Summ,er 2007 Number 109 FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE EARLY MAPS THE MAP HOUSE OF LONDON (established 1907) Antiquarian Maps, Atlases, Prints & Globes 54 BEAUCHAMP PLACE KNIGHTSBRIDGE LONDON SW3 1 NV Telephone: 020 7589 4325 or 020 7584 8559 Fax: 020 7589 1041 Email: [email protected] www.themaphouse.com IMCoS LIST OF OFFICERS President l<..oger Baskes } OURNAL OF THE Directors Thcmis Strongilos Malcolm R . Young INTERNATIONAL MAP Hans Kok Advisory Council Rodney Shirley (Past President) COLLECTORS' SOCIETY Oswald Dreyer-Eimbcke (Past President) W.A.R. Richardson (Adelaide) 2007 issue N°· 109 Montse rrat Calera (Barcelona) Summer Bob Karrow (Chi cago) Peter Barber (London) Contents Catherine Delano-Smith (London) H elene J<..i chard (Paris) Gunter Schilder (Utrecht) Executive Committee and Appointed Officers C hairman's message 3 Chairman: Hans Kok Poelwaa i 15, 2162 HA Lisse From the Editor's desk 4 The N eth erlands Tel/Fax : +31 25 2415227 Dr Adrian Almond: Maps of the Spanish Armada 7 e-mail: [email protected] Vice Chairman: Valerie Newby Oswald Dreyer Eimbcke: Johannes M ejer 17 International Representative: Michael Ross: Polus Antarcticus 27 Rolph Langlais e-mail: ralph. [email protected] Book reviews 40 General Secretary: Stephen Williams 135 Selsey R oad. Edgbaston You write to us 44 Bimtingham 131 7 8JP, UK T el: (0) 12 1 429 3813 IMCoS Matters 45 e-mail: Stephen_w illi ams1O@t isca li. co.uk Membership Secretary: Irina Kendix London Map Fair: List of stallholders 54 I 0-t C hurch R oad, W atford, H erts WD 17 4QB, UK M apping Matters: N ews from the world of maps 56 Tel: (0) 1923 253 379 e-mail: memsec. imcos@tiscali .co. uk N ational representatives 64 Treasurer: Tim Whitten Lower Bonehill Fam1, Index to Advertisers 64 Widecombc-in- the-Moor Newton Abbot, D evon TQ 13 7TD Cover map: The fourth state of Po/11s A11tarctiws by Henricus Hondius published in Dealer Liaison and webmaster: Volume V of Atla11tis !vlajoris, 1652. (From the coll ectio n of Michae l R oss). Yas ha Beresiner NB. An arti cle on th e four states of this map ca n be found in this issue. 43 Tcmplars Crescent, London N3 3QR Tel: (0)20 83 -+ 9 2207 Fax: (0)20 83-+6 9539 Copy and other material for our next issue (Autumn 2007) should be submitted by I st Member Liaison: Caroline Batchelor July 2007. Editorial items should be sent to: Journal Editor: Valerie Newby The Editor: Valerie Newby, Prices Cottage, 57 Quainton Road, North Marston, Bucks MK 18 3PR United Kingdom T ei.O 1296 670001 email: valcrie.newby@btopenworld. com Co-ordinator of National Representatives: Robert C lancy Designer: Jo French Librarian: David Gestetner Flat 20, 11 Brya nston Sq uare, Lo ndon Advertising Manager: Jenny H arvey, 27 Land ford R oad, Putney, London SW15 I AQ WJH 2DQ email: j [email protected]. co.uk Photographer: David W ebb IMCoS administrative office: R ogues Roost, Poundsgate, Newton All signed articles are the copyright of the author and must not be reproduced without the written Abbot, Devon TQ13 7PS , UK consent of the author. Whdst every care is raken in compiling this joumal. the Sociery cannot accept any Fax: (0) 1364 631 042 responsibility fo r rhc accuracy of rhe information included herein. e-mail: [email protected] www.imcos.orQ 1 OUR NEW GALLERY IS NOW OPEN at: 35 Saint George St, London W1S 2FN Tel:+44 20 74910010 GALLERY Fax:+44 20 74910015 Enquiries: [email protected] Catalogue: www.alteagallery.com We hold monthly auctions of antiquarian books, maps & atlases Please visit our website to view our latest catalogue at www.dominicwinter.co.uk For further information contact Benjamin Marr in on 01285 860006 or [email protected]. uk Mallard House. Broadway Lane. South Cerney. Near Cirencester. GL 7 5UQ Tel: 01285 860006 Fax: 01285 862 461 Web site: www.dominicwmter.co.uk E-ma1l: [email protected] A LETTER FROM THE lMCoS CHAIRMAN I lans Kok ehind us now li es a most enjoyable International Symposium; for a report on Guatemala 2007, please see elsewhere in B the Journal. The report proj ects an image of perfecti o n and case, but orga nising an International Symposium is tedious work. I am sure every conunittee has- somewhere during the preparati ons (whi ch normally cover a peri od of about 2 yea rs) - di sc ussed the wisdom of agreeing to its orga ni sa ti on at all. On the other hand, members do appreciate these efforts tremendously and th e Executive C onu11ittcc is most grateful to those undertaking th e organisa ti on locally. In co-operation with the London M ap Fair, Harrs Kok, we have adjusted the schedule of our June week­ Cl~airmarr of end to provide as little interfe rence as possible IMCoS. with Map Fair time. R esults arc the re-sc heduling I had asked the edi tor to pl ease reduce the size of the AGM to Sa turday morning whilst mai n­ of the chairman's photograph accompanying this ta ining the lMCoS Annual Dinner on Friday letter, but was told she will only agree if edito ri al evening. In order to provide additional incentive considerations permit. Please note that, regardl ess for our members to undertake the trip to London, of th e outcom e, I do hold the opinion that the we have instituted th e Malcolm Young Lectures Society Journal is there for the m embers and not (named after one of our founding fathers - sec th e for either the chairman or his photograph! The previous Spring Journal under lMCoS Matters) . front cover lay-out has been modernised under th e The lectures arc to be given after, but not linked guidance of Valeri e N ewby; w e welc ome feed­ to, the AGM , thus still allowing a visit to the M ap back and hope you will agree that the Journal Fair on Saturday, either before and/ or aft er the looks better than ever! lectures . The venue for both AGM and the The res ults of the 2007 AGM w ill come up in lectures is "across the street" from Olympia so as the next Journal. l look forward to meeting many to cut down on travelling time. of our members during th e June weekend in Our President, Roger Baskes, has announced London, either at the AGM , the M alcolm Young his resignation after 5 years in o ffi ce. It has been a lectures or the London Map Fair. pl easure to work with him. Although President is o ft en only a decorati ve fun ction , R oger has provided considered opinions and sound judge­ JoiNING IMCoS ments on a number of occasions. W e are lucky th at he has agreed to stay on as a member of the W ould all members encourage their fti ends and Advisory Council. colleagues to join our Society. T ell them we are a A maj or cartographic event will take place in happy bunch of people who both love to collect C hi cago, USA in ea rly N ovember. This will and study early maps and that they would be m ost include the Kenneth N ebcnza hl lectures, the welcome to share in our events around th e World. conference for the History of th e Discoveries, and a number of expositions in th e Newberry Library, Current membership prices are:­ the Adler Planetarium , and in many other loca­ Annual £35 ($ 75) ti ons. Some of these events will be on during m ost Three Yea rs £ 85 ($ 190) of winter time. The preliminary li st of "rari ss ima" Junior members pay 50% of the full subsCiiption (a maps to be put on display is impressive; the oppor­ junior member must be under 25 and/ or in full tunity to sec these items should not be missed. time educa ti on). WWW.!I11COS.Org 3 fROM THE EDITOR'S DESI( Valerie 1'\c\\'by enewals. Renewals. Renewals. Calling all members who have forgotten to rene\\' their membership subscriptions R this year. Your renc\\'al fom1s were on the verso of the address label on your winter joumal. All you need to do is fill it om and return it \Yith your payment. Alternatively, you can go to the IMCoS website www.imcos.org and renew on line. I am sure you will understand that chasing recalcitrants costs the Society money so please do rene\\' promptly. Have a look in IMCoS Matters (l'ight) in this journal and you will sec all the exciting Valaie Newby, events we have lin ed up for you: the annual dinner Vice-PJ•esiderrt of and award ceremony, the 1/CII' Malcolm Young IMCoS arrd edito•• of the Journal. Lecture series, a weekend in Bath visiting the Dallas Pratt Map Coll ection, followed in February engravings arc also on display in the exhibition. 2008 by our symposium in New Zealand. Perhaps the highlight for map enthusiasts is a sight­ There was a time when an exhibition showing ing of the Eme1y Molyneux Globe, the first maps was a rare event. Not today - following hot printed (it displays a map by Hondiu s) English on the heels of the wonderful "London: a life in globe. I was also thrilled to sec John White's map maps" staged at the British Library recently is of Virginia c. l585, the first map to depict the cast another exhibition, "A New World.
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