Smt.P.Lakshmi Annapurna

Smt.P.Lakshmi Annapurna

S-t.P.Lakshmi Annapurna C{rl.padu (V),Mldipedu (M), Prakrs,n Dbrrict A,P, OF G UARRY IPruPEDTO OBTdN ENYIROIM IN S}- NO: 26lP! GARIAPADU VILhGf,, MADIPADU MANDAT" PMSS^M D|sTPlcT.A-P-. 7.285 tleciaE / 18.00 Aces, 111122014 to 10h212019 2017r8 ro 20r9-20(utto 30n22019) M/s LOTUS ENVIRO-MINING SERVICf,S BNS Resid€trcy,2d Crc$ Rosd, Z.f.Colony, Mlf Rond, Ongole523003. Pnlosan Dl A,P,. Cell: 0888s362?89 E Mtil lD: [email protected] CONSENT LF,TTER The rlerailed Mn re Phn in respecl of Galel Qnaiiy Lcasc of723s Hectares / 13.00 A.16,in 26lP, CarlaPdu vrbsc, Mndip.du M'"dr, Pr.k.s.D Disdc! Andhra Pradesh h.s been prcpared br Mr. lialln Chan Bhxsh. Minina Enrituer & RQP on individualcapacitt. I request fie concemcd aulhorily to nake ftdhq corespondence Io Prt,nChanB.sha Minins tn3htur& RaP RaPDMcnlYD/0$0r4 Nl-/s LOTUS ENVIRO-MININC SERVICES B\c |n-i,lcn!j.2' rc'o\r RorJ. Z.P,r oton). \t\r RoxJ. Ongolc-523003. I'r,krsm Dt, A.P,. Crll:08885362789 E \'riil ID: lotuscn*[email protected] I hereby undedake dut all dre proposals is nrade ii rhe MiningPlan br the Mining Engineer & RQP bc dccnrcd 10 have been nade wnh try knorvlcdge & consenr shall be acceptdle to Address Snn. P.Lakshni AmapuLna ffi rlirc.Journalht .u D Nol5-06;-390, i colony, Near OPS, Masamur Road. Onsole, P,Llttt -i *,a1unt . Fot Snt P Lakslnni ADrapuma CtrRTIFICATtr Ths s to certiry that the provsions of the Director of lllnes and GeoLogy, Governm€nt of Andhra Pfadesh and Slale Envlronrnenla lmpact Assessment aulhorly (SEIAA) requirement & gllde nes have been obserued in l,4inlng Plan preparation for Gravel ol]arry over an exlenl of 7.285 Hectares / 18.00 Acres in svNo 26lP of Garlapadu (V), Madipadu L'landal, Prakasarn dslrcl, Andhra Pradesh and smi. P.LakshmiAnnapurna, agreed to lmperneni lhe sarne. The provisions of the N4lnes Act 1952, the l,4lnes and l,'linerals (Regulation and Developmeni) Acl 1957 and aLL Rules Reg!ations, orderc and By aws rnade lhereunder have been fLrLLy observed However, lf any speciiic pemissions are requifed from lhe DLreclor Genefal of [,4ines saiety and / or other cornpelenl althoities the applcanl wl approach lhem in lime for obtaining necessary approval aLso cerufied ihat the iniomation tlrnshed n lhe above l\,{ining Pan of Gravelquarrying are true and correct to lhe best 0i my Z,"ru.x: Date:26/03/2015 //..9Tq\ Slalon: OngoLe /Y lzi:, \x\\ Fl t, ir\ \'.\ '" e7r." Chanc Blasha, v- wf"m [1/s LOTUS Enviro-lvliningE seryic Door No 35-066'r44,3l lV.M.Don Ongo e, Prak: [4aiLlD: Lotus€[email protected] IND I,X CIIAPIER ITITLE PA(;I NO. Gener.l Introduction 0z ll Locirion'nd 4ctcssiUility 02 lIl Dct.ils olApprovcd Mining Plxn 0l TA.B.LA I Ceneral Jcl.ils ol tle qutrr) .rer 04 2 CeoloeJ and E\ploririon 3 09 Stocking Sub-Grade Mineral/Rejccts and l1 Use or Minerrl and Mitrcral Rtj!cts ll tl 8 Oth€rs T- PART-B I fn\ir.nmental Basc linc lnlbrnr!lio" l2 tl'.0".,l***r@ 13 l r-e ** r' n-r"/oi%-2p.\-)* t6 " (:'., l6 4 {(s( )): '' 5 r.r s"irv'""g",\6)' -'*' l6 - -, roirire on- Na "n,e"N;giY Disasrcr Managernenr & Risk A\re\\mcnt l6 C.r€ and€nance during tenponry 17 LIST OFANNEXURFS Procccding No: s,106/Q3/201'1.datcd2Jn2/20110lthe of Mihes & Gcolos/, Gtrnlur. Pro.ccdingsNo:6215/Q/20r1 drled3l/1212014 of lh€Asst Dircctor ofMincs & Geoloe.. Ongolc LTST OI PLATES sl. TITLD LOCATION LEASE PLAN CROSS SURFACE PLAN & 3 sEcTloNs l:1000 SURFACE GEOLOGICAL PLAN & .l l:1000 cRoss sEcTloNs .} YEARS . YEAR WISE WQRK l:1000 5 PROPOSED PLAN & CROSS SECTIONS I coNcEPruAL& MrNE cl-o{dji \l PLAN & CROSS SECTTONS \\q\ i 1:1000 ENVTR.NM ENTA' PLAN \k> L5000 "^-"-.''.."""".^"" M,*,"u P*" ro, G"ou.rQuo^*t over m oriont of ? 28s ilectares ir sv,No.26lt ol 6ARLAPADU (D. Maddipadu (M), Prakasam Dkirict"\-P snl. I"L!kshni AnnrPurni Garlapadu {r0, Maddipadu (N'l)i Prakasam Districri A P Prepaiedsy lJ.J#i,lfflii#:1i,,'iTJ: tr $e vnnq ela0aooro q r. rsl 2 Ro'DMG/Apls/2014 th-t'.$ Wel&Alc$'t I A Pl 0";,./a];i.::.9ei;.,..:....... Snt. l'.Lrkshni Ann!0urnn vas sranted Quarry Ledc for Glrrel over an exrcnls ot ?.23t Hccr$es/ l3 OOAcrcs i'r Sy No: 26/l' ol GnlaFdu village. MaddiPadr Mandal. Prabtam Dstrict, AP, by $c DDM&C, Gunlur vidc Procccdinss No: s'r06/Qi/2014, dalcd2rl/12/2014andcopyenclosedasAnncrurc Ilbrkindrcletencc, Thc hse ded was cxcorlel beforc lhc Assl DireclorolMines&Geologv Ongole, ride Pmceedines No: 6215/Q/2014 dlrcd rt/I2/1014 for 5 ]eas lelse pctiod lloii ll/12/2014lo lO/12/2019 and copt cnclosed as nnoxu.c- ll lor kind relercnce. snt P.Lakshmi Annapurna nas appro,ched SIi Palan Chan Baslra, Mining Dngnreer & RQI'ofMh LOTUS Enrno Mini.g SeNices. and Ongole tur prepxring Mnring l'ld tnr balance lcascperiod upro l0/12/20191ordre abolc Cravcl Quaiiv Lcase .rea 'fhis Minine Plan is p,epared undcr c.o.Ms.56. I&c(M$cs ll). DT: 30/04/2016 ol al lor obraiDnrs the Envnonmcral Clearanc. (EC) lom state Envionmenr.l lnpacr authorily (SEIAA) & annual poducl'or i d r1o' d. !' ,'!tM1!t9l:ljl:j: I, Gf,NERAL 1. Nane &Addres olth. APPlkant Cralel Qumy. Sy.No: 26lP. Carlapadu(v), N{addipadu (M rtukasam Dislrict, Andhn PFdcsh N,nc & Denik oI ltQI Mk LOTUSEn!no Mining Servrces- BNS Rcsidencl, 2"d coss. Zl' Colony, MM Roid, Ongole, Prak.sanDi$ A.P Mlil IDr loruscnrs2ol4@! II. LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY l Le$e/Applied!rc!dct!ils 'lhe abole said qDaify l€ase arca h covcrcd in Topo sheel No. t7 M / 14 rnd locared h Easi LoDcixrdc ?t' '55120.27 afd Noih Lrriludc: 15i 42 03:r5 ' -lhclexseaR!issiluatedaiadisranceof 1 50kndueSWldGdrlxF.du.lhisder falh in Nesl {tireclion of Cheor.i Vijaya$.dR Nalional Uish*€y No: la lhe locarion oflhe aEa n indicared ir Locarion Vap cncloscd .s Plnrel tbr knrd Ihc dcrail\ orrhe Jre. rr. J\ LrbultrkLl{: za<{"t t:;.; . lt 26tl I c';lll*' il \ -! I t4 ccdificd by tlc Asn. Diroctor of Mines &, smt. P.Lakshmi Annapuha is cncloscd rstlnrcNo:2 for ...^'.,','d'.."'. ^ ROUNDARIES \ No 2c,P olcarlanJdu !rlLage S) Nu 26 P ofCorLapJdu Vllhle Sy No 26'lolcddpddu villJge S) No 26lP olcarldpadu Village All corner noi0t! CPS r€.Jibgs ar( tho{n in nlatc No:3 lnfraslruciu.e & Con'nnnic.lions TiT"po*a g,o*a *ut". is available so reer below stound lcvel The agricuhunl fields in de sniroundings of lhe quarv lease a@ de irrignled bt ground waler and NSP cmal vater' Elccticily is rvailablc in all the villages ed in lhe ncarbv aeiculturalllnds for borc wclh. Tclc Communicalion l,cilily is availablc d fic Garlapadu State TraNpon Bus Sefliccs ply lio rowns tequend!. Privalc Transpo n Oneo. RJilwr) SLLiln a:5lm lro r rheSir<. Pdnary & lJpper Pinrlry School Edrcalior is alailable d Canapadu villase. Higlrer Education h arailablc at Ongole Regkrcrcd Medical Pdcrcenor is alailable at Cadapadu xillilmr* placed for Docto6, Nusjn8 IF no,, * \r"""0*r*"0* "r* \ TII. DETATLS OFAPPRO*:ffi G As per lbe dnecLions ol NC I lnnial nining plan has preparcd and subnilting for .'.".".. -''**'^..,...,.."'','..' PART-A l GENFJRAL DETAILS OF TIIO OUARRY LEASE ARtr]A SDl, P,LakJhni Ahnapurna was Snntd Quatrr l-ease lbr Gnrel over an cxrcrs of 7.285 Hecrarcs/ l8.OoAcrcs h SyNo: 26/P of Gdlatadn' Maddipadu Mandal. Prakasam Dishi.t, AI'- bl rhc DDM&G. Gunlur vidc l,rocccdirls Nd:5406/Q3/2011. dalcd 24112/2014 and copv cnclosed as Annoxurc I fof kiid rclircnce. Thc decd was execukd beforc lhe Asst Direclor ol Mincs & ceologv. ongole, vide Proccedings Noi 62luQ/201'1 datcd ll/12/2014 lbr t vcr^ lcasc peiod lion ll/l2,r2O1,1ro l0/l2r0lt and copy cDclosed r\ Anncrure - Il tbr lhis arca colercd on hill slop€ and co aiN gralel up 1o It to 20 mele6 dcplh and aner thal had shlle or sand eone {illlollows 2. GE.o!Q.e!-4.NLEr!!8!r(rIqN (a) Reeional Geolosv: lhe lcasc arca h planr and lopographically lo\tst and highcn conlour ele$lon is RL 89,00M and RL 324.00 M respecrilcly The surfacc lclel cor€red bvrhesorl, srar€l and bouldc$ aE extending up ro a deplh oi 20 netes belov rlhich lhc hrd shalc is obseNed fronr rhe surlitcc r'carurcs aM aho adj,cent NorkiDs pils l hcre are Do streanN in rhi 8" .'are! was survcled and a conrour nap on 1:1000 scalc is prc ;ri{41\ are marked i'r this $rlaa 6 Rrnrcs plan as PlaieNo:3. lli1 \) \ir]N li "1 l"'lt, Thc Assuned B.rh Ma\ ffi ggoo vt in south co',.. ur )/ lhe bouDdarr {one *hoscr$iqsat",r:'v:t I fo' the enrnc nnne sun€y and olher location il@g4k' Mark ( BNI) locilion vill be constucted b! lessee lrir rcrere pillar !d displaycd {nh dcrails of bench mark i. will ldke carc to manrkin the stability and prclection of lh3sam.. (b) LocalGcolosv The Lease area s unnt forasricuLture as i ir *rewed wirh sma rs withGGvelwhich i5risinCUp to 235 M aboveErouid level rrending South to Nodh, the n ke €ngth ofthe body freasu.ed 375 M ln the area wirh an average wdth of Sased on there Ol's itho loeica requence, the pit wa I informario^ is as E 5tingpitGeoogicalmapdetailsgiveninPlateNor4 .

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