April 13, 1935 LISTS The Billboard Pitman-Alcyon Park. George W. Carr. mgr.: Staten Inland - tented Beach, Wm M penny arcade coin machines, books or- PENNSYLVANIA has four Odes, pool, rink; books vaude. Young. mgr.: h. It) rides. 35 CMICe33100s. chestras. Allentown - Dens; Park, Robt. L Karr, fret acts occaalonally pool, penny arcade. coin machines. Findlay-Riverside Park. A C. Redman, mgr mar has eight rides. three co.entons, has three rides. 13 concession, pool; boo. Beween-Bewaren Bettch, Joseph Turn. mgr.: Sylvan Beach-Carnival Park, Emery Sauve. pool, rink, penny arcade, coin machine, has four come:talons. mgr.: playa vaudeville and band, orchestras. book. orchedras, vaude, free acts. Syracuse-Long Branch Park. B. F. Maurer, Stamm - Grand View Park, North Jersey Ocaug• Lake-43eauga Lake Park. W. J. Kea- Allentown-Central Park, P. A Hureardt, mgr.; has eight rides. 15 concesslons. penny Amusements. Inc., props.. has 13 rides. 20 man. mgr.; playa band, no vaudeville. mg, has 14 rides. 12 concessions, penny conceadons. pool, rink. penny arcade. coin arcade, coin machines: books orchestras, Gen.-Porest Park, C. J. Uthoff, regr . tsas arcade, cola machines; bookà orchestra, machines; books orchestras. lauds froc sets. eight rides. 12 concessions. rink, penny ar- vaude, free acts. Trenton-The Lido Amusement Park. Syracue-Boysen Bay Park. nor.. Bay. N. cade. Coln machines; books orchestras, Altoona -Allan. Park. Chas R. Mellen, Y.. Gerson Rubenstein, mgr.; has pool, mgr.: has three rides, four concenashans. pen- Trenton-Woodlawn Park: has 12 rides, 20 vaude, free acts. ny arcade; books orchestras. concesnlons, pool, penny arcade; books or- rink: books orchestras. vaude. free acta. Hourulton-Jeff's Garden, E. O. Downie. ME, : Altonna•- Laken-toot Park: has five rides. toar chentras. vaude, free acts. Utica-Forest Park, Chas. F. Keller Jr., mgr.; books orchestras. has 11 rides, 15 concessions, rink. penny concessions, penny arcade: books free acts. Verona-Verona Lake Park. Judson W. Parke, Haskins-Voilmar Park, H. P. Vollmer, mu.: arcade, coin machines; books orchestras, Apollo--Griftlo Park, H. A. St. Peter, MU. prop.. mgr. and mar attractions: no vaude- has seven ride, five concesslOna. pool. Pen- nude, free acts. BarneevIlle-Lakeside Park, J. Tomat, mgr.: ville or band, ny arcade. coin machines: book. orchestras, Williamsville-Olen Park, has ma< rides. 18, concessions, lake, coio WIldwood-WIldwood Pier. Yraude, free act, NORTH CAROLINA Ecnton Idlealld Park, Henry J. Pfeifer. machines: books orchestras: free acta occa- NEW MEXICO sionally. Asheville - Recreation Park, Weldon Weir. mgr has pool. Coln machines: books or- Bellefonte-liesn Park, Harold D. Cowher, Santa Fe-Sierra Vida Park. mutt.: has five rides, six concessions, pool. ehestras. Yjed neyille en% mgr.; has one ride, four concessions, pool mgr, and mgr. et, playa rink, pin games. Lakezine-Lakeview Park, H. .1. Thom, mg, : coin machines: books orchestrate bon.. Charlotte -West Lake Park. P. J. Mullins. halo lake, coin machines: books vaude, free Beralek-West Side Park, H V Stanley, mgr.: NEW YORK mar , books Orchestra, nude acts. acts. books orchestras, vaude, free acts Colerain-Oolerain Beach, G. M. Holley, mgr.; Lima-McCullough's Lake Park. George Mar- Albany-Mid-City Park. Mrs. B. J. d. Bethlehem-OatJand Park, Ken A Randall, has three concessIona quis, mgr.: has pool, coin machines; books Prop.: plays vaudeville occasionally: no insi, mgr.: has three rides. eight conces- orchestras. vaude acts. bands Durham-Lakewood Amusement Park, W. H. sions, rink, penny arcade: boots orchestras. Mansfield - Casino Park, Charles Gorman. Annterdem-Mohawk Mills Park, William J. Vidal, mgr.: has four rides, eight conces- Butler-Alameda Park. Butler Rys. Co pr..; sion, pool, rink; books nude, free acts. mgr.; has two rides, two concesdons. pool. Campbell. mgr.; has one ride, rink. R. E. Sprenkle, mgr. and mg,g. asti',; day: nreemboro-Ltirla Park. High Point Road Marion-Crystal Lake Park, Fred B &shed, Angola -tuiles Park. P. Lalle, mgr.; has one orchestras: no vaudeville. flendersonvIlle - Laurel Park, H. Walter mgr and me attr: plays vaudeville oc- rlde, lour concession, lake. coin machines; Carbondale-Newton Lake Park, Franklin E. Fuller. prop.: Reginald Wilkes., mgr. and casionally: no band, books orchestras, nude. free act, Wagner. mgr.: haz ['Inc ',des, 12 conces- mgr •ttr.: plays orchestras. no vaudeville. Mentor-Mentor Beach Amusement Park, L. Auburn-Island Park. Pitch Bill, prop. sions, beach: books orchestras, vaude, free Morehead City-Atlantic Beach, R. W. Cordon, O. Colister, mgr.: has amen rides. 33 con- Auburn-Enna. Jettick Park, Cayuga Am. Co.. acts mgr.; books orchestras, vaude, free acts. undone, rink, penny arcade, coin machine, operator; W. B. Haeffner, pre, has sit Charnbernburg-Red Bridge Park. 000t• books orchestras, nude, free acts. K. F, rides. 213 concessions. penny arcade: books Raleigh. Pullen Park, W A. Howell, mgr.; met . has four rides, four conceniona, pool, orchestras. nude, free acts. has two rides, four concessions, pool, cotn Middletown -- Dille Park, Glenn Otogarkb. coin machines: books orchestras; et... roe, has rink Averill Park-Crystal Lake Park. Frank O. machines. nor. occasionally, S•lirbury-Maplewood Amusement Park, Wal- Middletown-LcSourdsville Lake Park. Don Wagstaff, mgr, and mgr. attr.; plays vaude- Conneaut Lake-Conneaut Lake Park, W. I.. ler P. !gremlin, mgr. Dairy, mgr.; has four rides, flVe ronces. ville and bands Baker, mgr.: has eight rides, 50 concea- WashIngton-Baydew Reach. 19 miles below 510m, coin machines. Bufnlo-Crystal Beach Amusement Park. Har- l.., penny arcade; books orchestras, Washington, B. P. Bower, mg, and mg, Mitlernport-Summerland Beach Park On ry S. Hall. mgr.: has 12 rides, 77 conces- vaude, free act, et,: piay, beds; no vaudeville. Buckeye Lake, John A. Hardgrove, mgr.: sions, rink, penny arcade, coin machine, Danytile-Rnierside Park, W. K. Hancock. Wilmington - Carolina Beach, Norman L. has 11 concessions, beach; books orcheztras, books vaude Irte act, mir. ; bas ri nk, Mintz. mgr.; has three rides. 25 conc.- nude, free acts. Canandands-Roscland Park. William Muar, East Greenville-33111-Side Park, Wm, O. Con- !ions, penny arcade, coin machines: books Minerva-Minerva Park, Kenneth Crowl, me.; mgr.: h. four rides, al: conceastons, coin way. 041, and mgr, attr.; no vaudeville or has one ride. IS concessions, pool, rink. machines; books orchestras, nude, free orchestras. bands WIlintneon-Lumina, Wrightsville Beach; bas coin machines: books orchestras, free acts. acts. Pastoo--Bushell Park, It. Kull>, mgr.; has three concessions, coin machines; boots or- Morrow-Miami Park, Alf. R. Kest,. mar: Canarsie. Brooklyn-Golden City Amuse. Park, two rides, nix concessions. pool, rust, pen- chestras, free attractions. has pod. Jack Sr Irving Ronenthal, props.; Jack ny arcade, coin Machines; books nude. Winston.13alem-Cry•tal Lake Park. R. T. Mt. Orab-Star Lake Park, G. B. Courts, Rosenth•l, mgr. and mgr attr.; no vaude- tree acts. mgr.: has flve concession, pool, penny ar- ville or bands. Davis, mir. and mie. attn.: no vaudeville Erie - Waidameer Beach Park, P. W. A. Celoron-Celoron Park, W. H. Pickard. mgr.: or band, c•de, coin machine, books Orchestn, Moeller, mgr.: has ant rides, consenter», has eght rides. 17 conceasiona, penny ar- NORTH DAKOTA vaude, free acts. penny arcade, cola machine, books or- New Carlisle-Silver Lake Park. C. IL GO- cade. coin machines; books orchestras. Derils Lake-Lakewood Park. owned by city: chestras. hart, mgr.: has pool. nude, free acts. Howard Maher. mar.: books bands. Hanover-Willow Oak Park. J. T. Kopp. me. New Philadelphia- Mount View Pan, F. E. City Island -City Island Point Park. Louis 010 Hanover-Pored Park, A. Karat, mgr., has Angel, mgr has one ride, three concessions, Schad., mgr. Ada--Welcome Park, Wm, El. Fink, mgr. and six rides, sl: concessions. rink, penny ar- pool: books orchestra, Coney Is:land-Steeplechase Park. James J. mgr. alt?.; plays orchestras: no vaudeville. cade, coin machinee; books orchestras. New Philadelphia - Tuscora Park, W. E. 'nude, free gets Quarato. mgr.; has 31 rides, pool, penny Akron-Springfield Lake Park, Wm A. Martin. Geiser, mgr.: has three consent., pool. arcade, coin machines. mg, has four rides, eight concessions. coin Hazleton-Hade Park, E. J. Williams. Mgr.: Portnnyuth-51;d.ly Park C W G Ilene, Ounktrk-romt Ciratiot Park. Chas. A. W. machines: book, orchestras. has do mete, six concessions. penny arcade; Dimock. mgr Akron- Summit Beach Park, Mrs. Margaret fie. and mg.. gMg4 plais be., 71.0- books orchestras, vine ocoutonally. Penchi-Plr.htnigs Park. James M. Cunning- Newman. owner: Rush Beichley. mgr. Hershey-Hershey Park. J. B. Sollenberger. Put-in-Bay-Rosenfeld Concession on main ham. mgr ; has three ride, 10 conceastons. Akron-Sandy Beach Park, Sandy Beach Park, mgr has 10 rides, pool, penny arcade: thorofare. D. Rosenfeld. me penny arcade. coin machines; books or- Inc.. mar.; has four rides. 10 concesniona. books orchestras. Ravenna-Brady Lake Park, C. A. Sarchet. chestra, free acts. co,n machine.; bOOks valid, free acts oc- Houston-Willow Beach Park, S C. Reynold& mar; has five rides, seven concento.. Freeport. L. I-Joyland. Joyland Amusement cnierally. mgr.: has two concessions. pool beach, rink, penny arcade, cola machine.: Indlana-Dreenland Park, J. J. Clcero, mgr.: Co.. props Edward Ube. mgr.: plays nude- Alliance-take Park , R. D. Williams, mgr.: books orchestras. ante ...tonally has several ride s and concesnlons. pool; has pool, rink; books orchestras, etude. Russells PoInt-Sandy Beach Park on Indian Pullen - Recreation Park. City of Fulton. books orchestras; nude, free acts occasions free seta. Lake, Harry L. Moller. mgr has seven Johnstown-Ideal Park. Milan Diklich, mgr.: prop. ally. rides, 30 concessions, pool, penny accede, GedenvIlle-island Park. Mr. Ea Mrs. C. A. Ilaacorn-Ifeadowbrook Park, 01. L. Walter. has three rides five canteens., pool, rink: Roth. owners: Harry Altman. mgr.: books coin machines; books Orchestras, nude, free mer.: has two concessions. pool, rink: books books vaude, free acts.
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