CARHAMPTON PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 14th May 2015 AT 7.30pm IN THE VILLAGE HALL PRESENT: Cllr F Barringer-Capp (Chairman), Cllr P Mason, Cllr R Husebo; Cllr P Armin; Cllr S Mew; Cllr P Laramy; Cllr B Maitland-Walker (also as District Councillor); Cllr C Lawrence (County Councillor); The Clerk 5 members of the public. 1. ELECTION OF OFFICERS A nomination of Cllr Phillip Mason for the position of Chairman was proposed by Cllr Faye Barringer-Capp and seconded by Cllr Brenda Maitland-Walker. The Chair signed a declaration of office. A nomination of Cllr Philp Laramy for the position of Vice Chairman was proposed by Cllr Roland Husebo and seconded by Cllr Brenda Maitland-Walker. Both votes were carried unanimously. It was confirmed that a quorum of councillors was present. All Parish Councillors signed a declaration of office. The following representatives were confirmed or appointed: Village Hall Phillip Mason Highways & Road Safety Warden Roland Husebo Youth Club Roland Husebo Exmoor Consultative Forum Faye Barringer-Capp Community Orchard Roland Husebo Dunster Panel Faye Barringer-Capp Blue Anchor Representative Phillip Laramy Allotment Committee Liaison Patrick Armin Junior Playing Field Philip Laramy Recreation Centre Roland Husebo Footpath Liaison Officer Susan Mew Flood liaison Officer Brenda Maitland Walker All these positions were agreed unanimously. 2. APOLOGIES. All present 3. DECLARATIONS of interests and dispensations Cllr Phillip Mason declared a disclosable interest, with reference to the item regarding payment to the Village Hall, Cllr Roland Husebo declared disclosable interests, with reference to the items on the Youth Club, Allotments and the Recreation Ground. Cllr Faye Barringer Capp declared disclosable interests, with reference to the items on Townsend Farm and on the Flood Plan. Cllr Patrick Armin declared a disclosable interest, regarding payment to the Clerk. Cllr Susan Mew had no disclosable interests to declare. Cllr Brenda Maitland-Walker declared disclosable interests, with reference to the item on the Flood Plan, and regarding her position as a District Cllr. Cllr Philip Laramy had no disclosable interests to declare. 4. COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR. The local Neighbourhood Watch has folded, with the balance of funds (£120) given for the newsletter. Carhampton Parish Council minutes 14th May 2015 1 5. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 2nd April 2015 The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd April 2015 having been circulated, were agreed as correct. Being proposed by Cllr Roland Husebo and seconded by Cllr Faye Barringer-Capp they were signed as a correct record, by the Chairman. 6. MATTERS ARISING. 6.1 Kerbside weeds: there had been no update from David Peake. Cllr Brenda Maitland-Walker will pursue, with the aid of photos. Ownership is unknown for some grassed areas. The road sign for Vicarage Lane is missing: the Clerk will report this. 6.2 Final audit method changes: the Clerk reported on the Grant Thornton training in Exeter. External audit fees will be higher next year because the flood grant takes turnover above £25,000. For audits in 14/15 and 15/16, returns will still be made in addition to online publication of information. 6.3 Tribute to Hilary Binding: Cllr Susan Mew presented a draft layout of the information board and reported that funding is now sought. 6.4 Future of Butchers Arms: all is well under the new management. 6.5 Dunster Woodland Management Plan Consultation: Cllr Susan Mew went to a meeting in April where there was great enthusiasm for the 10 year plan, which is available online. 6.6 Conservation area: an historical reference (1960) to an existing conservation area had been noted. As WSC is presently creating its Local Plan and listing old buildings, Cllr Brenda Maitland-Walker will make enquires about this. 7. CASUAL VACANCY Although there is no statutory requirement to do so, it is recommended that councils give public notice of vacancies which remain unfilled after an ordinary election, to encourage transparency and to attract more candidates. The Clerk will place advertisements on notice-boards, in the local press and in the newsletter for 1 Blue Anchor and 1 Carhampton vacancy. 8. YOUTH CLUB The scheduled meeting having been postponed, a new date will be set. Day trips are planned for young people in the summer. Cllr Christine Lawrence met the new leaders at Minehead Eye regarding funding etc and all is well. 9. ALLOTMENTS Nick Thorne introduced himself as new chair from start of 2015. The allotment area is well-established and tidy, with two vacant plots to be advertised. Maintenance has included hedge-laying along the road. Water-harvesting stations have been created. Representatives will be at Carhampton Garden Show and the Gardening Club are to visit the plot in July. The committee meets bi-monthly Nick will update the Parish Council as required. 10. TOWNSEND FARM Jo Flint attended on behalf of Hastoe. She pointed out that fewer names are on the Housing Register than previously, and it is important that people know they need to register. Concerns about the drainage work on the A39 were noted, with disruption being confined to mid-week: the handling of the work is approved by SCC. Suggestions for a road name for the new development were discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Roland Husebo and seconded by Cllr Philip Laramy that it be called ‘Hilary Way’. John Gray of Halsall will check for WSC approval for this. Carhampton Parish Council minutes 14th May 2015 2 Hastoe will be putting up a notice-board for general use of the community and will maintain it. The survey in support of an application for S106 funding having been finalised, a quotation had been obtained from Exmoor Printers, of £260 for 1,000. It was proposed by Cllr Faye Barringer-Capp and seconded by Cllr Patrick Armin that this printing be ordered, for distribution with the June newsletter and at local venues. All agreed. 11. RECREATION GROUND UPDATE The committee has applied for a Lottery grant for the kitchen and other work. The cricket team has starting fund-raising. A new Crown agent is being appointed with whom a new working relationship will need to be formed. 12. JUNIOR PLAYING FIELD UPDATE The area has been mowed. An inspection will take place next week which Cllr Roland Husebo hopes to attend. A quotation has been provided to replace the 4 posts on the tower. After the inspection, Cllr Roland Husebo will advise the Clerk if this work should go ahead. It was proposed by Cllr Susan Mew and seconded by Cllr Phillip Mason that the Clerk will liaise with the builder as necessary on this work, totalling £748. All agreed. 13 COMMUNITY FLOOD ACTION PLAN The Flood mitigation work in Winsors / Park Lane has been completed, subject to completion of the trash screens being fitted. Invoices have been received from the contractor and Flood mitigation funding has been requested from SCC. Cllr Brenda Maitland Walker was thanked for providing photographs of the site before the work began, and at stages of its progress, and for generally overseeing the project. Cllr Philip Laramy had reported blocked drains between Grove Road and the Station but SCC has not responded. Cllr Christine Lawrence will pursue this. The WS Flood Group reports that SCC is doing a pilot project on gully tagging, so every drain has a number and can be checked. 14. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Brenda Maitland-Walker was welcomed in her additional new role as District Councillor. She has not yet been officially appointed but will take to District any concerns raised at this meeting. 15. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr Christine Lawrence no longer has her role in Health & Wellbeing, but has become Chair of SCC for 2 years. She thanked Cllr Faye Barringer Capp for her work over the many (14?) years as Chair. The first full SCC meeting took place, with some changes. An extra cabinet minister has been appointed to support children’s services. £6 million will be used from reserves for 100 more social workers. 16. PLANNING: 16.1a Appl ref no 3/05/15/004, two storey extension at Bay Cottage, Main Road, Carhampton. 16.1c Appl ref no 3/05/15/011. Amended development of 4 houses & benefice office, Church Lane. Details not online: to be checked. 16.1c Application Reference No: 3/05/15/005 change of use Loxhole Sawmill, Dunster, TA24 6NY 16.2a Decision ref no 3/05/15/001 variation of conditions, Townsend Farm, granted 16.2b Decision ref no 3/05/15/003 extension Elm Cottage, 1 High Street, Carhampton, granted Carhampton Parish Council minutes 14th May 2015 3 17. FINANCE: 17.1 Statements of accounts: Current Account: £ 2,295.34 Business Reserve Account: £16,460.77 Monthly balance sheet checked & signed by Susan Mew. 17.2 Accounts for payment: Proposed by Cllr Roland Husebo and seconded by Cllr Phillip Mason that the following accounts be paid: Village Hall hire (April) £ 9.00 Clerk’s salary J Armin (April) £ 328.36 Clerk’s expenses (April) £ 53.30 SALC fee 2015 £ 223.99 Insurance, Zurich £ 900.57 D Bott, Internal audit £ 50.00 CJ Lynch drain work £43,724.21 (incl VAT) * CJ Lynch additional costs £ 1,670.39 (incl VAT) * To be paid when funding received from SCC (requested 6/5/15). Then a VAT claim will be made for £7,540.70. £11,000 to be transferred to current account. First ½ of Precept received into bank, £8,750.00 Also paid ½ yr rent to Crown, JPF £ 47.31 (SO - 5 April) 17.3 Audit Commission Annual Audit. The internal Audit having been completed satisfactorily by Mr Derrick Bott, the Annual Return was read to the Parish Council and completed by the Chairman.
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