Canadian Concours Mathematics canadien de Competition math´ematiques An activity of the Centre for Une activit´edu Centre d’´education Education in Mathematics and Computing, en math´ematiques et en informatique, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario Universit´ede Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario 2005 2005 Results R´esultats Pascal Contest Concours Pascal (Grade 9) (9e ann´ee– Sec. III) Cayley Contest Concours Cayley (Grade 10) (10e ann´ee– Sec. IV) Fermat Contest Concours Fermat (Grade 11) (11e ann´ee– Sec. V) C.M.C. Sponsors: C.M.C. Supporters: Canadian Institute of Actuaries Institut canadien des actuaires Chartered Accountants Comptables agr´e´es Great West Life and London Life London Life, compagnie d’assurance-vie et La Great-West, compagnie d’assurance vie Sybase iAnywhere Solutions c 2005 Waterloo Mathematics Foundation Competition Organization Organisation du Concours Canadian Mathematics Competition Faculty and Staff / Personnel du Concours canadien de math´ematiques Barry Ferguson (Director) Ed Anderson Lloyd Auckland Peter Crippin Mike Eden Judy Fox Judith Koeller Joanne Kursikowski Angie Lapointe Matthew Oliver Larry Rice Linda Schmidt Kim Schnarr Carolyn Sedore Ian VanderBurgh Problems Committees / Comit´esdes probl`emes Pascal Contest / Concours Pascal Wally Webster (Chair / pr´esident), Avon Maitland D.S.B., Seaforth, ON Lloyd Auckland, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON Monika Khbeis, Father Michael Goetz S.S., Mississauga, ON Ginger Moorey, Father Michael Goetz S.S., Mississauga, ON Jim Schurter, Listowel, ON Tyler Somer, Academy for Gifted Children – P.A.C.E., Richmond Hill, ON Anna Spanik, Halifax West H.S., Halifax, NS Cayley Contest / Concours Cayley Jeff Anderson (Chair / pr´esident), Forest Heights C.I., Kitchener, ON Tom Barker, Stratford Central S.S., Stratford, ON Charlotte Danard, Branksome Hall, Toronto, ON Rob Gleeson, Kincardine District S.S., Kincardine, ON Shawn Godin, Ottawa-Carleton D.S.B., Ottawa, ON Jack Koenka, Havergal College, Toronto, ON Fermat Contest / Concours Fermat Paul Fennell (Chair / pr´esident), London, ON Cliff Lelievre, Oakville Trafalgar H.S., Oakville, ON Dean Murray, Waterloo, ON Alexandru Pintilie, Crescent School, Toronto, ON Dan Schnabel, Vaughan S.S., Thornhill, ON David Shepherd, Collingwood C.I., Collingwood, ON 2 Enrollment Inscription Number of schools registered by province / Nombre d’´ecolesinscrit par province Pascal Cayley Fermat NL 58 55 54 NS 31 24 25 NB 35 36 34 PE 6 4 4 QC 109 115 113 ON 665 656 638 MB 60 61 57 SK 33 31 31 AB 83 54 52 BC 200 193 185 International 43 40 39 Total 1323 1269 1232 Number of students registered by province / Nombre d’´etudiants inscrit par province Pascal Cayley Fermat NL 1198 869 802 NS 1057 621 633 NB 745 731 657 PE 217 52 53 QC 3591 3122 2738 ON 16871 14132 11457 MB 1474 1061 854 SK 791 533 507 AB 2634 1182 830 BC 6810 5621 4879 International 1666 1354 899 Total 37054 29278 24309 Total number of students enrolled / Nombre d’inscriptions individuelles: 90641 3 Champions – 2005 Champions – 2005 2005 STUDENT CHAMPIONS AND CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS PALMARES` INDIVIDUEL ET PALMARES` PAR EQUIPE´ 2005 PASCAL CONTEST / CONCOURS PASCAL STUDENTS /EL´ EVES` Students are listed in alphabetical order / Les ´el`evessont nomm´esen ordre alphabetique Gold Medals School Location Grade Age M´edailles d’or Ecole´ Endroit Niveau Ageˆ SHALEV BEN DAVID Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ON 9 15 PHILIP CHEN Glenforest S.S. Mississauga, ON 9 14 RYAN CHICK University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ON 8 13 JONATHAN ERLICHMAN Upper Canada College Toronto, ON 9 14 ANDREW JANG Appleby College Oakville, ON 9 14 HEE WOO JUN Heritage Woods S.S. Coquitlam, BC 9 14 JOE KILEEL Fredericton H.S. Fredericton, NB 9 14 SEAN KROLYK Sinclair S.S. Whitby, ON 9 14 SASHI LANKAGE University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ON 8 13 YIFAN LI Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ON 9 14 ARIEL LIU Fraser Heights S.S. Surrey, BC 9 14 MICHAEL LOO Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, AB 9 14 ROBERT RICCIARDONE Cardinal Newman C.S.S. Stoney Creek, ON 9 14 CURTIS SMITH St. Michael’s University School Victoria, BC 9 14 ADAM THAGARD Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ON 9 13 TEAMS / EQUIPES´ School Location Score Ecole´ Endroit Note Champion / Premi`ere: University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ON 430 Second / Deuxi`eme Waterloo C.I. Waterloo, ON 426 Third / Troisi`eme University Transition Program Vancouver, BC 420 Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ON 420 Fifth / Cinqui`eme Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary, AB 418 4 Champions – 2005 Champions – 2005 2005 STUDENT CHAMPIONS AND CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS PALMARES` INDIVIDUEL ET PALMARES` PAR EQUIPE´ 2005 CAYLEY CONTEST / CONCOURS CAYLEY STUDENTS /EL´ EVES` Students are listed in alphabetical order / Les ´el`evessont nomm´esen ordre alphabetique Gold Medals School Location Grade Age M´edailles d’or Ecole´ Endroit Niveau Ageˆ STEVEN KARP Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver, BC 10 15 KYLE KIM Unionville H.S. Markham, ON 10 15 JOOHO LEE Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ON 10 15 TYLER LONGO Upper Canada College Toronto, ON 10 16 RICKY NGAN Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ON 10 15 TEAMS / EQUIPES´ School Location Score Ecole´ Endroit Note Champion / Premi`ere: Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ON 433 Upper Canada College Toronto, ON 433 Third / Troisi`eme Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ON 428 Fourth / Quatri`eme Burnaby North S.S. Burnaby, BC 424 Fifth / Cinqui`eme Crescent School Toronto, ON 420 Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Toronto, ON 420 University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ON 420 5 Champions – 2005 Champions – 2005 2005 STUDENT CHAMPIONS AND CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMS PALMARES` INDIVIDUEL ET PALMARES` PAR EQUIPE´ 2005 FERMAT CONTEST / CONCOURS FERMAT STUDENTS /EL´ EVES` Students are listed in alphabetical order / Les ´el`evessont nomm´esen ordre alphabetique Gold Medals School Location Grade Age M´edailles d’or Ecole´ Endroit Niveau Ageˆ YIRU CHEN Semiahmoo S.S. Surrey, BC 11 16 LIN FEI Don Mills C.I. Toronto, ON 10 16 CHRIS HENNICK Danforth C.I. Toronto, ON 11 16 VIKTORIYA KRAKOVNA Vaughan Road Academy Toronto, ON 11 16 HENRY DING LIU Burnaby North S.S. Burnaby, BC 11 17 DAVID RHEE McNally Composite H.S. Edmonton, AB 11 16 DANIEL YE Fredericton H.S. Fredericton, NB 11 16 YUFEI ZHAO Don Mills C.I. Toronto, ON 11 16 TEAMS / EQUIPES´ School Location Score Ecole´ Endroit Note Champion / Premi`ere: Don Mills C.I. Toronto, ON 444 Second / Deuxi`eme Vaughan Road Academy Toronto, ON 428 Third / Troisi`eme Burnaby North S.S. Burnaby, BC 426 Fourth / Quatri`eme Semiahmoo S.S. Surrey, BC 420 Fifth / Cinqui`eme A.Y. Jackson S.S. Toronto, ON 418 University of Toronto Schools Toronto, ON 418 Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor, ON 418 6 Champions – 2005 Champions – 2005 2005 FERMAT CONTEST PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS CHAMPIONS PROVINCIAUX AU CONCOURS FERMAT 2005 Each student below will receive a $200 prize / Chaque ´etudiant ci-dessous recevrait un prix de 200 $ Province Student School Location Province Etudiant´ Ecole´ Endroit NL MATTHEW KING Regina H.S. Corner Brook, NL NS ANDREW BRENNAN Dr. John Hugh Gilllis School Antigonish, NS NB DANIEL YE Fredericton H.S. Fredericton, NB PE IAN LANTHIER Charlottetown Rural H.S. Charlottetown, PE QC HONGYU XIAO College St-Louis Lasalle, QC ON North BRENDAN WOOD Lo-Ellen Park S.S. Sudbury, ON ON East BRIAN CHEN Ashbury College Ottawa, ON ON East YIANNIS LOIZIDES Hillcrest H.S. Ottawa, ON ON Metro LIN FEI Don Mills C.I. Toronto, ON ON Metro CHRIS HENNICK Danforth C.I. Toronto, ON ON Metro VIKTORIYA KRAKOVNA Vaughan Road Academy Toronto, ON ON Metro YUFEI ZHAO Don Mills C.I. Toronto, ON ON Central KELVIN LAM Thornhill S.S. Thornhill, ON ON Central YONGHO PARK Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill, ON ON West CHEN SUN London, ON MB JONATHAN VOGT Kelvin H.S. Winnipeg, MB SK XIAO GUO Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon, SK AB DAVID RHEE McNally Composite H.S. Edmonton, AB BC YIRU CHEN Semiahmoo S.S. Surrey, BC BC HENRY DING LIU Burnaby North S.S. Burnaby, BC 7 Pascal Contest Concours Pascal Number of Contestants / Nombre de concurrents: 28739 Average mark / Note moyenne: 80.39 Percentage of contestants selecting each option / Pourcentage de concurrents par choix: Correct % not % correct Answer/ attempted/ of attempted Bonne % sans % tentatives R´eponse r´eponse r´eussies # A B C D E 1 E 0.31 6.47 0.34 3.22 89.34 0.32 89.63 2 A 88.61 2.97 5.18 0.62 0.22 2.40 90.79 3 C 5.68 12.08 78.38 1.29 0.76 1.81 79.83 4 D 7.84 7.76 21.44 58.11 2.08 2.77 59.76 5 A 67.86 1.61 28.85 0.32 0.42 0.94 68.51 6 D 1.40 1.70 2.16 74.57 16.63 3.53 77.30 7 C 2.49 17.19 75.32 1.16 0.56 3.28 77.88 8 D 16.19 13.39 2.17 54.74 5.04 8.48 59.81 9 D 7.22 14.42 5.31 59.46 2.37 11.21 66.97 10 A 73.76 5.16 2.94 4.83 3.78 9.53 81.54 11 E 5.23 4.86 4.27 2.86 71.36 11.41 80.56 12 B 13.27 44.74 17.35 5.41 3.16 16.08 53.31 13 C 7.39 6.06 68.26 7.71 5.19 5.39 72.14 14 C 6.86 5.90 72.95 5.35 6.41 2.53 74.84 15 D 19.76 10.90 22.74 30.62 4.54 11.44 34.57 16 A 56.21 4.72 22.97 2.44 3.70 9.97 62.43 17 B 6.70 69.40 7.09 2.45 3.08 11.28 78.23 18 A 38.88 15.84 3.88 11.42 12.03 17.95 47.38 19 B 10.60 42.65 16.64 9.49 10.77 9.85 47.31 20 C 15.60 3.78 13.51 23.60 15.74 27.77 18.71 21 E 7.08 6.24 11.05 6.33 44.04 25.25 58.93 22 B 10.92 14.68 7.10 10.55 5.09 51.66 30.37 23 E 9.50 12.73 12.12 27.11 10.21 28.32 14.25 24 E 8.80 8.09 11.50 6.19 3.99 61.43 10.34 25 A 5.62 11.58 8.36 8.90 17.25 48.29 10.87 8 Cayley Contest Concours Cayley Number of Contestants / Nombre de concurrents: 21822 Average mark / Note moyenne: 80.64 Percentage of contestants selecting each option / Pourcentage de concurrents par choix: Correct % not % correct Answer/ attempted/ of attempted Bonne % sans % tentatives R´eponse r´eponse
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