·)...,0.­ U.s.fosl_l'.uo ......... '1 O",'K>!O<. NC k • kTI-IE SOUTHS FO R ElV1QST COLLEGE \NEEKLY • DAVIDSON COLLEGE WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27.2005 VOLUME 98. N UMBER 5 Fire damages ~~SGA~~~~ struggles~~~ with property, ured election procedures By N'NA M AC'F to vlllc. Mlf the IrnkJICndent Senaton Ahhough thcy won their really are represenlat;"eJ of toeial· nlRtch .gai",t Owrgia The results uf the indeJICndenl I)' il>dcpendent student• ." he said. Southern 3·L on Sunday. the senator elections spar'<ed deb.;tte "fOf the sake of democracy. their "omen's toe""r !earn ran into during the Sept. 21 Smllent VOle is laken away to a ana'n an obstacle that the:y .... e~n·t Governmenl Association (SGA) dog...,. if you allow PnI1C'1'"S011 Coun ~"pedina on til"" ....y bgc),; -m, .uudenu to ~01C [for Indo:pcndenl from Swaboro. Ga. JC Boyle '08 bepn tile disc",· .sc.wor",.M While on the highw.). one sion by c~pressinl ooncem o'·cr Skelton re·ilCr.lted his mterpre ..• of the tmJ Of! the t~am bus lhe fact thai ....mbers of Pauenon lion tlw lile decisoon "'"lIS up to the bIc ... out. fo.dna the: dri,..... l(I Coun housts IIad voted for Ekclioo Council Chair !be "de of 1M 1'('JOIod. n", subse­ IndeJICndenl Senalors in that day's " If you dl<agm: 'Nlth 1t>C'. yw quem spMks olthe rim Of! the elCClions. can o".,mrLe my oplnoon by. 1"'<)< high,,'ay caused the rcar of the MPeopLe on Pallerson Collrt. Ihird. vote:' lie: said. bus l(I catch Of! fin: as it came ocoording 10 the bylnws. are 001 A million ...... made to o~erturn to a stop on the highway ~ L . allow«l 10 "Ole for indeJICndcl1l S ~ch on's inttrprel~lion. but II did senoto",:' Boyle said. no! pass. ""The. fire brgM to spread as Hoyle proposed thnl the el«· " ow~vcr. following 1M "'eeting the !em! uued the bus. but no lio<" ilhouJd he innJidmed and re­ SkellOll disc~ the ;moe with a one "'&I physically hurl. done ... ilb lhe stipulation thai. on group of .."atars and decitled thaI Flames ~ngulfed the: bus as the: Honor Code. Patterson Court lhe best COUrM' of lIC1ioo "wid be all or the IX'CUjWllS m:wk~. house ....mbers would be unable to 10 change his interpretation 100 IIw ,,·ay to the h'gh" ay median. only independent $IUikn1l coukl iU the pla)·o:n ........, d,stanc· ,-SGA President M", SkcllOll '07 vote for I~pcndent Serwon. '''IthenucLvcs fn)QI lhe ,nf.,.· Kid that El«tioo Council Chair In ... e-mail ...111 to lhe ..rwon no. one 1IOOn:e TqlOfIed se<:lng Lanier Prichard '07 used lile lhal evening. Skohon "'rille: M, $I,Ll lhe bus d.h..,. alltn'pt,ng IQ byl.".. aa guidelines for the d«· think " 'hat "'~ voted on today .... ou dou.<e the n~s .... ith a fire tion, . but could also makc cbllnges a Le,aI interpreWion of the b) la ...... extinguisher. for lhi. year', eleclions. as sile Afte. 'JlCaking ,,·ilh 10m< folk s n.. LlQlicc lraMponed the deemed nettssoory. afle. the meeting and considering l~am to a local McDonald·, InlCrpret«llhi! way. allowing all lile consequences of m~inlainin g whe~ lhe:y .... Ue picked up by l1udents to vote on Independenl lhestatusquo.l>owever. I· ve decid. ~OOIl1e: r M lhal dro~e in from SACS begins on-site review Senalors waa a legal inlerprelluion ed thaI the beSl COUrM' of Ktlon i. Cil:arlo!tf. or the bylaw Thi. was also lhe to strike the il>dcJICndent scmuor Several fi"" tnlCks ,,·ere able opcr.UC5 mUit "ndcl'lO lhe process imerpretalion Ihat had been used elCClion resullO baKd on the princi· l(I makc il 10 the Jane. but Slaff \Io:,./r.., of reaccredidation, for previous eleclions. pie that Independent Scl\ators rep­ most of the learn's pmonal SACS stnds. group of c;ommil. Skelton supported his posilion resenl independent $I00enlS,M belon,in,s suffe~d major lasl ...at • conunin(C from the let memben l(I ",boob: ..· ithin II with _ clausc fl'Oltlthe byl ....s Sl8I· Skelton :01100 staled in lile e-mail smoke damage or ""('fl: ....81e.· Southc:m Auocialion of Colleges soutbern MaICS to begin the lengthy in, that the Elections Council lhat the stnaton Iud the option 10 log&ocL _flf. lhe fin:fighters and School, (SACS) spmt three process of reaocredidation. "m.ay make supplementary rules O>'enum the new interpret.tion ou ~ do... n lhe bus. days of interuivc review of For .5ChooJ 10 be~flCCTt'dittd.;t ...· hen il deem. necessary." ....,11. but tile ScM1C did no4 c/loose The fin:fighlers succeeded David ...... Colle,<,- beginning the must domonstrate lhat il complies ScOII S""kl>oul '01 fell lhal oow. process of reaccredidalion for the ",·ilh ttrtain 'land.arili. particularly M.upplemenlary rules" did not in dousing the names. See SGA. flagl! 3 Whilc 1M bus company's sc1>oo1. in the a~a of Quality i""lude changing who was .1I0wed inlumO\Ce ,,·i ll cover the finan· The: R:pqrI will 001 be issued Enl!:u>ccmem. clil losses. pla)'ers .... ere Idt "nlil June 2007. bul re<;eiving R:ac· "SACS w"m, 10 know ·what can .... ithout books, OOIeJ and even tn.'did:llion should no! be an mue. "·c do "ex!"}' lind ' .... hal can ""e do laptops on MOfIday, Some "We don·t know the OUICQl1lC of bene'?·" Ll'Fauve said. M pla)"cn eVen Losl doxuments the repon )'el. Director of In DavidilOll·s annual report. Ttilling l(Ilbei. ~ Wtthey Planninl Ind Imtitutional Vice Presidenl for Academic bMI .t<.nd on lbei. laptops. Rescan:h Linda LcF.u'"" sald. Mbul Affairs aatt Ross sald thai the "The poopIe tlw .. ere lining they left happy.M QEP hopes M10 tal'lel arta. of oeM the ure thai blew lost :011 President Bobby VagI '69 said impron.... nt ia ac:aIkmic Ind II ... M M of lhe:ir stuff. Ll'xie lhal SACS was pleased ...· ith the dontlife. Riuenbefs '(19 u.id. ··H.,...., •..,., on'Silo R:vicw. the principaL det.,.· n.. QEP has hi,hhghled fi,·c all of 00. teachers hne bttn ,ninant for reaccn:didalion. .poo. " 'M"" the college hopes to "el)' u~l"Ilanding so f:lr:· ·· HlllTing JOfIlC cII",IY'm, we sec development: lhe Core For/lit U«IIUIJ/ If/rhe gam~. E",I)' LO )'ear:s. 5Chooh that fall see pagt 16. willumler he the ""~ffimlcd' Ttgion i'l~~ '~"which~'~' ~~~;~'~' SACS ~~~,,"~m~ . ~'"~'~"m~.See :"~"~m~" SACS~.;~,,~,~•., ~F:'IX"~"~'~'~'J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lse 5 INSIDE THIS WEEK NEWS: Police crack down on trespassers PAGE 2 Other schools The violent That little show extreme nature of black dress lack of honor spoits lingo see A& L, PAGE 6 sec YOWL, PAGE 9 see SPORTS, IlAGE 12 2 W t:ONESDAY, SEPTEMBEII: 27, 2006 Party ends for trespassers CAMPUS POLICE BLOTTER Ihl"!'l1B BUf.OlfJ.f. trespasKri has diminisbod. SlaffWrilrr "NASCAR Tech is keen on b<cing per· Mlrlln Courl . Undua gc Orlnklng ceived ashl:lpful in thl: community." Walker Over 11M: pas. few w«kcnds. there has !laid. '"l'I1Cy will upel Sludenu who bring Al approximately 10:20 p.m .. and officer on routioe patrol observed 40 to 60 stu­ lleen a COIlCem wilh ,.UJ>3SserJ on Pancnon di , .... putc to lhe inSlitution:' dents in an lpartmem.on the porch. and standing in Ihl:grass outside flowe. Tbeoffi­ Court. Since lhe be,lnnin, of lhe SCmeslcr At least two individuals have ""en eer IIW thaI I drinking game was heing played on the porch. Aware thal the .... Wail 12 individual, unaffiliated with d", ooIleil". e~pell~ as I....sUIt of them heing unacc(>m' 001 a .... gistcrcd party at !his location. the offICer stopped al the curl! and ohscrvcd the have bun esconed olT campus by public panied at Court parties. group. When the group saw the off""'r. ilCvenl wen: 5ee1IICIting down cups and other ufCly. Aoo:KdillllO Chid fountain Walker. Campus Safety easily l\'COgnius tres· eoowners on the gr.w.. A group ofapproximately IS then left 1»' ",.,.lIcing around the thi' "umbu i, mo,w;h larger !han \ISUIJ. passers. I s.itill Wilker luribules to the small back lide of Rowe. As the offlCCf gO! OUt oflhc patrol car and IIIncd ",-aIkin1 to the ~l would Jay .hi, SCIl>e$l .... tbr:re', br:cn community. " It's part of communily polic­ apartment. _on the porch yelled. " I fyou'~ noI2!. ii's time to lean!" Seyeral a1moo1. SO pe=nt increase lin the nurnbtr ing. I know my Itudents." he said. "Be.idcs. tnOI"e people stantd to lean at tllis lime. l1Ie off"",r asktd for ....sidenu of the apan­ oftrapuscnJ.~ Walker said. the non-fludenu give it .way in their fllce. ment. and th_ subjects .. the lIbIe Aattd tlw it was their apartmmt. Wilen .... mind· II's 1I0OI UlIC()mmon for most IJeSpassers to They'lI try 10 blend i~ 00t i!"Ihard." ed thaI no one under 21 is allowed around when. drinking game was undetwIty. one be CIU"" I. !he Sian of • year. Walker eno;ou~es the community to help of thl: Il'skknu k~pe .... ""ating that only pKJpIe who ""'.... 21 we .... pI,)·ing. l1Ie sub-­ -rheA" alway. I larxer number ., !he: prevent trcSpluin,. jcct Will advised that an)"OlX: UJ>dcr 21 is 001 allowed to be in the vicinity of a drink­ beginning of every year. h will die down,M "As a community.
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