ISSN 0354-8724 (hard copy) | ISSN 1820-7138 (online) The Perception of Pathumthani Residents toward its Environmental Quality, Suburban Area of Thailand Pawinee IamtrakulA*, Sararad ChayphongA Received: January 20, 2021 | Revised: June 20, 2021 | Accepted: June 20, 2021 doi: 10.5937/gp25-30436 Abstract The urbanization process is often concentrated mostly in urban areas, resulting into urban development sprawl. This has effects on the lifestyles and activities of urban people, which in turn significantly affects the health of the city. The quality of the urban environment plays an important role in public health with respect to urban issues ranging from quality of utilities and services to quality of life. This study aims to study the perception of Pathumthani residents toward its environmental quality through spatial cluster analysis. A total of 1,000 sets of data collected from the interview survey among residents or commuters traveling through Pathumthani province was used for this study. The residents’ response towards environ- mental factors was examined through the classification of their different opinions among built environ- ment and health aspects. The statistical analysis which was performed in this study was cluster analysis to demonstrate its relationship. With the level of satisfaction on environment aspect and health status in in- dicating number of congenital diseases, the result of this study found that condition of living environment (through Likert scale) affects the urban health with statistical significance of (P <0.05). Therefore, provin- cial health policy should focus more on developing a healthy city in consistence with economic and social development while putting adequate mechanisms for environmental surveillance monitoring at the com- munity level. The result of study can confirm the usefulness of this unconventional approach by asking residents or commuters about their satisfaction on built environment which can represent as an evidence- based planning approach by linking local people attitudes and translating them into creating liveable and better urban environmental quality. To have a good understanding of local people preferences, the recom- mendation to be given to the capacity of communities can be focused for improving people’s quality of life by providing better accessibility, high quality of infrastructures and services. Finally, a set of features of satisfied built environment can help to support the continued growth of the city in term of basic need and sufficiency provision of facility and utility system. Keywords: built environmental; health; satisfaction; quality of life; urbanization Introduction The urbanization process in the developing world vironment has become an essential element to be con- has been occurring in a rapid pace with high growth sidered in public health discourse like issues ranging concentration mostly in urban areas (World urbani- from solid waste disposal, safe water and sanitation zation prospects, 2018). The quality of the urban en- as well as safety and injury prevention. Health is de- A Director, Center of Excellence in Urban Mobility Research and Innovation, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, 12120, Thailand; [email protected]; [email protected] * Corresponding author: Pawinee Iamtrakul; e-mail: [email protected] 136 Geographica Pannonica • Volume 25, Issue 2, 136–148 (June 2021) Pawinee Iamtrakul, Sararad Chayphong fined as a state of complete physical and mental which generate both positive and negative impact on the ur- represent not just a lack of disease or weakness, but ban health depending on an appropriateness of the also includes a social well-being. To reach the high- planning and development. Its positive effect to the est standards of health is an ultimate goal in achiev- cities can be viewed from composition of green spac- ing and exemplifying one of the fundamental rights es, sidewalks and bicycle lanes that promotes physi- of all human beings irrespective of race, religion, po- cal exercise and mental health, improved markers of litical beliefs, economy or society (WHO, 1946). For cardiovascular and metabolic health (Centers for Dis- Thailand, the direction of health movement has ease Control and Prevention, 2011; Office of the Sur- changed over time, originally focusing on AIDS pre- geon General, 2015). In terms of the negatives, it con- vention and control, development and improvement tains built environment factors associated with more of occupational health work, environmental health motor vehicle-pedestrian incidents. These increasing work, expansion of quality of public service, consum- exposures consists of harmful contaminants in ur- er protection, child health development, agricultur- ban ambience which can reduce life expectancy and al development, and traffic pollution problems solu- worsen the ill effects of some respiratory conditions tion (Development Plan No. 1-7: 1961-1996). This led (Teo et al., 2015; Grant et al., 2009). Therefore, the lev- to a development strategy that focuses on the develop- el of carbon consumption in our environments must ment of the “people” as a whole and effective manage- be reduced since carbon has been proven to be im- ment to restore the economy. It is imperative to note pactful on human conditions and behaviors in a va- that health is a well-being that consists of complete riety of ways (Ebmeier, 2012). The built environment and balanced physical, mental, social and spiritual also includes housing component and several housing well-being a person. The development of public health factors are associated with mental and physical health is carried out in relation to various economic, social, impacts, e.g., air quality, infestation, noise, lighting, cultural, values, behavior and environmental factors. housing tenure and design (Macdonald, and Thomp- The health policy is planned to comprehend the prob- son, 2003). In the case of Thailand, one of the coun- lems more holistically (Development Plan No. 8-9: tries that has experienced significant changes in vari- 1997-2006) and immediately after the 10th National ous areas of urban growth showed the main reason for Development Plan, balancing and sustainability be- rapid expansion of the urban areas due to peoples’ mi- came the center of emphasis. Balancing the develop- gration to bigger cities. It is projected that in near fu- mental strategy of the country is achieved by linking ture, more than 73 percent of the Thai population will all dimensions of integrated and holistic develop- become urban (Office of knowledge management and ment including the “human, social, economic, envi- development, 2015). Although the greatest growth ronmental and political dimensions”. Consequently, it of population has occurred in Bangkok and vicinity can be seen that the issues to be considered in an ur- (5 province namely; Nakhon Pathom, Pathumthani, ban health is not just the health factor, but other influ- Nonthaburi, Samut Prakan, Samut Sakhon), the un- encing factors should also be included. fortunate situation is that it has also created environ- However, in this current age of chronic diseases, mental problems such as dispersion of environmental association between population health and the built pollution caused by emissions of pollutants from ve- environment still remained. It can be seen that phys- hicles, industrial suburbs and houses, as well as pres- ical spaces can directly expose people to urban pol- sures in demand for utilities. These challenges also lutants and influence on people lifestyles (Perdue et include lack adequate of drinking water, waste and al., 2003). The consideration of the built environment hazardous waste from homes, hospitals and indus- includes all the human-made physical spaces which tries, congested traffic caused by the rapid increase in corresponds to the spaces for living, recreation and number of vehicles etc. (Bureau of technical advisors, working. The physical structures like urban compo- 2020). nents were engineered and designed by people which In terms of social and economic problems, these became the places for our everyday life of working, are obviously seen in the outskirt are of Bangkok due living, playing and socialization. Also, urban physi- to various activities concentrated disproportionately cal is affecting to the enhancement of social capital in within this zone. A complex mix of activities around either positive or negative perspectives (Iamtrakul et the industrial spaces, living neighborhoods, and com- al., 2018). These urban elements include our buildings, mercial areas has resulted in the diversity of the popu- furnishings, public open spaces, roads, utilities, and lation within the area. Considering the urban sprawl- other infrastructures which affects our health condi- ing phenomena, the suburban areas also induce a tion through both direct and indirect pollutions and large concentration of commercial activities, edu- externalities (Collaborative on health and the envi- cational institutions as well as industrial estates and ronment, 2016). The built environmental factors can the regional market that attracts visitors from neigh- Geographica Pannonica • Volume 25, Issue 2, 136–148 (June 2021) 137 The Perception of Pathumthani Residents toward its Environmental Quality, Suburban Area of Thailand boring provinces and represented as regional attrac- health and 6) elderly health. Therefore, urban devel- tion nodes. A wide range of activities and social di- opment
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