I_egai Notice No . REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAG O THE DEFENCE ACT, CHAP. 14:0 1 REGULATION S Made by the Minister of National Security under section 244 of the Defence Ac t THE DEFENCE (RATES OF PAY AND ALLOWANCES) (AMENDMENT) (NO .2 ) REGULATIONS, 201 6 1 These Regulations may be cited as the Defence (Rates of Pay and Allowances ) Citation (Amendment) (No . 2) Regulations . 2016 . 2. In these Regulations, "the Regulations" means the Defence (Rates of Pay an d Interpretation Allowances) Regulations, 1989. L .N. No . 84 of 1989 3. The Regulations are amended in regulation 14, by revoking subregulation (4) an d Regulation 1 4 substituting the following subregulations : amended "(4) Where an officer or other rank is on duty, other than training, m a countr y other than Trinidad and Tobago, he is entitled to – (a) a subsistence allowance, at the rate set out in Part II of th e Schedule : (b) a meal allowance, at the rate set out in Part II of the Schedule ; (c) a flat allowance, at the rate set out in Part I I of the Schedule; and (d) hotel accommodation at the rate of seventy-five per cent of th e respective rate determined by the Minister of Finance m respect o f official overseas travel . (5) Where an officer or other rank is on training, in a country other tha n Trinidad and Tobago, he is entitled to a flat allowance and a subsistenc e allowance at the rate set out in Part II of the Schedule and the following allowances subject to the extent that the training or operations is sponsored by an external agency : (a) a meal allowance . at the rate set out in Part II of the Schedule : (b) hotel accommodation, at the rate of seventy-five per cent of th e respective rate determined by the Minister of Finance in respect o f official overseas travel ; and (c) ground transportation, at the rate set out in Part 11 of th e Schedule. Regulation 17 4 The Regulations are amended in regulation 17 amended - (a) in subregulation (I), by inserting after the word "allowance", th e words , payable once every two years," ; and (b) in subregulation (4), by inserting after the word "allowance" the words ", payable once every two years," . L.N . 84 of 198 9 5. The Regulations are amended in the Schedule amended - (a) in Part I, by inserting the following rates of pay: "Rates of Pay 2011- 201 3 Rank Year Daily Rates $ c . $ c. $ c . $ c . c . $ c . Recruit (TTR) 2011 167.45 Ordinary Seaman C (TTCG) 2012 173 .75 Junior Aircraftman C (TTAG) 2013 183 .4 5 Private B (TTR) 2011 200 .75 207 .10 208 .80 214.90 217 .70 Ordinary Seaman B (TTCG) 201 2 208 .30 214.85 216 .65 22 2 225 .8 5 Junior Aircraftman B (TTAG) 2013 219 .95 226.85 --~22 8 .75 235 .40 238 .5 0 Private A (TTR) 2011 218.20 224 .55 231 .15 237.20 2~4~ .~ 5 Ordinary Seaman A (TTCGCG )) 2012 226.40 233 .00 239 ~ .85 246 .10 252 .5 0 Junior Aircraftman C~. (TTA(i) 2 ~013 ~ 239 .05 246.00 2 53 . 2- 259 .85 266 .6 0 Lance Corporal B (TTR) 2011 223 .20 230 .50 237.70 244.90 ~532 .3 5 Able Seaman B (TTCG) 2012 231 .60 239.15 246 .60 ~542 .10 62 2 .8 5 Senior Aircraftman B (TTAG) 2013 244 .55 252 .50 260.40 268 .30 277 .55 Lance Corporal A (TTR) 2011 260.25 267 .55 274 .80 - - ..81 .)5~ ~ 289.05 Able Seaman A (TTCG) 2012 270 .00 277.60 285 .10 292 .55 299 .90 Senior Aircraftman B (TTAG) 2013 285 .10 293 .10 301 .05 J3 O8 .9O J163 .65 Corporal B (TTR) 2011 270.30 280 .05 289 .70 299.40 310 .7 0 Leading Seaman B (TTCG) 2012 280 .45 290.55 300 .55 310 .65 322 .3 5 Corporal B (TTAG) 2013 296.15 306 .80 317.3_5" 3283 2 .00 340.3 5 Corporal A (TTR) 2011 319 .95 327.95 33 S .J_ 342 .95~ 350 .7 5 Leading Seaman A (TTCG) 2012 331 .95 340.25 347.9~5 355 .80 JG3 .9O Corporal A (TTAG) 2013 350.50 359 .25 367 .40 375 .70 384.2 5 Sergeant C (TTR) 2011 354 .35 365 .15 372.20 Petty Officer C (TTCG) 2012 367.65 378 .85 386.1 5 Sergeant C (TTAG) 2013 388 .20 400 .05 407 .75 Rank Year Daily Rates $ c. $ c . $ c . $ c. $ c. S c. Sergeant B (TTR) 2011 376 .75 380 .90 383 .05 Petty Officer B (TTCG) 2012 390 .90 395.20 397.45 Sergeant B (TTAG) 2013 412 .75 417.30 419 .65 Sergeant A (TTR) 2011 383 .90 386.95 390 .80 Petty Officer A (TTCG) 2012 398 .30 401 .45 405 .4 5 Sergeant A (TTAG) 2013 420 .55 423 .90 428 .1 0 Staff Sergeant (TTR) 2011 393 .85 404 .50 406.40 2012 408.65 419 .70 421 .65 2013 431 .50 443 .15 445 .20 Warrant Officer II, C (TTR) 2011 409.50 416 .10 425 .60 Chief Petty Officer C (TTCG) 2012 424.85 431 .70 441 .5 5 Warrant Officer II, C (TTAG) 2013 448 .60 455 .85 466.25 Warrant Officer II, B (TTR) 2 011 431 .65 435 .4 5 Chief Petty Officer B (TTCG) 2012 447.85 451 .80 Warrant Officer II, B (TTAG) 2013 472 .90 477.05 Warrant Officer II, A (TTR) 2011 439 .90 443 .85 Chief Petty Officer A (TTCG) 2012 456 .40 460.5 0 Warrant Officer II, A (TTAG) 2013 481 .90 486 .2 5 Warrant Officer I (TTR) 2011 512 .70 526 .10 539 .80 Fleet Chief Petty Officer 2012 531 .95 545 .85 560.05 (TTCG ) 2013 561 .70 576 .35 591 3 5 Warrant Officer I (TTAG) Officers Rank Year Daily Rates $ c. $ c . $ c. S c . $ c. $ c. Cadet (TTR, TTCG, TTAG) 2011 195 .7 5 2012 203 .1 0 2013 214 .4 5 Cadet (2nd Year) (TTR) 2011 252 .70 2 59.75 Midshipman ([FCG) 2012 262 .20 269.5() 2013 276 .85 284 .5 5 Second Lieutenant (TTR) 2011 394.7: 405 .0 5 Acting Sub-Lieutenant (TTCG) 2012 409.55 420 .2 5 Pilot Officer (TTAG) 2013 432.45 443 .75 3 Rank Year Daily Rates $ C. $ c . S c . $ c. $ c. $ c. Lieutenant (TTR) 2011 415 .70 426.50 437 .70 449.2 5 Sub-Lieutenant (TTCG) 2012 431 .30 442.50 454 .15 466.1 0 Flying Officer (TTAG) 2013 455 .40 467.25 479 .55 492 .1 5 Captain (TTR) 2011 499 .50 512 .70 526 .10 539 .80 554.25 568 .95 Lieutenant (Naval) (TTCG) 2012 518 .25 531 .95 545 .85 560 .05 575 .05 590 .3 0 Flight Lieutenant (T"IAG) 2013 547 .20 561 .70 576.35 591 .35 607 .20 623 .3 0 Major (TTR) 2011 586 .15 601 .50 617.60 633 .7 5 Lieutenant Commander 2012 608 .15 624 .05 640.80 657 .55 (TTCG) 2013 642 .15 658 .95 676.60 694 .3 0 Squadron Leader (TTAG ) Lieutenant Colonel (TTR) 2011 661 .90 679 .50 697.40 Commander (TTCG) 2012 686 .75 705 .00 723 .5 5 Wing Commander (TTAG) 2013 725 .15 744 .40 764.00 Colonel (TTR) 2011 713 .90 732 .75 752 .2 5 Captain (Naval) (TTCG) 2012 740.70 760 .25 780.5 0 Group Captain (TTAG) 2013 782.10 802 .75 824 .1 5 Quartermaster Category Rank Year Daily Rates $ c . S c. S c. $ c . $ c . $ c . Lieutenant (TTR) 2011 499 .50 512.70 526 .10 539 .80 553 .65 Flying Officer (TTAG) 2012 518 .25 531 .95 545.85 560 .05 574.45 2013 547 .20 561 .70 576.35 591 .35 606.5 5 Captain (TTR) 2011 532 .85 546.85 561 .20 575 .90 Lieutenant (Naval) (TTCG) 2012 552 .85 567 .35 582.25 597 .50 Flight Lieutenant (TTAG) 2013 583 .75 599 .05 614.80 630 .90 Major (TTR) 2011 586.15 601 .50 617.70 633 .75 Lieutenant Commander 2012 608.15 624 .05 640.80 657.5 5 (TTCG) 2013 642 .15 658 .95 676 .60 694 .30"; Squadron Leader (TTAG) 4 in Part II, by inserting the following allowances : ` ` Allowances for the period 2008 -- 201 0 Allowances Amount Effective Dat e $ c . Uniform Allowance Initial Issue Male 7728 .00 per annum 1/1/201 1 Female 6955 .00 per annum 1/1/20i 1 Upkeep Male 2962 .00 per annum 1/1/201 1 Female 2705 .00 per annum 1/1/201 1 Clothing Allowance Aide-de-Camp Initial Allowance 5155 .00 per annum 1/1/201 1 Upkeep Allowance 3220 .00 per annum 1/1/201 1 Civilian Clothing Officers 386 .00 per month 1/1/201 1 Other Ranks 258 .00 per month 1/1/201 1 Entertainment Allowance Commanding Officer of Coast Guard 538 .00 per month 1/1/201 1 Commanding Officer of Regiment 538.00 per month 1/1/201 1 Ration Allowance Officers 95 .00 per day 1/1/201 1 Other Ranks 95 .00 per day 1/1/201 1 Unaccommodated Rent Allowance (Married personnel) Other Ranks 1465 .00 per month 1/1/201 1 Junior Officer/Warrant Officer 1780.00 per month 1/1/201 1 Warrant Officer I / Fleet Chief Petty Officer 2100.00 per month 1/1/201 1 Captain//Lieutenant (Naval) and above 2540.00 per month 1/1/201 1 Lieutenant Colonel/Commander 2985 .00 per month 1/1/201 1 Colonel/Captain (Naval) and above 3690.00 per month 1/1/2011 5 Allowances Amount Effective Dat e c .
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