_____^_________ ^ ....... .._1..J_ ; ~ jr- — vf® ?ii^»s?^“.u‘'“ ■ /~i r - . - F I N A L -^ , ■ 1 113* > ^ ■ ' g.Dig::iONN - „ u y fia Valley. isi::;«U M - - « . A Regional Newspaper Servinj;Se V • ted Jdaho Counties ' , — I ' I - J ortkUl^Cllr and j U.tnbfr flt Aaiht DUfnu ClKulillon _________ TWIN FALLS.. IIIDAHO, MONDAY, NOVEMBERBER 17, 1958 _____ AMocUle.1 PrTM »nil tInUwl rj«« InUrti.Hiixiii PRICE 5 C 5 ^ ^ —ZZ“ ['omadofes Ga^is[^ D eath P ope N] a m e s 23 S eaircliersLijQcate— : - ■ ' :i?T IiiT exastD ozizen Injure6d N ewV C ard in allls; iody of COne of 2n A n d D a m aages Are EHigh To1)ta rN o w Is[s75 ^ !.s nncl liu rricn n c-lik e w inds a\vei» _,„K Tk., Nov. 17 (ff)—Tornndora n I'Y, Nov. 17 (UPl)-^Popc John XXIXXHI named OWA PA«^' . 'more'than a dozen injurccjrcd nnd damnge ninninff possi f, toda.v to raise-the streiigth of)f tl:the Sacrcd , IcAvinff ®J®Gninc3ville „]one liud h n lf n m illloilllon dollnrs in danuiKC, by stuS:Hif:;:s'24:;R ti Lost inI Air CraiisK, S round W ichita Falla near Ihc 01:Oklabomn bnr-1' or.tnnbnainals to an uiiprcccdcnled T.T. TliTllC poiiliff ssiL oilfield w orker who died wheilien wiml blasts consistory for Dcc. ir> when the:ic nnew card i- .H I L L A IR I'OftCOftCK BASE. Utah, Nov. J7 (;P)-—The body of one of two men ssill till m is s in g VM ^ J, I'als will he investcti<tcti w ith th e ir r ed hat.<. Ho iii»iwdined two new after iiarachtiliiit;ni; from1 a crippled nirpliiiie lastit !•Friday \uis found toilay. Airr fiforce offir ______ ~ ^ (■•nrtniTiils;a'lsTMsgrTTolm O'Hara. arL'librshopihop ofTinia- cilOs williliclir immiiiiml’tliiile iilcn tiricalio u pendingg nnotTficaCioirfirreliitivcsTTIie'lwb Lwbjjien still (ftjl ,-^4. lii'lphia, nnd .Msgr.gr. Richard James Cashing, archl.rchbishop of m issin g w ere C:»iit.:i|it. Dniiald Liggett, <10. Indiuiiapolipolis, Ind.. navigator, and Firstt LLi ie u t. D o n - ' {{}j| lloston;’Arclibislioihop A m lcto ■Giova.mii .C icognaiii;_uii;_npustolic altlE.-Boni. 28..i.. AiA n d o v er.'N . ,Y.,. co-pilot. T h e bndbody was found by a helicopter• crowcr in tho- • if— Gbldeslst Weather o: ilok'gale to the UniU’liileil States ^mountnina cast ofif Huntsville,II I ’ --------- -- . U tah , N o otlicr_det.details_wero ______lu ,. Jw il^S^-^-A nlKti-RM'DemonstraFator^Dispefsetl~" ^ ■ immediately nvnilnbliable, but it T|[(! ^W l& R ep( wna believed thisis was near ]K where Uie plane's comm:mmandcr..Cftpt^ ______3 ! OUlll..-nW i,.ro,iitcFbi^U RH t“ tlie'loVt;sl~lemii(.‘rii(.‘riitirrcs“i)f'nri'‘;~ ni> ^P ’'^ tn ’atnnis- pniulff iinnicd Hnrry. Blount, landedd sasafely. li. iout Music Viillcy Sunday ninh„h t. C lear a.,,1 " - .llnl f f iis Vallccm . U ^ U B ^ w Dltcovcry of Uie body»dy brought to • !f vas-reported Monday moniinfr.g . L o ld c s l _bl)ol ,M ,c'l»ry nr fcWlc. Hoto.hud h been net- ' .. three the number of! knownkm dead. }| ^ Bom. Liggett nnd six other m en tJ' B ^ f i ^ ‘urgc trivllm were fo r M urIc Vnlieyey 'wns Galena with a, minus 16 degree.'?, fol- ins m tliui positionI forto aome time, ^ Wf8 Ijy 12 hcloW W nt Hnilcy. A t Tfrdlnl wn« nbo nnnnamed cardinal, X parachuted from at O'C-119 F r id a y ' 1;:,, low n t F a irfie ld nnd hv 10 below i n ight when one of ItaIts two engines j :. io*» p*rk. seven mllea stn n lc y n m in uIS s 225 degree.'? w e re reported. HKo o a d s ill W ood M»Kr. oiovnnnl MonUnl.Mc nrch- .•rfM gra'/J supped on a flight over Uie rugged ....... .|ll|i •as am ong IlaU - JT ^» 5 V .. f^W^u«-F»ii5.-«^-w^«^ ^ker-vallcy weroBro slick-but. hitrhvvaj.',.,3Il.\VasI nr p u n r t f d d p ’ir bhliop of Mllnii. was •*f f r T t n niounlnlns_nbout_;30_m)_mIIea_cnat_o( ______ I'levaied to ilieTinMrnnvofTSraihnl. ■ • < here. The plane wasas 1eh route To ' A ^ JJJ ilry to n pointoint n o r l h of Ketchum. About. nineiii Uichcs of Monttnl hnd won fnmeime for his work • ' . ; • Its home base here. _______C_____* _ * ___ A.* *________snow wna renorto r te d a t G a le n a umiinst th r commiini.^tnlstj in. th n t lii» _____________H E L . ---------- - Z _ -----------Ivaa Probatco, 31. Bul --- . nnti chiiiiis wereere advised for <lii.Mi'iiil nrea ot naly.iiy. ^ ^ ■' SgU Joseph A. Rcngan,;an, Nellla A ra , • 3jl| ■ I Q motorists goinglg cover thc sum- Tnrdinl. who is 70io and Romnn ' i ' ' ^■.1 . ^ . \ Ney.. died Salurday trowfrom exliaustlon _ i O ----------------mit.-Only-nl)oiit-fit:_ ftii:iiic h -n ji(l^ 'i 'p . i'"^.brciL(vstfl<:h.c.nh.cdjo_t!ie_seci V \ I^inter^^eajtke^ 1,00-1030.------- ----------^ --------------^--------- -- imiflirTnm rnreiron the Viilky tToor ' “'"fiat-oc-Btntt-Miioe- 1 a t Hnlley nnti residesldenl.5 pointed oul He was pro-.iccretar;lary (acUngi of - \ r^^^|~TS.K11VT5 •^ .v . llan ^ .pernturcs with so "Inte under Pope Pliialua :X II tollowlng ; V * ^ ,v . BUHL, Nov. 17 -IvIvan ar Probasco, - sfl’ * Covering SouthIlW e S L hnrm cro|» .sunli H'e 'Irnth In ,1544 of)f LLuigi C ardinal , L , \ . • ; who died of exposureire eatter para- .r nfl ftllnlfn as well■ell ns plnnt.i nnd Mi'Kllone, the li>stst 'secretary ot . '•x. stsie. ,.J| chuUng from a crlpi»1ppled cargo *f". By Tho Atsoclatcd Preu hlirulu, . ■ plane InU ruggedI mounUInousmi ' ;a flections of thc Five to six Incheshes of snow Is re- After his election,I. Popep. Jo h n re- j « . ' ’ country In northeasteastem'UUh, Winlrv wcnlliEr Bprcnd into aouthwcslcrn rad urey vicinity. cdnltrmed Tnrdinl luiia ipro-secretnry. I “ tfltoilny Dttcr Iho Mason's firat Bcncral bbll7.7.nrd iz pound- pofled m the Cnrej , I grew up In Buhl, comiMnlng here In . )! J tempernture re- 'nie position ot Vnllcni.Icnn secretary of A - ——..^ 1 1038 trom Iowa. S % 5 y Mounliiin region nnd northorn plni coS 'ef m Twu^-mi(''nlLi wns ncven de- Mnie trndlllonnlly coes!oes to n cardinal ' ’ .•Ith fulls ra n g - nnd m Good • ^|B Ho was gradualedled trom Uia “f'fl Heavy snow covered wide ureas, with ooding 11 wiw .tour niid there wns no doubloiibl Tardlnl nl- ■ Bulll high scliool and waa em- ,• S it'eral feel in thc mountains to four' nninches a t th e nbove, Tlirce dcsree;rees nbove rero wns rciitly hod been.sclecclcctcd tor thnt n u Q k l|||^ .' > - ■ ployed a t Illll nlr tleldtleld. Survivors pert where .Mrret-s rank. S d r , Temperatures dropped below 7.erozei in h ig h e r recorded nt nupcri ' ' f l I Include his widow.w. 1Mrs. Thea .' Id Icy Monday fore- -riie full slrensthh ofo th e collcge ,S»!.1Ieavy snow warninits continued in effect from I ' Egbert Probasco, tomform erly Twin. ^ -• or cnrdlitnb hns beenleen ncccplcd an j .. > c I H Fnlls, yM-ho resideses In Kem s, ) ' niRliwny 30 "is. rei •fs Mexico n o r t h w n r d 'j ---------------------------- reported slick and 70 for many ycnrsI nlnlthough there \ JH UUh; Uvee broUieniiers, Tnim ujL ' ‘ .M y \M ‘ley as fur n.n StrevU-evell bill b d e a r was no fixed numberer byb, church u Probasco, Buhl. TruTnuten -PlW :.l I l l c r _________ frntn fhrre Into Ut ------------- W a r m t^MhiJi!£!lwny_0.3 iikcaty.thrf,c.w m .UthoJBrgrst.niimii ic. — -tMMOrSAlt-Lakft-OIty;31tyraiKl-Avan ----------- 4-1 nre cxpecUd to to Nevada also TwrIa; reported slick in ucr nppolntcd by a poj In w H Probasco, LayUn, UUUUh; and hU . r.?™SMSc“v/nlley S durlne th e spot*, nccordlng to j p ,n ! f ^ o Normally a period 0; days fol- mother, Mrs.. Edna,Jna- Probasco. 'i' according to the . Tempemture Inn TwinI FalU nl 8 „"n„ormeemer th e new Buhl, who WAS spendlnndlng tho win- ^ I period received »• m. wa» 10 deRre■grers- nnd by noon nppoim m cnu and Ihethe consistory lo ter In Iowa. loclated Press. Iwd risen to 24 aegrees,det permit cardlnnis IlvlnIvlng In the- fnr H |H 09iQ H B S hft.1 been nettled ------- ---------------- renehes ot the worldId tcto rench nome. WBSllfllK^/ SpfifSU But modern air travelavei hns changed a «nd exposure as theyey tU-led to tig h t \ 4 ( thetr way Uirough waistwais deep anow I V ^ throuRli the DakoUifl porter (is lie rendnd 1thLn forecM t: Buhl W(r O m 3 . l l S , . .. ernturcs nverns- UnUl loday therere 'were only S2 F andtrcerlng.temperatujutures to help. ! i K S S i Minnesota. The ••Rlslnir lemperati /*, A group ot the mo to « >n ln(Cnenror*lRhtlyl T • J cardinals In ’lhe Bncrencrcd College nl- m ore th a n 100 •>'. ±111111*C Q though lhe Inie pope)pe Plu.1 XII had poHce dliperw youBjroung demonatnLtora who laid alegeI loto 1a comaiBnlst party rally In'GeraaBy.BV 1CamiBDnlata rescucTs combingbing th e deeolaU ^SninSflnFninclMO, NormMmBxlmums ^ Ankle Ii irday found Sgt. ; 'IU ■SSvtitera In most Of the m nt mlnlmums 1515 to 35 except J filled Uie college ntthe l th surt of hU ,uged the «Hy to> launchlaw a campaign ter the Weat Bcrllc;crlln parU atnenU rr eletUoRs Dec.
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