May 23, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E669 been a beacon of hope and salvation for the Clause 5 of the Constitution in respect to acts riousness to which the House takes its re- congregation through its many ministries of misconduct by Donald John Trump, Presi- sponsibilities to act as a check on a wayward which share the good news of our Lord and dent of the United States. Executive and the gravity of the findings and Savior, Jesus Christ. I invite every Member of the House to join conclusions set forth in the Mueller Report. Yet, Madam Speaker, the outstanding serv- me in cosponsoring this important and nec- Finally, nothing in the resolution compels ant leadership demonstrated by Rev. Aniton essary step to uphold the rule of law, preserve the Committee on the Judiciary to reach a par- did not stop at Friendship Baptist Church. His the strength of our democracy, and affirm the ticular result or make a particular rec- impact has been felt in the larger community rightful place of the Congress as a co-equal ommendation; rather, the resolution charges and beyond. He has served on the boards of branch of government with the constitutional the Committee with undertaking a comprehen- the Pastoral Institute, the Liberty Theatre, the duty to check and hold accountable a way- sive investigation following the evidence where Metro Columbus Urban League, and the ward head of the Executive Branch. it leads and reporting its conclusions and rec- Fourth Street Towers. He has been President This resolution is both necessary and timely. ommendations to the full House. of the Mount Calvary Congress of Christian Last week, hours before the House Judici- Madam Speaker, the time has come to re- Education and the Muscogee County Clergy ary Committee was to vote to hold Attorney assert proper oversight in our system of gov- Association; instructor for the General Mis- General Bill Barr in contempt of congress, the ernment. sionary Baptist Convention of Georgia Con- President indicated that he intended to assert During the first two years of this administra- gress of Christian Education and the American executive privilege to deny Congress and the tion, House Republicans shirked their over- Baptist Theological Seminary (off-campus). He American people the Mueller Report. sight responsibilities. received the NAACP Religious Affairs Award, Yesterday, the White House Counsel indi- This new House majority, propelled by the Rainbow PUSH Coalition Lifetime Achieve- cated that it believes that the House Judiciary largest class of women and the most diverse ment Award, the PUHL (Peace, Unity, Hon- Committee’s inquiry was an improper exercise class in history, will do its job to ensure the esty, and Leadership) Award; and in May of of its oversight powers and was instead in- preservation of this government of the people, 2011, received an Honorary Doctorate of Di- tended to ‘‘harass’’ the President. by the people, and for the people. vinity Degree from St. Thomas Christian Col- The White House Counsel, in mistaken be- f lege in Jacksonville, Florida. lief that the Mueller Investigation was the final HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY Reverend Aniton has achieved much in his word into investigations concerning this Presi- OF GOLF LEGEND, ALICE DYE life, but none of it would have been possible dent, stated that Congress was not permitted without the Grace of God and the love and the ‘‘an unauthorized do-over of exhaustive law enforcement investigations conducted by the HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS support of his late wife, Mrs. Dorothy Rigby OF INDIANA Department of Justice.’’ Aniton; his children, Minister Rhonda Aniton IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bell, Emmett Scott Aniton Ill, and Keisha The White House position is clearly wrong Aniton Simmons; his grandchildren and other on history, on the law, and on the Constitution, Thursday, May 23, 2019 family members. He is an outstanding mentor, but more that than, it is reckless and desta- Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, a strong leader, and a faithful servant of God. bilizing. I rise today to honor the life and legacy of On a personal note, I have been blessed by It disregards or misapprehends the nature, Alice Holliday Dye, an Indiana golf legend and Rev. Aniton’s sage counsel and enduring structure, and purpose of the system of gov- accomplished amateur champion. Known as friendship over the four decades I have known ernment devised by the Framers that served the ‘‘First Lady’’ of golf course architecture, him and I am proud to call him my friend. us well for nearly 250 years. Alice and her husband, Pete, co-designed Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join It contemplates branches of government su- some of the country’s most high-profile cham- my wife, Vivian, and me, along with the perior to others and represents an indiffer- pionship golf courses, including Crooked Stick 730,000 residents of Georgia’s Second Con- ence, belligerence and disrespect towards Ar- Golf Club in Carmel, Indiana. The people of gressional District, in congratulating Rev. Dr. ticle I of the Constitution unseen in American Indiana’s Fifth Congressional District are for- Emmett S. Aniton, Jr. for 40 outstanding years history. ever grateful for Alice’s significant contribu- of leadership at Friendship Baptist Church, for Congressional requests for documents have tions to the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, over 50 remarkable years of ministry, and for been ignored, subpoenas have been flouted, the state of Indiana, and the nation. a lifetime of selfless service to God, the witnesses refuse to appear for congressional Alice was born on February 19, 1927, in In- church, and to humankind. To God be the oversight hearings, norms shattered. dianapolis, Indiana, where she won the Indi- glory for the things He has done through His This is intolerable and why, in consultation ana State Junior championship at the age of humble servant, Rev. Dr. Emmett S. Aniton, with and by working with my colleagues, I 15. She graduated from Shortridge High Jr. have introduced H. Res. 396, a resolution au- School and graduated with honors from Rol- f thorizing and directing the Committee on the lins College in Florida, where she was captain Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient of the women’s golf team and a member of INTRODUCTION OF RESOLUTION grounds exist for the House of Representa- the men’s team. Following her graduation, she FOR AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- tives to exercise the power vested by Article 1, worked as a life insurance saleswoman, be- ING THE COMMITTEE ON THE JU- Section 2, Clause 5 of the Constitution in re- coming one of the few women in the business DICIARY TO INVESTIGATE spect to acts of misconduct by Donald John at the time, eventually earning a spot in the WHETHER SUFFICIENT GROUNDS Trump, President of the United States. Women’s Quarter Million Dollar Roundtable. EXIST FOR THE HOUSE OF REP- This is a significant measure because it A trailblazer, Alice was a female pioneer in RESENTATIVES TO EXERCISE invoives not just the standing committees but the golfing community. Alice’s passion for golf THE POWER VESTED BY ARTI- the whole House of Representatives, the body began at a young age, spending time at the CLE 1, SECTION 2, CLAUSE 5 OF that is vested by the Constitution with the Woodstock Club in Indianapolis. It was there THE CONSTITUTION IN RESPECT ‘‘sole power of impeachment.’’ she fell in love with the beautiful fairways and TO ACTS OF MISCONDUCT BY Madam Speaker, if approved by the House, the game itself. Later, Alice went on to have DONALD JOHN TRUMP, PRESI- H. Res. 396 gives the Committee on Judiciary a standout career in golf, winning over 50 DENT OF THE UNITED STATES a broad and affirmative mandate by the body amateur championships during her lifetime in- that is vested with the sole power conveyed cluding nine State Championships in Indiana, HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE by Article 1, Section 2, Clause 5 to investigate the Woman’s North and South, the Women’s OF TEXAS the areas of possible misconduct listed in the Eastern, the National Ladies Club Champion- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Resolving clause. ship, two USGA Senior and two Canadian Since 1900, responsibility for conducting in- Senior Tournaments, as well as five Women’s Thursday, May 23, 2019 vestigations of the type envisioned by the res- Western Senior Tournaments, National Ladies Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise olution has been delegated by the House to Club Championship, and played on the 1970 to announce to the House that I have intro- the Committee on the Judiciary. Curtis Cup Team. Alice also won a gold medal duced H. Res. 396, a resolution authorizing Nothing in the resolution preempts or fore- in golf at the Senior Olympics. and directing the Committee on the Judiciary closes any other Committee of the House from Collaborating with her husband, Pete Dye, to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist exercising its oversight authority and adoption she co-designed Crooked Stick Golf Club in for the House of Representatives to exercise of the resolution will convey to the Administra- Carmel, Indiana, where she and Pete had a the power vested by Article 1, Section 2, tion, the public, and relevant witnesses the se- home on the 18th hole. Alice and Pete also VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:19 May 24, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23MY8.035 E23MYPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E670 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2019 worked together to design Harbour Town Golf Review Commission, the Civic Arts Associa- Officer of Desert Area Regional Training Links in Hilton Head, South Carolina, Whistling tion, and the Walnut Creek Planning Commis- (DART), an organization that advocates for, Straits in Kohler, Wisconsin, and the TPC sion.
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