July 30, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1011 confined to any one geographic, socio- Chief Lavoie has been a leading and re- aircraft of the 596th Bombardment Squadron economic, or other type of demographic. Rath- spected voice in the Granite State advocating took off from Barksdale Air Force Base, Lou- er, this epidemic is ravaging communities all for the Safe Station Program and forming the isiana on Operation Senior Surprise. However, around our country. Nashua Community Conversations on Race those who took part named their mission Op- How did this epidemic start? Let’s go back and Justice, which have enhanced relation- eration Secret Squirrel. to 2012, when there were more opioid pre- ships between police and Nashua’s diverse This was the United States’ first move to lib- scriptions in my home state of Ohio than there population amongst other accomplishments. I erate Kuwait from Saddam Hussein. Using were people. Prescriptions to opioids were commend Chief Lavoie on his retirement after state of the art air launched cruise missiles, handed out like candy, and there was little-to- three decades of work in public service. these brave airmen had one objective: to de- no regulation on these highly-addictive drugs. On behalf of my constituents in New Hamp- stroy Hussein’s strategic assets in Iraq and Someone could sustain a simple injury—say, shire’s Second Congressional District, con- Kuwait. Over the course of this mission, the to their knee or their back—perhaps even gratulations to Chief Andrew Lavoie for a well- aircraft destroyed nearly all of the targets and have surgery, and be prescribed highly-addict- deserved retirement. I thank him for his serv- blinded the Iraqi military to our ground forces, ive opioids for their pain. With no oversight, ice and wish him the very best in the years to in turn saving countless American lives. In- Americans everywhere were slowly becoming come. credibly, these aircraft completed four in-air re- addicted to these substances, with their toler- f fueling maneuvers and covered 14,000 nau- ance levels increasing, therefore requiring tical miles in under 36 hours. them to take higher doses to experience the CELEBRATING THE ROBINSON This year marks the 28th anniversary of same level of pain relief. Of course, these WESTBROOKS FAMILY 109TH ‘‘Operation Secret Squirrel’’ and each year, drugs are not cheap. Often times, when the FAMILY REUNION those involved in this historic mission gather to drugs become too costly or a prescription ran remember their piece of history made. In the out, these now-addicted opioid users would HON. TERRI A. SEWELL longest mission since the Doolittle Raids on Japan, these aviators carried out their mission turn to street drugs, such as heroin, to feed OF ALABAMA their addiction. In Ohio, four out of five heroin with honor and bravery. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, those who served on this addicts began their drug use with prescription Tuesday, July 30, 2019 mission displayed true endurance and dedica- painkillers. tion to country in their actions. It is my honor Often times, once an addiction starts, it’s Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Madam Speaker, to recognize Captain Hattabaugh and the fifty- near impossible to break the cycle. Truly, the I rise today to recognize the Robinson six others who took part in this critical mission. best way to treat addiction is to stop it before Westbrooks family who will be celebrating it even starts. Of course, we know now that their 109th family reunion in Los Angeles, f opioid addiction is completely preventable, and California on August 16–18, 2019. Each year, TRIBUTE TO MR. RANDY CORBIN, fighting this growing epidemic will take the the Robinson Westbrooks family gets together OWNER OF CORBIN COLONIAL work of many committed groups. This multi- for the oldest ongoing registered family re- CHAPEL FUNERAL HOME, faceted crisis needs the support of police de- union in the United States. ‘‘MAYOR OF MADISON STREET’’ partments, communities, families and schools, It all started with Mr. John Bolin Robinson, government at all levels, and the medical and Mrs. Dora Anne Westbrooks Robinson, and HON. DANNY K. DAVIS their youngest child, Leonard Wilbert Robin- science communities. That’s where the EF- OF ILLINOIS son, who all share a birthday of August 16. FORT Act comes in. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This critical piece of legislation will direct the Their coinciding birthdays led to the tradition Tuesday, July 30, 2019 National Science Foundation to study the ef- of getting the family together every third Sun- fects of the opioid epidemic and will require day in August to celebrate family unity and the Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam this body to consult with the National Institute blessings of God. The first official Robinson Speaker, I take this opportunity to pay tribute of Health—and vice versa—in their research Westbrooks Family Reunion was held on Au- to one of my constituents, and a personal of opioid addiction. I’m a firm believer that re- gust 16, 1910 in Eclectic, Alabama, making friend, Mr. Randy Corbin who migrated from search is one of the most important tools in this year the 109th celebration. Arkansas, came to Chicago and established a fighting illnesses like addiction. Of course, this The Robinson Westbrooks family makes the business and lived a wonderfully productive is just one of many pieces in the vast puzzle most out of their annual family gatherings life. Randy grew up in Gould, Arkansas, came of putting an end to the opioid epidemic. This throughout the United States. They are reg- to Chicago, attended Worsham College of bill is a step in the right direction, and we istered at the United States Library of Con- Mortuary Science. Married his queen, Karen need to continue our efforts to fight this epi- gress. Kennedy and they raised four children, two demic. I am proud to cosponsor the EFFORT This year the family celebrates their oldest sons Amell and Loren, two daughters Act, and I thank my colleague from Virginia, family members, Mrs. Queenie Elizabeth Clarressa and Syreeta. He served in the U.S. Congresswoman JENNIFER WEXTON for intro- Thompson-Hunter, age 93, of Detroit, Michi- Army, and was honorably discharged in 1964. ducing this critical legislation. I urge my col- gan, Mrs. Clara Dora Thompson-Smith, age Randy started his career as a janitor at AA leagues to pass H.R. 3153 so our country can 92, of Detroit, Michigan, and Mr. Charlie An- Rayner Funeral Home and worked his way better prevent opioid addiction. derson Brown, age 96, of Eclectic, Alabama. through the ranks with successive promotions. In 1977, Randy partnered with a friend, Lu- f On behalf of the 7th Congressional District of Alabama, I extend best wishes to the ther Sparks and they started the Luther RECOGNIZING CHIEF ANDREW Westbrooks family. I hope this tradition con- Sparks Funeral Home. Unfortunately, Mr. LAVOIE tinues for many years to come. Sparks died and Randy became the sole pro- f prietor and the rest became history. Randy HON. ANN M. KUSTER built a successful business, was generously HONORING CAPTAIN AARON OF NEW HAMPSHIRE supportive of community activities. He started HATTABAUGH AND OPERATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES other business ventures, provided leadership SENIOR SURPRISE to the community and earned the title, ‘‘Mayor Tuesday, July 30, 2019 of Madison Street’’. Randy was a member of Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire. Madam HON. ADAM KINZINGER the Illinois Funeral Directors Association, a Speaker, I rise today to honor Andrew Lavoie, OF ILLINOIS leadership member of the Boy Scouts of Chief of the Nashua Police Department, for his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America, he sponsored local basketball teams service and leadership to the Department for and students pursing education. He hosted 32 years, the last four and a half years as Tuesday, July 30, 2019 school supply drives, donated volumes of sup- Chief. Mr. KINZINGER. Madam Speaker, I rise plies to youth and families throughout the Over the span of Chief Lavoie’s career, he today to recognize my constituent, Aaron years. He regularly donated to churches and has taken on numerous roles within the Nash- Hattabaugh, a retired captain and B–52 navi- let ministers use Corbin Chapel for services. ua Police Department, whether it was attack- gator, for taking part in the longest combat He is survived by his wife Karen and their four ing the opioid crisis from the law enforcement mission in Air Force history. children, his sister, fourteen grandchildren, five perspective by making many arrests or stand- On January 16, 1991, Captain Hattabaugh great grandchildren, a host of nieces, neph- ing with his community to protect and serve. and fifty-six other airmen aboard seven B–52G ews, cousins and friends. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:02 Jul 31, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30JY8.016 E30JYPT1.
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