February 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E85 TRIBUTE TO CHARLES north of Denver, Thornton offers the ideal lo- Mrs. Nader, who jousted with politicians BILLINGTON III cation for people hoping to experience the vi- and complacency as a small-town activist brancy of city life while still having easy ac- and was the mother of consumer advocate Ralph Nader. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH cess to skiing, camping, and all of Colorado’s Mrs. Nader developed a certain civic re- other natural wonders. With over 1000 acres OF CALIFORNIA nown in 1955 when she confronted Sen. Pres- dedicated to public parks and a focus on cott Bush (R-Conn.), the father and grand- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recreation programs, residents can maintain father of presidents. When Senator Bush vis- Wednesday, February 8, 2006 an active lifestyle and still be within driving ited Winsted, following a catastrophic flood, he was approached by Mrs. Nader at a public Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I would distance to cultural events in Denver, Boulder, and the larger cities in the area. gathering public gathering. When he offered like to take this opportunity to congratulate his hand in an obligatory fashion, Mrs. Nader Charles Billington III on his retirement from the Thornton is a perfect example of a small city latched on and refused to free him until he Modesto Irrigation District Board of Directors. that has managed tremendous growth in a promised to help a dry-dam proposal move He held this position for the past twenty years. short period of time. Former Thornton Mayor forward. This was fulfilled. Margaret Carpenter shepherded the city Later, she advocated building a commu- Mr. Billington’s commitment and expertise through its most explosive growth era (the nity center for children, forming a speakers have been an asset to the Board. Since he 1980s and 1990s), and today the city boasts club that would bring worldly lecturers to became involved with the District in 1985, Mr. the town, and expanding and preserving a premier recreation facilities, a strong business Billington was instrumental in providing leader- local hospital. and commercial sector, and a diverse popu- ship in the development of policies to ensure At home, she could be implacable, particu- lation. adequate supplies of water, dependable elec- larly about food. She emphasized homemade I admire the way that the residents of items over packaged goods whose contents tric power, organizational efficiency and finan- Thornton have built a strong community with she found bewildering. She prohibited hot cial stability. pride and inclusion, and ask that my col- dogs and later beef because of the presence of During his tenure, he played an instrumental leagues join me in congratulating the City of a growth-stimulating hormone linked to can- role in the planning of the Modesto Regional cer. Thornton on its 50th anniversary, and I look Water Treatment Plant. This is the largest She sweetened food with honey, not sugar, forward to seeing the city grow for another 50 public works project undertaken in Stanislaus and pushed her children to eat chickpeas in- years. County during the early 1990s. In addition, Mr. stead of candy bars on their way to school. f When news of this was publicized during Billington was a leader in forming a risk reten- Ralph Nader’s rise to prominence, the Wall tion group which is now known as the Electric CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF ROSE Street Journal editorial page likened his Public Power Insurance Consortium, EPPIC. NADER mother to a Puritan. Under his leadership, and to the benefit of This characterization was laughed at by his constituents, the Modesto Irrigation District her children, even as they promoted the has prospered immensely. Charles Billington HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. story involving her distrustful relationship with chocolate. III has been a part of that important success. OF MICHIGAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. Nader later said: ‘‘When the children I wish him health and happiness in his retire- convinced me that chocolate-frosted birth- ment. Wednesday, February 8, 2006 day cakes were what all the other children f Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor wanted, I frosted the cake, but after the can- dles were blown out and before they cut into the life of Rose Nader, who at age 99 died on HONORING THE CITY OF THORTON the cake, I removed the frosting. Some peo- Tuesday, January 24, 2006 of congestive AT ITS 50TH ANNIVERSARY ple might say I was severe, but it became a heart failure. Mrs. Nader was both tender and family joke.’’ tenacious. She was a woman who taught her She later wrote a cookbook. HON. MARK UDALL children the importance of service to their Rose Bouziane was born in Zahle, Lebanon, OF COLORADO community, a love of the environment and on Feb. 7, 1906, to a sheep broker and a teach- concern for the well being of others. As you er. She taught high school French and Ara- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bic before her marriage in 1925 to business- can see, Mrs. Nader indeed lived an honor- Wednesday, February 8, 2006 man Nathra Nader. able life. After immigrating to the United States, Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I rise David Halberstam captured her well when they settled in Connecticut, where his Main today in recognition of a great city in the Sec- he said, ‘‘I thought she was a remarkble per- Street bakery-restaurant-general store in ond District of Colorado, the City of Thorn- son who lived a remarkable life, going literally Winsted, in the northwestern corner of the ton—and to congratulate its citizens on the from one century to another.’’ state, became a redoubt for residents be- 50th Anniversary of the city’s official incorpora- moaning actions or inactions at the town She was strong, loving, hard-working and hall. tion. I am proud to represent this community modest. All of the virtues were hers. I used to On occasion, Mrs. Nader used newspaper in the United States Congress and to share a ponder how much she and her husband had opinion pages to express her views. little of the history of this remarkable Front seen in their lives for it was a great American Writing in the New York Times in 1982, she Range city. What began as a small develop- story. They had come here in the twenties denounced the use of ‘‘credibility phrases,’’ ment project by a local entrepreneur, Sam with little more than their hopes and their ca- such as ‘‘frankly,’’ ‘‘to tell you the truth’’ Hoffman, in the early 1950s—and supported pacity for hard work, and in just one genera- and ‘‘in all honesty,’’ that sometimes pre- famously by no less a figure (no pun intended) ceded a political statement or sales pitch. tion they had seen their own children pros- They gave her ‘‘the pervasive feeling that than Hollywood’s Jane Russell, it has become per—enriching what was around them and distrust is so widespread that people need to one of the most attractive communities in Col- being enriched at the same time. use such language to be believed.’’ orado. What I will remember is her kindness to our In another editorial, she embraced mass In the early 1950s, a small development family over the years, her sense of obligation mailings from issue groups that are com- project north of Denver was named after Colo- to others, and a belief that citizenship de- monly dismissed as ‘‘junk mail.’’ She wrote rado Governor Dan Thornton and targeted to- manded a daily commitment. that they often come from people ‘‘who care ward soldiers returning from World War II. And of course her modesty, in the mid-six- about their times.’’ Her husband died in 1991. A son, Shafeek Sam Hoffman created a small community of- ties, back when Life Magazine was still power- Nader, died in 1986. fering these soldiers and their families the op- ful, the editors put Ralph on the cover. My Besides Ralph Nader of Washington, sur- portunity to purchase a three-bedroom brick mother, thrilled by this, immediately called vivors include two daughters, Claire Nader of house for under $10,000. From that modest Rose to tell her. Washington and Winsted and Laura Nader of starting point, Thornton has grown into a com- ‘‘Yes,’’ said Mrs. Nader, ‘‘that’s nice. I must Berkeley, Calif.; a sister; three grand- munity of more than 100,000 people, all of get out and get a copy.’’ We all loved that, the children; and three great-grandchildren. whom can be very proud of the great ad- ‘‘a copy’’ reference. Ralph Nader once said his mother ‘‘took us out in the yard one day and asked us if we vancements their city has made since its in- I would also like to include a reprint of an knew the price of eggs, of apples, of bananas. corporation on May 26, 1956. article written by Albert Bernstein that ap- Then she asked us to put a price on clean air, The City of Thornton is still growing and at- peared in the Washington Post on January 26, the sunshine, the song of birds—and we were tracting new residents. Located just 10 miles 2006: stunned.’’ VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:14 Feb 09, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A08FE8.008 E08FEPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMREMARKS.
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