Public attitudes to race and inequality; a year after George Floyd May 2021 © Ipsos | |Doc May Name 2021 | Month Year | Version # | Public | Internal/Client Use Only | Strictly Confidential Three in ten Britons Too little About the right amount Too much say the issue of racism has been discussed Among all 30% 33% 28% too little over the last Among different ethnic groups year – this rises to near People from white half among ethnic ethnic groups 27% 34% 30% minorities People from ethnic minority groups 47% 30% 15% Generally speaking, do you Black people 60% 25% 8% think that the issue of racism has been discussed in Asian people 42% 38% 12% Britain, too much, too little or Among different age groups about the right amount over the last year? 16-34 years old 37% 43% 14% 35-54 years old 31% 28% 29% 55-75 years old 22% 29% 42% Base: 2,600 Online British adults 16-75, including people from white ethnic groups (1894), ethnic minority groups (667), Black people (200), Asian people (316), those aged 16-34 (902), 35-54 (979), 55-75 (719) 7– 13 May 2021 2 © Ipsos | May 2021 Two in five Labour voters think racism is Too little About the right amount Too much discussed too little, whilst half of Among all 30% 33% 28% Conservative voters say it is too much By 2019 General Election vote Generally speaking, do you 2019 Conservative voters 13% 33% 50% think that the issue of racism has been discussed in 2019 Labour voters 43% 36% 16% Britain, too much, too little or about the right amount over the last year? By 2016 EU Referendum vote 2016 Leave voters 15% 33% 46% 2016 Remain voters 41% 34% 19% Base: 2,600 Online British adults 16-75, including 2019 Conservative voters (636), 2019 Labour voters (730), 2016 Leave voters (444), 2016 Remain voters (522), 7– 13 May 2021. 3 © Ipsos | May 2021 Findings from our online community of ethnic minorities show that some feel that the BLM protests last year have enabled them to talk about racism more openly Some found the BLM protests made it easier to “I personally feel I am more comfortable in "It has encouraged me to have these start conversations about talking about racism now since the incident conversations with family members and racism, and that others had occurred sadly. Before I would hesitate to friends, especially being in the forefront of the were now more open to talk about Black people or any form of racism media at the time. I've been pleased to see that those discussions. but what happened to George Floyd has the majority of people within my social circles almost shaken the earth in a way as now are very supportive of the movement." In contrast, some felt that people are more comfortable to talk and speak the BLM protests made no (Male, 25-34 years, Chinese) out.” difference to conversations about race. This was either (Female, 25-34 years, Indian) because participants were already very comfortable "I don't mind raising the issue as I see it as talking about race, or "I always try not to get into the topic of racism merely a social and human issue. BLM has because BLM hadn't as it’s quite a heavy subject and from definitely made it easier to talk about due to changed their preference experience I know everyone’s opinions and exposure. Again, it's down to mainstream for avoiding those topics. experiences are different from the next person.” media talking about it." (Female, 25-34 years, Black African) (Male, 45-54 years, Dual heritage) Qualitative findings from ‘Unfiltered Voices’ Ipsos MORI’s online community of c40 ethnic minority respondents. Fieldwork 3-14 May 2021 © Ipsos | May 2021 Most Britons think we need to do more to tackle racism Which of the following statements comes closest to your view? We need to do more We are already doing enough We are already doing more than There is no racism to tackle the racism that to tackle the racism that is needed to tackle the racism faced by ethnic Don’t ethnic minorities ethnic minorities in that ethnic minorities minorities in know in Britain face today Britain face today in Britain face today Britain today Among all Britons 54% 17% 13% 5% 11% Among people from ethnic minority groups 65% 12% 11% 4% 8% Among people from white ethnic groups 52% 19% 13% 5% 11% Base: 2,600 Online British adults 16-75, including people from ethnic minority groups (667) and white ethnic groups (930), 7– 13 May 2021. 5 © Ipsos | May 2021 Younger people + Labour voters more likely to want to do more to tackle racism Which of the following statements comes closest to your view? We need to do more We are already doing enough We are already doing more than There is no racism to tackle the racism that to tackle the racism that is needed to tackle the racism faced by ethnic Don’t ethnic minorities ethnic minorities in that ethnic minorities minorities in know in Britain face today Britain face today in Britain face today Britain today By age group 16-34 year olds 58% 14% 11% 9% 8% 35-54 year olds 56% 14% 12% 4% 14% 55-75 year olds 47% 25% 15% 3% 10% By 2019 General Election vote 2019 Conservatives 40% 27% 20% 5% 8% 2019 Labour 70% 13% 8% 3% 6% Base: 2,600 Online British adults 16-75, including those aged 16-34 (902), 35-54 (979), 55-75 (719), 2019 Conservative voters (636), 2019 Labour voters (730), 7– 13 May 2021 6 © Ipsos | May 2021 There is less of an age divide when asked about inequalities versus racism Which of the following statements comes closest to your view? We need to do more We are already doing enough We are already doing more than There are no to tackle the inequalities to tackle the inequalities that is needed to tackle the inequalities inequalities faced Don’t that ethnic minorities ethnic minorities in that ethnic minorities by ethnic minorities know in Britain face today Britain face today in Britain face today in Britain today Among all 50% 18% 14% 6% 12% By age group 16-34 year olds 50% 18% 14% 8% 9% 35-54 year olds 51% 15% 14% 5% 15% 55-75 year olds 49% 21% 14% 6% 10% Base: 2,600 Online British adults 16-75, including those aged 16-34 (902), 35-54 (979), 55-75 (719) 7– 13 May 2021 7 © Ipsos | May 2021 Black African Black African people 27% people and Gypsies, Gypsies/Roma/Travellers 25% Roma & Travellers Black Caribbean people 19% are seen as the Pakistani people 18% most unfairly White British people 13% treated ethnic Arab people 13% groups in society Chinese and East Asian people 12% People of mixed ethnic backgrounds 11% Please look at this list of Indian people 10% different ethnic groups Bangladeshi people 9% in Britain today. Which Other White people (e.g. from other European countries) 6% two or three, if any, do Irish people 3% you think are treated Other ethnic groups most unfairly by society 1% as a whole? All of them are treated unfairly 8% No groups are treated unfairly in Britain because of their ethnicity 10% None of the above 3% Don’t know 15% Base: 2,007 Online British adults 16-75, 7 – 13 May 2021. 8 © Ipsos | May 2021 Ethnic minority groups are much more likely to say Black African + Black Caribbean groups are unfairly treated compared to White people Please look at this list of different ethnic groups in Britain today. Which two or three, if any, do you think are treated most unfairly by society as a whole? Top six mentions by different ethnic groups groups Among White people Among Black people Among Asian people Black African Black Caribbean Black African people 25% people 54% people 40% Gypsies/Roma/ Black African Pakistani Travellers 25% people 53% people 33% Pakistani Gypsies/Roma/ Black Caribbean people 17% Travellers 24% people 27% Black Caribbean Chinese + East Bangladeshi people 16% Asian people 23% people 24% White British Gypsies/Roma/ Pakistani people people 15% 20% Travellers 23% Arab Arab people Indian people people 12% 14% 22% Base: 2,600 Online British adults 16-75, including people from white ethnic groups (1894), Black people (200), Asian people (316), 7– 13 May 2021 9 © Ipsos | May 2021 Younger people are more likely to say Black African people are treated most unfairly – older generation say Gypsies, Roma & Travellers Please look at this list of different ethnic groups in Britain today. Which two or three, if any, do you think are treated most unfairly by society as a whole? Top six mentions by different age groups Among 16-34-year-olds Among 35-54-year-olds Among 55-75-year-olds Black African Gypsies/Roma/ Gypsies/Roma/ people 37% Travellers 26% Travellers 29% Pakistani Black African Black African people 21% people 24% people 22% Gypsies/Roma/ Pakistani Black Caribbean Travellers 20% people 19% people 17% Black Caribbean Black Caribbean Pakistani people 20% people 19% people 14% Chinese + East Arab White British Asian people 20% people 15% people 14% Arab White British No groups are people 15% people 11% treated unfairly 13% Base: 2,600 Online British adults 16-75, including those aged 16-34 (902), 35-54 (979), 55-75 (719) 7-13 May 2021 10 © Ipsos | May 2021 2019 Conservative voters most likely to say Gypsies, Roma & Travellers + White British people are treated most unfairly Please look at this list of different ethnic groups in Britain today.
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