THE DESCRIPTION OF ----------- THE ------------ PROPHET’S By Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee Al-Waadi’ee © Authentic Statements Publishing, USA All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any language, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without express per­ mission of the copyright owner. ISBN: 978-1-7923-2819-0 First Edition: Jumada al-‘Ula 1441 A.H. / January 2020 C.E. Cover Design: Usui Design E-mail: [email protected] Translator: Raha Batts Editing & Formatting: Razan Gregory Annurediting.com Publisher’s Information: Authentic Statements Publishing P. O. Box 15536 Philadelphia, PA. 19131 215.382.3382 215.382.3782-Fax Store: 5000 Locust Street (Side Entrance) Philadelphia, Pa 19139 Website: www.authenticstatements.com E-mail: [email protected] Please visit our website for upcoming publications, audio/DVD online catalog, and info on events and seminars, insha Allah. T ransliteration T a b l e Consonants £ a d d k t-J b a dh L t J 1 Cj t J r L z i* m > * <_) th j z & j n e j s £ gh 0 h > c h sh f J w t kh s q y bowels Short o a i O i L ong h a i > 1 D iphthongs cr ay > aw Glyphs Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (May Allah’s praise & salutations be upon him) ‘Alayhis-salam ($£) M ‘Aza wa jal (Mighty and Majestic) Radiyallahu ‘anhu (May Allah be pleased with him) Radiyallahu ‘anha (May Allah be pleased with her) -£* Rahimahullah (May Allah have mercy upon him) T a b l e o f Co n t e n t s Introduction........................................................................................................... 1 Author’s Introduction ........................................................................................5 Evidence for Teaching the Prayer by Demonstration..........................7 The Opening Takblr........................................................................................10 The Ruling of the Sutrah for the W orshipper...................................... 14 The Passing of Three Things in Front of the W orshipper 15 The Passing of a Woman in Front of a Woman in the P ra y e r..........................................................................................................15 The Opening Supplication After the Opening Takblr........................16 The Place of the Intention is the Heart....................................................18 Raising the Hands.............................................................................................21 The Wisdom of Raising the Hands...................................................24 The Places of Raising the Hands in Prayer.............................................24 To W h e re A re th e Hands R aised ...............................................................28 Placing the Right Hand Upon the Left Hand ........................................35 How to Place the Right Over the Left..................................................... 39 Placing the Right Hand Upon the Left on One’s Chest..................... 41 The Opening Supplication.............................................................................45 The Seeking of Refuge ..................................................................................54 Al-Basmalah (Mentioning Allah’s Name)................................................62 Reciting the Opening Chapter of the Book............................................ 67 W hen Does the Follower Recite al-Fatihah in the Audible P ra y e rs? .............................................................................................................. 88 What is Their Evidence for This?..............................................................92 Indication to a Principle that There Should Be No Objection W hen There is a Legitimate Difference of Opinion ......................................... 96 The Recommendation to Stop at the End of Every Verse ............... 98 The Saying of Ameen After Reciting Al-Fatihah..............................100 The Imam Lightening the Prayer for the Followers....................... 104 What Is the Desirable Lightening of The Prayer? .............................106 The One Praying Alone May Lengthen the Prayer as Much As He W ish e s............................................................................................................... 108 Bowing After Reciting al-Fatihah and Another Chapter................ 110 The Description of the Ruku’.................................................................... 112 Raising the Hands W hen Bowing............................................................117 The Adhkar of the Bowing Position.......................................................121 Rising from the Bowing and W hat is Said In Doing So...................131 Tranquility in Prayer................................................................................... 137 Prostration, and W hen One Goes Down to Prostration is He Place His Knees Down First or His Hands?......................................................141 The Body Parts Which Must Be Prostrated Upon ............................ 145 What Is Said During the Prostration....................................................... 148 Some of the Etiquettes of Du‘a'..................................................................150 Sitting Between the Two Prostrations and That W hich is Said T h e re in .............................................................................................................. 152 The Second Rak‘ah ........................................................................................ 156 The Sitting of Rest......................................................................................... 158 Supporting One’s Self Upon His Two Hands W hen Rising to the Next Rak’ah ......................................................................................................163 The Middle Tashahhud ............................................................................... 165 W hat is Established?...................................................................................... 169 Supplicating After the First Tashahhud.................................................176 R eciting th e Fatihah W ith in th e Final T w o R ak‘a t..........................178 The Final Tashahhud and Sending Prayers Upon the Prophet *£182 Pointing With the Finger W hile Saying the Tashahhud Without M oving I t.......................................................................................................... 188 Seeking Refuge from Four Things after the Final Tashahhud.... 191 I ntroduction The praise is for Allah, Lord o f all that exists. The good end is for the pious. I testify that none has the right to be worshiped except Allah alone, who has no partner; and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger; the one concerning whom his Lord has said: 4_lll 4 4-111 ^ i Cfj) 13^ ^ JSjj >3/1 There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often. [Al-’Ahzab 33:21] 1 Sha y k h M u q bil ib n H a d !A l - W a d i 'I The one who said: Pray as you have seen me praying. 1 To Proceed: This is the description of the Prophet’s prayer by my father and Shaykh, Muqbil ibn Hadi Al-Wadi‘1 -a* which he taught to the students in Dar al-Hadlth in Dammaj. May Allah 3k return its honor and blessing, in statement and action. I have taken care, with the help of Allah 3k, and added concise com­ ments. I hope, from my Lord, that He brings about benefit by them, as well as the original book. My work within the book is as follows: One: I gave concern to the transmissions, and for Allah 3k is the praise; in order that they be far removed from error. We ask our Lord M to grant us correctness and to set right our efforts. Two: I separated the issues by chapter headings in order to differentiate between them. 1 Reported by Al-Bukhari (no. 631) from the hadith of Malik ibn Al-Hu- w ayrith At. 2 T he D escription of th e P r o p h e t ’s P r a y e r Three: I arranged some of the topics surrounding the prayer of the Prophet that which was previously separated but should have been together under one subject; and I placed it in its appropriate place in order that the sequence of the prayer may be consistent. Four: Within the footnotes, I added some of the fiqh positions of our father. We extrapolated these from his other lessons, that which is con­ nected to the topic, in order to complete the benefit, if Allah M wills. Five: Our sister, Wafa’ Baqais and grant her a goodly life, added an index to the book. May my Lord M reward her with good. I ask my Lord Jtto grant me sincerity and to bring benefit by way of it. We ask Him, Glorified be He, to grant us success in that which contains His pleasure and in having taqwa o f Him . Much perpetual praise is for Allah, outwardly and inwardly, firstly and lastly, until the Day of Recompense. 3 A u t h o r ’s Introduction The praise is for Allah, Lord of all that exists. May prayers and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad; his family and companions, altogether. I testify that none has the right to be worshiped except Allah, alone, who has no partners; and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. To proceed: We promised our brothers to clarify the description of the prayer of the Messenger of Allah by demonstration. If our brothers like, I can do so upon the minbar, or would they prefer it be done from here?
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