OCTOBER 2017 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 Find out how Shenanigans at It’s Fashion Week Camping fun our favourite little St. Michael’s at Clergy and celebrations boy is doing Youth Conference Conference! Page 14-15 Page 5 Page 7 Page 9 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL OCtobER 2017 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON Archbishop Nutter remembered for his kindness, pastoral nature BY GISELE MCKNIGHT At first he did not support the ordination of women, but he Great sadness surrounded the softened that position over the news of the passing of Arch- years. While he did not ordain bishop Harold Lee Nutter, 93, in any women candidates, he did Perth, Ontario, Sept. 9. “clear the way for such ordina- Bishop Nutter was the sixth tions by his successor in accept- bishop of the diocese from 1971- ing Patricia Brittain and Eliza- 1989 and the first to be born in beth Northcott as candidates New Brunswick. He served as for Holy Orders, and licensing a archbishop of the Province of woman priest, the Rev. Brenda Canada from 1980-89. McKnight,” says a Synod docu- His death was met with much ment. reminiscing of the man whose “I think Harold himself kindness, graciousness and was very cautious. Not that he pastoral nature have become his himself disapproved, but many legacy. parishes were not ready for it,” “Bishop Harold Nutter was said his wife, Edith in a previous much beloved in the Diocese of interview. Because of the strong Fredericton and beyond,” said opinions, the process had to be Bishop David Edwards. “There gradual, she said. are many stories of his kindness Bishop Nutter also presided and down-to-earth manner from over the addition of the Book people across the Province. of Alternative Services, another “I received a message from MCKNIGHT PHOTO divisive issue that took time to one of his successors as Metro- settle. politan of Canada who told of a He was a very busy bishop, visit for dinner by Bishop Nutter. Grandson Christopher Hunsley, front left, shares warm memories of his grandfather, Archbishop Harold particularly on the regional, There was concern in the house, Nutter, during the funeral Sept. 14 at Christ Church Cathedral. national and even international because such an important man levels. He visited South Africa was visiting. After supper Harold twice during the height of apart- took off his jacket and helped Bishop Lemmon said at the in 1958 at Stone Church (St. reunited with his birth mother, heid. He hosted meetings of the with the washing up. From that time, the diocese was trying to Marks) in Saint John, and in he discovered that she had stood General Synod in 1983 at the time forward he was the “favou- find its place, and Bishop Nutter 1985, chose the archdeacon to up with Edith Nutter at Edith’s University of New Brunswick. rite bishop” in that home. gave it direction, including the be his executive assistant. wedding to Harold. He also established the dioc- “Such an action was typical need to return to the real foun- “We got along well,” said the Above all, said Siobhan, esan archives, which is housed of Harold. He will be greatly dational issues. archdeacon. “It worked out very Bishop Nutter had an intimate at the Public Archives of New missed by many people. Please “He got the diocese on a more well. He was the best boss you understanding of his role, his Brunswick. He served as vice- pray for Edith and the family at spiritual level, to submit to the could find. duties and his people. president of the Canadian Bible this time.” Lord, a lot of praying and sur- “He left a lot of stuff up to “He knew his people,” she Society. He was the Legislative Bishop George Lemmon, rendering,” said Bishop Lem- me. If I couldn’t handle it, he got said. “One of the great strengths Assembly’s chaplain for four whose episcopacy followed mon. “He was patient enough, involved. We used to meet for 15 of any bishop is to know your years. He served briefly as acting Bishop Nutter’s, remembers an t o o.” minutes every morning.” people, your clergy and your primate after Archbishop Ted intelligent, humble man who His advice to Bishop Lem- Archdeacon Hazen uses one parishes, and be their chief pas- Scott’s resignation in 1986. always listened. mon as he succeeded him was to word to describe Bishop Nutter: tor. He had that.” He is survived by his wife, “His genius was that he not the point: “You’ll fly by the seat kind. Fr. Laskey fondly remembers Edith, a son, the Rev. Bruce; only listened, but he knew what of your pants!” Father Gerry Laskey and his feeling at home whenever he was a daughter, Patricia and two to do,” said Bishop Lemmon. “He would call it as it is,” said wife, Siobhan, have a special in the bishop’s office, even as a grandsons. “He had a tremendous gift of Bishop Lemmon. “He was the connection to the bishop. He divinity student. Visitation took place at Christ discernment. He heard it all, model for what a good bishop baptized their son, Sean, and 11 “He always made time for Church Cathedral Sept.13, analysed it and threw out a i s .” years later, he buried Sean, while you,” he said. “You never got the with the funeral service at the couple of statements that were Archdeacon Harold Hazen the Laskeys served in the Parish sense that he was rushing you. cathedral Sept. 14. A reception right on the button.” has fond memories of Bishop of Gagetown. But the connection There was never anything more followed at Cathedral Memorial Sometimes, one of the state- Nutter, from the time Hazen was goes even further. important to him than you being Hall. The committal took place ments was, ‘what do you think?’ a divinity student, to their retire- “He confirmed me, ordained in front of him.” at Christ Church, Woodstock, giving the visitor the opportu- ments many years later. me and placed me in my first His episcopacy saw a great the next day. nity to work out the right course Bishop Nutter married two parishes,” said Fr. Laskey. deal of change and turmoil, both of action. Archdeacon Hazen and his wife As well, when Fr. Laskey was in the church and in the world. See more on page 4 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN OCTOBER 2017 d i o c e s a n s y n o d n e w s Out of the building, into the community Parish of Millidgeville it was unanimous. I felt that will be reduced by about 35 per underlying the consensus of cent, with no maintenance and takes a bold step the vote there existed, for many no building to heat. The parish of faith with a new parishioners, a seed germinating will have an office and space address in uptown that God was active in the midst for church meetings. These cost of this pain, and going forward savings can then be directed Saint John was the faithful response.” to fulfilling the mission of the By late spring, six options Church: to witness and to serve, BY GISELE MCKNIGHT were on the table, including one said Stuart, much the same as to close and walk away. Outflow is doing. They say necessity is the mother The congregation heard all “This is not a formal partner- of invention, and this fall, the the proposals, and at another ship with Outflow, whose work Parish of Millidgeville is re- meeting, 36 people voted to among the vulnerable is out- inventing itself — out of neces- move to Outflow Ministry’s standing,” said Stuart. “We were sity, eyes fixed on God in a most shelter. One abstained, and one looking for the best possible new dramatic fashion. voted against. location. In dating worlds, this is On Oct. 15, the people will no “Ever since then, we’ve been called E-Harmony.com. In God’s MCKNIGHT PHOTOS longer meet in their large build- working toward Oct. 1 as our wisdom, it is called providential. ing in the north end of Saint first Sunday there,” said Stuart. He put us together.” Archdeacon Stuart Allan stands inside the ornate Church of St. John. Instead, they will gather Looking around the vast The parish’s hope is that John Baptist (Mission Church) and St. Clement (The Parish of for worship in created sacred facility which takes up almost Outflow clients will join them in Millidgeville). Below is the artist’s rendering of the new sacred space space as a parish and a congre- an acre of land, it’s filled with worship. where parishioners will meet at Outflow Ministry in Saint John. gation at Outflow Ministry, a ecclesiastical furniture, stained Warden Ada McNamara is street mission and men’s shelter glass windows, vessels and optimistic about the move. on Waterloo Street in uptown candle sticks gathered from both “It’s a learning curve, it’s dif- Saint John. congregations over the past 135 ferent, but it’s a chance for us to “This is not ‘outside the box’ years. But there isn’t much that maybe make a statement,” she for me,” said Archdeacon Stuart will be making the trip to the said. “The building is not the Allan, the interim priest in the Outflow building. church. If we can stay together, parish. “It’s a whole different “We are prayerfully consider- that’s the thing. I want to see it world. We go as Abraham did, ing where these dedicated ap- through.” responding in faith.” pointments can best continue to Long-time Mission Church It will be a big move —emo- reflect God’s glory and presence.
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