The Atlanta University Bulletin Published, Quarterly by Atlanta University ATLANTA, GEORGIA Entered as second-class matter February 28, 1935, at the Post Office at Atlanta, Georgia, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, 538, P. L. & R. Series III JULY, 1947 No. 59 Summer — >Q47 (Students in doorivay of temporary classroom building) Page 2 THE ATLANTA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN July, 1947 SfUiaa CalesvdaA CONVOCATION : January 2—Pastor Martin Nie- CONVOCATION : April 3—Rabbi Abraham Feinstein, inoeller of the Jesus Christ Church, Berlin, Ger¬ Mizpah Congregation, Chattanooga, Tennessee many RECITAL: April 3—Edwin Gerschefski, Pianist EO RUM: January 6-7—George L. P. Weaver, Execu¬ tive Secretary, National CIO Committee to Abol¬ RECI TAL: April 4—Robert ish Segregation Williams, Tenor EXHIBI T: April 6—Sixth Annual Exhibition of Paint¬ FORUM : January 15—Paul Styles, Regional Director, ings, Sculpture and Prints Labor Relations Board by Negro Artists LECTURE: April 14—Victor Bernstein, Author UNIVERSITY CENTER CONVOCATION: Janu¬ ary 26—President William Lloyd lines of Knox¬ ville College FORUM: April 16—Dr. Hilda Taba, Director, Inter¬ group Education in Cooperating Schools, American Council on Education CONVOCATION: January 30—Miss Ruth Seabury, Secretary of Missionary Education, American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions RECITAL: April 18—Camilla Williams, Soprano THE EDWIN STRAWBRIDGE BALLET: Febru¬ FORUM: April 30—Langston Hughes, Poet ary 1—“Pinocchio” THE UNIVERSITY PLAYERS: May 9-10—“Right FORUM: You Are” February 5—Dr. Kimball V oung, Chairman, Department of Sociology, Queens College EXHIBIT: May 11—Annual Student Exhibition RECITAL: Feb ruary 7—Carl Weinrich, Organist CONCERT: May 16—Twentieth Annual Concert by the LECTURE: February 10—Dr. Henry Noble Mc¬ Students of the Atlanta University System Cracken, Author MA5 DA5 PROGRAM: May 26—Laboratory School CONVOCATION: February 13—Maurice Hindus, Author JOINT BACCALAUREATE SERVICE: June 1 — Atlanta University System RECIIAL: February 14—Aubrey Pankey, Baritone COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES: June 2—Atlanta FORUM: February 20—Sherwood Eddy, Author University—Attorney Earl Dickerson, President, American Bar Association FORUM: March 5—Dr. Ralph Bunche, Director, Divi¬ COMMENCE MEN I EXERCISES: sion of 'Trusteeship, United Nations June 3—More¬ house College—Rabbi Irving Frederick Reichert, 'Temple Emanu-El, San Francisco, California FORUM: March 19—I. G. Jones, Acting Commis¬ sioner of Labor for West Africa COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES: June 4—Spel- man College—Louis Benson Seltzer, Editor-in- CONVOCATION: March 27—Charles P. Taft, Pres¬ Chief, Scripps-Howard Newspapers of Ohio and ident, Federal Council of Churches Editor of the Cleveland Press July, 1947 THE ATLANTA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Page 3 UNIVERSITY EVENTS 'File Public Librarians’ Conference From May 19 through the 24th, those attending the Public Librarians’ Conference at Atlanta University learned that public library service units in the South serving Negroes, though doubled in the last decade, are woefully lacking. They also learned that there has been no concerted effort on the part of library and educational agencies in the region to give guidance and direction to the development of this service. That there is a pressing need for trained leadership in the field was evident in the fact that of the 97 Negro public librarians who were present from 14 southern states, only 20 per cent were professionally trained ; 40 per cent had spent 6 to 18 weeks formally preparing for their work, and the remaining 40 per cent had no training for library service at all. Other problems in the field, em¬ phasized by Mrs. Alma Long Gray, branch librarian of the Enoch Pratt (Continued on next page) The Atlanta University Bulletin contents Spring Calendar 2 University Events 3 Bulletin Spotlight 19 Faculty Items 22 Alumni News 23 Requiescat in Pace 24 Top—School of Library Service Staff Bottom—Registering for Conference Page 4 THE ATLANTA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN July, 1947 The Public Librarians’ Specialists who attended discussed People,” “Administrative Methods such topics as “Public Library Service Which Tend Toward Better Service Conference to Negroes in the South,” “The in the Combination School and Public Southern (Continued from page 3) Public Library—A Forward Library,” “Library Service to Handi¬ Look,” “Adult Education Programs capped Groups,” “Library Service for Free in Library Baltimore, Maryland, Among Negroes in the South,” Hospital Patients,” “Library Service in a discussion of the status of public “Adult Education Programs in Negro for Blind Patrons,” “County and Re¬ librarianship in the South were: (1) Public Libraries,” “Initiation and Or¬ gional Library Service,” “Techniques lack of adult educational programs; ganization of Adult Education Pro¬ of Extending Library Service to Rural (2) scarcity of children’s librarians; grams in Public Libraries,” “Selection Areas,” “Extension Service Through (3) poor book collections; (4) un¬ of Printed Materials for Adult Edu¬ a Regional Library.” even inter-library loan service; and cation,” “Selection of Audio-Visual (5) low personnel morale. Materials for Adult Education,” In addition to staff members of the Constructive action taken by the “The Public Relations Program,” School of Library Service, leaders of “Practical the conference included Mrs. Alma conference included (1) a telegram to Publicity Methods,” Senator Walter F. George appealing “Characterization of the Negro in Long Gray of the Enoch Pratt Free for favorable consideration of the Literature for Children,” “Special Library, Baltimore, Maryland; Miss Public Librarv Service Demonstration Services for Children and Young Mary U. Rothrock, president of the American Library Associa¬ tion ; Miss Marie Loizeaux, editor of the Wilson Library Bulletin; Miss Charlemae Rollins of the Chicago Pub¬ lic Library; Mrs. Lillian Childress Hall of the In¬ dianapolis Public Library; M rs. Sadie P. Delaney, chief librarian, Veterans Administration Hospital, Tuskegee, Alabama; Mrs. Lucille Nix, director in charge of rural public (Continued on page 6) Bill; and (2) a letter to Publisher’s If'eekly praising those who had con¬ tributed to the appearance of better interpretations of the Negro in books and protesting the continued existence of offensive material. From 9:00 a. m., on Monday, May 19, when the staff of the University Library welcomed the visiting libra¬ rians in the Library Lounge with re¬ freshments prior to registration, until the conference closed on Saturday, the days and evenings were filled with in¬ teresting programs designed to ac¬ quaint librarians with the latest tech¬ niques and trends in the field of public library service. July, 1947 THE ATLANTA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Page 5 Library Conference Page 6 THE ATLANTA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN July, 1947 Library Conference libraries, State Department of Educa¬ Naomi A. Lattimore, librarian of the guished poet and novelist, was guest tion, Atlanta, Georgia; Clyde E. Pet- Western Branch Free Public Library, speaker. tus of the Emory University Library Louisville, Kentucky; Miss Evalene Serving on the committee on find¬ School; Mrs. Mollie Houston Lee, P. Jackson of the Emory University ings for the conference were Mrs. supervisor of Negro public libraries Library School; Mrs. Susan Dart Gaynelle W. Barksdale, reference of North Carolina; Miss Edith Fos¬ Butler, librarian of the Dart Hall librarian of Atlanta University; M rs. ter, librarian of the West Georgia Branch, Free Library, Charleston, Louise H. Elder, the reserve libra¬ Regional Library of Carrollton, South Carolina; Ray N. Moore, rian; Miss Lois G. Dozier, catalog Georgia; Dean Dorothy G. Williams librarian of the Stanford L. Warren librarian; and Miss Harper, a of the North Carolina Public Nancy College School Library of Durham, North student in the School of of Library Library Science; Walter R. Oliv¬ Carolina; and Miss Helen Millsaps, Service. ers, professor of sociology, More¬ extension librarian, Chattanooga Pub¬ house College; Hoyt R. Galvin, lic Library. The six-day meeting was sponsored director of the Charlotte, North Car¬ by the Atlanta University School of olina, public library; Mrs. Dorothy On Friday, May 23, at the dinner Library Service under a grant from Homer of the 135th Street Branch, meeting held at the University dor¬ the Carnegie Corporation. Dr. Vir¬ New York Public Library; Mrs. mitories, Langston Hughes, distin¬ ginia L. Jones was the director. July, 1947 THE ATLANTA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Page 7 N ew Professional at DegreecJ Awarded 78th Commencement First Graduate — School of Business Administration Expansion of Atlanta University's ed to graduates of the college, gradu¬ Reichert of Temple Emanu-El, San program for graduate and professional ate and professional divisions of the Francisco, California, and to receive study was indicated at the exercises of Atlanta l niversity System. bachelor’s degrees from President the 78th commencement when for the Benjamin E. Mays; and 70 young Atlanta University’s 110 gradu¬ tir>t time in the history of the institu¬ women, who completed their under¬ ates received their degrees on June 2 tion, the decree of master of business graduate work at Spelman College, from President Rufus E. Clement in administration was awarded. The re¬ received their bachelor’s degrees in Sisters Chapel, after threatening cipient, Rowell William Holly of Sisters Chapel on June 4 from Presi¬ weather made it
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