)JJ r Vol. 11, No.1 "De Nieu Nederlanse Marcurius" February 1995 Upcoming Meetings and Events characteristics ofthe Dutch-Ameri­ March 12, 1995: 2-4 p.m. Charles can farmhouse types as opposed to Gehring will lecture on "Rensse­ the Dutch farmhouse in America laerswijck: Privatization of Colo­ March 1, 1995: Deadline for New by showing which architectural nization." in the Town of York State Library Research characteristics can be traced back Colonie's Centennial Series on Lo­ Residency applications. While the to prototypes in the Netherlands as cal History at the William K. San­ awards do not include a monetary opposed to those that are the prod­ ford Library on Albany-Shaker stipend, Research Residents do re­ uct of cultural processes in Amer­ Road. Contact Jean Olton, Town ceive direct borrowing privileges ica. The talk is sponsored by the Historian, at [518] 783-1435 for and access to the reference, data­ New Scotland Historical Society further information about the lec­ base, photoduplication and interli­ and will be held at 8:00 p.m. in the ture series and events related to the brary loan services of the State Wyman Osterhout House Commu­ celebration ofthe Town of Colo­ Library. Applicants must submit: nity Center in New Salem. Call nie's 100th anniversary. 1) an application form, 2) a resume Mark King at [518] 861-6022 for that includes the names and ad­ more information. April 1, 1995: Charles Gehring dresses of three references and a will speak on "Swedish-Dutch Re­ list of relevant publications, and 3) lations in the Delaware Valley" a formal description of the research IMPORTANT CALL TO ACTIONI r ON P. 3 I at a symposium hosted by the project in two pages or less. They American Swedish Historical Mu­ March 8, 1995: Talk by David W. should also include a statement of seum in Philadelphia. The Sympo­ the relevance ofNYSL's collection Voorhees, previous Hendricks sium has been tentatively titled to their project. For further infor­ Award Winner, editor of de Halve "Dutch and Swedish Presence in Maen and ofthe Papers of Jacob mation contact: America in the 17th Century." The Paul Mercer, Chair Leisler. Voorhees' talk is entitled museum is located at 1900 Pattison Research Residency Committee "How Ther Poor Wives Do, and New York State Library Avenue; call [215] 389-1776 for Are Delt With: The Role of further information. Cultural Education Center Women in Leisler's Rebellion." Albany, NY 12230 The talk is sponsored by the Hol­ (518) 474-4461 April 4, 1995: The next speaker in land Society Library at 6:30 p.m. (518) 473-7121 TOO/TTY the Voorheesville Arthur Gregg in the Portrait Gallery at 122 East Local History Seminar will be 58th Street in New York City. A March 7, 1995: Talk by David S. Wayne Franitz from the Depart­ $4.00 donation reserves a seat. Cohen, previous Hendricks Manu­ ment of Fine Arts of Syracuse Uni­ Send reservations with checks pay­ script Award winner, entitled "De­ versity. Dr. Franits is the author or' able to the Holland Society ofNew fining the Dutch-American Paragons ofVirtue: Women & Do­ York, 122 East 58th Street, NY Farmhouse." This slide lecture mesticity in l Zth-century Dutch Art 10022. will show the primary defining (Cambridge University Press: New Netherland Project, NYSL, CEC 8th Fl. Albany, NY 12230 Voice {5181474-6067 FAX {5181474-5786; GiRO 6566735 DeNieu NederlanseMarcuriuse 2 1993). The title ofhis slide talk is Starna's study will emphasize the this period as well as for volunteers "From the Old World to the natives' point ofview oftheir en­ who can help with the search and New: Domesticity in 17th-Cen­ counter with the Europeans, the re­ processing ofany documentary evi­ tury Dutch Art and its Impact on sponse ofthe Indians to the Dutch dence uncovered. Contact De the Patroon Painters" Admission intrusion, the effects ofdisease epi­ Leeuw at Paalstraat 61, Post-Box is free and refreshments will be demics, a detailed analysis ofthe 38, 2900 Schoten, Belgium. Tel. served. The talk will be held at fur trade, an examination ofIndian­ 32-36850721. 8:00 p.m. in the Voorheesville Dutch political economies, and the First United Methodist Church on development ofjoint social "land­ Researchers in the Netherlands Maple Avenue. For further infor­ scapes" such as religion, marriage mation contact Dennis Sullivan at and occupation. Outcome ofthis The August 1994 issue ofthe Mar­ [518] 765-2468. study will be a book with the pre­ curius carried the final names ofa liminary title of ''Natives and New list of researchers in the Nether­ April 23, 1995: 2-4 p.m. Talk by Netherland: A Social History of lands interested in New Nether­ Derk Westerhof, Historian ofthe the Indian-Dutch Frontier." land. The following are additions City ofHasselt, entitled "Early Contact Prof. Starna at the Depart­ or changes to that list. Years in the Netherlands of ment ofAnthropology, SUNY Kiliaen Van Rensselaer: Foun­ Oneonta, Oneonta, NY 13820; Replace Hilde Verheul with der and First Patroon of Rensse­ [607] 436-2016. Mrs. Ingrid van Vessum laerswijck." This is another talk in West Indisch Huis *** Herenmarkt 97 the Town of Colonie's Centennial The Papers of Jacob Leisler Pro­ 1013 EC Amsterdam Series on Local History at the Wil­ ject is collecting all the correspon­ 31-20-6247280 (voice) or 31-20-638 liam K. Sanford Library on Albany­ dence and related family papers of 1145 (FAX) Shaker Road. Contact Jean Olton, Jacob Leisler (1640-1691), the ill­ *** Town Historian, at [518] 783-1435 fated governor ofNew York, 1689­ Information is sought on relation­ for further information, 1691. The project would appreciate ships to Hugh Goodyear (Man­ hearing from anyone who has infor­ chester, UK 1588 - Leiden, Nether­ Research Interests mation about personal and public lands, 1661), Minister ofEnglish correspondence, diaries and busi­ Reformed Church in Leiden 1617­ William A. Starna, professor ofan­ ness documents, as well as por­ 1661. Personal correspondence in thropology at the State University traits and other material objects the Leiden Municipal Archives in­ College at Oneonta, has been relating to Leisler and his immedi­ cludes letters to/from Hugh Peter awarded a $30,000 fellowship to ate family. Contact: (Harvard) & Governor Bradford. study the social interaction be­ Dr. David William Voorhees Information sought concerning his tween American Indians and The Papers ofJacob Leisler second cousins Robert Goodyear Department ofHistory Dutch settlers in New Netherland (merchant in Virginia) and Thomas 19 University Place, 5th Floor during the 17th century. "Little has New York University (merchant in the Port ofLondon). been written about Indian-Dutch New York, NY 10003 Possible connections with im­ social relations and this study will *** port/export ofEnglish Bibles. Also partially fill that void," said Starna. Hubert de Leeuw announces the Elizabeth Goodyear, married Wil­ "It will serve to complete the pic­ formation ofAdriaen Block & liam Aspinall/Aspinwall in 1627 ture of ethnic diversity that typified Hendrick Christiaensz Historische (one known daughter born ca. New Netherland, and perhaps most Werkgroep. This study group will 1644), emigrated to America (his importantly, it will furnish the criti­ focus on gathering information on profession: clockmaker and/or at­ cal context ofnative cultural sys­ Dutch activities in Long Island tomey-at-law). Is there any connec­ tems and social environments Sound shortly after the explora­ tion with Samuel Goodyear, within which the Dutch were trans­ tions ofHudson. De Leeuw is look­ apparently deputy governor of formed into 'New Netherlanders.'" ing for any information relating to New Haven in 1647? New Netherland Project, NYSL, CEC 8th Fl. Albany, NY 12230 Voice {5181474-6067 FAX {5181474-5786; GIRO 6566735 DeN ieu N ederlanse M arcurl us. 3 Ann Veenhoff, MA article is a report on Mrs. Parker's nering: vier eeuwen met de Fon­ Marja Smolenaars, MA week-long trip to Albany to attend das, Vanderbilts, Roosevelts en an­ VENA (Women & Autonomy Ctr.) the Rensselaerswijck Seminar and dere nederlands-amerikaanse Leiden University P.O. Box 9555 explore research facilities. This geslachten. Mr. Vellenga writes: 2300 RB LeidenINetherlands quarterly publication has interest­ ''There is a lot of interest in the (voice) 31-71-273600 ing articles for those who are re­ Netherlands in the Dutch period of (FAX) 31-71-273619 searching Dutch families. Member­ the United States and the story of *** ship in DFHS is $20 annually, and famous families. My novel is do­ To serve as a basis for historical members receive free queries. ing well in Holland. I am now look­ and genealogical research, the Cen­ Back issues are available for $5.00 ing for a suitable translator and tral Bureau voor Genealogie each. Write Dutch Family Heritage publisher in the United States." Or­ (eBG) has established a database Society, 2463 Ledgewood Drive, der the book from Uitgeverij Con­ on New Netherland settlers. If you West Jordan, UT 84084-5738. serve, Postbus 74, 1870 AB have documentation, from archives *** Schoorl, Netherlands; tel. 02209­ or private records, pertaining to Just published by Hendricks Manu­ 3693; FAX 02209-4370. If you persons who settled in New Nether­ script Award winner, David Steven wish to correspond with Mr. Vel­ land or the east coast during the Cohen, is a new book entitled Folk lenga, his address is Wadestein 44, 17th century, we would be pleased Legacies Revisited and which in­ 4901 CP Oosterhout, Netherlands. to list your information in our data­ cludes a whole chapter on "Afro­ base. For further information write: Dutch Folklore and Folklife." The News Mevr. L. AIsemgeest book is available in both hardcover Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie Postbus 11755 and paperback from Rutgers Uni­ !Call to Actionl 2502 AT Den Haag versity Press, 109 Church Street, The news coming out of Washing­ (voice) 070-3814651 New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
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