Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange No 56 www.fulbright.bg Newsletter January-March 2009 Sofia 1000, Al. Stamboliiski blvd., tel. (359 2) 981 85 67, 980 82 12, 981 68 30; fax (359 2) 988 45 17; E-mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.fulbright.bg, www.fisi-bg.info Fulbright Commission Activities in 2008 uring 2008 the Bulgarian-American Commission for Edu- cational Exchange continued to work for the realization Dof the goals of the Fulbright program defined in the 1961 Fulbright-Hays Act and the 2003 agreement between the US Gov- ernment and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria. Its ac- tivities aimed to implement the specific objectives outlined in the 2007 program proposal: l Support long-term and short-term academic exchanges in all fields, especially the social sciences, the humanities, and Ameri- can and Bulgarian studies. l Extend outreach to BG universities, schools and other educa- tional institutions to provide a higher number and greater diversity of applicants in the context of increasing competition from Euro- pean universities and decreasing number of eligible candidates. l Promote the Fulbright program in Bulgaria in US universities Dr. Julia Stefanova, Executive Director and educational institutions to increase the number of US appli- Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange cants in all categories. l Facilitate other programs in furtherance of the Fulbright pro- gram. bright Commission in Bulgaria l Continue to support the local Fulbright info-centers. l Continue to offer educational advising to promote the Ful- l Expand language training services and upgrade facilities at bright program in Bulgaria and educational opportunities in the the Fulbright language center and local info-centers. US. l Continue to provide testing services, including iBT TOEFL, l Maintain high standards of program administration on the GRE, SAT, LSAT, CFA etc. basis of bi-nationalism, peer review and academic and profession- l Continue to offer the Fulbright International Summer Insti- al excellence. tute. l Support the Bulgarian American Association. The year 2008 marked the 15th anniversary of the establish- l Mark the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Ful- ment of the Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Ex- change. It will be no exaggeration to say that thanks to the support of the US and Bulgarian governments and the selfless efforts of the members of the Board and staff during a dramatic period in Bul- garian history, the Bulgarian Fulbright Commission has become an In This Issue: authoritative and widely recognized binational institution of aca- demic and cultural exchange. It has been actively and effectively Fulbright Commission Activities in 2008 01 involved in the Bulgarian educational reform and the global pro- cess of internationalization of education. Most importantly, it has Fulbright Office News 07 substantially contributed to the good relations between Bulgaria and the US by promoting the Fulbright goals, the US educational Announcements 09 system and opportunities and by creating a positive image of Bul- garia making known its rich cultural traditions, beautiful nature To Chicago and Back 11 and the impressive intellectual resources of its people. Out of America 15 Since 1993 the US Government has invested about USD 14mln in the Fulbright program in Bulgaria. The contribution of the Bulgarian government amounts to $ 230,000. Prior to 2003, N56, January-March 2009 01 Newsletter Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange the Bulgarian government provided in-kind support to the pro- the Phillipopoly Folk Choir and performed folk songs for a Bulgarian gram and the Commission. Today the Bulgarian-American Ful- movie. The third student was awarded a UNESCO scholarship after she bright community has 882 members – 458 Bulgarian and 424 completed her Fulbright project in Bulgaria. American alumni. Along with the Fulbright exchange, the Com- mission has developed a number of supplemental activities, e.g. For a second year running the English Teaching Assistantship advising, language training, testing, summer schools, conferences Program was a success for students and hosts alike. One teaching etc. Since 1993 we have provided advising services to 216,480 Bul- assistant worked at the Sofia Mathematical School, and the other garian citizens, we have trained 7,615 Bulgarian students in Eng- taught at the English Language High School in Burgas. The survey lish, and have administered TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT, CFA and EPSO we conducted at other high schools demonstrates great interest in to 40,592 testees. The Fulbright International Summer Institute the program. In the current academic year, there are two teaching created in 2002 has now 289 alumni from 27 countries, including assistants already working at very good language high schools in Bulgaria and the US. Sofia and Plovdiv. The Fulbright Commission has opened local info-centers in To help the US grantees adjust more easily to the new cultural eleven cities in Bulgaria. They assist the Fulbright exchange, provide and academic environment, the Commission staff invited them to advising and English language training to the local communities. attend the two-week Fulbright International Summer Institute in Since 1994 the Commission has held eight international confer- August 2007. At the end of September 2007 the Commission orga- ences on a variety of topics relating to international education, civil nized a two-day orientation with presentations, discussions, brief- society, cultural differences and the role of the Fulbright program in ing from the US Embassy and a welcome reception attended by the the global cultural process. US Ambassador. The cultural enrichment program that followed covered the whole academic year and included trips to historic US Grantees in AY 07-08 and AY 08-09 and natural sights, concerts and opera performances and informal meetings with Fulbright staff and Bulgarian alumni. In AY 07-08 the number of US grantees was 35: 6 lecturers, 3 gradu- ate students, 2 English teaching assistants, 2 teachers, 1 school ad- In AY 07-08 five American senior specialists visited Bulgarian ministrator, 5 senior specialists and 16 participants in the Fulbright- universities (Sofia University, New Bulgarian University, the Bulgarian Hays Summer seminar. The lecturers came from the following fields: Academy of Sciences, and the Technical University of Varna) to deliv- US studies, business administration, journalism, law, computer sci- er lectures, participate in seminars and conferences, teach graduate ence, and art. They were assigned to Sofia University, Plovdiv Uni- and undergraduate courses, and help with curriculum development versity, the American University in Blagoevgrad, and the National in the following areas: social work, economics, business adminis- Academy of Arts. The senior specialists were hosted by New Bulgar- tration, education, and information technologies. Everywhere, the ian University, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University, Senior Specialist Program again proved its usefulness and effective- and the Technical University in Varna. ness. The Commission staff will continue to work for popularizing it in more Bulgarian universities and educational institutions. In accordance with the policy of the Fulbright Commission, ar- rangements were made for the US lecturers to visit universities out- Under the Fulbright Teacher Exchange, two U.S. grantees taught side of the city of their assignment. Thus two of them gave lectures English language and literature at high schools in Vidin and Vratsa. at Sofia University and the New Bulgarian University and partici- Both of them completed their assignments successfully and our pated in the annual conference of the Bulgarian American Studies feedback from their respective schools is very positive. The school Association. in Vidin formally requested to continue the cooperation under the Teacher Exchange or the English Teaching Assistantship Programs. The final reports of the US lecturers and the evaluations of the partner institutions indicate that both sides were satisfied with the There was one participant in the school administrators’ pro- exchange and would like to continue the established relationships. gram who worked with the principal of the Aprilov National High School in Gabrovo. The exchange provoked interest in the Ameri- There were also three US graduate students in archaeology, mod- can school system and was covered in local newspapers. ern history and Bulgarian folk singing. Depending on their projects, they were placed in appropriate educational institutions, such as the The AY 08-09 competition resulted in the selection of 14 US Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the International Center for Minority grantees, most of whom are already working in Bulgaria. In the senior Studies and Intercultural Relations, and the Academy of Music, Dance scholar category, there are 6 lecturers in education, cultural studies, and Fine Arts in Plovdiv. The interim and final reports of the students, U.S. studies, business administration, theatre/costume design, and the evaluations of their local advisors and the regular communication computer science. There are four students in modern history, urban we maintained with the grantees throughout the academic year indi- development, and jazz and installation art. Two more students were cate that they completed their projects successfully. One student at- selected under the English Language Teaching
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