Read the Herald For Local News Serving Summit For 62 Year* vni Summit Record 62nd Year—No. 25 ran SUMMIT, N. JH THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1950 dam Matt* at Urn ra«*«ff»c* 0m turn " i. im. •awn **v•*•».; . St. Nick's Arrival on Dec. 2nd \ Housing Shortage Cited As x,:^A- Officially Opens Yule Season City Extends Rent Control Santa Glaus is coming to town. And Summit promises to give the jolly old fellow with the white whiskers an all- Rent control in the city waa extended for aix month*" out welcome when he arrives on December 2 to officially for the period ending June 30 next by a resolution adopted open the Christmas shopping season here. by Common Council Tuesday. Council considered three Springfield avenue from Kent Place boulevard to main factors in arriving at the decision chief of which is Waldron avenue will be aglow the existence in Summit today of a shortage of housing in with thousands of colored electric ~™~ ~ ; ~ " jthe lower income rental brackets. bulbs strung across the intersect- The second factor imptllinf thf ing streets. Approximately nine action is the fact that "practically miles of hemlock garland* will be Summit Letter all municipalities surrounding Sum. draped around the lamposts which mlt have extended the rent control will be topped with aluminum Carriers Have provision for «n additional aix Chrbs.tinas trees brilliantly lighted. months, and the neighboring com. According to Frank Dunning, munities have problems similar to chairman of the merchants com* 50th Anniversary our own." This was stated in a mlttee of the Summit Area Cham- Branch 761 of Summit of the Na- |PMpf "d releaae i"««d by Council P idfnt ber of Commerce, and Fred Ab- tional Association of letter €ar-! ^ Einest A.HJckok. bott, chairman of the decorations riers celebrated .its fiftieth anni-! ' s * third r*ason for'the action the committee, the trimmings will be versary with a dinner end dance i •'.«•»««* declared, that "Si* at .the Masonic Ha'l, Saturdayjmonths 'rom now conditions may bigger and better than ever. The J resent decorations are paid for by the night. ' <•• * • " - IP « clearer picture ai to what Chamber of Commerce. Night Hours Start Dec. 8 Stores will remain open until 9 today." p.m. beginning December 8 and Association of Letter Carriers, will continue through December traced at length the history of Club Site Control rwM 23. NALC and enumerated the progress Following an explanatory letter Santa, who was greeted last year made by the organization in estab- from the Planning Board explain- by en estimated 7,500 young and lishing better working conditions ing its recommendatjon. Council old., will make his appearance at for its members. He «i lid the asso- introduced an amendment to the the same time this year. He will ciation "was born in struggle and Zoning Ordinance which seeks con- Lieut (J.g.) R. I.. Batson, Jr. arrive at 11:03 e.m. at the Lacka- had to moat in secret.' The NALC trol over the establishment of fu- ture clubs in the city and to pro- wanna station on the line's crack eader flayed the order* of April 18 vide a means whereby a review and train, the Phoebe Snow. He will last which curtailed delivery by carriers to one a day. He said this control of the club way be had be- Summit Flyer proceed up Beech wood road to the fore the location of the club action took the letter tirrier serv- Beechwood Hotrl where he will through purchase and ownership ce back 40 years. Th« speaker After hold court until 5 p,m. The Old of property become* an accomp- Boy's annual pre-holiday visit to oM bt the efforts his organization lished fact. the city Ls arranged by Kresge- and "friends'" in Congress are put- Korean Mission N'ewark and the local Chamber of -TWENTY MADE HOMELESS-A fire caused by a stove explosion ting^forth to have service restored The Planning Board letter ex- Commerce. swept four homes on Qlenwood plaoe early Sunday morning routing! o what it was before April IS. pressed the opinion that the con- Lieut, (j.g.) Roland R Batson, twenty occupants. Prompt acting $y firemen and police prevented Both Mr. Haribeck ind Master trols as proposed properly safe- Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland .Although Santa now uses mod* serious injury and resulted in a lar#e amount of the occupant's per- Lions Club and 24 Men Face of Ceremonies Henry Anderson of guard and protect residential area* R Batson of Beech Spring Drive, em transportation (Dancer and sonal belongings being saved. Firenie.t rescued some of the victims Prancer and the others are in pas- Perth Amboy, delegate «• large for and place the final approval for lifts been reported missing Ln action trapped on the second floor by ladders and one man escaped by climb- the location of any club under di- ture we hear) pjid, according to ] the State NALC, paid tribute to in the Korean theater, according Herald to Send down a tree. Health officials have since condemned the homr.i because Pre-Yule Draft rect authority of council after re- rumor, wears red nylon instead of the efforts of Branch 76*. in help- to word received last Wednesday of the fire damage.—(Chell Frantzen' view end recommendation by the ing to advance the work of NALC. from the War Department. Lieu* the old fashioned wool, he i* still Zoning Board of Adjustment. la From Board 44 Clerk-in-charge Joseph J. LaMagna, tenant Batson, a graduate of Sum- . the same old kindl—y» fellow anxious Paper to Draftees thia manner, no undue hardship mit High School, Carteret Academy Mo talk to the kiddies and learn With an increaainj number of Selective Service Board 44 at former delegate at larg.e was cited will be imposed upon any exiting end Brown University, has been in what they want for Christmas. Summit men and women entering Plainfield, Summit's draft board, for the work he accomplished in club and future clubs locating In the Navy for eight years, the last various branched of the armed 20 Left Home/ess as has announced that it will .send bringing to the attention of Con- the city will be subject to strict six as an officer. He was attached forces there ha» come an increas- Christmas "gratings" to 24 men gress the need for man favorable control. to the Carrier USS Leyte as a di- ing number of requests from these from this area on December 15. A(consideration of the letter carriers Charter Granted Sweeps Four Tenement $ total of 1+8 men will be inducted }both as to wages, hotira and work The Planning Board also ex- vision leader, sky raider pilot, and service people to receive their • V, Murray, Lt Charles T. pressed the view that the proposed failed to return from a mission ne-v»pa.per, The Her- Twenty persons -vere r*.,,.,,: nail'na kf*kf V , M y, L on that date- from the county's Hng conditions. cs*early : - | Chl O |3kl amendment meets the fol" ' To East Summit fir*•.whU.!A!"*- *»a t»'>4. |rf. Ch^rle* O, |3akle> •ihr«- . Postmaster ^anit'l T. on No;*ember 1% Armistice Day. altf.': fought the flames. te*t;,' . started, on the- second fltior of a Board officiate laikd they wel In a brief response pointeff tin According to word received by Summit Lions Club learning of 1 r '^Zoning in our ii(y viaa tt tenement at 14 Glenivood place Clothing and furniture housed on j of the improvements -f working the family from the Captain of the this took action at their meeting hopeful before receiving quotas on a basis of logic, of geixsr* ;,,„ Troop spread through three other build- the second floors and attic were that inductions would be |>ost- (conditions which, the NALC has i.arrier' Leyte, Lieutenant Batson in the Hot:;! Suburban, Thursday, Dc agreement as to living standardl A new Boy Scout Troop was ngs burning out the >woond floors lestroyed. Undaimgcd furniture ponwl until after the holidays. In >help«.1 to bring about during his was on er bridge bombing mission offering to pay the postage for and *n appeal to experience'-an^-' organized last week in the East ar/J attics. was registered and hau!t>d away for 19-18. they said, calls i&sued for II4 year3 as postmaster. He men- and was able to land his plane In a sending the Herald to all Sum- h reasonableness which has beenY Summit area. The troop No. 65 The blaze broke out around 7:SO, storage by the llvil Cross. mid-December- were postponed un- tioned the 40-hour w»e»c, longevity rice >paddy in a sparsely settled mit service people for wliom a built up over the years. It has not \ is sponsored by the YMCA and Tiie disaster preparedlos.s and re-til January and nnnunitie.H. In a reminiscing section. He was seen walking away correct address is supplied the a.m. when a kerosene .stove e to allow the men to been etatlc but has changed grad- ' will hold its meetings in the f :mood, the postmaster recalled the from the plane but a rescue could Herald. The Herald at the same jploded after it was iv n< led by ajlief committees, of the R«i Cross.j ."spend ChrLstma.9 with their ually to reflect constantly rising Italian -American Club. |days of the late Maurice Spinning, not be made at the time.
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