--,------* .... GENER.AL DRAPERl I I J 8, The PARADE, HIGH STREET, BECKENHAMj --~---; 0 ;-- LIST OF DEPARTMENTS:- HABERDASHERY. MILLINERY. DIMITIES. HOSIERY. SILK. CRETONNE~ GLOVES. SATINS. CALICOES'j' UMBH.ELLAS. RIBBONS. LINENS. MANTLES. LACES. PH.INTS. ! JACKETS. TRIl\lMINGS. FLANNELS; DHf~~SMAKING. FLO\\'EI(S. D I\.E,SSES. I ADVERTISE1IENT. THOS. W. JONES, .jl~~G~~ :~~ ~;j PLUMBER & SANITARY ENGINEER, Highly. re:ommended for Billiard Rooms, Dining Roorns, IStaircases, and Ceilings. Samples of this Decoration in the various styles may be seen at the SHO\V RJOOMS~ Also aNew and Choice And various Sanitary Appliance,s. I SHOW ROOMS, VICTORIA BUILDINGS, :,BEeKE N H A lVI ROAD. , ...•.......•...••....•."' .............................•... - ......• ,..."' .•- '" ......•...• ~....•........ - •......•.... fflORI(SI-IOPS g' OFFICES, O.~,ESCE.NT IVORIeS, BE CK·_E:N'H,,1.JI" . •.•.......•..•...•..... "' .......•.........- •.......•.. - •....... ' ~ - ",,~....•.......• ,.....• E3TIMATES SU13MITTEn. C:;ARGES VERY MODE--' '".' ~I THE I~EOI~ FJNHA1\~ I DI~E6rro~¥ He~ 1'8'85. COMPRISING THE \VHOLE OF THE DISTIUCT TTj'~UER THE JURISDICTION OF, THE BECKENHAM LOCAL BOAHD, AND vVEST vVICI{HAM. CONTENTS: PAGE. PAGI:. HISTORICAL SKETCH ••••••.•••• 9 PRIVATE RESmDITS ••••••••• 97 'i ,9f ;1 LOCAL I",FORMAT10~ •••••••••••• 31 CO~fMERCIAL DIRECTORY ••• 149 8 I STREET DIRECTORY- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ••• 15 ! 1 I Beekenham : 4 I DIARY AND CALENDAR .•••.• 233 Elmer's End · .. 8+ " POSTAL INFORMATION .••..•••• 245 \ Shortlands Sti I . \Vest \Vickham 93. etc., etc. \ \ BEC1\ENHAfll : PIU~a[W AND PUBLISHED BY T \V. TIIOR;a()~, AT HIS S"fEA;\I r_I~_I;'_IT_I.N__G_._\.N_.D_B_IC\_. - D_I_:'i_G._~VO '~~~~ __ ~:~_S_T_R_R_.E_T_. .\ ADVERTISE-:\fENT. BECI{ENHAJ.:d JOIN BRY ~\iVORy~S, T:TI,irl~I];a11~_Rd., Bro1J!lle)!Road, ]~~}!EO KENHAlYl. 'TTl\IBL I\, DEALS, MAHOGANY, OA1\:, PINE FLOOR BOARDS, MATCH BOARDS. Trellis Work, Fencing. GARDEN LIGHTS, GARDEN EDGING BRICKS. TILES, SLATES, CEMENT, PLASTER, DRAIN PIPES. AND ALL I\Il'iDS OF BUILDIf\J@ J\t7ATERIALS J .AT LONDr:JN PEIOE8 PREFACE. In issuing this, the first number of, the BECKENHAl\f DIRECTORY, the Publisher has endeavoured to supply a much-felt ,vant and to produce a book of .reference as accurate and complete as a careful house to house canvass can ensure. In a parish, including several postal districts, in consequence of its straggling character, it has been no easy matter to decide many questions of address; but wLere doubt has arisen, the best judgment of the Publisher, .~a..?~d".l,.l,PRn:,.<;~x~f\,J.t~nql~,ryhasbeen~ exercised. If, how- :'~~'~~~pite this,;~r~:~'~' ha~ ~!epm,~~htll be rectified ~ ..t.•..•••.•••._-...•.~",_~.......~ - f •••••~~ ,._~ ••.•••• "- "- ••• .\ •••• ~"\- JO •••• ':' • --, • .1n·:..t le''';'1 xt editioh~; and with the object of making the : { (> ':. ';':. 1-\~. \ ~ . 'P'u' &toG!' "l.epfe<::{, ..~.~1-~ev~ry'~e.ta:l1';··the co-operatIOn of Sub- ":~l~~ p~bii~'~~;fully ~olicited. ~~~:.=~.[?f2:~J~.:.'~~:O~. 0 ~~ d:· 4. ~ ~ ••~ ~,- .oo;.' •••••••• "'1 .•• )o~~h •••.••••• 1' "'~·"'~""t:-",!·"-~~-~;,,.-it:.-t.!..("·""''''''_I'''''''~;,~ ':~"::~. ;... : C,,), ~.::... ~ qf. ,..--- ':'~ •.•.""'-'~-.....1'j~;r~.-'J"""t""' ..'"""-~.,.f'j,~~~ ;~1>'~"'''''''1''~~~~~~''' .-t-' ",,'~ .•••••_" ADVERTISEMENT. ::YIESSRS, (Establislzed upwards of a 'Century), AUCTIONEERS & SURVEYORS, VALUERS7 OCstatt,lattb, mitnhtr, 1[Jnuzt& J\grirultural ~gtntJ, BECKENHAM &. BROMLEY, Kent, ,'/ AND ~9, KING WILLIAM STREET, E.C. A ltction Sales and Valuations of Freehold and Leasehold Properties, FtimituJle, Farming Stock, Collection of Rents, Tithes, &c., and tlie' entire management of Estates undertaken on moderate terms. Valuations made for Probate and Legacy ::puty, PROPERTY REGISTER, PUBLISHED THE FIRST DAY OF EVERY MONTH, BECKEN HAM, BROMLEY, BICKLEY, CHISLEHURST AND SURROUNDINGNEIGHBOURHOOD, ESSRS. BAXTER PAYNE & LEPPER having M. 'through their Agency disposed of most of the Residences and Estates that have changed ownership, are part'icularly desirous of drawing the attention of Owners, Trustees, and Residents to this important fact. MESSRS, BAXTER PAYNE & LEPPER'S widely known Agency and extensive connection enables them to let or sell property of every description most advantageously, either by public auction or private contract. SCALE' OF COMMISSION FOR SALES, VALUATIONS, LETTING OF LANDED ESTATES, HOUSE PROPERTY, FARMS, &c., TO BE HAD ON APPLICATION. MORTgAgE$ arranged on Freehold and Leasehold E$TA.TE$. AGENTS TO THE SUN FIRE AND LIFE OFFICES. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. PAGE, Adams, J., cabinet maker $-1 'Ilf- Albemarle College ~ 14-L Alderman,R., Aorist 230 A~,& Lufk.in,~greengoocet's '" 231 Astell, W., builder 1'95°- Austen, C. T., cowkeepli'r and pork butcher ... ... 216 Cit lCi~j -r I~Ht~· .s lt~lv lH-dL C~·vvJ Baxter, Payne & Lepper, auctioneer...., and estate agents ~ /-7, . Baxter, W., baker and confectioner ~, / Beckenham Public Hall Company (Limited) ~ . IJ- Beckenham School of Music r '''a •••• ••• 10&2" fQ- &.. ~."'~ ~ "Cv--<.J- TYl-«-<>, ,:,-., Bennger '&·Strohmenger~ pianoforte ,manufacturers;;.' 181 Bird, Mrs. S., wine and spirit merchant, Railway hotel • I.!:,~O Blundell, W., fishmonger •. IJ7 Booth, W., grocer ~ t~ Bradley- T-he-M-isses ..f?)" ~ ~ :i'tr6 164 ,.-- Bright, F., chemist r::a:t... ~'--t''}~ Brooker, H., contractor ... tJ.i!.8-~ Brrrwn,-~-k~nj.t~l~rs 175 - ~'~7ce, ",c';2Pi-d 070 Butcher, H. R., boot manufacturer ~ /9? Ca~W.-,.eorn and coal merchants 210 Ch~e-Bank€ompany,'Public hall 229 C-hurch ,-'E:;-fur.nishing-ironmonger ~~ F-.. w: '1'1~~ ;~1 Clarke, G. and Sons, bmlders .. , ~ 16-e ~tr!ter; draper 213 l. • Col~, ].,.q., fancy draper 'u ... ~ ·h.~· ~ 'll\l~c.1\.(tM.o-fJ "'~~u~IS7) Cook Thomas, nurseryman and florist ... ...~ /G~ Cooper IF" steam saw mills 2 '': C~gper J tailor ~ Coote, G., dairyman & cowkeeper rS7 IJ1j . Copeland, H., builder ... ... Jl1I .'t~ Crease~, fruitered & floristi ~ I~": ~ Crut8her and Co., dairymen, ....•... ,.. ·rr.'" r ..•../, .. :: .......-"- .; "',--.-- J',,·-f- ':-j" ~ '9~ ') , Cumberland, h habit~makei' & outfitter 2ee /C?; 6 PAGE. Curtis, C., art cabinet mak~ ... •.• •• '225'-- Xav-il/~,p} .,~, '7J-I..-u.1'-Vc4 a . ~v~~ fAv('}1.~ c.~ avies, W. H. Lee, professor of music ... ... Qr1111 De~~;{ .. J.,a~~e~emist ••• ••• ~/~ I de Brent, H. B., watchmaker ... ~ ISO Downham, F., commercial school Pif4-B: Drake Francis; draper ,I96~ Ebbs, J" dairyman 2.-.~ r9) Ebbutt-and Son,undertakers 2Ig Edgecombe J., butcher ... 1J(5~ ~lis, Septimus, y?~~? gentlemen~s school... ... ... 168 ~ -r:- ~" , ,-~1AJz.- Ferris & Sons, saddlers ... ~/gt Fisher, I J., baker & confectioner ... '~.m--~U'6 Fowle, Rev. E., young gentlemen's school ~14r Foster, J., fishmonger & poulterer ... ..~ ~ '9'7Y':: ~ ••••.•••.~'S I.,e" Fox·and Sons, bre\".:ers ... 177 I Freeman, J. P., grocer & tea dealer ~/C/ Frostick, H. R., chimney sweep ... r. .~:_ ~/~? ~-t II, J:rh ~/~~ ~ '''it, !tld,~r'd, !\frs.; registry office 22g od\vin, John, clerk and insurance agent ... ':d!tr Jc, I ~ , ~{..,1~\~. r4j ;Ho}tham, F.; pl~mb.e~ ... ~/rJ f H~ll. j. G\ professor '~f music 161 / Harman, E., draper un: 1& Z) H'~'rman, R. V., photographer and music seller ~/7.j-- •..·Hayr & Covell, butchers . 185 Hillier, Misses, Milliners . ~/cflJ F¥~cke~ :~.:.~~~:~ /;-r,:,:; ~. S~ ;.'~'"rJ .:.!..'.~Jy. !~f.-; ~ )l7 l J:!9jvard, John, grocer and cheesemonger ... ~ 15'Cj , ,l" I-Imvell, L., family boot maker ~/JC Howes, R. H., Ironmonger .~. ... , ~/8":J t1-'~~udson, Thomas, Th~ieii<?~rk~ Dairy ~ 2dt:; .....;, 1"W' t~rl1N·'>(· 1N.W.j )vUt, 1'1.1( ackson, Miss, Berlin Wool Repository ... 201 James, John, confectioner 2Ig -\, Jenkins, F. P., wine and spirit merchant, Oakhill Tavern Ig0 \ - ~ . ")~ler, A'I florist Lawrence, Mrs., milliner ... HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE PARISH OF BECKENHAM. BECKENHAM of to day is a mixture of much that is ancient and historical, with much more that is far too modern to lay claim to the dignity of any association with what is usually understood as "History". Centuries ago, -before London had made such prodigious strides as have character- ized its growth of late years, the little village of Beckenham was known, and we may almost say famed, for its rusif beauty, its picturesque situation and its rural quietude. A few houses of the great, a few cottages of those who served, with here and there a farm and hostelry, made up the sum total of Beckenham in that bye-gone day. A wonderful change however has come over the place, and the landmarks of the past are almost lost amid the array of modern residences that have sprung into existence during the last quarter of a century. To two causes, chiefly, is this transformation due. First, IO BECKENHAM. the natural beauties of the place, and secondly, that modern revolutioniser, the railway, and thus, attraction and facility combined, have changed Beckenham from the quiet village to the favoured and genteel suburb. The first appearance of the railway in Beckenham, we are informed, was in I856, when the South Eastern Line was opened from London Bridge, following which the West London and Crystal Pal- ace Company made a line from the Crystal Palace, through the Junction, and on to Shortlands. The South Eastern Company then obtained running· powers over this line to Shortlands, and, on their own account, further extended it to Bickley. What is now the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company, was then in existence as the East Kent Railway Company, who continued their road upwards to Bickley, obtained running powers through Beckenham, round by the Crystal
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