OF 'Il!E FACULTY 01f MEDICINE ul'' 1m: I I ~I'GIL FOR THE THIRTY-THIRD SESSION. 186B-66. FRISTED B\" .J. r, B!!0Kli:T1 84 GR&AT SAINT J.Ul&S SfREET, 1865. ~tt:~ill ~t nille~~itn. ~ont~e~tt. SESSION 1865-6. VISITOR: H1s Excellency THE RIGHT HoN. VIsCOUNT :\IoNK, Governor General of Britigh ~ orth America, &c. roRPORATION. GovERNORS: The Hon. CHARLBS DMVEY DAY, L1; D., President and Chancellor of the Um- versity. The Hon. JAM'ES FEnRIER, :\1 L.C. THOMAS BRoWN ANDERSON, Esq. ·BENJA)HN HoL)!ES, Esq. ANDREW RoBERTSON, l\I.A. CHrSTOPHER DuNKIN, l\LA., l.I.P.P. WrLLIA~[ :!lloLSON, Esq. ALEXANDER Monms, "}.LA .• D.C.L.(M.P.P. The Hon. JouN RosE, l\I.P P. PETER REDPATn, Esq. PRINCIPAL. JoHN WrLLU~r DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S, Vice-ChaJ?..cellor. FELLOWS: Rev. C-~!<ON LEACH, D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. HENRY AsPINW ALL HmVF:, lii.A., Rector of the Higb School. Hon. J. J. C. ABBOTT, B.C.L., Dean of the Faculty of Law c BROWN CHAMBERLIN, M.A., B.C.L. w. B. 1;AMBE, B.C.L. L Sir WrLLIAM E. LoGAN, LL.D., F .R.S., F .G.S. GEoRGlll W. CAMPBELL, l.I.A., M.D., DPan of the Faculty of Medicine. JoHN H. GnAHA~r, 1\LA., Principal of St. Francis College, Richmond. Rev. JoHN CooK, D.D., Principal of Morrin College, Quebec. ALEXANDER JoHNSON, LL.D., Professor of .Mathematics and Natural Philoso- phy, )!cGill University. ReV'. GEoRGE CoRNISH, M.A., Professor of Classical Literature, McGill Univer- sity. W. FnASER, lt(D., Professor of Institutes of Medicine, McGill University. P. I~. LAFRENAYE, B.O.L., Professor of Jurisprudence, McGill University. Rev. EnwiN HATCII, B.A., Professor of ll!oral Philosophy, Morrin College. Rev. AnAM LILLIE, D.D, Professor of Theology in the Congregational College of British North America. T. K. RAMSAY, ~LA., Professor of Civil Law, Morrin College. RoBERT A. LEA-CH, M.A., B.C.L. WrLLIAM SuTHERLAND, 1\I.D., Professor of Chemistry, l.Iedical Faculty, McGill University. RoBERT T. GoDFREY, 1\I.D. FREDERICK W. 'foRR.A.NCE, B.C.L., Professor of Civil Law, 1\!cGill Univ-ersity. SECRETARY, REGISTRAR, AND BURSAR: WrLLI.A.M CR.A.IG BA.YNES, B.A. Office, Burnside Hall. Office Hours, 10 to 2. Residence, Centre Building, McGill College. () •) The Thirty-third S<'"'::iiou of' thi-- lTnivcnsity, being the Thirteenth under the amended chartCJ·, will commence in the .Autumn of 1865. By virtue of the Royal Charter ?;ranted in 1821 and amended in 1852, the Governor::t, Principal, and Fellows of McGill College, con· ·titute the Corporation of the Univer~ity, and under the ~tatnte · framed by the Board of Governors, with approval of the YLitol', haw the power of granting degrees in all the Arts and Facultie:: in J\fc<lill f,'ollege and in Colleges affiliated thereto. The Statutes and Regulations of the Gnivcr;:;ity lmve been framed ou the most ibe · principles, with the view of affording to all cb:~e-: of persons the greatest possible facilities for the uttaiumcnt of men hi culture and professionul training. In its religious character tlw University is Protestant, but not denominatio_nal ; and, whil1~ all po siblc attention will l1e given to th dmi;acter and conduct ol' students, 110 interference with their peculiar rcli~iou:" Yicws will hr auctioned. I. dcGlLIJ UOLl..~~x; K ne F.Ar.t't.1'\. Ol·' AR'L'S.-The complete cour;:,e of tudy in Art~ P-xtencls over four Sessions, of eight months each; and includes Classics and Mathematics, with Engli h Literature, Logic, Mental and .Moral Science, Natural Science, and Modern Languages: all of which subjects are imperative in the three tirst years of the Course; but in the fourth year options arc allowed iu favour of the Honour Courses in Classics, l\f ath '· ruatic::-:, .l\lental and :Moral Science, Natural Science, and l~nf!lish Literature. Certain exemptions arc also allowed to protes:ional ~tudents. There arc also Special and Partial Courses, and facilities arc afforded for the practice of Meteo­ rological ob enations, and for the stmly of Hebrew and Ori"ntal Literature. The det1rees given arc B.A. and ::.\1 .A. 'f'HE J(,~Cl'L'fY Ob' ... fEDICI~E.-The complete COUl"e of stucly in .... [edccinc extends over four Sessions, of jx month each, and leads to the degrees of :M. n., c. l\J. T 11 ~; I''ACULTY OF LA\\' .-The complete course in Law cxtcud, over three. Session~, of six month~ each, an<l leads to the dc- !!rces of R. C. L. nnd n. (). L. I L ~-\.U FlJJIATJ~D UU.LLEGE ' . ._'tullents of the··\~ Collese arc matriculated in the Univcr~ity, and may pm"ue their <·•mr:-c of study wholly in the affiliate.d college, or in part therein and in p~trt. in the l,,aeulty of Arts of the l\IcGill Collegr and may come up t;rr the lJnivcr.,ity Examinations for the degrees in .Art" on the ~Hlll<' tel':lls "·ith the Students of l\lcGiH College. 4 :\IoRRlN CoLLEGE, Quebec, L. c.,-;-is a,ffiliated in so ~ar as regar_ds deoTees in Arts. The ordmary Course of thiS College m­ ch~des Classics, Mathematics, English Literature, l\Iental and .. loral Philosophy and Logic. T~ere are Honour Courses in Classics and in Mental and Moral Philosophy. THE FACULTY oP LAw of 1.\'Iorrin College has been recognised by the University. [Detailed information may be obtnined from the Rev. John Cook, DD., Principal.] ST. FRANCIS CoLLEGE, Riclwwnd, L. c.,-is affiliated in so far as regards degrees in Arts. [Detail~d information may be obtained from J. H. Graham, :JI A., Principal.] Ill. AFFILIATED THEOLOGICAL COLLEGB. Affiliated Theological Colleges have the right of obtaining for their Students the advantage in whole or in part of the course of study in Arts, with such facilities in regard to exemptions a!" may be agreed on. 'fnE CoNGREGATIONAL CoLLEGE oP BRlTisn NoRTII A::\IERICA, )fontrerd, is at present the only affiliated Theological College. IV. A.F.FILIATED ~OHOOLS. THE HIGH ScrrooL OF .McGILL CoLLEGE affords the Classical and 1\In.thematical training necessary for entering the College course, with a good English education fitting for business pursuits. THE McGILL NoR,IAL ScuooL provides the training requisite for Teachers of Elementary and Model Schools and Academics. Teachers trained in this School are entitled to Provincial diplomas. THE MoDEL ScHooLs OF TITE l\IcGILL NoR::\tAL ScrrooL are Ele­ mentary Schools, divided into a Boys' Department, Girls' De­ partment, and Primary school. Teachers in training in the Normal School are employed in thes~ Rchools, under the su· pervision of the Head l\Iaster and Mistress. The following "Announcement,'' relates wholly to the :B'aculty of Medicine, but full details of the Courses of ~tudy, conditions of Matriculation, Fees, &c., in the other Faculties and Departments will be found in the ANNUAL CALENDAR or THE UmvERSITY, which may be obtained on application to the Principal, or Secretary. FACULTY OF MEDICINE. GEORGE \V. CA}IPBELL, A.:M., M.D. Professor of the Principles and PracticJ of Surgery and Dean of tho Faculty, 707 Sherbrooke Street. ARCIIIBALD HALL, M.D., Professor of Midwifery, and the Diseases of \ r omen and Children, 186 Bleury Street. vVILL IA ~I jj'RASER, :M.J?., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine, 23 ·! Dorchester Street, West. WILLIAJI SUTHERLAND, l\LD., Professor of Chemistry 215 Dorchester Street, West. \VILLIAM E. SCOTT, lVf.D., Professor of Anatomy, !) St. Bona\"enture Street. WILLIA)I WRIGJIT, l\1.D., Profes or of .Materia l\Iedica and Pharmacy, and Registrar of the Faculty, 489 Craig Street. ROBERT P. IIO\VARD, M.D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, 9 Beaver Hall Hill. DUNCA.~.r C. l\IcCALLUJf, 1\LD., Professor of Clinical Medicine and :\fedical Jurisprudence, 152 Craig Street ROBERT C RAIK, l\I.D., Profetisor of Clinical Surgery, 1 Place D' Armes Hill. GEORGE E. FENWICK, M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy, '! Beaver Hall Terrace. JOSEPH l\I. DRAKE, l\I.D, Curator of 1\'Iuseum, i\Iontreal General Hospital. n~ulty.---ij;imt ~ablt.---Jt~~ion 1865-66. ~edital ~ ' ] ::\Ionday. I lwedncsda) Priday. [ -- I Tu~~<l-ay. Tl~~~day.l Saturd~;. 1lNSTITUTES OF MEDICINE, - --n -~~--~-~---- -~-;--H -'-~ : : -;--n : I : l · l 1SURGERY, - - - . 10 10 I 10 10 10 . ( A.Jl. \ MID"\VIFERY, -- - !----------- 11 11 1 11 11 11 J HOSPITAL, - -- 12 12 1 12 12 12 I 12 } . NOO~. c. · \ 12 ' 12 CLINICAL LEC'rURES, - 1 1 ANATOMY, - - - -- ~ l _2_2_2 ~ -2 ! -2 ! - l ., ,)~) :3 ·) :MATERIA :MEDICA, :~ 3 4 -1- -t ~ PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, - 4 · It P.M. 4 ~ NATURAL HISTORY, !) --·~ ~ I MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE, - i) 5 ~) . I 7 7 7 7 7 ;I' CHEMISTRY, . - .. J • -- -- "': -'-- J - - - -- ---- - ...... --- ---- The Principal (flx. officio.) Professors,-0 A.MPB.Ii:LL. HALL. FRASER. SuTHERLAND. SCOT1'. WRIGHT. HOWARD. McCALLUM. CR.A.IK. Demonstra.tor1-DR. FENWICK. Dean of the Faculty1-G. W. 0AMPBELL1 A. M., M. D. The thirty-third Session of the Medical Faculty of the l\IcGill University, will be opened on .l\londay, 6th November, 1865; and will be continued during the six months following. To meet the circumstances of General Practitioners in British r,.orth America, where there is no division of the profe~sion into Physicians and Surgeons exclusively, the degree awaraed upon grad­ uation is that of "Doctor of Medicine and l\Iaster in Surgery." This designation is also appropriate, from agreeing with the general nature and equable character of the previous curriculum demanded of the candidates for this double rank, as is fully specified hereafter.
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