Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1965-66 The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 3-11-1966 The thI acan, 1966-03-11 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1965-66 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1966-03-11" (1966). The Ithacan, 1965-66. 18. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1965-66/18 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1960/61 to 1969/70 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1965-66 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. A Weekly Newspaper, Published by and for the Students of Ithaca College. Vol. 38-No. 18 Ithaca, New York March 11, 1966 Ithacan Sta" Members Most Beautiful Ithaca College Coed Attend Rochester Clinic Cayugan Takes First Place To Be Crowned at Delta Sig Dance For Third Consecutive Year The most beautiful girl at Ithaca College will be chosen on Four Ithacan staff members at­ were: first place, St. John Fisher Saturday, March 12, at Delta tended the Seventh Annual Col­ College; second place, a tie, Al­ Sig's annual "Rose Dance." lege Newspaper Conference last fred University and R.I.T.; and The dance will be held in the Friday, March 4, at R.I.T. in third place, Nazareth College. Outstanding parts of newspapers West Tower, 14th floor, from 9 Rochester and brought back the p.m. until, with music provided first place plaque for The were: Elmira College for out­ by the Four Sharps. Girls who at­ Cayugan in the yearbook division. standing single issue; and Erie County Technical Institute . and tend the dance will receive 2:30 Jeff Falkner, managing editor; a.m. curfews. The price will be Steve Feeser, advertising man­ Niagara University for notable improvement. Literary magazine $2.50 per couple, and flowers are ager; Paula Silbey, news editor; not necessary. Penny Oswald, feature editor; and awards were: first place, a .tie, John Mason Potter, advisor; repre­ Wells College and State Univers­ The five finalists for the 1966 sented Ithaca College. ity of Oswego; second place, St. Rose Dance are: Bonaventure; and third place, The conference opened with a Miss Irene Freudendorf, a State University College at Brock· sophomore Speech Therapy ma­ welcoming address by the Presi­ port dent of R.I.T., followed by A. jor from Brooklyn, New York; Vernon. Croop, of Gannett Press, Hector Sullivan, conference Miss Julie Gray, a freshman speaking on the role of a news chairman, thanked all the mem­ Physical Education major from reporter. He said a reporter is a bers for coming and wished to Parish, N.Y.; Miss Wendy Lieber­ "privileged spectator at events, see all of them again next year. man, a freshman majoring in . and a fallible human being . The Cayugan has won first Speech Correction, from ~errick, the first must overcome the place in the yearbook division N.Y.; Miss Sandy Schnepf, a second." three times in a row. freshman Spanish major from Hicksville, N.Y.; and Miss Pat Following the opening ad- ' dresses, representatives from ap- ------------------------­ Scott, a freshman Liberal Arts major from Munich, Germany. proximately 25 schools attended panel discusions and clinics on The contest begins with the news writing, public relations, nominations of several girls from editorial opinion, feature writing, Winter Carnival Completed each dorm. These girls are then and the building of an effective interviewed by the Rose Com­ newspaper staff. mittee, and twenty of the girls At noon the conference mem­ Despite Adverse Weather are invited to a cocktail party bers met to bear the review of to meet the brothers. The broth· No winter carnival can be con­ located on the new trail which ers select five finalists after the the 1965 publications by the panel sidered a complete success until the Ski Club cleared this fall. of judges. The judges said that party, but the winner will not it has been cancelled at least A great deal of packing and be crowned until the dance. the quality of editorials are im- once for lack of snow. Ithaca shovelling was required to keep ' proving. They stressed the idea of College's first annual winter car· dangerous conditions at a mini- The ''Rose of Delta Sig" is a national honor, and each chap­ freshening up stories, and adding nival scheduled for Valentine's ( Continued on page S) candid shots with emphasis on Day was such a success. ter of the fraternity sends a pie• the students, not just faculty ture of their local ''Rose" to A freak snowfall blanketing and administration. the Central Office of Delta Sig­ Ithaca recently rescheduled the After lunch, David Beetle, Al­ ma Pi. Some 140 chapters carnival for February 28. The Humanities and throughout North America are bany Correspondent for Gannett Ski and Outing Clubs made plans Press addressed the assembled represented, and the judges must immediately for another try. It chose the national ''Rose" from students. He spoke on ''What's turned out to be just the perfect The Space Age GOOD About Newspaper Work." these pictures. This year the day for a race. The sky was over­ judges will be James Mason and He emphasized that reporter is a cast; the snow was melting in 50 Discussed Thur. "generalist who beats a special­ Stella Stevens. degree temperatures; the rain One - of the nation's foremost Irene Freudendorf Pat Scott ist." began to fall just before the commentators on education will In their nine years existence, Announcement of ·the 1965 pub­ race. There was no reason to discuss "The Place of the Hu­ !C's own Delta Sig brothers have lication awards followed Mr. pull sleighs across mud; this manities in the Space Age" had the honor of twice selecting Beetle's speech. In the yearbook event was cancelled. An obstacle Wednesday, March 16 at 8:15 p.m. Harcourt- Kaufman Dialogue girls who went on to become na­ division the winning schools were: race was set up for beginners. in the Egbert Union Recreation tional winners. In 1959, Miss first place, Ithaca College; sec­ The racers had to climb the hill, Room. Bonnie Jo Marquis of Hunting­ ond place, University of Roches­ ski through a series of gates, The appearance of Benjamin Exposes Da~ger to Christianity ton, N.Y. became the National ter; and third place, Nazareth Rose, and later went on to be­ climb over a bay bale, crawl Fine, education editor of the Dr. J. B. Harcourt of the lit- -tional adult chose the Anabaptist College, Winning newspapers come Miss New York State. In under a fence and cross the "North American Newspaper Al­ erature department, and Mr. religion. finish line with one more re­ 1964 Miss Ingrid Helmke from liance" on the Ithaca College Kenneth Kaufman of the history Dr. Harcourt presented the quirement to stop the clock. The Butler, N.J. was selected as the campus will be part of the Dis­ department, engaged in a dia- Episcopalians as "traditionalists," racer bad to finish by sitting on National Rose, and since has tinguished Visitor Lecture Series logue and open discussion on who are "sentimentally attached a toilet which was placed at the adorned many leading fashion 'Plaza Del Musica' sponsored by the Egbert Union Monday, March 7. The topic for to their heirlooms" of creeds and finish gate. No rain loving be­ magazines. Board. Monday's meeting was "The Radi- rituals. He said that the Book of In Rec Room Mon. ginners showed up to compete. Mr. Fine, who has won more cal Reformation Today." Common Prayer, is revised every than 30 awards, including the There were, however, some Dr. Harcourt began the dia- now and then like "one cleans Pulitzer Prize, for his writings "die hard" skiers in the Club logue by mentioning that even an attic, pushing things around Vermit To Lecture on American education, is a Miguel Rubio Featured who kept the spirit going. Be­ with the ecumenical movement and replacing a few items." But cause of fast melting snow, mud former education editor of the of the present, people are in basically, the Episcopalian sect On Optical Activity "An Evening at La Plaza Del and flood warnings, the giant New York Times and former Musica", a combination concert, danger of losing insights into the represents "a conservative, tradi- slalom and torchlight parade president of the Education Writ­ true meaning of Christianity, tional church concerned for insti- smooth dance, and nightclub, were cancelled until a day with ers Association. Will be presented on Monday more snow. It was decided to run He is the author of a number The two men expressed what (Continued on page 2) Talk Part of Chem Series ~vening, March 14th, at 7:30 p.m. a downhill race straight down of books dealing with various Dr. Harcourt referred to as, Ill the Recreation Room of the a narrow strip of remaining snow aspects of education and he has "their particular perversity or ..-------------. Lawrence Verbit, assistant pro­ fessor of chemistry at the State Union. Entertainment will be lectured at countless institutions. point of view," as each man gave OF SPECIAL INTEREST Provided by Miguel Rubio, a He is the bolder of eight honor­ the backgrounds of the Protes­ University of New York at Bing. Spanish classical and flamenco ary degrees awarded by institu­ tant sects with which they are IN THE ITHACAN hamton, will discuss "Optical Ac· ~tarist, with music for dancing affiliated. Dr. Harcourt is a tivity and Organic Chemistry" tions of higher education. THIS WEEK 'I one of I.C.'s new jazz en­ He received the B.S.
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