WfJlIllEIiS "NltJ'" 25~ No. 456 1 July 1988 Jesse Jackson Fronts for Party of War and Racism Unchain Labor, Blacks Break 'with the Democratsl AP WV photo Democrats Dukakis and Jackson, no friends of labor and blacks. Spartacists at Harlem Hospital protest against racist austerity and cop terror in Democrat Koch's New York. We print below excerpts from a talk of the "little people" and the "common given in San Francisco on June 10 man." The reformist fake-left in this by Don Alexander of the Spartacist Fight for a Workers Party! country is sprinting at breakneck speed League Central Committee. to chain labor and blacks to the chariot of the so-called "lesser evil" capitalist About a decade ago, at a news con­ The whole system is set up to oppress nightmare a thousand and a million Democratic Party. For the left, the ference Democrat Jimmy "Ethnic Puri­ and exploit working people and minor­ times over. The system of capitalist Jackson campaign has become the issue ty" Carter, in response to a decision ities, and it will take a socialist revolu­ anarchy in this country increasingly . of the American popular front, the which denied Medicare for poorwomen tion under the leadership of a multi­ is no longer even functioning off a vehicle for class collaboration which ties for abortions, had the following to say: racial Trotskyist vanguard party to lead reserve army of the unemployed, who the working class to the bourgeois "Life is not fair." Now, if that's what a united working-class struggle to the historically have been disproportion­ parties. Jimmy Carter said a decade ago, the seizure of state power, by smashing the ately black. Today in racist capitalist Obviously, Jackson can't come to the bourgeoisie's prescription for working bourgeois state-machine and replacing it America, we witness the absolute rot masses with a program like the late people and oppressed in Americatoday, with the rule of the working class. and decay of this sick, dying capitalist Clarence Pendleton of the Civil Rights particularly in light of the stock market The fight for black liberation is system, as reflected in the homeless­ Commission, or with a program offered crisis, is more pain and, more suffering. strategic to the fight for proletarian ness, the police terror and murder, the by a character like Reverend Ike, who Because it was this "born again" anti­ revolution in the V.S. The all-sided number of poverty-stricken women once said that the best way to help poor Soviet Democrat who launched Cold brutal racial oppression is widely doc­ heading up families, the number of people is not to be one. So he's running War II over Afghanistan and paved the umented, there's a proliferation of babies dying in their early years. The around posturing as a New Deal liberal .way for the certified nuclear nut Ron­ absolute pauperization of the ghetto studies with regard to the deterioration in the spirit of Roosevelt, combining' ald Reagan, and a stargazer at that. of life-things are worse for the black masses and the immiseration of the anti-corporate rhetoric, flag-waving The imperialist racist Democratic masses in comparison to the 1930s in working class in America is the unmis­ protectionism and anti-drug crusading. Party, which brought World War I terms of sheer social misery. Blacks are takable sign of capitalism in its death And. he's the only one of the bourgeois under Woodrow Wilson, World War II agony. forcibly segregated at the bottom of candidates who's making cynical prom­ under Roosevelt, the Korean War under American society as an oppressed race­ Jackson Campaign a Trap ises. His advisers, like the crooked Truman, and the Vietnam War under color caste-ghettoized, lumpenized Georgia banker Bert Lance, they don't JFK and LBJ, is no longer even making for Labor and Blacks and terrorized. The last hired, the first mind it, because they know he's follow­ the cynical promises of yesteryear. Like fired, the specially oppressed black pop­ So this is an election year , and the ing the master's advice, to get those their twins and partners in the Republi­ ulation will achieve its centuries-old labor fakers, the fake-left and other blacks to the polls and shut up about can Party, they have been waging a quest for genuine freedom by helping to defenders of capitalism are saying: Vote black rights. bipartisan class war" against working build that revolutionary workers party Democrat, Don't Fight. They're play­ He's done that and more. For exam­ people and oppressed minorities as an that can put an end to the decrepit sys­ ing the capitalist game once again, and pie, initially he said the death penalty integral part of their war drive against tem of capitalism. pushing the greatest deception and was supposed to be central to his cam­ the Soviet V nion. Now the American dream is not only fraud: that the party of Kennedy and the paign. So during the primaries while he Our starting point as revolutionaries a racist nightmare for the black popula­ party of George Wallace, the party of was running around, Willie Darden was is that capitalism cannot be reformed. tion in this country, hut it's a racist' the Klansman Tom Metzger, is the party executed in Florida. Mumia Abu­ Jamal, former .Panther, MOVE, jour­ nalist, class-war prisoner, on death The "Blank Space" That row-nothing 'said about that. The incineration of the Philly MOVE com­ Haunts Gorbachev's Russia mune; orchestrated by the black Dem­ ocratic Party mayor there. Wilson Goode, along with the FBI and Edwin New York .Bridges Meese. Jackson's response to that? We need black contractors to rebuild! Are Falling Down Geronimo Pratt, foremost class-war prisoner in America. who's languished ---- SEE PAGE 3 ---- ----SEE PAGE 4---- in jails for close to 20 years. victim of continued on page 9 Parti§au Defeu§e £o......ittee Nihat Sargin (left) and Haydar Kutlu, leaders of United Communist Party of Turkey, imprisoned and Free Leaders tortured by of Turkish CPI NATO regime. On 16 November 1987Turkish police Since Turkey's 1980 NATO military Our comrades of the Spartacist East 1st Street, Des Moines, Iowa arrested Dr. Nihat Sargin, general sec­ coup, half a million people have been League/Britain and the Trotzkistische 50309. Contributions can be sent to: retary of the Turkish Workers Party, detained, the' trade-union federation Liga Deutschlands have joined in Mark Curtis Defense Committee, P.O. and Haydar Kutlu, head of the "official" DISK was banned and many of its lead­ publicizing the case of Kutlu and Box 1048, Des Moines, Iowa 50311. pro-Moscow Communist Party of Tur­ ers imprisoned. Thousands remain in Sargin. On June 16 the Partisan Defense key, as they emerged from a plane at jails for political "crimes," 400 face the Committee protested to .the Turkish * * * Istanbul airport. Handcuffed and blind­ death penalty, and the genocidal repres­ embassy in Washington, "Even among On May 13 MOVE member Alberta folded, Sargin and Kutlu were taken sion of the Kurds in eastern Turkey your reactionary NATO allies Turkey 'Africa was finally released from Muncy to the notorious "Deep Investigation continues. stands unique as the only European state prison. Pennsylvania state officials Laboratory" of the security police and, Over the past 18 months a new wave country in which communist parties and forced Alberta to serve every single day thrown into solitary confinement for 19 of workers' strikes and student strug­ workers organizations such as the DISK of her seven-year sentence on charges days of torture. Sixty-year-old Sargin gles against the brutal austerity rule of are outlawed.... We demand the imme­ arising from a 1977 cop siege on was kicked, hosed with freezing water the Evren regime has swept Turkey. The diate release of Sargin and Kutlu, their MOVE's Powelton Village home. They and hung by his arms from the ceiling. charges against Kutlu and Sargin are a lawyers Atjllo Conkurn and Rasim Oz released her on the third anniversary of Sargin and Kutlu are charged under sinister attack on all Turkish workers and the 12 others arrested with them." the hideous police bombing of MOVE's the infamous- articles 141 and 142 of and leftists. But in an act of sectarian Osage Avenue home. Now MOVE's the Turkish Penal Code, modeled on stupidity, the rival left-Stalinist Com­ * * * Miriister ofInformation, Alberta vowed Mussolini's fascist Code of 1936. The munist Party of Turkey (TKP) re­ Socialist Workers Party member to continue the struggle for the release of charges include "making Communist sponded by branding Kutlu and Sargin Mark Curtis is the victim of 'a dirty all imprisoned MOVE members. propaganda," "insulting the president" as "traitors," suggesting they arranged frame-up in Des Moines, Iowa. On and "forming an illegal organization their own arrest as part of a "deal" with March I INS cops raided the Swift aiming to overthrow the constitutional the Turkish government. Whatever meatpacking plant and arrested 17 * * * order." They were arrested as they their illusions in Turkish "democracy," of Curtis' immigrant coworkers. On Time is running out for the Sharpe­ stepped off the plane in their well­ Kutlu and Sargin are in the hands of the ' March 4, after Curtis left a meeting ville Six, who still face the apartheid publicized return to join in the notorious security police. This hideous protesting the arrests, cops charged hangman. Worldwide protest won a "democratization" (!) process in Tur­ frame-up must be defeated-and the onto a porch where Curtis waited for a stay ofexecution in March.
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