PIONEER FAMILIES ^ WEST VIRGINIA SWISHER+ROMINE FAMILY ANCESTRY AND DESCENDENTS. iMINE)SWISHER Et Al.. GEM OF W CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Of LATTfcft-DAY SAINTS *** **# •**** ***** ******* ******* ******* * * •••JOHN** * * •SWISHER*** ROMINE SWISHER *JOHN C***** *****ROMINE**** * *** •ROBERT STUTLER** *** ***** *DENNIS CARDER***** ***** ******* ••••PHOEBE STUTLER*** ******* * •JONATHAN HUGHES******* * * •SARAH ABAGAIL JACKSON*** * * NICHOLSON *SARAH HUGHES*MARTHA MILLE* CARDER *** •ELIZABETH CONNELLY********** ***** ••*** * ISABEL MALTBY*ROBERT JACKSON** ******* ***** **ELIZABETH SEAMAN**WM HALLETT*** * ******* **GSORGE WOOLSEY****THOMAS FONES*** * * *JOHN STRICKLAND****REBECCA CORNELL** STUTLER * *LEAH HUGHES*AMANDA MELVINEY CARDER**** HUGHES ••AMANDA MELVINEY NICHOLSON*JOHN w******* * JOHN JACi:SON*SARAH WOOLSEY***** ROM INE*** % RICHARD CLINTON SWISHER**SUSANNAH ROMINE**** *• LOYAL C SWISHER*OPAL F SWISBER*ROXIE SWISHER** •MINNIE L SWISHER*PAUL R SWISHER*PAULINE SWISHER** • RICHARD C SWISHER JR*SARAH SWISHER*JEAN SWISHER* * * PETER ROMEYN*CLA -\S ROY. INE*SYMEON ROM IN E* JAN ROM INE ,* « ANNETJE ROMEYN*REBECCAH VAN VORHEES*ELIZABETH ROKIfrE** •ELIZABETH OUTWATER*NICHOLAS ROMEYN*PETER THE ROMAN******* *J04AIRAN CAiiDER**WILiLIAM CARDER**ELIZABETH BENNETT********* •SAEiUU ROf'EYN**ISSAAC ROMEYN**GIACOMO DE FERLNTINO. (ROKANTI ).• *** • ISABELLA'' Ii"E'RUCHAM*THOMAS DE LEICHESTER*GIERTIE PE ITERS WYCOFF* ',' *4**«.**«****-^***********»*********^****************************-K*- * By Pinkney W Saurborn ' Husband of Opal F Swisher This copy dedicated to- i (a branch of the Tree) an* Family OF.. Frederickson Seen here-left Terry Eugene Frederickson. Son,of Vonda Jean Swisher Gr.son of. R.C.Swisher,Sr. Graduating.Class ,1972 Antioch High School A Study in Ancestry *+*+•+*+*+*+ , DEDICATION +»+#+*+#+»+• WfvW^ *+•+#+•+#+«+ gr . ''Tiii . *+#-» #+*• + ».,: '; ••+*•+*+*+- #+*+*+*+#+#+ +*+*+*+*+#+* h + # + *t •*-.*•-+ *+*+*+#+•+#+ -* + *+•»•+* f+* + * * #^* *+*+*+*+*+*+ + + +»+*+*+#+»+* *+*+*+*••.*+*+ f •M-+«- # + * * +# »+#+# # + + + + + +# * + * + * + •«•-}.* + # *+*+*+*+#+*+ + -M- + -M--,--M- * » # *^» » * + + + + + + + +# * + * + •«•-(.•«. + .*+# *+*+*+•-!.#+•+ + * + * + •«•+•«• + # + • , + + * + Mr.and Mrs.R.c.Swisher. + + "" *** ..And The Family Of.. (The Honeymoon Carriage) of these as can be found... P°ster"y- It will also deal with the ancestry of ^^^".^i&llS^^.lW.ln Doddridge Co„„ty.A son West ^J.I^r^'SiSM? ^al^V^1^ =°-t .state cf viney (Carder) Romine.. 0T John Calvin Romine,and Amanda y Mel- e C y e S 13 ln the orth p^f WesfvI"?n 1a ??he st, t e ha^be * Central portion |la.June 23.1863 and during SSI SmJIi^Sj?''':.^: "«"*« State 5?w5ln- of and on the Slavery Quest,™ \li t n crisis. .Deciding to renain Neutral thlS ld «nd ultimately bec^ f^Si"! par? of SheV'Sj °°" of Its citizenry chose otherwise and man? li^„!°rthern ^"^.althontrh many ther upon the many Battlements through She 3S»S 2 'f'"' hr°the* facing bro- imhappy years ...Doddridge County U alaS in ?Jf,rnrl?^th0Re f*<=eful and of Western Virginla.and much of the Naturafaas „? S? V^3 fleld of that SS^B&SSSS^IS^ *?SGStSaSef.!^andSliSdB?o pherelrlari^cSiSire0^ Pa°rS S^'SL'? 'His atmos- ^aan orVSge^:=^^ At right is t=M|.+*+#+»+# An old Photo showing the old school where Mr. *+*•+*+•*++ Swisher was +.*+*+*+*+ teaching,be­ fore leaving +*+*+*+* the profession for a career * in the Postal* service. + •Swisher * n be seen + *+*+*+*+ s he was then nd the names •+#+*+*+ f his pupils ''ill have to remain.an^, *+*+*+» **«•###•#«*» **+*+*+ SWISHER*ROMIME. ft f #.Doubled •< nt of lower dene Anoctttr** Chart EXf.ropie. 2 to 4.etc . v'& o^ctreti(About) 3 to 6.etc.. "d-dU& Chart n->. rjt , pftter Switzer-Swlsher Sr. l6~'.£. Switzerland Ul' Udlmany John Swisher j0 d>w Va> ^32 8- 5 ca 1783-4 ol Marv Waggoner 1 1 L_ Tnhn p Swisher. 18-Thomas Maxwell •^b ca 1822. Va.. d W Va. j Mary Maxwell 9-'" • Mary Smith Lewis 19 Richard Clinton Swi'sher 2- Nicholson b Nov,16,1876.W V 20 d I960.Calif. fllcholson 10 21 f Amanda Melviney 41 auhi'iil nnrr 22- 5 b.Va..Culpepper C 5. d W Va. 11 2# Opal ^ranees Swlsher_ b May 19,1904 Big Isaac,Doc Coj0hn W Romine W Va. 12 jb-Va.ca 1798 25 \ (Oct.2)1798.W Va. bAuK.6,l837.W Va 26 d.Sect.2,1913 Elizabeth Connelly W Va. 13 b Apr.6,1806 26 3_ j^^ft Rnnine, Isaac Carder. fsS^ Conf) b June 1,1880.W Va 28- d 1060.Calif. Dennis Ca-der •14 b ca 1819 Amanda Melvin Robert Stutler 7- Carder, 3<D,b-Feb.22,1798.(W ) Va" b June 16,1846. 15,-Phoebe Stutler^ rt .Tim ft 14.1927, - d-9/23.1886 Leah Hughes ..'•b ca 1824" .., 31 4 37'' '••*•»• /;*'.f t b^ca 1806 't Spouse #1. Pinkney W Saurborpv^V • ^—g**^. MAXWELL—LEWIS—SMITH—CARDER—BEALL fir' • > * M. mWmP' .*fv''''LV"' '. • • „w.«* *' • Parent of lowe—srr danoa.d«w»»». ,1 .•<>> : to***! Chart r -Jjtagt 2 t^eto# , , *, >;V:i"V^*i^!i!^,wlt' ' 3 to b.eto.. ^ >':' 'dUrt So. zi-*i—. v. 4i. *T • . :., Robert Maxwell o 36 r- '*" d 4-rpa 1?91. Penna 1 Thomas- Maxwell t. ..1796.. Elizabeth....? $3$ 37 > ;Mary Maxwell .#91 see charri? Alexsfhder Lewis •#fl,-* . 38 b ca 1730-Pa. d -12-13-1814. Mary Jane Lewis Harrison Co.Va. 19 John^. Smith b7-15-176?.Pa 78 d-10-2 0-l835.W Va?9 Mary Smith. b-(?) Ireland m-178'5 b7i735.penna d-(?) Penna d-8-11-1799. 79. Susannah ? ABC VE.. .Harrison Co. (W) Va. ^ Ireland d.Penna. John CardertPeso.Uriah BELOW Carder John Carder d ca 1785 Culpepper Co.Va 56 b.ca 1767. Hampshire Ca.Va Isaac Carier d-l852.Harr.C0. (W) Va. ! 28 B Va.ca 1790 # 14 "b 1821 Tabitha Beall i 29 40 mm Harrison Co, SWI3HEfl*R0MINE Ancestral Charting By The Numbers In Ancestral Charting,by the numbering system,one needs must know only the immediate parentage, for the beglnninc-s. .and a basic knowledge of Bath- mat ics or simple arithmetic. The number (1) One.is usually used to designate the person whos chart is being c \ ven.. (2 ) Two. in most Instances and cases .signifies the Paternal parent .with one being added to two (2+1=3) designating wife of number two plus becoming mother or maternal parent of number one,..There-after multiplying by two and adding one.will always come out Parental even and Maternal in the odd.. In this Chart I have given of the Swisher-Romine children.My Wife,as th*» number one., for AMY of the other members of the Swisher family of Richard C,Swisher..to insert their own name over that of their sister and the chart becomes their own...In case of Children's children.they-only need to remake their own chart by placing their parents in like manner, HOWEVER,this chart would be BUT Half filled. Legend;;.m/o means Mother of..f/o of means father of followed by number designate.. as ,m/o # l.etc... 1- . Opal Frances Swisher,born Way 19,1904,in the County of Doddridge,State of West Virginia.In the Big Isaac Area..Her parents removed to Harrison County,W Va.where the father became a Postal Clerk with the Federal Civil Service.. Opal attended schools (Public) and Two years at Salem College ,whMHf? she obtained her Teaching Credentials.later spent several years as a Sub­ stitute and some years as a regular Staff Teacher.Mostly in the Rural |jflfraii of Central W Va..0ne attribute to her schooling.she attended her classes '' without missing even one day.from the second grade through her high school ' days.a Perfect attendance record.... 2- .f/o.# 1..Richard Clinton Swisher.was born November l6,lg76.In Doddridge County,W Va..Son of a Farmer.he heeded the call "Remember the Maine".and thus became a veteran of the War of 1898.called the Spanish America* After the Wars ending he became a school Teacher,in the County of his Birth,but left the area to become a member o^ the Postal Service ill the ^ City of Clarksburg,Harrison County,,This after the birth of his third child.(to give a time bearing)..In Clarksburg the other of his children were born and reared,but do to a failing Health.about the year 1930#he V&M tired ^rom the Civil Service and sought a place where in he could hatlfo^* enjoy his declining years. .Fi^st removing to Virginia.Near present.MatfepMi on the Chesapeake Bay.but later decided upon the West Coast and California where he settled at Antioch.Cali^.of the East Bay and Contra Costa Courffcp Norther Californla.some fifty or so miles NORTH of the Golden Qate..HerC, he passed this life,only months after his beloved Wife,Anna Romine SwlaJi^A and they sleep side by side at Memory Gardens,near Concord, .since 1965'., 3- .m/o.# L.Anne Romine was horn also in Doddridge County,W Va.on June 1,^**3 1880..She suffered in latter years with a Bronichal condition,and a Veri * cose Vein that h^d erupted becoming a 'ein Lesion,caused by a sled runner accident in which a s~all boy had ran her down with his sledding capers., She passed this life in early summer of 196$La Beautiful Mother. 4- .f/o.# 2..Jo'-n R.Swisher.. It is believed that his birth date was ca 1822.in Harrison or Lewis County.and the Census of I85O and i860 gives a confirmation..It is not known though.the exact date of his passing as of this writing.Mar.8,1971...The Manuscript gives much on his background as could be garnered. 5- .m/o.# 2.Amanda Melvlney Nicholson.was bo~n in Culpepper County (Virginia) and came to th*3 Doddridge County Area along with at least three of her Brothers.about the Year of lS^O.^er bith date is Census dated 1837.and she was a widow when sh<» became the wife of John R.Swishertand was poeelbly, the second wife of John Swisher(See Manuscript) Ancestral Charting TWO 6- .f/o.# 3.John Calvin Romine,was bom August 6.1837.A Parmer by necessity L n"', LCh°1Ceih! reared his large family in the same Big Issae Sector Doddridge as did the Swisher..The Romine Heritage has been traced to ; .backward thru.Holland and England with offshoots into the rioman -olture.and to oneGIACOMO DE FERENTIN6,"*o name to England in ^he early 13 th Century where he married the daughter of Thomas De Leiohester.
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