대한정형외과학회지:제 44 권제5 호 2009 DOI: 10.4055/jkoa.2009.44.5.570 J Korean Orthop Assoc 2009; 44: 570-574 Calcification of Intervertebral Discs of the Cervical Spine in Children - Report of 2 Cases - Whoan Jeang Kim, M.D., Hayong Kim, M.D., Kap Jung Kim, M.D., Sang Ki Lee, M.D., and Do Hyun Lee, M.D. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Eulji University College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea 소아 경추의 추간판 내 석회화 - 2예 보고 - 김환정ㆍ김하용ㆍ김갑중ㆍ이상기ㆍ이도현 을지대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 Calcification of intervertebral discs of the cervical spine in a child is an uncommon disorder, and is often associated with clinical symptoms. The etiology is still unknown, but the natural history has been reported as having a self-limiting course with an excellent prognosis. Here we report two cases of symptomatic cervical disc calcification in a child and provide a literature review. Key Words: Child, Cervical spine, Intervertebral disc, Calcification In contrast to the intervertebral disc calcification changes of clinical symptoms and radiological in adults, pediatric intervertebral disc calcification findings until spontaneous resolution. is a rare disorder. It has been reported less than 200 cases in the literature worldwide and no single CASE REPORTS case in Korea. It is characterized by calcification Case 1 of the nucleus pulposus of intervertebral discs. A 10-year-old girl visited out-patient clinic Some cases are asymptomatic and found on with the chief complaint of neck pain. The neck incidental radiographs but others are associated pain started five days ago without any history of with distinct clinical symptoms.1) The etiology of preceding trauma or infection. The neck pain was disc calcification is still unclear but it is known to aggravated for five days. She was previously have self-limiting course and excellent prognosis. healthy without any skeletal deformities. On the We present two cases of symptomatic interver- physical examination, pain and tenderness were tebral disc calcification of cervical spine in child- localized on the C2-3 and C5-6 intervertebral ren, including the results of laboratory tests, discs. Neck motion was mildly restricted due to 접수일:2008년 6월 20일, 게재확정일:2009년 6월 24일 Correspondence to 교신저자:김 하 용 Hayong Kim, M.D. 대전시 서구 둔산동 1306 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Eulji University College of Medicine, 을지대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 1306, Dunsan-dong, Seo-gu, Daejeon 302-799, Korea TEL: 042-611-3280ㆍFAX: 042-259-1289 Tel: +82.42-611-3280, Fax: +82.42-259-1289 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 570 Calcification of Intervertebral Discs of the Cervical Spine in Children 571 pain without torticollis. She did not complained phatase, 240 IU/L. Kidney and liver function tests radiating pain and free of neurologic deficit. were also within normal limits. Any metabolic bone Laboratory findings revealed a total white blood diseases and conditions prone to heterotopic bone cell count of 9,920/mm3, an erythrocyte sedimen- formations could be ruled out by lab findings tation rate of 2 mm/hr, a C-reactive protein of above. 0.04 mg/dl, which were in normal range without Initial plain radiograph showed densely calcified any evidence of infection. Serum calcium was 8.9 discs in C2-3 and C5-6 (Fig. 1A). Calcified disc of mg/dl, phosphorus, 5.1 mg/dl and alkaline phos- C2-3 was smaller and round in shape; however, Fig. 1. (A) Lateral radiograph of the cervical spine showing smaller intervertebral disc calci- fication of the C2-3 and larger one of the C5-6 (arrows). (B) Initial CT scan showing smaller and round shape calcified disc of C2-3; however, larger, frag- mented and herniated one of the C5-6 (arrows). (C, D) One and a half year follow up radio- graph and CT scan showing complete resolution of calcified discs of the C2-3 and C5-6 (arrows). 572 Whoan Jeang Kim, Hayong Kim, Kap Jung Kim, et al that of C5-6 was larger, fragmented and herniated C5-6 had completely resolved (Fig. 1C, D). (Fig. 1B). The patient was treated with steroid (TracinonⓇ 1 mg) and non-steroidal anti-inflam- Case 2 matory drug (RhonalⓇ 100 mg) initially for a week A 12-year-old boy presented with torticollis and became asymptomatic five days later. Follow- without any neurologic symptoms or signs that had up radiograph and CT scan one and a half year begun two weeks ago. No preceding trauma history later revealed that calcified discs of the C2-3 and or infection was noted. On examination, the head Fig. 2. (A) Lateral radiograph of the cervical spine showing den- se intervertebral disc calcifica- tion confined at the C5-6 (arrow). (B) Initial MRI showing round and oval shape intervertebral disc calcification at the C5-6 (arrow). (C, D) One year follow up radiograph and CT scan showing markedly decrease of the calcified disc of the C5-6 (arrow). Calcification of Intervertebral Discs of the Cervical Spine in Children 573 was tilted to the right and changes of neck position our cases.5) There is no definite explanation for the caused severe neck pain. Laboratory findings cause of neck pain. Bagatur et al6) suggested that revealed a total white blood cell count of 5,360/ the clinical symptoms were related to an mm3, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 20 inflammatory process within the disc. Another mm/hr and a C-reactive protein of 0.08 mg/dl. hypothesis suggests that neck pain is associated Serum levels of calcium, phosphorus and alkaline with a rise in intradiscal pressure.7) Torticollis is phosphatase were also within normal limits. Initial another fairly common symptom, occurring in 40% plain radiograph and MRI showed densely calcified of symptomatic patients as in our second case. disc of the C5-6 which was confined to nucleus Neurologic deficits such as radicular pain, focal pulposus (Fig. 2A, B). He was treated with non- weakness and myopathy5) occur very infrequently. steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (RhonalⓇ 100 However, herniation of calcified discs occasionally mg) for 10 days and cervical collar. Torticollis and leads to acute nerve root or spinal cord com- neck pain were completely resolved in one month. pression.5) Sonnabend et al7) stated that the in- Plain radiograph and CT scan taken one year later cidence of disc herniation was up to 38% of patients revealed that calcified disc of the C5-6 markedly with symptomatic intervertebral disc calcification, decreased (Fig. 2C, D). but the actual neurologic symptoms were rare in these patient group. Thus, It is assumed that DISCUSSION herniation of calcified discs are not always The etiology of cervical disc calcification in correlated with neurologic symptoms. children has been postulated to be trauma,2) Single cervical level was involved in eighty five infection or inflammation,3) but is still obscure. to ninety percent of patients.6) One or two levels Smith et al3) performed an anterior discectomy in were involved in our case. Dai et al2) suggested that a 12-year old boy at the C4-5 and demonstrated plain radiographs were sufficient to assess disc an inflammatory response of severe reactive fibro- calcification in children, and additional investi- blastic proliferation. Contrary to this, Swick4) gation with imaging may be recommended only for found no evidence of inflammatory or reactive those with a neurological deficit. But, the plain changes of neovascularization. Trauma has often radiographs cannot always identify the extent and been implicated as a predisposing factor because herniation of the calcified disc as in our first case disc calcification in some children was preceded by (Fig. 1B). trauma.2) However, preexisting disc calcification All the previous authors2,4,6) reported that the was also identified in some children without history symptoms were resolved earlier than the radio- of trauma. We studied 2 cases to rule out any graphic resolution of calcification. Dai et al2) re- conditions known to cause hetrotopic calcification, ported that the mean time to resolution of the which was negative. Thus, we could not find any symptoms was 34.3 days (range, seventeen to 173 relationship between trauma, infection or meta- days) and the mean time to resolution of calci- bolic bony disorder in our cases with cervical disc fication was fifteen months (range, three to sixty calcification in children. months). In our first case, cervical disc calcifica- The clinical manifestations of disc calcification tion was completely resolved in one year six are variable. By far the most common symptom is months. In second case, disc calcification markedly neck pain without a history of trauma as seen in decreased at one year follow up CT scan. Thus, 574 Whoan Jeang Kim, Hayong Kim, Kap Jung Kim, et al radiologic improvement takes longer time than 2. Dai LY, Ye H, Qian QR. The natural history of cervical disc clinical improvement, even several months to years calcification in children. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2004;86: in our cases. 1467-72. The natural history of cervical disc calcification 3. Smith RA, Vohman MD, Dimon JH 3rd, Averett JE Jr, in children is excellent and surgical treatment is Milsap JH Jr. Calcified cervical intervertebral discs in rarely indicated.2,8) Most of children respond well children. Report of three cases. J Neurosurg. 1997;46;233-8. to the conservative treatments within several 4. Swick HM. Calcification of intervertebral discs in childhood. months including analgesics and cervical orthosis J Pediatr. 1975;86:364-9. as in our cases. Surgical intervention has been 5. Blomquist HK, Lindqvist M, Mattson S. Calcification of reported only for few cases with a neurologic intervertebral discs in childhood. Pediatr Radiol. 1979;8:23-6. deficit.9) The indications of surgical decompression 6.
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