S7442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 11, 2007 CREATING LONG-TERM ENERGY Durbin Lautenberg Salazar We also worked to safeguard our con- ALTERNATIVES FOR THE NA- Ensign Leahy Sanders stituents’ livelihoods—establishing the Enzi Levin Schumer TION ACT OF 2007—MOTION TO Feingold Lieberman Sessions wool trust fund, keeping open global PROCEED—Continued Feinstein Lincoln Shelby beef markets, and making sure that Graham Lott Smith our trading partners played by the CLOTURE MOTION Grassley Lugar Snowe rules. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Gregg Martinez Specter Hagel McCaskill We worked together to safeguard our Stabenow the previous order, pursuant to rule Harkin McConnell Stevens natural resources, improve rural en- XXII, the Chair lays before the Senate Hatch Menendez ergy infrastructure, and plan for a sus- the pending cloture motion. The clerk Hutchison Mikulski Sununu Tester tainable energy future with clean coal will report the motion to invoke clo- Inhofe Murkowski Inouye Murray Thune technologies. ture. Isakson Nelson (FL) Vitter These and many other accomplish- Voinovich The legislative clerk read as follows: Kennedy Nelson (NE) ments will be Senator Thomas’s leg- Kerry Pryor Warner CLOTURE MOTION Klobuchar Reed Webb acy. It is a legacy for which he deserves We, the undersigned Senators, in ac- Kohl Reid Whitehouse recognition, remembrance, and honor. cordance with the provisions of rule Kyl Roberts Wyden It is a legacy for which our Nation is XXII of the Standing Rules of the Sen- Landrieu Rockefeller grateful. ate, hereby move to bring to a close de- NOT VOTING—8 But many will remember Senator bate on the motion to proceed to Cal- Bayh Coburn McCain Thomas more for who he was than for endar No. 9, H.R. 6, Comprehensive En- Biden Dodd Obama what he did. They will remember some- ergy legislation. Brownback Johnson one with a quick wit, an easy smile, Jeff Bingaman, Dick Durbin, S. White- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this and a generous helping hand. house, Blanche L. Lincoln, Jon Tester, vote, the yeas are 91, the nays are zero. I will remember Senator Thomas as I Robert P. Casey, Jr., Patty Murray, Three-fifths of the Senators duly cho- met him when he first joined the Sen- Daniel K. Akaka, Jack Reed, Mary sen and sworn having voted in the af- ate in 1989. Back then, I recognized in Landrieu, Max Baucus, Mark Pryor, firmative, the motion is agreed to. him something very familiar. Senator Ron Wyden, Joe Biden, Pat Leahy, Claire McCaskill, Amy Klobuchar, Ken Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I Thomas was a man of the American Salazar. suggest the absence of a quorum. West. He embodied the values and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- character of the people whom he rep- clerk will call the roll. imous consent, the mandatory quorum resented. The assistant legislative clerk pro- You always knew where Senator call has been waived. ceeded to call the roll. Thomas stood. Like many in the West, The question is, Is it the sense of the Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask Senator Thomas was quiet, unassum- Senate that debate on the motion to unanimous consent that the order for ing, and unpretentious—but he was proceed to H.R. 6, an act to reduce our the quorum call be rescinded. never intimidated. Nation’s dependency on foreign oil by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without He was gentle and decent. When he investing in clean, renewable, and al- objection, it is so ordered. gave you his word, he kept it. And as ternative energy resources, promoting f we all saw in these final months of his new emerging energy technologies, de- life, when he had to, he could fight like veloping greater efficiency, and cre- MORNING BUSINESS hell. ating a Strategic Energy Efficiency Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I ask That is the man I will miss and it is and Renewables Reserve to invest in al- unanimous consent that there now be a the man I wish to recognize today—an ternative energy, and for other pur- period of morning business with Sen- honorable Senator and a great man of poses, shall be brought to a close? ators permitted to speak therein for up the American West. The yeas and nays are mandatory to 10 minutes each. Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, this under the rule. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without last Saturday, I traveled with my wife The clerk will call the roll. objection, it is so ordered. Nancy and many of our colleagues in The assistant legislative clerk called the Senate to Casper, WY, for the fu- f the roll. neral service of my friend Senator Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the REMEMBERING SENATOR CRAIG Craig Thomas. Senator from Indiana (Mr. BAYH), the THOMAS During the service I was particularly Senator from Delaware (Mr. BIDEN), Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I honor impressed by the words of Minority the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. a colleague, a friend, and a great Sen- Leader MCCONNELL and I would like to DODD), the Senator from South Dakota ator, Senator Craig Thomas. thank him for so eloquently eulogizing (Mr. JOHNSON), and the Senator from No words that I can speak will ease Senator Thomas. So appropriately did Illinois (Mr. OBAMA) are necessarily ab- the sadness of this loss. Nothing my his words honor Senator Thomas that I sent. colleagues and I say can fill the empti- hope all our colleges in the Senate will Mr. LOTT. The following Senators ness that his passing has left or lessen take the time to read them. are necessarily absent: the Senator the pain that so many feel. I ask unanimous consent that this from Kansas (Mr. BROWNBACK), the I feel compelled to speak of Senator transcript of Senator MCCONNELL’s Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. COBURN), Thomas not for the effect of my words. comments be printed in the RECORD. and the Senator from Arizona (Mr. Instead, I speak to recognize the effect There being no objection, the mate- MCCAIN). of his words, his actions, and his serv- rial was ordered to be printed in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there ice. RECORD, as follows: any other Senators in the Chamber de- His were words, actions, and service SERVICE IN HONOR OF CRAIG THOMAS, JUNE 9, siring to vote? that have improved the lives and fu- 2007 The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 91, tures of Americans. His words and ac- Reverend [Moore], Susan, Lexie, Patrick, nays 0, as follows: Greg, Peter; distinguished guests, colleagues tions will leave a legacy long after our and friends of Craig Lyle Thomas. [Rollcall Vote No. 208 Leg.] sadness passes. There are people that we can’t ever imag- YEAS—91 Senator Thomas represented Wyo- ine dying because they’re so alive, and there Akaka Burr Collins ming effectively and with dignity. I are people we can’t imagine dying because Alexander Byrd Conrad was proud to work with him. they seem so healthy and so strong. Craig Allard Cantwell Corker Thomas’s death is doubly hard because he Baucus Cardin Cornyn We both loved the open beautiful spaces of our home States, and we was both of these people. But death has done Bennett Carper Craig its work, and so we come back to the place Bingaman Casey Crapo worked to keep them clean, safe, and that he was always so eager to return to, to Bond Chambliss DeMint sustainable. We collaborated to im- Boxer Clinton Dole accompany him on one last trip back. Brown Cochran Domenici prove the Endangered Species Act and It was here that he first heard his calling Bunning Coleman Dorgan the Safe Drinking Water Act. to serve in public life, and here that he first VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:51 Mar 13, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2007SENATE\S11JN7.REC S11JN7 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY June 11, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7443 tasted the bitterness of loss. But Susan al- that full body laugh, and then went to the looked out at the majesty of the canyons and ways told him, ‘‘If you sign up to be a cow- White House with a tuxedo shirt of his own the falls of Yellowstone and knew there is a boy, you can’t complain when you draw a making. God. As a teenager he saw the hard work and raw, bucking bronco.’’ He couldn’t have The Gentleman from Wyoming took an of- dedication of his parents and learned that imagined in those early years that one day fice on the top floor of the Longworth Office giving is more admirable than taking. And he’d be known to America as the Senior Sen- Building, but he didn’t get too comfortable. as a man he could hear the rumble of the ator from Wyoming. But he was never one to Some members of the Senate boast about herd even from his desk in Washington, and dwell on his achievements. So it falls to us, visiting every county in their state over the know that the movements of men were noth- his friends, to speak well of this good man. course of a year. Craig visited all 23 counties ing compared to the power of the wild. One of the great things about this country in Wyoming—the ninth largest state in I am not a cowboy. But I’ve come to know is that so many of its leaders come from America in just two weeks during that first and admire a few of them in my 22 years in such surprising places: a candle shop in Bos- August recess.
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