely and ing facilities. One way to help people in ness,” Lund- “There are the community is donating mark said. “I need that extra seniors in the to the National Honor So- knew I wanted area that are ciety Holiday Help Project. to find a way to love and support.” lonely and “Holiday Help Project is a recreate that instructor Luke Lundmark need that ex- donation project where nu- at the high tra love and merous anonymous families school level and create a mu- support, and this program is from our school are given tual relationship between stu- MICHAELA AUSTIN / The Guidon a great way for our students Christmas gifts and grocer- dents and seniors in the area.” to share that,” Lundmark ies,” NHS Vice President Me- Last year, Lundmark worked Junior Maia Lummus and Erica Malleck sell suckers as mem- said. “Senior citizens love re- gan Flavin said. “NHS collects towards that goal by hav- bers of Student Council. All proceeds were donated to the lationships just as much as donations from local busi- ing his Seminar class“ send we love having relationships Holiday Help Project. nesses, donates groceries and cards to Homestead Health. with our friends and families.” goes shopping for Christmas “Anyone who is not in NHS Another way to help in the “All the social studies Semi- Lundmark said the senior cit- gifts. After all donations and can donate anything,” Fla- community this holiday season is nars sent cards from January izen age demographic is “an un- groceries are collected, NHS vin said. “The more dona- by donating a gift to Teaming Up to May, and I wanted a way to tapped resource” for students. members get together to wrap tions we receive, the better. For Tots (TUFT). There are two expand that, so I thought a Pen “One of our biggest goals the presents for the families.” We may not know of every types of gifts for each child, which Pal program with the local nurs- is that we want students Even if people are not a part business wanting to donate.” are a new toy or new clothing. ing homes would be a good way of NHS, they can still help The Holiday Help Project is ac- to do that,” Lundmark said. See “Pen Pals” pg. 2 • with the Holiday Help Project. cepting donations until Dec. 20. • See “Holiday Help” pg. 2 DEPENDABLE WORKERS Students need training about being responsible employees vey to all students at Hays High. By McKena McBride Hays High Guidon “We needed information from students to see how much in- Going into high school, stu- formation they knew about dents are often finding their first the work force and how con- jobs. However, students may not fident they were in differ- be as prepared to go into the ent processes,” Schaffer said. workforce as one may think. The project’s main activity According to Bureau of La- planned will be a conference at bor Statistics, in 1979, 57.9 the Smoky Hill Country Club percent of teenagers held a where speakers will talk to job, a number that fell to 52 students about different top- percent in 2000 and has plum- ics. The students who com- meted even more to around 34 pleted the project will have to percent in 2014. According to write papers and finish other BLS data, teen employment smaller projects that go with it. is not expected to improve. “Students lack knowledge of The lack of early job experi- what the requirements of the job ence could end up causing bad actually is,” Schaffer said. “They work etiquette and work ethic in view it as just another task, teens as they get older, as stated when really, they could be tak- in an article on Talent Economy. ing on an important task. Stu- However, students at dents are strong in understand- Hays High say they believe ing how professional you need that the students’ work eti- to look and proper manners quette is not as bad as stated. when going into an interview.” Juniors Andrea Lopez, Brook- The survey sent to students lyn Schaffer and Claire Shippy asked questions about cer- performed a project for DECA tain issues regarding jobs. The MCKENA MCBRIDE / The Guidon over career development. For this project, they sent out a sur- • See “Job Etiquette” pg. 2 Junior Mataya Quinby takes the order of a customer during her shift at Taco Shop. NEWS THE GUIDON • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2019 • 2 YOUR VIEW PEN PALS/Students have opportunity to meet pen pal Have you ever had or would you ever • FROM PAGE 1 Students also must want a pen pal? not give out any personal to not only build relation- information in their let- “I never had a ships here at school, but ters, offer assistance (fi- pen pal, but I would’ve also with the community nancial or personal) to liked to have had one.” at large,” Lundmark said. the citizens or give any —freshman Jaycine The club met on Dec. other contact informa- Wattson 3 in the Lecture Hall. tion besides their first “Yeah, I had one. I still “We [went] over what name and last initial. kind of do. We don’t send the first letter should look Students in the program letters back and forth like, what are good topics will be writing to their pen anymore, but we still text to start our conversations pals twice a month, and each other, which is fun.” from, and then Ms. Ma- at the end of the semes- —senior Addy Speier son and I will proofread ter, there will be an op- “I never had a the letters before they are portunity for students pen pal, nor do I want sent out on the week of to meet their pen pals. one.” Dec. 10,” Lundmark said. “I hope that stu- —sophomore Aidan Before joining the pro- dents can see that you Gardner gram, students must re- can never stop learning “I don’t think I would turn a permission slip from people,” Lundmark ever have a pen pal be- signed by the student’s said. “It doesn’t matter cause I just think it would parent or guardian to whether they’re young or be weird to know someone ensure that any com- they’re old; everyone has ALICIA FEYERHERM/ The Guidon from a different country.” munication with out- valuable information.” Instructor Luke Lundmark speaks about the Senior Pen Pal program, in —junior Landon Giebler siders is acceptable. [email protected] which students have the opportunity to write to an unknown senior citizen. “I had one for class in, like, first grade, and I think they were from Logan.” HOLIDAY HELP/ Extracurricular activities JOB ETIQUETTE/ —senior Jenna Miller and volunteer work create opportunities Students need awareness What are some ways you have for students to help during the holidays of job etiquette for future helped others • FROM PAGE 1 boxes to children in need al churches participate, • FROM PAGE 1 communication skills, during the around the world. Inside such as Messiah Lu- time management and holidays? TUFT sets up Christmas the shoeboxes are gifts theran and North Oak. students could rate their emotional intelligence.” Lopez said she has trees with angels on them. and items chosen by who- If anyone still wants to answers from one to “For the holiday season struggled after ob- Each angel tells people ever packed the shoebox. help Operation Christ- five, with one being the I always do the Christmas taining a job before. the age, gender and gift When filling a shoebox, mas Child this year, least confident and five shoeboxes at my church, being the most confident. “I have only applied for the Operation Christmas interests or clothing size. the givers will get to de- he or she may pack a Schaffer said the three a job once, I got the job Child. We did a whole Angel gifts can usually cide what gender and the shoebox with necessities were surprised at the re- and I quit three months thing at my church and be picked up and dropped age category of 2-4, 5-9 or online or donate money.
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