Updated Courses Vary Curriculum English and American history are different at Wilson this year. The addition of one English course, the combining of two traditional courses and experimental classes in three other courses comprise this difference. Developmental reading is Wilson’s new class. Mr. H. Murray Schere, principal, did not learn until Sept. 30 that funds would permit the establishment of this non-credit, non-graded subject. Photo by Bensinger The course’s aim is to teach honors and college pre­ MAPPING THE COURSE . Bill Goldman, 202- Mrs. Frances Bensinger, left, and Mrs. Mary paratory Wilsonites the different techniques involved in 8, prepares to show his American Civilization class Miner look on. A UHF television set, donated by reading the many types of writing the modern student must an opaque projection of a map. Joint teachers, Mr. George Washerman, also aids this course. face in a varied curriculum. Mr. Schere hopes that the course will also teach the student to enjoy his reading more. Council to Organize Parents to Visit Classrooms Special Reading Started Besides being offered to stu­ On Home and School Night dents who already have a study hall in which to pursue it, de­ Dance, Talent Show Parents will visit classrooms committee chairman. velopmental reading may also be to learn more about their child’s This year’s Home and School Under the leadership of Pres­ Other senior section represen­ offered at 8 a.m. if interest war­ scholastic programs at the tra­ budget includes new phones for ident Osman Bengur, 118-4, the tatives include Nancy Altman, rants it. In either case, the stu­ 319; Charles Bennett, 224; Mary ditional Home and School Asso­ the office and infirmary, an im­ dent will have two classes a Student Council is concentrat­ proved intercom system connect­ Bohrer, 316; Larry Clay, 202A; ciation’s Back-to-School night week, with no homework re­ ing on a November talent show, ing the counselors’ offices and Chris Dematatis, 329; Claire Geo­ Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. quired. the automobile registration drive contributions for special text­ lot, 303; Nancy Lubar, 301; John Presentation of the annual Mrs. Gertrude Morin, a new and the annual winter dance. books. Luikart, 118; Susan Marsh, 121; budget, a request for member­ full-time teacher, is teaching de­ Also being planned is the Ju n ­ Peter Quijano, 311; Thomas Sea- ship and special funds and a brief Through the Home and School velopmental reading. Classes ior Village drive and an Honor mon, 321; and Lorraine Singman, discussion of the track system Association, the Forest Hills started Oct. 4. Code assembly in December. 330. by Mr. H. Murray Schere, prin­ Garden Club will continue to cipal, will comprise the business raise money from local business­ Subjects Combine Other officers are Noel Blake, Additional junior presidents in­ segment of the meeting in the men to set up concrete-secured Combined this year in an ex­ 224-4, vice president; Andrew clude Leslie Chernikoff, 220; auditorium. benches around the flagpole. periment new to D.C. schools are Nancy Conn, 202; Robert Finu- “So few parents understand one class each of eleventh-grade cane, 305; Nina Kilian, 302; Anne Homecoming to Feature the great importance of this English and American history. Kraft, 326; Edward Lazowska, meeting,” Mr. Jonathan England, The integrated courses, known Queen, Nightcaps, Prize 308; and Ronald Mensh, 104. president of the association, ex­ 21 to Tackle together as “American Civiliza­ Homecoming festivities begin Tenny Owens, 322; Gregory plains. "This is their only chance tion,” are taught by Mrs. Frances tonight at 8:30 in the armory. Schmidt, 208; Lynn Shapiro, 324; to meet teachers and learn about Merit Finals Bensinger, English teacher, and The dance, sponsored by the Michael Sherman, 223; Sumin the Home and School activities.” Mrs. Mary Miner, social studies Twenty-one Wilson seniors Tchen, 300; and Candy Young, Approximately half of the par­ teacher. Both are new to Wilson. senior class, will be highlighted have qualified as semifinalists 113. ents are members to date. In Due to a Health, Education by the crowning of the Home­ in the twelfth annual National Other sophomore presidents are past years, only three out of and Welfare Department grant coming queen and the award­ Merit Scholarship program. ing of a door prize. Music will Thomas Archer, 217; Randall four families joined the associ­ of $84,000, one honors class each The semifinalists will be re­ be provided by the Nightcaps. Barton, 203; Richard Colbert, ation, noted Mr. England. of sophomore, junior and senior Parent advisory committees tested in December to select a English have a special curriculum Tickets, priced at $1.75 per 209; Alan Crain, 115; Nora Daw- are being formed for art, ath­ group of finalists, chosen on the emphasizing language arts. couple, may be purchased from edeit, 216; George Fee, 219; Ju­ letics, English, foreign languages, basis of SAT scores, scholastic last year’s junior section presi­ dith Kline, 122; Gary Meltzer, Exploratory Classes the library, mathematics, mili­ achievements and extracurricu­ dents. At the door, tickets will 304; Hugh Nicoll, 215; and Al­ tary training, music, publicity, lar activities. The classes are taught by Mrs. be $2.00. len Perper, 328. Semifinalists include Mary Ellen Wall, Mrs. Sandra Pera- Deborah Reis, 318; Carole Ru­ science and social studies. Any parent interested in serving on a Beath and Eleanor Schwartz, zich and Mr. Joseph Morgan, re­ bin, 225; Allan Savage, 214; Lau­ 202A; Thomas Finucane and Ca­ Linebaugh, 204-4, treasurer; and committee may contact Mrs. spectively. Their special classes, ra Schuman, 201; and Mark rol Magil, 121; Thomas Garnett, Laurie England, 118-4, secretary. Chris Argyropoulos, advisory known as Federal project -370, Planning the! various activi­ Wright, 216. 218: Brant Goldwvn, Cynthia are exploratory, with the hope of Gordon and Agnes Imregh, 205; uncovering additions to the Eng­ ties are the committee chairmen, and Donald Hollister and David lish curriculum of the future. who are also presidents of their Circulation Campaigners Aim Horne, 224. Western, St. John’s and Sidwell respective sections. Jeremy Pik- Also Mark Lipsman and Daniel Friends are also participating. ser, 124-4, heads the benefit com­ Weisser, 329; David Lever, 118; The H EW funds will be used to mittee, which is in charge of all For 1,200 Paper Subscribers Robert Liebenberg and Constance pay substitute teachers, permit­ philanthropic projects. The De­ — • • • XTJ*. Strand, 323; William Silverman, MacSporran, Catherine Nichter ting teachers in the program to cember dance is under the di­ The BEACON is well on its 303; Jon Spingarn, 316; and Al­ and Patricia Sullivan. visit English classes in other rection of Larry Rubin, 205-4, ice Melnikoff, Jeremy Pikser, way to attaining its projected Junior salesmen include Susan schools. dance committee chairman. Barry Rubin and Howard Your- goal of 1,200 subscribers. Buyers Adler, Sylvia Cole, Virginia De­ Mrs. Phoebe Beath, counselor, Other chairmen are Claire Ny- total 1,160 to date. matatis, Lisa Fiekowsky, Emily man, 124. feels that AP chemistry may join ren, 331-3, publicity; Noel Blake, Lili Gottfried, '66, and Barbara Sections 210-2, 218-4, 202A, 301- Glazer, Margaret Hamer, Eliza­ Brown, ’64, are Merit scholars AP biology and physics in the f4-4, special activities; Holly 4, 205-4 and 124-4 are 100% sub­ beth Krucoff, Cheryl Larson, Ed­ at Radcliffe, while Peter Ross, near future. She also feels that Thomson, 323-4, clubs; and Rob­ scribed. Salesmen from these sec­ ward Lazowska, Scott Living­ Latin 5, dropped this year due to ert Tedrow, 218-4, building and ’65, is a Merit scholar at Har­ tions are Steve Joffe, Karen Da- ston, Alison Martin, Bernadette lack of students, will return to pounds. John Dreyfuss, 310-3, linsky, Clare Wall, Gary Freed­ Nawrot, Lynn Parker, Susan vard. the curriculum next year. 18 the historian. Established in 1955 by 340 cor­ man, Elizabeth Hatziolos and Wilson and Catherine Blake. For students recommended by Melvin Chen, 202-3, won the porations, foundations and col­ Philip Gottfried, respectively. Sophomore representatives are leges, the scholarship program parents or teachers as having de­ council art contest and will do Beacon subscriptions cost $1.75, Greg Alter, Barbary Baer, Susan enables recipients to attend the ficient reading or speech skills, e council bulletin board calen- payable in installments. Full pay­ Burk, Ann Conner, Susan Davies, college of their choice for four Wilson offers clinics after school. ar for the next two years. ment is due before Christmas. Douglas Dickey, Lee Henderson, The clinics, meeting twice a Alan Hill, Maureen Kerman, An­ years. week, are under the auspices of The circulation campaign is All Merit Scholarship semifi­ gelika Lorenz, Sher Neilson, the D.C. remedial reading and under the direction of Joan Mil­ nalists were selected for their 9&S Grants Beacon Karen Schaffer, Eileen Taylor speech departments. ler, 124-4. Floor managers are scores on a qualifying test. Top National Honors Janie Cohen, Sherry Miller and and Blonnie Thompson. Theo Wilner, 124-4. Assisting Funds Exceed T$700 . Mark______ QuSr aBn^A ~°N has earned the Scroll International them is Dr. Regis Boyle, adviser Honor— award and the George H. of the paper. Gallup award, top national hon­ For the first time the BEACON Donations Succeed in Raising Scoreboard ors, for the eleventh consecutive staff offered four prizes to sec­ The athletic field scoreboard donated by the TT—Home ~ and SchoolVnhnni donations will finance the year. tions reaching 100 per cent. A e mounting of the $1,500 board on steel poles. grand prize went to 202A, which pepsj_Colarv.ia CompanyromDanv is expected to be working in Mr.
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