VOLUME XXXII •AU The County News For Everybody” MOCKSVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1949 “All The County News For Everybody” No. 20 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ON THE ISSUE Plus Set For BROCK ELECTED TO C o u n ty C o Mill issioners Admit OF LEGAL SALE OF BEER AND WINE HEAD DAVIE DRYS , ____ _ To The Editor: A FRANK STATEMENT TO THE MiMiie Pieiie B. C. Brock, Mocksville attor­ Property Valuations Unfair I am going to vote against the TAXPAYERS OF DAVIE ney, was elected general chair­ sale of wine and beer in Davie COUNTY man of the Davie Drys at the county on Saturday, September 3, When our colonial forefathers, Ol Ai{isl 11 meeting held in the county court­ Tax RevaluatiiMi because— many of whom had fled to this With plans rapidly becom­ house last Sunday night. Dr. R. ROUSSEAU IS JUDGE FOR ■ Seen As Benefit to 1. 1 believe it is better to save country to escape the persecu­ ing completed tor the 6Mb an­ P. Anderson, Mocksville dentist, children than to save taxes. tions of priest-ridden ^dynasties nual Masonic Picnic to be held was elected secretary-treasurer. County and Town Attorney L. A. Martin, w^ll AUGUST TERM OF DAVIE COURT The commissioners of Davie 2. It is a neusance and a tempt­ in Europe, founded the govern­ here next Thursday, Angust 11, Judge J. A. Rousseau of North er to the younger class. ment of the United States of iadicatioM point to tbe largest known dry leader of Davidson county admitted Mooday of this Wilkesboro will be the presiding 3. It is consumed by those who America, they meticuluously and crowd ia its ieag history. county and formerly connected HUBERT E. OLIVE week that the present property judge for the August term of Da­ need to spend their money on oth­ with infinite wisdom provided H ubert E. Olive, L exiagton at- with the Allied Church league, valuation in Davie county existed PCINIC SPEAKER vie Superiorxourt which will con­ er needs, for the complete separation of toraey, wbe is well kaowa was the principal speaker. on an unfair bask and that they vene Monday, August 29. R. PAUL FOSTER church and state. The Constitu­ tbreagboat tbe State as a dvk, Mr. Martin told his audience, recognized there are gross ine­ tion of the United States, the su­ govenuaeatal aad edaeatloaal numbering around 200, that he The August term in Davie will qualities in the property values To The Editor: preme law of the land upon which leader, wlU deUver the »tiacl- came to Mocksville as an "in­ be for trial of both criminal and listed on the tax books of the The people of Davie county are all Americans must rely for pro­ pal aadrtss, at 11 a.aL, after sider," not an “outsider.” He ex­ civil cases. There are 121 cases county. to decide on September 3 whether tection of their personal and wbieb the bMerk diaaer will plained that the question of al­ docketed for trial. The following R. P. Martin, chairman of the jurors have been drawn to serve they wish to continue the legal property rights, clearly recogniz­ be q^read in the diaaer arbor. coholic beverages in any one lo­ county commisisotiers and spokes­ during the term: Caiahaln town­ man for the group, announced sale of beer and wine. I write as es and insures the prerogative o| PKOOBAM cality concerns all the citizens of a voter in Davie county to take the State. ” ship: Clarence F. Forrest, J. Lee that the board of commisioners each individual to “worship God Afteraeea aigbt pro-* my stand against beer and wine. “I thought we had done away Cartner, Blum Beck, Hampton C. were cognizant of the inequaU* according to the dictates of his or graaw will also be held aaier Only evil results from tbe sale of with it when we voted for prohi- Jones. Ciarksville township: Les­ ties of the present valuaUon and her own comcience,” free from the arber at t pja. aad t pja. such beverages. .To say that beer biUon in 1908. I didn’t think we ter Richie, Joe Harpe, Oscar Dri­ that they were unanimously fa­ governmental control, regulation The Orleatal Baad of the Oasis would be bothered with it again.” ver, Lester Naylor, Glenn Boger, vorable to a revaluation of prop­ and wine are harmless and not or subsidy. As a consequence, Teaiple el Oreeaaben will pre­ But, he said, “You áre here to­ Farmington township: David erty for Davie county as soon as intoxicating is to ignore the ob­ tbere are today in the United seat aa eatertaialag pregraai vious lesiats. night because of that dastardly White,, W . S. Spillman, J. H. possible. Clarence Carter and J. Slate« almost u many religious at • pjB. The High School Glee act of 1935." Sparks, W . W . West, Fletcher Wil­ M. Groce, the other two conunk- The oaily reason for the legal sects ot differing creeds and doc­ elab ol Ontaed Oifhaaage wlU Mr. Martin termed the act “un­ liard, K . A. Taylor. Fulton town­ sioners, concurred verbally with sale of beer and wine is the prof­ trines as there are courthouses aka ka h m tar tiM day aad holy—all but a crime.’’ He placed ship: Buddy Foster, Fred Jones, this statement. it motive. The idea that the tax and jails. For illustration, just wU pHtMpale bi tho feegtaai Hubert E. Olive, Lexington at­ special emphasis on his allegation John Gobble, W . T. Burton. Jeru­ The above statement was made from sale of beer and wine brings try to enumerate the subdivisions aieralag aad after- torney, who will ^elivcr the prin­ of the Baptist denomination! that plans for the passage of the salem township: James Huffman, at the regular meeting ot tho large revenue into our county is Other partMpaata ea the cipal address next week at the act were formed “after midnight.” Clifford E. Vogler, Sr., C. R. county commisisoners on Monday fictitious. The legal officers re­ In adopting the Feoeral Con­ A. D. Leea 69th annual Masonic picnic, is Mr. Martin declared that Row­ Cheek, Tom Spry, Roy Nolley, after a dekgation ot the govern­ quired to arrest and lock up stitution our forefathers perform­ Gray, saperlateadeat ol the Ox- well known throughout the State an county acted "disgracefully” Carl James. Mocksville township: ing offkiak ol tha Town ot chronic drinliers and other ex­ ed a function that was intrinsi­ feed Otphsasge; Bee. J. S. Hi­ for his services in civic, govern­ when it voted in A B C stores in R. G . Brewer, J. K. Sheek, Jr., E. MocksviUe aad rsprswtaUvsi ol pense involved far outweighs any cally and essentially political, in att el BlUa. aaperiateadeat el mental and educational circlae. the Saturday election. G. Hendricks, Craig Foster, Ker- Um local Jaaiir .CkMiber oC Com­ revenue. As for the profit motive, sense and in form. After cement­ Chathaai hsspMal; Geeego B. Last week he was named general H e maintained that the legal mit Smith, C. R. Crenshaw. Shady merce appeeiei betoew t ^ I any mcoey i m 1 | ^ ftrom this ing the several States into a sol­ ifM eatsa« el Mb- diairman of the Wake Forest col' sale of alcoboUc beverages is not Grove township: Bay Sowers, anil requested i soim ^ to ,at the Hxpfose o(f;jfte id aad comfact iiaton, and liniit! ' M-- 1еи MW-campus tuad w hoM taA iavolvéd witti the «iw U oa ot i«V' e « ‘'a:'fl desm ilil*-* ing the authoiri^ of tbe Ccmgren it is to direct the raising of funds ' Miyiw t4 | k r;«fT 'iiir^ ^ eaue. In coaaectioa with this, he T. Foster, HoWard Carter. the bceekiai up o( bemss, tbe niin to legislate only as to those mat' ШШШ, WoHhf Ms«rea ol ОЖЛ. sufficient to build facilties for at said, “we are all ia the liquor M. H. Murray, chairmafi of the of lives which might otherwise be ters and things directly related Chapter 1П. least 2,000 students on the new business . we are selling our conunittee for the town officials^ useful, and increasing the danger to the national government it ENTEBTAINMBNT campus in Winston-Salem. souls for silver and gold.” offered the request of the dele­ of accident and death on our high­ self, or to those affected by in­ Mr. Olive is a former Superior The B . C. I m rUUag derlM S, Mr. Martin asserted that pro­ gation stating that Mayor John E. ways. No matter how great the ternational or interstate com­ court judge, having served on the Here 6* There always a pepata» feataro el the hibition can be enforced. The Durham and the other aldermen, income in dollars it can never bal­ merce, the founding fathers left bench from 1937 to 1947. He also pieale, wlU bo here dariag all only reason it hasn’t been, he after a thorough study of the tax­ ance the loss in human values. to each individual state the pow­ GBAVBSIDE SEBVKB said, is because “it has never been served six years as a Circuit court able property values of the town I shall vote against the sale of er and authority to regulate its d pkale weeb, beglaaiag their Grav^ide services werie held tried.” judge in Davidson county, 1922' beer and wine in our county. own internal affairs imder its po­ eatertaiaawat ea Meadey alght, in Center cemetery, July 29, for and noting the inequalities, went Rev. J. P. Davis, president of 28). He is a veteran who served on record favoring the revalua­ E.
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