Ifjews (Or • Iddomen PAGE 9 Monday, March 8, 1943 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY SHOO)

Ifjews (Or • Iddomen PAGE 9 Monday, March 8, 1943 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY SHOO)

Elsit Robinson Joan Dean IfJewS (or • Iddomen PAGE 9 Monday, March 8, 1943 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY SHOO) Waste Fats ; ElMle Robin non Tea Sandwich Mop Kitchen Floor With Hot, Sudsy Ammonia Water the ONE POUND of waste cook- • WHEN GUESTS drop in for IF YOU are going to scrub In il lor the first go-over. don't forßet to cover fresh- old ing fats make* enough glycerin# tea next time, give them cream the kitchen floor, take « wet Wring out ihe mop, fill the ly laundered floor with to one-third pound shredded pineapple mop and good, hot. sudsy pail with clear hot water, and newspapers until it has had time manufacture Tells cheese and gunpowder! Parson sandwiches. water, with plenty of ammonia go over the floor again. And to dry thoroughly. Ivw a . *How to Cut TFNfN A V AT YOUR FAVORITE % I'NITED DETROIT THEATERS Ip* - <• I V -#l J M # 4 IDENTIFIES "¦? 1 ? —V>SQ*N D F » CO-OEERAriVi: THEATERS MOVIE ¦ m IDENTIFIER Child Crime L r g Alt BONDS AND STAMPS SOLD AT ANY OF THESE THEATEK \\ THERE’S A two-fisted article Tftl'iWWi V HalttMv Parking sHfei. fr»« 4r OR Jeffrrawa VI. 2-1347 —Schaefer at Mich. OR. 5099 DAlirC—14 Av*. new issue of a monthly —Harper IrMUnir PI- *l*lS' riDfl C—W. Warreo Miller Kd. 604.1+1 entUftC —9924 W. *!MlftU/iV 9 I nUUuC Big in a iff and uIN/till/L Open 12 N'ooo to Midnight ! Inll/rffll Open 1145 A VI Lon Chaney open l:li. Mat. Only: Mt open r> oo Hargain Hour Till 6:UU. j LInLLL Open 6 P M Paved Parking I Jf.. i 1 Party. Carlaon, ’’HIOH- V Id>t. Bette Davis, Paul Henrsld. Claude Ann Shendnn, D*nni* Morgan. "W'INGR Dick Koran. "THE MIMMY’S TOMB" Cartoon Richard magazine which should be com- Oabla, Turner, '•HOMEWHRSS Preston Clark l.ant "NOW, "BEYOND THE "THAT OTHfr:R V. Gilmore WAYS It NIGHT." Robert In IIMI tOI .” Plua Walt Dlinry i Raina In VOYAGER." Ludlia Ball. fr'OH THE. EAGLE." WOMAN/] ••pacific pulsory reading for every parent I'Ll. "SEVEN I»AIR' HORIZON." with Dorothy Lamour. j sucaatrr.’’ MHO.” Dlinty i ‘lhmaM Geta Drafted.’ Victor Matuie. l-KAYK." 81. l E ||AQ at Ferry ••HI lU—Moran « ' Woodward mu T—ipAa RA. MM — ****<l mrm fflvlUlll Open Flvnn, Ronald DAYV in America. It’a written by the kTSISK AT -Detroit—Kelly Rd.-Whittier AR. MJ23 R Hotbrwwk A 6:J<r Errol KUAI tt millC •OOMMANDOS Open K. Rusaell. B At erne GRANT Reagan In "DESPERATE JOCRNEY." DEFENSE WORKERS! OPEN - AUAfflj mt ¦ dawn," mth Paul Mum and 6:00 SPY,” EVERY DAYI ANY TIM* Rev. M. B. Sackett of the with. in TOWN." "PACIFIC KEN! TODAY ... TO THE T.ADlfr:*! "MADAME with Conatance HOUKH QOME Anna 1-ea. And "HI. SIUB1." "RIN Bennatt.j SHOW' RA. MSS. Poran. DKZYOIB.” Matinee: "YAI.IJ:!1 OF "FIRE-KING" OVEN GLABB’ ! AND REE COMPLETE Episcopal Church Harriet Hnltard and Dick CITV—Va* Dyke at 9-Mile Rd. Protestant VANISHING MEN." liATftD near Tempi- RA. MM T l-K. j —Rusaell »*ar Hulbrwwk 9 iflUlUi! vllI Dick Foran. Elyse Knox, DAYV—Woodward who's a "sky pilot" today in mUIDAI—Mark or. St. Jean *lt*6 fniur IVUAI Ftm, Batta Pat O'Brian, j —Earmlagt«>o, Mick. Phone 444 4) bnAfll open SPM "FIRE-KINO"! “THE MI MMY’M TOMB." Hela Lugosi In' Op«n 24 Hours. Park our frontline fighting ranks. AUMIKAL oian 3P. M PIVir VANISHES." Davta. Paul Henreld and Claud* Rata* la Murphy In "THE SAVA toMES Lilli Open 6:30. Russell, Brian Ahern* OVfr:N GLASS TO LADIICB! P*t O’BrleO "THfr- CORPSE Ball. high- <J*o. NAVVi in 4 OH." "NOW, VOYAGER." Plua Lucille And I’m passing on its I’HKOt "MY SISTER, KIUEN. | in "MV rIrTER. EILEEN." "THE "THE NAYY O.MER THKoI and Myrtle DAY*' IJCAVE.' dillT** fOMER TIIROI GH.” with Pat O'Brien. ; "RIN TOWN," with Constance Bennett. | MVDTI C —Seventeenth Victor Matur*. "SEVEN lights with cheers. with Rosalind Ruaaall and Janet Blair. LB h,n Maaaev in! PaUy. Walt Disney's "Donald Gets Drafted." HI 111 Mali Ilona War Bond* Sold 24 Hours — Kentl the that - RRMpd *'"THE INVISIBLE AGENT.” Plua This isn’t first time ’"'4 PR4YBTfiNF 4 Meyer# MAM * (-law»4»n. Midi. LI. 3-ffltl4 lIKAIjIUnr. open 5 (3 font Taylor, Irene Hervey In "FRISCO ML.’ DAViI—t-Mlle aad t’N. Sackett has faced hell ALDEN 'X^'Vn* PI iVI/CflM— 4 * MJIAL Rd. West, or Parson BIBI>S vLIMdull tipen 6 3t) Clark Gable. Ronja Henle, John Pavne. "ICELAND. Take Seven-Mil* <i«ne Tierney In “THUNDER Dyke ~ knuckles bared. MitM. ’ Una Turner. "SOMEWHERE I'LL FIND "PANAMA HATTIE." with Ann Southern MADTfiU/M—Seven-Mile Kd.-Yan Mayers Rd. Buses Direct to Our Door* with all Plua "FOREIGN ” VOL.” "Ml MMY TOMB Dick F»ran. nUMUnn Cont. 12:3o Park frrea The Royal 1* Easily Reached by DSR During the World War I he 'R —1(632 Bouquet t- Warrr* at Owler Hr. NI• 7123* rprtT I 4YCC Grand River Bridal Dlnnerware Free tn Ladlea. Transportation Routes by Tranafer# From At fCD *' Mofn'Bon, lIIVCAI UIRLJ "( served as chaplain of the 166th ALuLf! Complete Chang# of Program Pftl KPIIM~44 at 4 aalleld Park Free Bette Davie. Jeanette MacDonald, K Young, AIRO." All Northwest. Detroit! Tuaaday. MacDonald. Robt. LULIjCUIfI Open 630 Ann B,»thrrn. P. Henreld. "NOW. VOYAGER," ¦MI MMY'R TOMB/ D. Foran. J. Hubbard. Infantry Ohio National Every Jaanatt# "NKYRN M*|*n I’N. MM* * of the AMI Skelton. "PANAMA HATTIE." PI is DVVM* LEAVE.” V. Mature. Lucille Bari. DAViI —HMD and Young In "CAIBO." PIU* "HENRY Rrfl at * At time he had New*. Humphrey H.gari and Mary Asior in ttrand Blver Snathfletd KUIAL open I. Park Free. Last Show Guard. another DIZZY," Jimmy Lydon. Late World Kirby nVnVTEOIUftßUfrCT—open Benny. "father" to thousands of "At ROW . THE PROFIT." rDFFVWnnn —Hamilton at Went 6:15. Park Free Jeanette 9 30. J. Ann Sheridan. "GEOROB been —K. Warreo at Hater Hr. Ml. lit** ItIVLLnnUUU Constance Bennett, Don MacD</nald and Robert Young tn “CAIRO.”; WASHINGTON MJCPT HERE." "FOREST AirCP at Free ! Jimmy Murray, P. Ooddard. wayward boys in a large reform ALuLIY open • 15. l.aat Show * 49 P M PM ftJtilil—WiMHiaard Rlbley Park Port tr, "MADAME SPY.” Allan June*. "HENRY AND DIZZY." Lydon [RANOEEB," F Mac P.oeallnd Russell. Brian Aherne m "Ml!U/LUnIAL Open All Night Anna May Jan* Krar.ee. ’Moonlight IN HAVANA.” and Charles Smith. L&at Show Starts 9:30. school. SIwTER, Won*. Harold Huber In "LAD! FROM MI.MV." "THE MAW tOMfrhi - coming —Harper at l.akewood AR. (929 * ROYAL jU He has seen sin and THKoI Ml." Pat O'Brien, George Murphy.' I HI NGKIN'L.” Plua Chester Morns and UipDCD 9 M 1 going lives and Jean Parker in "I LIVE ON ILA M.fr fmAILIV open 6:15. Park Free. NORWOOD-TELENEWS «S?i Claude Rains In "NOW. VOYAGER.’ in countless illilklDDl—«A2S HihßniM ma. 0234 R.^ “NOW, ' Allied Filer* Strafe Nazis! Nasi fr'ilma of Plua Claire Trevor and Burgees Maradliß why • ripen (41 Bette Davie 1n YOYAGER." with 1 knows how and bad boys ALfl/tiuDIVS Park Free. Pfll fIMV—tMU Mark Ave. Park Free Paul Henreld, "SEVEN DAYS’ LEAVE, "j U-Boat War! Bea, Air Rescue' "l-ITTIJK In "STREET OF CHANCE.", Bette Davta and Paul Henretd in "NOW. Ll/LUn I <>jreii 6:15. Jerry Colonna, IHI.KS of every age get that way. LEAVE," with Lucille Ball and Victor Mature. Flue OP FREEDOM." cruiTC —Michigan, near L*v*mals O YOYAGER." "SKYEN* HAW’ Ann Miller "PRIoRITIfr.R OR PARADE." Cartoon and lateat Newa. •jLnAIL Concerning child crime he has with Victor Mature. Lucille Ball Plus James Kllieon and Jane Wyatt in At IIUIC at 9-Mlle Road Attend Dally Matinee. Dead R. at Nlne-Mlln Rd. UAhUALL The Dead End Kid* In End Kid*. "MIG TOWN." Lucille Ball. to say: I Allen 84. AT. 2913 "ARM! Rl Kt.frGV U 4 7CI pipg—John ! 1 this II ru DIDP—S'IhH-M QAzXL lARIY Mickey Brlx. Victor Mature. “SEVEN DAY* LEA\ lAI\R Open • 00. Rosalind Rooney, laai "MIO TOWN.” T-ee Powell. Herman glamour out of MLCIt 1 losaii TW. 2-3*66 * E.J •Take the Id EII.RIN." Plua PAW6||T—l?** Hunter. “YANK AT ETON." Ann Sheridan. "FIGHTING DEVIL IMNiS.” Rusaell "MV MINTEK. U/Plrtni Open 6.15 FP.LK TO THE Margan. " cri/llfr—ltfl Grand River Avenne and it ha* no appeal to Matinee D. "WINGS EUR THE EAGLE. JLtILLC crime W ‘""I- 3U * M "Ml GTOW.N." News Cartoon LADIKB. "FIRE-KING" OVF.NWARE' open «:15 P. U New*. Car- the normal child." "CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT." Frrol frlvnn "DfrwPERATE JIM RNEY." 5:45. Lee Powell J loons. Serial. First Showing This Neighbor* . hood. Bill (Hopaloeg Cassidy* Boyd m IMHO t harlevola TL. l-KIIA* "LADY GANfiRTfr.R." with fr'ave F.merson. HIGHLAND PARrSs“,?*ffrS 4 t Herman Brlx "FIGHTING DKYII. DOGS.” IIDili I-«n Chaney Jr.. ’THR MCMMY’MTOMB.’ "DESTINATION I NKNOWN.” with Irene "TWILIGHT ON THE TRAIL." Kent Tay- MuIHA open A * Loves Adventure 45. Kusaiind !erwor-Military lor in " PAIIDTCCV—M. VI. 2-9232 with Dick Koran. ai*u Edgar Kennedy in Hervey and William Gargan. M 4LFWA \ TO MHANIiHAI.” Ruaaell In "MY SISTER. EII.EEN "THE LIfUMCjI Open 9:15 P. M News. straight thinking. NAVY (OMEN THRU! OH." Pat O Brian “CRIME rs.M ARHERA." CBICTI fliiliiCity.

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