" Date Wednesday! MIT The eather Oldest and Largest Today: Cloudy, hower, 55°F (l30C) Tonight: howers, 33°F (0° ) ewspaper Tomorrow: lear, cold, 44°F (70C) Details, Page 2 Volume 121 umber 61 New Dorm Decision Pushed to December By Kevin R. Lang NEWSEDlTOR key component of thi where we MIT administrator ha e decided might run into problems? to wait until the first week of 'It actually not very complicat- December to decide whether im- ed," Curry said, "but the more day mons Hall will open on time in that pa before we make the deci- 2002 or whether undergraduates. sion, the more confident we can be." will be temporarily housed in a Curry aid that he was not aware graduate dormitory. of MIT having any ort of penalty A decision was originally to be clause for the contractor in case announced at a meeting last Simmons opens late. 'We have an Wednesday organized by Dean for enormous commitment on the part Student Life Larry G. Benedict, but of the contractor to deliver this Executive Vice President John R. building," Curry said. He said that Curry asked that the decision be the cost to MIT would not change postponed. depending on the completion date. "Vice President Curry asked that we postpone that decision to the first 70 Pacific Street, Tang proposed week of December," Benedict said. If Simmons cannot be opened in "The purpose of last Wednesday's time for the fall semester, it will meeting was to develop a contin- open for Independent Activities gency plan." Period 2003. The main contingency Administrators are currently plan for Simmons Hall has always reviewing subcontracting projects been to house undergraduates in the such as ventilation, electrical work, new graduate dormitory at 70 Pacif- and plumbing with the contractor, ic Street. However, another possibil- BRIAN HEMOND-THE TECH Daniel O'Connell's Sons. ity is housing undergraduates in A meteor streaks across the early Sunday morning sky near the constellation Orion. The annual "Basically they're on schedule Tang Hall. In the 1998-1999school Leonid meteor shower lived up to predictions, becoming a meteor storm as thousands of shooting right now," Curry said. However, he stars filled the n·ght. said, MIT needs to ask, "are there Dorm, Page 7 UAAllocates $18Kfor Student Gable Mental Health Report By Vincent Chen Student Cable and the Interactive This will mean twelve cameras A· MIT' . STAFF REPORTER Introduction t~ th~ Institute (13). ~vailable for use, ~d will give li~- dmits s Failures The Undergraduate .Association The two orgamzations pre ented a mg groups more time to make their has agreed to allocate more than joint proposal to combine resources video segments in 13," said Vikash $18,000 for the joint use of MIT and to purchase additional cameras Gilja '03. "We're hoping for a more By Sandra M. Chung report clearly delineated the need and editing equipment. faithful portrayal of living groups to ASSOCIATE ARTS EDITOR for additional Mental Health taff "This is kind of a plan to bring help fre hmen make a better The final draft of the Mental and hour . Mental Health Service student cable into easier u e, hope- informed living group decision, Health Task Force report make sev- hour have been extended to 7 p.m. fully a revitalization of student e pecially important because the eral recommendation for improving Monday through Thursday and cable," said Jaime E. Devereaux housing they choose over the urn- mental health ervice at MIT, medical health liaisons have been 02, UA Pre ident. mer could become their permanent including expanding MIT Medical' assigned to all living groups. The The goal of the project is to housing." Mental Health Department's hour Extended Health Plan now covers make video equipment and editing Another funding option 13 could and taff, hiring a profe sional adver- unlimited outpatient visit for p y- facilities more ea ily available to have pursued would have been the tising fum to promote mental health chotherapy. MIT students, making it easier to dean's office, but a Gilja pointed awarene s, and appointing an admin- The task force recommended create and record original video pro- out, "that would re trict our content istrative coordinator and standing further extending Mental Health grams and to record various events becau e we would be under dean's committee to oversee the implemen- ervice hour to 9 p.m. three nights on campu . Thi video could then office guidelines." tation of its recommendations. a week, and adding late-night ser- be broadcast on MITV in order to The project will also increase Chancellor Phillip L. Clay PhD vices uch as on-site coverage until JONATHAN WANG-THE TECH reach more people. In addition, this awareness of MIT tudent Cable. '75 ha embraced the task force's midnight. Associate Dean of Academic new equipment would make the tudent seeking to put together report, giving the go-ahead for the Dr. Kristine A. Girard '86, ta k Resources and Programming Julie production ofI3 easier. egments for 13 would have to make implementation of everal recom- force co-chair and Associate Chief B. Norman speaks at Monday's "We want to pool our resource. mendations even before the report of Mental Health, i currently UA meeting. UA, Page 9 was finalized. The Institute is already involved in budgeting and staffing developing plans for or acting on di cussions. The Mental Health several uncontroversial recommen- Department hope to report back to MIT Medical, Police Prepare for Disaster dations, including the addition of Benedict and Clay on staff expan- administrative and medical staff. sion by December. if a college or area of the city were deal with any bioterror event our- "There wa no point in waiting," ubject to an act of terrori ill, such selve " Heller aid. "We'd like to Clay said. en ork benefit from new taff s a re ult of the eptember 11 as an anthrax outbreak. be a self- ufficient as we po sibly Dean for tudent Life Larry G. An interim committee appointed attacks on ew York City and Dr. Howard Heller, an internist can." Benedict who represented the by lay will be in charge of imple- Washington, D.C" MIT Medical at MIT Medical pecializing in The Office of Public afety and Department of tudent Life on the menting the task force's recommen- and other public health and safety infectiou disea e , said that MIT the Emergency Response Team task force, aid he is confident that dation until a new tanding Com- office on campus have taken teps Medical wants to be able to deal have al 0 been bu y preparing for mo t of the mea ure li ted in the mittee on Mental Health is appointed to prepare for a terrorist attack on with an attack on its own in ca e the the po sibility of an attack. report will be implemented within in pring 2002, or until an e isting campus or in the surrounding area. con ortium hospital and the federal Anne P. Glavin Director of Pub- the ne t several year . committee i reas igned and rechar- MIT Medical has joined a con- government are unable to respond lic afety, aid that the response tered to erve as the new committee. ortium of Boston and Cambridge quickly. T dical pand taff bour ho pital that would work together "We're trying to be prepared to Preparation, Page 18 In terms of acce ibility, the Mental Health, Page 8 Dramashop Comic showca e World & ation 2 tudent play- Opinion ' 4 wright. Ev nt Cal ndar .12 Art 13 Page 14 Page 10 Page 5 RLD& ATIO u.s. C unts on Mghan Help LOS A 'GELES TlJfES lth Offer of $25M Reward Rebel force on onday threatened to attack thou and of ur- rounded Taliban fighter in the northern fghan ity of Kunduz if B ernon loeb tion group. called 'target of opportunity." they don't urrender Tuesday and U. Defense ecretary Donald H. and William Branigin , enemy leader become On the diplomatic front, negotia- Rum feld warned that freeing the hard-line fighter would endang r THE WA HINGTO,\ POST fewer and fewer it doe not nece - tion continued between the United America. WA HINGTO arily mean that the ta k will ation and the orthern Alliance, Rum feld aid he would 'do everything I ould" to prevent a Defen e ecretary Donald H. become ea ier," the defen e ecre- a 100 e coalition of rebel group that negotiated ettlement because a large hare of the Taliban for e are Rum feld aid onday that the Pen- tary told reporter at the Pentagon. drove the Taliban from the capital zealou non- fghan fighter from the al-Qaida terrorist network. tagon i counting on fghan oppo i- "People can hide in caves for long city of Kabul a week ago. Freeing them, he said, ould po e a ri of terrori t att ck. tion group to playa central role in period , and thi will take time. ' The alliance i under pres ure y hop i that they will either be killed or taken pri oner," h finding 0 ama bin Laden, noting In fghani tan onday, U .. not to declare it elf fghani tan's aid at a Pentagon briefing. They're people who have done terrible that the hundred of . pecial warplane and orthern lliance new go emment. It ha yet to for- thing .' Force troops operating inside ground forces combined to attack mally accept an invitation to U. .- fghani tan are not ufficient to Taliban po ition around Kunduz, ba ked talks on a political olution.
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