VOL NO VOL VOL NO ı , Current location technologies have become tools used by contemporary artists, theorists, designers and scientists to reformulate our understanding of social engagement within an enlarged concept of place. These new mobile networks have altered the way people exist in and relate to spaces where the real and virtual world blend, blurring the lines of traditional spatial denitions and frameworks. This special issue provides a variety of perspectives and practices on the meaning and interpretation of today’s locative media. L E ONARDO EL VOL NO ı , Current location technologies have become tools used by contemporary artists, theorists, designers and scientists to reformulate our understanding of social engagement within an enlarged concept of place. These new mobile networks have altered the way people exist in and relate to spaces where the real and virtual world blend, blurring the 4 lines of traditional spatial denitions and frameworks. This special issue provides a variety of perspectives and practices on the meaning and interpretation of today’s locative media. E C T R ONIC A L.A. L MAN Re.Play A mobile network C culture in placemaking 29/09 ¦ 01/10/2016 B U © . / 2016/ LEA is a publication of Leonardo/ISAST. Editorial Address Leonardo Electronic Almanac Copyright 2015 ISAST Boston University, Arts Administration Leonardo Electronic Almanac 808 Commonwealth Avenue, Room 269E, Boston, MA 02215 Volume 21 Issue 1 www.bu.edu/artsadmin January 15, 2016 p 617-353-4064 f 617-358-1230 E [email protected] ISSN 1071-4391 ISBN 978-1-906897-36-9 Email To Lorraine and Earle Iverson, The ISBN is provided by Goldsmiths, University of London. [email protected] visible in the space of memory. LEA publishing & subscription informAtion Web » www.leoalmanac.org Editor in Chief » www.twitter.com/LEA_twitts Lanfranco Aceti [email protected] » www.flickr.com/photos/lea_gallery » www.facebook.com/pages/Leonardo-Electronic- Co-Editor Almanac/209156896252 Özden Şahin [email protected] Managing Editor Copyright © 2015 John Francescutti [email protected] Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology Editorial Manager Çağlar Çetin [email protected] Leonardo Electronic Almanac is published by: Leonardo/ISAST Art Director 211 Sutter Street, suite 501 Deniz Cem Önduygu [email protected] San Francisco, CA 94108 USA Editorial Board Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA) is a project of Leonardo/ Peter J. Bentley, Ezequiel Di Paolo, Ernest Edmonds, Felice The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technol- Frankel, Gabriella Giannachi, Gary Hall, Craig Harris, Sibel Irzık, ogy. For more information about Leonardo/ISAST’s publica- Marina Jirotka, Beau Lotto, Roger Malina, Terrence Masson, tions and programs, see http://www.leonardo.info or contact Jon McCormack, Mark Nash, Sally Jane Norman, Christiane [email protected]. Paul, Simon Penny, Jane Prophet, Jeffrey Shaw, William Uricchio Leonardo Electronic Almanac is produced by Passero Productions. Cover Deniz Cem Önduygu Reposting of this journal is prohibited without permission of Leonardo/ISAST, except for the posting of news and events listings which have been independently received. The individual articles included in the issue are © 2015 ISAST. 2 LEONARDOELECTRONICALMANAC VOL 21 NO 1 ISSN 1071-4391 ISBN 978-1-906897-36-9 ISSN 1071-4391 ISBN 978-1-906897-36-9 VOL 21 NO 1 LEONARDOELECTRONICALMANAC 3 LeoNardo eLectroNIc aLmaNac, VoLume 21 Issue 1 L.A. Re.Play: Mobile Network Culture in Placemaking SeNıor edItorS lAnfrAnco AcEti, hAnA ivErson And mimi shEllEr edItorıaL maNager çAğlAr çEtin 4 LEONARDOELECTRONICALMANAC VOL 21 NO 1 ISSN 1071-4391 ISBN 978-1-906897-36-9 ISSN 1071-4391 ISBN 978-1-906897-36-9 VOL 21 NO 1 LEONARDOELECTRONICALMANAC 5 The Leonardo Electronic Almanac acknowledges the kind support for this issue of music and performing arts professions Ron Sadoff, Director Music Technology Music Composition B.m., m.m., ph.D. B.m., m.m., ph.D. Including a new 3-Summer M.M. concert music, Jazz, film scoring, immersive audio, computer music, informatics, electro-acoustic, songwriting cognition, recording and production . N • who are active in the local and international music field, Study with a premier faculty tio U including Juan pablo Bello, morwaread farbood, phil e. Galdston, paul Geluso, stit N i tae Hong park, kenneth peacock, agnieszka roginska, robert rowe, s. alex ruthmann, Y it ronald sadoff, David schroeder, mark suozzo, and Julia wolfe UN • w ork within a large and enriching university environment in the heart of New York city al opport U • Have access to state-of-the-art facilities including the James l. Dolan music /eq recording studio, one of the most technologically advanced audio teaching facilities N in the United states • Collaborate with an outstanding variety of department performance groups, along with choreographers, visual artists, writers, filmmakers, and scholars in other fields affirmative actio N • t ake advantage of special courses offered abroad and during the summer is a Y visit www.steinhardt.nyu.edu/music or call 212 998 5424 to learn more. iversit N ork U Y New 6 LEONARDOELECTRONICALMANAC VOL 2119 NO 41 ISSNISSN 1071-43911071-4391 ISBNISBN 978-1-906897-26-0978-1-906897-36-9 ISSN 1071-4391 Job: ISBN A1310_06_MusicTech 978-1-906897-36-9 VOL 21 NO 1 LEONARDOELECTRONICALMANAC 7 Publication: LEA Journal Size: 6.5” x 9.5” (no bleed) [177.8 mm x 254 mm trim] Color(s): b/w Material Type: jpg (300 dpi) Line Screen: Delivery: email: Issue Date: Closing Date: 10.15.13 Proof: F Date: 10.14.13 C ONTENTS CONTENTS Leonardo Electronic Almanac Volume 21 Issue 1 10 EDITORIAL Lanfranco Aceti 14 EDITORIAL Mimi Sheller & Hana Iverson 28 OPERATION FAUST Y FURIOSO: A TRANS [ ] BORDER PLAY ON 140 THE BODY IMAGE: BODY SPATIALITY IN MOBILE AUGMENTED THE REDISTRIBUTION OF THE SENSIBLE REALITY PROJECTS Electronic Disturbance Theater 2.0/b.a.n.g. lab Sarah Drury 44 SOUND CARTOGRAPHIES AND NAVIGATION ART: IN SEARCH OF 148 ‘EN ROUTE’ AND ‘PASTCITYFUTURE’: MAKING PLACES, HERE AND THE SUBLIME THERE, NOW AND WHEN Ksenia Fedorova Ian Woodcock 60 EMERGENT TECHNOLOGY AS ART PRACTICE AND PUBLIC ART AS 160 MORE THAN JUST A PINPOINT: LOCATIVE MEDIA AND THE INTERVENTION CHOROGRAPHIC IMPULSE John Craig Freeman Kim Sawchuk & Samuel Thulin 72 CITY… CREATIVITY… AND MEASURE… 178 LOCATIVE AWARENESS: A MOBILITIES APPROACH TO Jeremy Hight LOCATIVE ART Jen Southern 76 NARRATIVE IN HYBRID MOBILE ENVIRONMENTS Martha Ladly 196 OBJECTS AS AUDIENCE: PHENOMENOLOGIES OF VIBRANT MATERIALITY IN LOCATIVE ART 96 AN INTERVIEW WITH JENNY MARKETOU Jason Farman Mimi Sheller & Hana Iverson 210 ELASTIC GEOGRAPHIES: LIVING IN THE PROXIMITY OF 110 INDETERMINATE HIKES +: ECOLOGICAL AWARENESS AND THE ELSEWHERE MOBILE LANDSCAPE Paula Levine Leila Christine Nadir & Cary Peppermint 220 RESTLESS: LOCATIVE MEDIA AS GENERATIVE DISPLACEMENT 124 VISITING GOOGLE EARTH: GPS ART AND SUBJECTIVE Teri Rueb CARTOGRAPHY Esther Polak & Ivar van Bekkum 236 HYPERALLERGIC INTERVIEW: RICARDO DOMINGUEZ TALKS ABOUT THE TRANSBORDER IMMIGRANT TOOL WITH LEILA NADIR 130 I-5 PASSING ... 2002–2007 Christiane Robbins & Katherine Lambert 8 LEONARDOELECTRONICALMANAC VOL 21 NO 1 ISSN 1071-4391 ISBN 978-1-906897-36-9 ISSN 1071-4391 ISBN 978-1-906897-36-9 VOL 21 NO 1 LEONARDOELECTRONICALMANAC 9 E DITORIAL EDITORIAL Meanderings and Reflections on Locative Art vision of what locative art should be, as well as in what dangerous activity in places like Turkey, Iran, or China, context it should be ‘located,’ and – at the same time where a tweet or a click may quickly lead to the police – have challenged traditional contextual and relational knocking on the door, ready to enforce restrictions on interpretations of the art object and its social and politi- freedom of speech, or, more accurately, westernized cal functions. perceptions of freedom of speech disseminated over the internet that do not necessarily correspond or ap- The decision to stress the elements of spatially contex- ply to local realities. tualized art resides in the increased importance that The word ‘locative’ is often accompanied by the forward. Drew Hemment wrote in his introduction to public as well as private space have gained following The current furor over whether the President of Tur- word ‘media’ as if it were to seeking a legitimacy in the “LEA Locative Media Special Issue”: the technological developments that erode both spaces key, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, looks like Gollum, 2 the its technologic features more than in the artistry in favor of invasion of privacy, the blurring of public fictional character in The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. of the production of content. Instead, I’d like to Artists have long been concerned with place and boundaries, and the control of locations, bodies, and Tolkien, is but one of many forms of control and crack- place the word ‘art’ at the forefront of the argument, location, but the combination of mobile devices with identities. This erosion comes at the hands of corpo- down. In Turkey, as elsewhere, this has created a sense and to consider the notion of locative art as art that positioning technologies is opening up a manifold rate, state, and military regimes that, by parading ideas of panic among the population which, by self-limiting is spatially contextualized, art that encompasses of different ways in which geographical space can of democracy and social wellbeing, flaunt basic human and self-restricting its freedom, has generated a sense artistic practices that draw from movement (and/ be encountered and drawn, and presenting a frame rights while increasingly enacting dictatorial forms of that the state possess a kind of digital panopticon, or the lack of it) and location, which is their source through which a wide range of spatial practices may control and surveillance. leading to a wide-spreading malaise of self-censorship of inspiration, content, materiality, and context.
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