Geophysical Abstracts, 180-183 January-December 1960 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1116 Abstracts of current literature pertaining to the physics of the solid earth and to f!eophysical exploration • UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1961 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STEWART L. UDALL, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director 1 CONTENTS [The letters in parentheses are those used to designate the chapters for separate publication] Page (A) Geophysical Abstracts 180, January-March--------------------- 1 (B) Geophysical Abstracts 181, April-June------------------------- 129 (C) Geophysical Abstracts 182, July-September--------------------- 281 (D) Geophysical Abstracts 183, October-December------------------ 457 (E) Index to Geophysical Abstracts 180-183, 1960 ------------------- 637 Under department orders, Geophysical Abstracts has been published at different times by the Bureau of Mines orthe Geological Survey as noted below. 1-86, May 1929-June 1936, Bureau of Mines Information Circulars. [Mimeographed] 87, July-December 1936, Geological Survey Bulletin 887. 88-91, 'January-December 1937, Geological Survey Bulletin 895. 92-95, January-December 1938, Geological Survey Bulletin 909. 96-99, January-December 1939, Geological Survey Bulletin 915. 100-103, January-December 1940, Geological Survey Bulletin 925. 104-107, January-December 1941, Geological Survey Bulletin 932. 108-111, January-December 1942, Geological Survey Bulletin 939. 112-127, January 1943-December 1946, Bureau of Mines Information Circu- lars. [Mimeographed] 128-131, January-December 1947, Geological Survey Bulletin 957. 132-135, January-December 1948, Geological Survey Bulletin 959. 136-139, January-December 1949, Geological Survey Bulletin 966. 140-143, January-December 1950, Geological Survey Bulletin 976. 144-147, January-December 1951, Geological Survey Bulletin 981. 148-151, January-December 1952, Geological Survey Bulletin 991. 152-155, January-December 1953 1 Geological Survey Bulletin 1002. 156-159, January-December 1954 1 Geological Survey Bulletin 1022. 160;.163, January-December 1955, Geological Survey Bulletin 1033. 164-167 1 January-December 1956 1 Geological Survey Bulletin 1048. 168-171, January-December 1957 1 Geological Survey Bulletin 1066. 172-1751 January-December 1958, Geological Survey Bulletin 1086. 176-179, January-December 1959 1 Geological Survey Bulletin 1106. -trU.S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1961 0- 597Z1Z II ,..,. ~ Geophysical Abstracts 180 January-March 1960 By JAMES W. CLARKE, DOROTHY B. VITALIANO, VIRGINIA S. NEUSCHEL, and others GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1116-A Abstracts of current literature pertaining to the physics of the solid earth and to geophysical exploration UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1960 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FRED A. SEATON, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printin!l Office, Washin!lton 25, D.C. Price 40 cents (sin!lle copy). Subscription price: $1.75; 50 cents additional for forei!ln maUin!l. Use of funds for printin~ this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Bud!let (June 23, 1960). CONTENTS Page Introduction---------------------------------------------------­ 1 Extent of coverage------------------------------------------­ 1 List of journals--------------------------------------------­ 1 Form of citation--------------------------------------------­ 2 Abstracters------------------------------------------------- 3 Age determinations --------------------------------------------­ 3 Cosmogony ---------------------------------------------------- 10 Earthquakes and earthquake waves-------------------------------- 13 Earth tides and related phenomena-------------------------------- 23 Elasticity------------------------------------------------------ 26 Electrical exploration------------------------------------------- 33 Electrical logging ---------------------------------------------- 42 Exploration summaries and statistics----------------------------- 45 General ------------------------------------------------------­ 51 Geodesy ------------------------------------------------------­ 52 Geotectonics --------------------------------------------------­ 58 Glaciers------------------------------------------------------- 61 Gravuy-------------------------------------------------------­ 64 Heat and heat flow ---------------------------------------------- 69 Internal constitution of the earth --------------------------------- 71 Isotope geology------------------------------------------------- 73 Magnetic field of the earth--------------------------------------­ 75 Magnetic properties and paleomagnetism -------------------------- 79 Magnetic surveys----------------------------------------------- 86 Microseisms -------------------.-------------------------------­ 94 Radioactivity--------------------------------------------------- 95 Radioactivity surveying and logging------------------------------- 98 Seismic exploration--------------------------------------------- 104 Strength and plasticity ------------------------------------------ 115 Submarine geology---------------------------------------------­ 116 Volcanology---------------------------------------------------­ 117 Index---------------------------------------------------------- 123 III GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 180, JANUARY-MARCH 1960 By James W. Clarke, Dorothy B. Vitaliano, Virginia S. Neuschel, and others INTRODUCTION Extent of Coverage Geophysical Abstracts includes abstracts of technical papers and books on the physics of the solid earth, the application of physical methods and tech­ niques to geologic problems, and geophysical exploration. The table of con­ tents, which is alphabetically arra,nged, shows the material covered. Abstracts are prepared only of material that is believed to be generally avail­ able. Ordinarily abstracts are not published of material with limited circula­ tions (such as dissertations, open-file reports, or memoranda) or of other papers presented orally at meetings. Abstracts of papers in Japanese and Chinese are based on abstracts or summaries in a western language accom­ panying the paper. List of Journals Lists of journals published in Geophysical Abstracts 160 (January-March 1955, Bulletin 1033-A) and subsequent issues through 175 {October-December 1958, Bulletin 1086...,D) have been compiled into a single list, which may be ob­ tained by writing to the U.S. Geological Survey, Washington 25, D. C. Supplements to this master list have been published in each issue since Geophysical Abstracts 175. The following is an additional supplement that lists references cited in Geophysical Abstracts 180 that have not been listed previously. Acad. Columbiana Cienc. Exactas, F:ls. y Nat. Rev.- Revista de la Acade­ mia Columbiana de Ciencias Exactas, Ffsicas y Naturales. Bogota, Co­ lumbia. Acad. Roumaine, Rev. Geol.-Geog.- Academie de la Republique Populaire Roumaine, Revue de Geologie et de Geographie [Academy of the Rumanian People's Republic, Revue of Geology and Geography]. Bucure~ti (Bucharest), Rumania. Acta Geol. Sinica-Acta Geologica Sinica. Academia Sinica. [Chinese Geo­ logical Proceedings. Chinese Academy]. Peiping, China. Akad. Nauk Beloruss. SSR, Inst. Geol. Nauk Trudy-Akademiya Nauk Beloru­ sskoy SSR, Trudy Instituta Geologicheskikh Nauk [Academy of Science of Belorussian SSR, Papers of the Institute of Geological Sciences, Minsk, B.S.S.R. Akad. Nauk SSSR Inst. Okeanologii Trudy-Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Institut Okeanologii, Trudy [Academy of Sciences of the U. S. S. R. , Institute of Ocea­ nology, Papers]. Moskva (Moscow), U.S.S.R. Akaq. Nauk SSSR Meteoritika-Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Komitet po Meteoritam, Meteoritika [Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Committee on Meteor­ itics]. Moskva (Moscow), U.S.S.R. Akad. Nauk Turkmen. SSR, Inst. Fiziki iGeofiziki. Trudy-AkademiyaNauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Institut fiziki i geofiziki Trudy [Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen S. S. R. Institute of Physics and Geophysics Papers]. Ashkha­ bad, Turkmen SSR. 2 GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 180, JANUARY -MARCH 1960 Edinburgh Geol. Soc. Trans. -Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological So­ ciety. Edinburgh, Scotland. Folia Sci. Africae Centralis-Folia Scientifica Africae Centralis. L'institut pour la recherche scientifique en Afrique centrale. Bukavu, Belgian Congo. Geodezia es Kartografia-Geodezia es Kartografia. Allami Foldmeresi es Terkepeszeti Hivatal Lapja. [Geodesy and Cartography. State Surveying and Cartographic Office Journal]. Budapest, Hungary. Indiana Acad. Sci. Proc. -Proceedings of Indiana Academy of Science. In­ dianapolis, Indiana. Kali u. Steinsalz-Kali und Steinsalz. Kaliverein. [Potash and Rock salt. Potash Union]. Hanover, Germany. Low Temperature Sci. -Low Temperature Science. Institute of Low Tem­ perature Science. Hokkaido University. Hokkaido, Japan. Natural History. -Natural History. The American Museum of Natural His­ tory. New York, New York. [Norway] Geof. Komm. -Den Geofysiske Kommisjon [The Geophysical Com­ mission (Norway)]. Bergen, Norway. Pennsylvania Geol. Survey Inf. Circ. -Pennsylvania Geological Survey Infor­ mation Circular. Pennsylvania Topographic and Geological Survey. Har­ risburg, Pennsylvania. Philippine Jour. Sci. -The Philippine Journal of Science. The Institute of Science and Technology. Manila, Philippines. Phys. Soc. Japan Jour. -Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. Depart­ ment of Physics, Faculty of Science, University
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