Application Number MO/2019/2193 (Detailed Major) and Registration Date 06-Jan-2020 Applicant Bowmer + Kirkland Case Officer Mark Brodie Amendments /amplifications Committee Date 3 June 2020 Ward(s) Leatherhead North Proposal Erection of new two storey all-through SEN School with associated access, parking and landscaping, reconfiguration of existing access road and West Hill School car park and erection of new four court sports hall for Therfield School. Site Description Land at West Hill School,Kingston Road and at Therfield School, Dilston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions Summary The site lies within the built up area of Leatherhead and forms part of the playing fields of Therfield School. Planning permission is sought for the erection of new two storey all-through SEN School with associated access, parking and landscaping; reconfiguration of existing access road and West Hill School car park; and erection of new four court sports hall for Therfield School. When assessed against the policies in the NPPF taken as a whole, it is considered that the development would simultaneously achieve the social, economic and environmental dimensions necessary to be considered as sustainable development as defined and sought by the NPPF. The NPPF gives great weight to providing school places to meet the needs of communities through the application process. Evidence published separately by Surrey County Council and submitted as part of the current application show that there is a demonstrable need for a school that caters for Complex Social and Communication Needs within Surrey. The adverse impacts identified above involving loss of part of the playing fields are considered in the planning balance, to be limited and would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefit of these proposals when measured against the policies in the NPPF. Noting that the proposal also accords with development plan policies. The new two storey all-through SEN School with associated access, parking and landscaping; reconfiguration of existing access road and West Hill School car park; and erection of new four court sports hall for Therfield School will meet the required demand within the County and ensure that children have access to the educational needs that they require. In addition to this the proposal will provide a valuable community asset by allowing access to indoor sports and social facilities to the residents of Leatherhaed. Taking all of these factors into account it is considered that planning permission should be granted. 1. Development Plan 1.1. Built up area 2. Relevant Planning History 2.1 There is an extensive planning History in relation to both West Hill School & Therfield School. For the purposes of this report a selection of some of the more recent/relevant permissions over the last decade have been provided below. West Hill School MO/2011/1129 Erection of replacement boundary and internal Approved. fences and gates. SCC application for consultation 05.10.11 purposes MO/2013/0824 Removal of two existing demountable classroom No Objection units and installation of two single storey modular 16.07.2013 building, one comprising four classrooms, store and WC’s and the other comprising one classroom, store and WC. Installation of canopy to each building MO/2014/0096 Installation of parking bays, footpath and speed Approved. bumps along access drive, and enclosed area for 04.03.2014 refuse bins. SCC application for consultation purposes MO/2016/0788 External alterations to form new external play space Approval with shade canopies, minor alterations to external 17.06.2016 openings and installation of new entrance canopy. (SCC application - for consultation purposes only). MO/2016/1436 New classroom extension comprising a part one and No objection part two storey extension, internal and minor 30.09.2016 external alterations to existing school building to convert building from a secondary Special Educational Needs (SEN) to a primary SEN school including external works comprising alterations to school playgrounds, formation of new MUGA play surface and new staff car parking together with soft landscaping works MO/2017/1027 Discharge of conditions 12, 13, 14,15 and 16 of approved Approved MO/2016/1436 for new classroom extension comprising a 04.07. 2017 part one and part two storey extension, internal and minor external alterations to existing school building to convert school premises from a Secondary Special Educational Needs (SEN) school to a Primary SEN school, including external works comprising alterations to school playgrounds, formation of a new MUGA play surface and new staff car parking together with soft landscaping works (SCC application - for consultation purposes only). MO/2018/0131 Discharge of Condition No. 17 (sustainable drainage Approved system) of approved MO/2016/1436 for new 13.02.2018 classroom extension comprising a part one and part two storey extension, internal and minor external alterations to existing school building to convert school premises from a Secondary Special Educational Needs (SEN) school to a Primary SEN school, including external works comprising alterations to school playgrounds, formation of a new MUGA play surface and new staff car parking together with soft landscaping works (SCC application - for consultation purposes only) Therfield School MO/2005/1234 1) Construction of part single, part two storey Approved extension to provide music, drama and general 12.09.2005 teaching accommodation; 2) The demolition and removal from the site of 11 demountable classrooms; 3) The temporary relocation of 2 existing demountable classrooms for the duration of construction works. (Surrey County Council consultation). MO/2006/0175 Proposed new changing room for females, with Approved disabled provisions, to serve existing internal and 03.04.2006 external sports facilities. The new changing room will also offer community use after normal school hours. MO/2007/0287 Continued use of school extension permitted under Approved MO/2006/0272 without compliance with 03.04.2007 Condition 2 of that permission so as to allow a revised programme for removal of existing demountable classrooms. (For consultation purposes only) MO/2012/0060 Construction of new all weather surfaced tennis and Approved netball courts for school and community use and 18.04.2012 installation of floodlights MO/2014/0356 Retrospective planning application for the installation of 394 roof mounted solar panels. SCC application - for consultation purposes only. MO/2018/1096 Non-material amendment to planning permission ref: Approved MO05/1234 dated 12 December 2005 to allow a 09.072018 canopy, an overhanging roof and louvered door to be omitted from the Drama Block. (SCC application - for consultation purposes only.) MO/2019/0635 Removal of Condition 4 of approved Planning Under Permission MO/2013/1073 for the renewal of consideration Extant Planning Permission MO/2010/0692 in respect of the demolition of Nos 82 and 84 Cleeve Road and formation of new vehicular access. Erection of 90 residential dwellings including associated car parking and landscaping. To allow development without a detailed arboricultural method statement 3. Description of Development 3.1 The application site forms part of the playing field used by Therfield School that fronts, Dilston Road. The site of the proposed new SEN school is positioned to the north of the playing fields and is bounded to the east by the existing West Hill SEN School, which is accessed via an existing access road from Kingston Road. Therfield School is situated 250m to the south of the site with existing woodland bounding the north and west boundaries. The site is located to the north of Leatherhead Town centre, 1.5km from the railway station, 1km to the M25, Junction 9, 5km to Epsom town centre to the north east, Guildford is 20km to the southwest and Dorking 10km to the south. The surrounding area of Leatherhead mostly consists of residential developments between 2 and 3 storeys, with some community and retail facilities. Some adjacent areas are occupied by industrial and commercial units on the east, west and northern boundaries y of the wider site respectively. The application site also includes land to the immediate north east of Therfield School buildings and north of the existing overflow car park Kingston Road. Figure 1. Location Plan showing position of proposed school and sports hall. 3.2. The current application seeks planning permission for the erection of new two storey all-through (primary and secondary) SEN School with associated access, parking and landscaping; reconfiguration of existing access road and West Hill School car park; and erection of new four court sports hall for Therfield School. The following reports were submitted in support of the application:- Planning Statement (incorporating Education Need Statement);Design and Access Statement; Noise Assessment; Statement of Community Involvement; Transport Assessment; Travel Plan; Archaeological Assessment; Preliminary Ecological Appraisal; Protected Species Checklist; Landscape and Ecological Management Plan; Arboricultural Survey and Impact Assessment; Flood Risk Assessment; Construction Environmental Management Plan and Construction Logistics Plan; Energy Statement; BREEAM and Sustainability Statement; Geoenvironmental Desk Study Report; Ground Investigation Report; Drainage Strategy Figure 2 below Ariel photograph showing position of proposed school Figure 3 below showing elevations of proposed
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