THE SAN ;I?RA^GISGO GALL, THTOSDAYfe:QCnpB^ 9 CAPTAIN GOING WILLDWELL HEREAFTER MINERS ADOPT WITH HIS PRETTY JAPANESE WIFE. ANEWMETHOD ' \u25a0TsssllssssPßjTsy^^^^^'^MsssSissstssT^^jS^K * Tl JBp^HCSIB^ \ 1t • jd9 lltt \naslV^^l% 1^Gj^Bßst^B^"*^f^ flit I 'jIW~-^S-7k M^&i*Jt^Vfj | Seafaring Man- Settles Difficulties With American Spouse and State Association ',Decides B^^rt irrJBsSSrSSrTVT^Qlr^^W* '^BBBB^^lrV**"sSWliiI "-J^stv. \u25a0 Is to Make Home in MikadoVRealm. to Meet Hereafter Where I the Mines iAre JLocated CONVENTION IS GALLED "* " ' ' ' '' ' ' *"''" '' * ' " ' * - Sessions of 1905;iWill Be \u25a0 'aW '0 aaf "'.asT as' M sW at' "a^ --*"*«? Held at Nevada v City in § the Month of November Jtier Brother s Letters Wherein, Miss Christine Garson, Living with Her Parents The California Miners' Association has determined upon a new course of-actlon. Outside of Gincinnati, Ohio, is Shown How the President Benjamin said, yesterday that Just Instead of holding all the conventions In San Francisco, as" heretofore, it has ap- Affairs of Girls and Women are Regarded •by Men in peared advisable. to ;the executive' com- mittee of the aßsoclatlon, to meet in the General, mining and by Her Brother, Lent Carson, Practicing • sections of theState. The association \ came :lnto ,existence when It was desired by the miners' to re- Law in New York City, in Particular. habilitate hydraulic • mining.' Placer, Sierra, Amador, Nevada,! Yuba, Tuolumne and other mining jcounties rallied .with financial and moral support and the movement that, resulted , enabled the Letter Number association to.get;the Caminettl law Iwo passed. It also enabled the association In Which the Brother Touches on the Hysterical Adulation ,v-\ to- secure large appropriations from trie Government from ' by National and the State of Public\u25a0 Idols Women • \u25a0• of California to have dams established ". \u25a0 . • on the Yuba River'' to restrain mining My Dear Kittens: You willbe interested, Ithink, ifnot altogether pleased, at :;-iU»'.!> ; ' debris/ . ..: '-. ';. ..-• .;. .'.:, , an experience Ihad, apropos of your last letter/ The Caminetti act helped smaller opera- , in that letter about the "time tors by the hydraulic process in certain You told me of your lives" that you girls had at localities, but never enabled the larger Music" Hall the other afternoon at a recital given by •; how his playing simply hydraulic mining enterprises to resume. carried you off your feet"; how it "enthralled" you and made you all feel that When it became apparent in the mining counties where 2hydraulic ; mining and this pianist was "simply divine." AH the girls had "creeps down their spines'* ; proved to be very profitable .to.lndivid-, they- were "hot and cold all over," etc.v In short, you had one of those hysterical wealth, uals and sources of county the flings that seem to appeal to girls and women at these recitals. Caminetti act, which was accepted as a compromise in the. first Instance, dldi not work to full satisfaction, the financial support that certain mining counties had You must read the brother's letter in full, in the given dropped off and the principal source of support came from San Francisco. \ In course of time miners spoke unfavorably NOVEMBER Number of of this. \ . i To regain favor by showing the mining counties that jan organization is for jtha benefit of !the mining industry, of the entire State it has been voted by the Califoiyiia Miners' Association Sto hold The Ladies' Home Journal conventions at various points. The an- nual convention of 1905 will be -held at Nevada' City November 22, 23, 24 and2s. at Committees of the California Miners' As- Gents a Copy AllDealers sociation have been appointed at Ne- 15 vada City and at Grass Valley to co- operate with the local committee to THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA,PA. make the convention as much of a suc- cess as possible. Fred Searles, W. F. Englebright and Nat jP. Brown are ap- pointed by the association for the' Ne- vada City committee and George Main- hart, A. D. Foote and C. G. Church will serve as committeemen at Grass Valley. JIJIE. EMMA KAMKS WILL SIXG £55§g THIS EVENING ISf CONCERT GRAND Somcxtrenft Is to Present Strong Pro- firogfr • gramme and Will Be Assisted by Last 3 Nights Clever Artists. Mine, Emma Eames, who will make ::| FMDAY AFTERNQOM, OCTOBER Sharp. : her appearance In concert at the' Al- 27.—At IO'clock i hambra Theater this evening, will be i; Kentucky accompanied by Emlllo de Gogorza, SEVENTH- ANNUAL BENEFIT In Old barytone; Joseph Hollman, 11 ' ' and viollncel- : , , •\u25a0".; Under the Auspices of the Tn-MnrmW Ni?h' Grand Buck Win* list, and, Amherst Webber, pianist. lU-KUMUW— nigll Dandnjt Contest The programme will be .as follows: NOTE "InOld Kentucky" Plckantnles chal- i; ASSOCIATED TfiEATRICAL MANAGERS ; lenge all comers. Prize* to tha winners. Sonata >In Q, for cello and piano (Handel) ; OF SAN FRANCISCO ; (grave, allegro; largo, allegro), Messrs. Jo- ;X lijAid of Their j SPECIAL eeph.Hollnian and Anihcrrt'AVtsbber;: prologue, r \ NEXT SCNDAY MATIXEE &NIGHT ONLT. from "i*aEUaccl" ;Ltcncavullo). Kmtlio de George Ade's Greatest Com«dy-Op*ra. - Gogorza; variation,: ."gyir.Dhoniciue" J (Boell- I MRS. BERTHA JANE GOIXG. WIFE OF MASTER OF STEAMSHIP AMERICA MARU, WHOSE SUIT FOR DIVORCE -WILL man), Joseph Hollman; recUatlve and aria from ANNOUNCED WHEREBY THE DE- (Mojsart),. : NOT BE RESISTED BY HER HUSBAND. AN AGREEMENT WAS TESTERDAY \u25a0 "Cost fan tutti" Mine.-- Emma [ FENDANT IS TO ALLOW JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT. .; Kamt>; "Licbestod" '(Tristan and 'Isolde), PEGGY FROM PAMS (Wagner-Liszt), Amherst \V«bber; (a) Par le S-entier (Dubois), (b) - .La'-partida (Alvarez), ;; to Needy (c) \u25a0 Devoted the Relief of the Sick and In the Profession. Philip Hastings Going, master tails as to nature of who registered yesterday at the Embamuez vous (Godard), Emlllo •de Gc- When the the settlement ists Efrza; (a) Who 'is Sylvia .(Schubert), (b) the Toyo between her husband. Hotel are Miss L. "~ 2 IKS* Next Monday of Kisen Kaisha liner America reached her and St. Francis W. Keeh- Am Soniiias Morsren (Brahms), (c) Spring ilaru, returns #o the land of the Rising "I am anxious that nothing should be mer of Syracuse, N. V.; Miss C, N. Carl (Hcnschel), Mme. Emma Kaiius; (a) Anaame IVIOIVSTER CONTINUOUS PERFORIVIANCE MATINEES WED. AND SAT. EACH WEEK. injure Captain Fort Plain, Russell, (Hollman), (b) Arlequln (Popper), (c) Le rouet '"';' . Talent Theater, Grand Opera House. California < Election Day Ma tinea Tuesday, Nov. 7. Sun it will be to settle down with the said or done that would of N. V.: J. W. Bos- .from ColumbiaAlcazar," Houae, Japanese Going's standing steamship com- ton; (spinning winel) (Hollman), J osei* jHollmdii; ! V. Theater, Orpheum, Tlvoll Opera Central Theater and pretty woman that bears his with the Mrs. Charles Beach" and Miss B. from [AmbrqiM Thomas), <'(<> KUW & ERLANGER'B STtTPENDOUS said, grand duet "Hamlet'- * Chutes. ....\u25a0_... name, free from the entanglements of the pany by which he is employed." she L. Blair, Chicago; George E. Croig and Mme. Eniir.ii Kamea and Mr. de Gocorza. alliance with the woman of his own "and do not car© to discuss the caso Miss S. E. Pritchard, Hartford, Conn.; California, m LOOK AT THE ARRAY OF TALENT! I blood who, under the law of In detail until after next Friday, when I*.F. McKenty and Mrs. M. S. McKenty, ,; Ifyou a is only legal spouse. It was an- final agreement have been York City. would rather have dozen ! . Louisa Tetra»!nl,Gnadenz!o Salassa, CaniHle D'Arvllle. Denis O'Sul- his the will New peopltt -trying:-to rent your furnished llvan, Mack. Pickaninny Band, Charles nounced in Judge Murasky's court yes- reached. Too much publicity, ofttimes room in one 'day than one. person in a || Andrevr Waldron and- Ln- misunderstandings part days, you will, i' r :' oia:3loore- in balcony scene from ''Romeo'aud Juliet,*' Master Ilnr- I terday that Captain Going and Mrs. leads to on the Cnllfoniiurm In New York. dozen try. "toe want ad. ( Forinnn, lemllni;puiple from \u25a0 Theater recently sued of outsiders. However,we have about com- — way" rather than the "placard way." old Central prrnmtins Bertha Jane Going, who NEW YORK, Oct. 25. The following / "Torn About Is Fair Play," Twelve Broomstick Witches, Ray- > aamf » \u25a0 W IIW \u25a0 t> divorce, their prop- negotiations an agreement For that is the ratio of results between I him for have settled pleted our for Californlans have arrived in New '[ v '\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0 mond and Cavcrly. O'Brieo and Rackley, Three Nevaros, Frank, i BEN-HUR rights days my divorce the two methods. Jasper, Carney erty out of court and that the and within ten suit for " - - ||> ' Hiiyes, Clayton, Jenkins and and Wagner and im- | SEATS ON SALE TfllS MORNING gallant will make no contest to be heard and I no York: i . -. -j| portant | mariner will have doubt Hotaling, ST. VINCENT DE PAUL. FAIR >\i' others! PRICES f2.00, $1.50. $1.00. Tsc and BOe. the action instituted by his wife for ab- the court will grant me a decree on the From San Francisco— C. F.' RESERVED SEATS Notv on Sale at ORPHEUM BOX Seville; '. TO END OX NEXT SATURDAY !y OFFICE. No Mats laid aside. solute separation, but will permit It to showing Iwill be able to make." Mrs. A. P. Hotaling, at the H. teleohnne orders taken. Jones, No go by default. Edward manager of the San Meyerfeld, at the Imperial; Mrs. A. Pavilion Will Be Opened in the Mall orders filled In order received. Riding at Netherl*nd; After- An order directing Captain Going to ap- Francisco Club Seventh avenue Murtry, at the T.
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