Basic symbology overview Symbology Overview Here is a list of symbology that can be found on most modern (Western) fighters: note that the Russian planes may make use of a different RWR system that does not use these symbols. Note that the symbols denote critical differences between various threats: an American F-15C jet aircraft will have the same symbol ('15') as a Russian SA-15 Tor SAM system: the ^ HAT symbol differentiates between airborne or not airborne threat. Threat Overview Range Radar Ground (nm) Acquire Altitude (ft) NATO RWR Gun Missile Speed (nm) Danger Time Threat Code IDENT Type Ammo Amount (mach) (1~10) Threat (sec.) Guide Min Max Max Min Max OP, 2K22M SA-19 8x 0 / RAD, 1936 0 2/4 6 4 16000 5 Tunguska Grison SACLOS 100 LSR Flk. Pnz. A RAD 660 0 2 8 4 0 9500 4 Gepard M163 OP 2280 0 1.4 6 0 4500 3 VADS AAA ZPU- 50 - OP 0 0.7 3.5 0 4500 1 1/2/4 4800 ZSU-23-4 A RAD 2000 0 1.3 12 8 0 6500 3 Shilka ZSU-57-2 OP 254 0 2 5 0 14000 2 Sparka Zu-23-3 OP 100 0 1.3 4 0 6500 1 Sergey SA-18 3K38 Igla IR 3x IR 0.25 2.5 6 0 12000 3 Grouse 9K338 MANPADS SA-24 IR 3x IR 0.25 2.5 6 0 12000 3 Igla-S FIM-92 IR 3x IR 0.1 2 6 0 11000 3 Stinger SA-8 6x 9A33 Osa RAD 0.8 7.5 16 26 50 21000 7 Gecko RAD SA-9 Strela-1 9P31 IR 4x IR 0.4 2.5 2.5 100 12000 6 Gaskin 9K35 Strela- SA-13 IR 4x IR 0.4 2.8 2.5 75 15000 6 10 Gopher SA-15 8x SHORAD 9K331 Tor RAD 0.8 6.5 16 9 60 26000 7 Gauntlet RAD Jeep Avenger OP, 180 8x IR 0.1 3.7 2.5 0 11000 4 ADS IR M6 OP, 1500 4x IR 0.1 2 2.5 0 11000 4 Linebacker IR MIM-115 10x RO RAD 0.5 3.4 5.1 11 30 19500 6 Roland RAD MIM-72G IR 4x IR 0.1 3 2.5 150 9500 5 Chaparral S-75 Devina SA-2 02 RAD ? ? 25 ? ? ? S-125 4x SA-3 Goa RAD 13.5 40 21 ? 700 65600 5 Pechora RAD SA-6 3x 2K12 Kub RAD 0.5 19.2 47 28 100 33000 7 MERAD Gainful RAD SA-11 OP, 4x 9K37 Buk ? 20.2 90 26 450 45000 8 Gadfly RAD RAD MIM-23 3x HA, HK RAD 1 25.6 ? 12 450 45000 7 Hawk RAD SA-10 OP, 4x S-300PS 3 40 160 3 50 150000 10 Grumble RAD RAD LORAD MIM-104 4x RAD 1.6 86 92 ? 200 80000 10 Patriot RAD P-19 Flat Face SA-3 FF Often part of SA-3, but can also guide others 85 ? ? SNR-125 Low Blow SA-3 ? SA-3 Missile guidance radar 22 ? ? 1S91 Straight Flush SA-6 ? SA-6 Target acquisition and tracking radar ? ? ? 9S80M1 Dog Ear SA-9 DE SA-9, SA-13, ZSU-23-4 support radar 20 ? 100000 5N66M Clam Shell SA-10 SA-10 TGT RDR 64 ? ? 64H6E Big Bird SA-10 SA-10 TGT RDR 160 ? ? TGT RAD* 30N6E Flap Lid SA-10 SA-10 Target tracking radar ? ? ? 9S18M1 Snow Drift SA-11 SA-11 TGT RDR 86 ? ? Roland Radar RO Roland TGT RDR 16 ? ? AN/MPQ-46 HPIR HA MIM-23 Hawk Target tracking radar ? ? ? AN/MPQ-53 HK MIM-104 Patriot acquisition and tracking radar ? ? ? 1L13 Box Spring S Early Warning / Surveillance Radar 160 ? 130000 55G6 Tall Rack S Early Warning / Surveillance Radar 215 ? 130000 EWR / ACQR P-37 Bar Lock S 210 ? ? PRW-11 Side Net S 100 ? 100000 RSP-7 Two Spot S 20 ? ? Types: OP = optical, RAD = radar, LSR = laser, Missile reload time for units supplied with logistical facilities (supply trucks, friendly bases) is approx. 10 minutes Target radars (often) boost (radar) range and reaction time of the default vehicle: you could still be locked with the launchers own radar / optics Vehicles that do not use radar for guidance may still use it for ranging and target detection (SA-13, SA-19) Anti Aircraft Artillery (AAA) Note: NATO reporting names are italicized. Range Altitude (NMI) (Feet) NATO RWR Acquire Time Guidance Threat Ammunition Designation Symbology (Seconds) Type Min Max Min Max ZU-23-3 - - 0 1.3 0 6500 4 Optical 100 rounds Sergey ZSU-23-4 - A 0 1.3 0 6500 8 RADAR 2000 rounds Shilka ZSU-57-2 - - 0 2 0 14000 5 Optical 254 rounds Sparka ZPU-1/2/4 - - 0 0.7 0 4500 3.5 Optical 4800 rounds Flakpanzer - A 0 2 0 9500 4 RADAR 660 rounds Gepard M163 Vulcan - - 0 1.4 0 4500 6 Optical 2280 rounds Man Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) Note: NATO reporting names are italicized. Range Altitude (NMI) (Feet) NATO RWR Acquire Time Guidance Threat Ammunition Designation Symbology (Seconds) Type Min Max Min Max 3 (1 per 3K39 Igla SA-18 Grouse - 0.25 2.5 0 12000 6 IR launcher) 9K338 3 (1 per SA-24 Grinch - 0.25 2.5 0 12000 6 IR Igla-S launcher) FIM-92 3 (1 per - - 0.1 2 0 6500 6 IR Stinger launcher) Surface to Air Missile (SAM) Systems Note: The S-200 / SA-5 is yet to be added into DCS, and is coming soon™. NATO reporting names are italicized. Range Altitude (NMI) (Feet) Acquir NATO RWR Missile Track Search e Time Ammuniti Threat Designati Symbolo Guidan RADAR RADAR (Second on on gy ce Mi Ma Mi s) Max n x n RADA R SA- S-75 SNR-75 Fan P-12 Spoon TB TB TB Comma 1 per 2 Guideli 2 TBC TBC Devina Song Rest C C C nd launcher ne Guidanc e RADA R S-125 SNR- P-19 Flat 13. Comma 4 per Neva/Pech SA-3 Goa 3 125 Low 3.2 700 65600 TBC Face 5 nd launcher ora Blow Guidanc e SA- 5N26 Square P-14 Tall TB TB TB 1 per S-200 5 Gammo 5 TBC TBC SARH Pair King C C C launcher n Comma nd Guidanc SA- 1S91 Straight P-12 Spoon 19. 2K12 Kub 6 0.5 100 33000 28 e, 3 per TEL 6 Gainful Flush Rest 2 SARH Termina l RADA R SA- Integrated La Comma 6 per 9K33 Osa 8 - 0.8 7.5 50 21000 26 8 Gecko nd Roll nd vehicle Guidanc e 9K31 SA- 4 per - - - 0.4 2.5 100 12000 2.5 IR Strela-1 9 Gaskin vehicle 30N6E Flap SA- 10, BB, Lid, 64H6E Big 15000 S-300PS 10 Grumb 3 40 50 3 SARH 4 per TEL CS 76N6 Clam Bird 0 le Shell SA- Integrated 9S18M1 Sn TB 19. 9K37 Buk 11, SD 450 45000 28 SARH 4 per TEL 11 Gadfly Fire Dome ow Drift C 2 SA- 9K35 Integrated Sn 4 per 13 Gophe 13 - 0.4 2.8 75 15000 2.5 IR Strela-10 ap Shot vehicle r EO and RADA SA- R Integrated Scr 7 per 9K331 Tor 15 Gauntl 15 - 0.8 6.5 60 26000 9 Comma um Half vehicle et nd Guidanc e 1936 2K22M SA- SACLO rounds S6 - - 0 4 0 16000 4 Tunguska 19 Grison S gun, 8 missiles 180 rounds Avenger - - - - 0.1 3.7 0 11000 2.5 IR gun, 8 ADS FIM-92 M6 4 FIM-92 - - - - 0.1 2 0 11000 2.5 IR Linebacker per vehicle EO and RADA TB TB TB R 4 per Rapier - RT Blindfire - TBC TBC C C C guided launcher SACLO S Comma MIM-115 Roland nd 10 per - RO Integrated 0.5 3.4 30 19500 11 Roland EWR Guidanc vehicle e MIM-72G 4 per - - - - 0.1 3 150 9500 2.5 IR Chapparal vehicle AN/MPQ-46 MIM-23 HPIR, AN/MPQ- 25. 3 per - HK 1 450 45000 12 SARH Hawk AN/MPQ-55 50 PAR 6 launcher CWAR MIM-104 - PT AN/MPQ-53/65 STR 1.6 86 200 80000 TBC TVM 4 per TEL Patriot RADARS Note: NATO reporting names are italicized. NATO RWR Associated Range RADAR Role Notes Designation Symbology SAM (NMI) 1L13 Box Spring S EWR - TBC 55G6 Tall Rack S EWR - TBC P-37 Bar Lock S EWR - TBC PRW-11 Side Net S EWR - TBC RSP-7 Two Spot S EWR - TBC SNR-75 Fan Song 2 TR S-75 / SA-2 TBC P-12 Spoon Rest S SR S-75 / SA-2 TBC SNR-125 Low Blow 3 TR S-125 / SA-3 TBC P-19 Flat Face S SR S-125 / SA-3 TBC Yet to be added to 5N26 Square Pair 5 TR S-200 / SA-5 TBC DCS Yet to be added to P-14 Tall King S SR S-200 / SA-5 TBC DCS 1S91 Straight Flush 6 STR 2K12 / SA-6 TBC 9S80M1 Dog Ear DE SR 9K33 / SA-8 TBC 30N6E Flap Lid 10 TR S-300 / SA-10 TBC 64H6E Big Bird BB TR S-300 / SA-10 160 76N6 Clam Shell CS SR S-300 / SA-10 64 9S18M1 Snow Drift SD SR 9K37 / SA-11 TBC Roland EWR - S SR Roland TBC AN/MPQ-46 HPIR - HK TR Hawk TBC AN/MPQ-50 PAR - S SR Hawk TBC AN/MPQ-55 - HK TR Hawk TBC CWAR AN/MPQ-53/65 - PT STR Patriot TBC Missiles Non-NATO Min Max Russian NATO Speed Guidance Threat Platform Range range Armament Designation Designation (Mach) type Level (nm) (nm) High R-24R AA-7 Apex link 0.25 10.8 3 SARH Moderate Explosive High R-24T AA-7 Apex link 0.25 10.8 3 IR Moderate Explosive AA-10C High R-27ER link 0.25 37.8 3 SARH High Alamo Explosive AA-10D High R-27ET link 0.25 37.8 3 IR High Alamo Explosive AA-10A High R-27R link 0.25 27 3 SARH Moderate Alamo Explosive AA-10B High R-27T link 0.25 21.6 2.5 IR Moderate Alamo Explosive High R-60 AA-8 Aphid link 0.25 2.7 2 IR Moderate Explosive High Very R-73 AA-11 Archer link 0.25 8.09 2.5 IR Explosive High High Very R-77 AA-12 Adder link 0.25 31.07 3 ARH Explosive High INS and High Very R-33 AA-9 Amos link 0.25 TBC 4.5 SARH Explosive High NATO Min Max Armament NATO RWR Speed Threat Platform Range range Guidance (Warhead Designation Symbol(s) (Mach) Level (nm) (nm) Type) Blast- Very AIM-120B link N/A 0.25 29.71 4 ARH Fragmentation High Blast- Very AIM-120C link N/A 0.25 29.71 4 ARH Fragmentation High Blast- Very AIM-7M link N/A 0.25 24.31 3 SARH Fragmentation High Blast- Very AIM-9M link N/A 0.25 9.71 2.5 IR Fragmentation High Aircraft Non-NATO NATO RWR Min Max Min Max Platform Speed Armament Designation Symbol(s) Range range Altitude Altitude shell link UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK UNK Airspace Surveillance Non-NATO NATO RWR Max detection Min Max Platform Flexibility Designation Symbol(s) range Altitude Altitude 1S80 "Sborka" Dog Ear self-propelled 80 km UNK UNK PPRU stationary Tall Rack 55G6-1 NEBO 500 km UNK 40 km deployable 1L13-3 NEBO- stationary Box Spring 500 km UNK 40 km SV deployable .
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