The American Forestry Association Bulletin

The American Forestry Association Bulletin

The American Forestry Association Bulletin No. 2 G~:NERAL SERIES 1910 RECORD OF VOTES ON THE WEEKS BILL TO CREATE NATIONAL FORESTS The Weeks bill, a gCllcml measure for the acquisition of National Forests and for cooperation with the states in forest protection. which came Ollt of the agitation 10 protect the SontheTl1 Appalachian and ""hire Mountain forests, passed the national House of Representatives l'...lnfch T, 1909, by 41 "ole of 157 to '47, with 82 members 110t ,'oling. The record of the represcnt:uiYes of each state is gi"en in this bulletin. NOTE Those whose lIames arc in SMALl. C.....·ITALS looted Yes. Those whose names arc in italics looted No. Those whose names :'Irc not otherwise mark('d did not vOle. Names of new members arc marked as follow~: ~ew member; predecessor voted Yes, '. New member: predecessor \'oted Ko.'. Xcw member: predecessor did not \·ole.'. :\LABAMA CALIFORNIA l. G. W. Taylor (Demopolis) l. IV",. F. £"glebright (Ncvada City) 2. S. H. Dellt, Jr.' (Montgomery) 2. D. £. McKi"lo)! (Santa Rosa) J. H. D. ClaytOil (Ellf:lIIla) J. J. R. Kllon,lalld (Alameda) 4. W. B. CRAIG (Selma) 4. Juliu... Kahn (San Francisco) 5. ]. T. HEFLIN (Lafayette) 5. E. A. Hayes (San Jose) 6. R. P. HOBSON (Greensboro) 6. J. C. Nced"ml~ (l\'fodesto) 7. ]. L. BURNETT (Gadsden) 7. JA~IF.S McLACHLAN (Pasndena) 8. W;\1. RICH,\lWSON (Huntsville) 8. S. C. Sm.!1t (Bakersfield) 9. O. W. UI/derwood (Birmingham) COLORADO ARKANSAS E. T. Taylor' (Glenwood Springs) \Iaco,~ J. R. B.. (Helena) I. A. W. Rucker' (Rucker Ridge) 2. \Y. A. Oldfield' (Balesville) 2. ). A. :\Iartin' (Pueblo) J. J. C. Floyd (Yellville) 4. Ben Cravens (Fort Smith) COK 'ECTICUT 5. C. C. Reid (Morrillton) 6. J. T. RODlNSOl\" (Lonoke) J. Q. Tilson' (New Havcn) 7. R. M. lVallacr (Maglloli:l) I. E. S. l-h:NR\' (Rockville) 2 Tile A,uericQn Forestry AssocialiQ'I Bulleti,I-No. 2 CONNECTICUT-Continl1~d ILLINOIS-Continue<! 2. N. D. SPEKRV (New Ha\'~n) 15. G. \Y. PIUNCE (Galesburg) 3. E. W. HIGGINS (Norwich) 16. J. V. Groff (Pwria) 4. E.). Bu.!. (Norwalk) 17 J. W. Sterling (Bloomington) .8. J. G. CannOIl (Danville) DELAWARE 19. W. B. McKinley (Champaign) 20. H. T. RAINE\" (Carrollton) W. 1-1. He;l1d' (Wilmington) 21. ]. M. Graham' (Springfield) 22. W. A. Rodenberg (East St.Louis) FLORIDA 23. M. D. Foster (Olney) I. S. M. Sparkman (Tampa) 24. P. T. Chapmall (Vienna) 2. Frank Clark (Gaines\'ille) 25. N. B. TlJiol/lt!1.CJood (Cairo) J. D. H. Mays' (Monticello) INDIANA GEORGIA I. ]. W. Boehne' (Evansville) I. C. G. Edwards (Sa\'31111nh) 2. W. A. Cullop' (Vincennes) 2. ]. M. Griggs (Dawson) 3· Wm. E. Cox (Jasper) 3. D. M. Hughesl (Danville) 4· Lincobl Dixon (North Vernon) -t. W. C. Adamson (Carrollton) 5. R. \V. Moss" (Center Point) 5. I.. F. Lit-illKslon (Covington) 6. \Vm. O. Barnard' (Newcastle) 6. C. L. Bartlett (Macon) 7- C. A. Korbly' (Indianapolis) i. GOItOOX LEE (Chickamauga) 8. J. A. M. Adair (Portland) 8. IV. M. Ho'~'1Jrd (Luington) 9. M. A. Morrison' (FrankJon) 9. T. M. BF'.lJ. (Gaines\!iIIe) 10. E. D. Crumpader (Valparaiso) 10. T. W. f·/ard1.t....ick (Dandersville) Jr. G. W. Rouch (Marion) II. IV. G. Bra"tley (Brunswick) J2. Cyrus Oine' (Angola) 13. H. A. Bon.hort (Rochester) IDAHO IOWA T. R. H:nuer' (St. Anthony) I. Chas. A. KelUledy (Montrose) ILLINOIS 2. A. F. Dowso" (Preston) 3. Chas. E. Pickett' (Waterloo) I. M. B. Maddell (Chicago) 4· G. N. Ho',gell (Northwood) 2. ]. R. MANN (Chicago) 5· ]. W. Good' (Cedar Rapids) 3· IV. TV. lVi/soli (Chicago) 6. N. E. Kendall' (Albia) ,t. j. T. McDermott (Chicago) 7· ]. A. T. HULL (Des Moines) 5. A. J. SabatlJ (Chicago) 1 6. W. ]. Moxley' (Chkago) 8. Wm. D. ]amieson (Shenandoah) 9. W. 1. Smith (Council Bluffs) j. Frederick Lundin' (Chicago) 10. F. P. Woods' (Estqerville) 8. Thomas Gallagher' (Chicago) II. E. H. Hubbard (Sioux Cit)"} 9· H'-S. Boutell (Olicago) 10. C. E. Foss (Chicago) KANSAS IT. H. M. Snapp (Joliet) 12. C. E. FULLER (Belvidere) T. D. R. Anthony,]r. (Leavenworth) IJ. F. O. LowdeH (Oregon) 2. Cho.s. F. Scott (lola) 14· JA)IF..S McKrNNP..Y (Aledo) 3. P. P. Campbell (Pittsburg) The American Fortstr'J! Associalion Bt4Utliu....-No. 2. 3 KANSAS-Continued MASSACHUSETTS 4. J. M. Miller (Council Grove) I. G. P. LAWRE.."iCE (North Adams) 5. Wm. A. Calderhead (l\'larys\'iIle) 2. F. H. GILLETT (Springfield) 6. W:\I. A. REEDER (Logan) 3. C. G. WASHBUJIN (\Vorceslt'r) 7. E. H. MADISO~ (Dodge City) 4- C. Q_ TlllUU. (Natick) 8. Vidor Mlirdock (Wichita) 5. Butler Ames (Lowell) 6. A. P. GA~NEJI. (Hamilton) KENTUCKY 7. E. W. ROBDlTS (Chelsea) 8. S. W. MCCALL (Winchester) l. O. M. James (Marion) 9. J. A. Kt:u:HER (Boston) 2. A. O. SU,NLEY (Henderson) 10. J. F. O'CoNN£I.L (Boston) 3. R. Y. Thomas, Jr.' (Central City) II. A. ]. PETERS (Boston) 4. Ben Jolmson (Bardstown) 12. ]. W. WEEKS (Newton) 5. Swager Sherley (Louisville) 13. W. S. GREENE (Fall River) 6. ]. L. Rhinock (Covington) 14- W. C. LovERING (Taunton) 7. ]. C. CantrilP (Geors-etown) , 8. Harvey Htlm (Stanford) MICHIGAN 9· J. B. BeNNETT (Greenup) 10. J. W. LANGLEY (Spurlock) J. EDWIN DENBY (Detroit) II. D. C. EDWARDS (London) 2. CRAS. E. TOWNSEND (Jackson) J. Washington Gardner (Albion) 4- E. L. HAMILTON (Niles) . LOUISIANA 5- G_ 1- DIEUMA (Holland) - 6. S. VV. Smith (Pontiac) I. ALBERT ESTOPINAL (St. Bernard) 7. HENRY McMORRAN (Port Huron) 2 S. I.. Gi1more~ (New Orleans) 8. J. W. Fordney (Saginaw, W. S.) 3. R. B. Brollssard (New Iberia) 9· ]. C. McLAUGHLIN (Muskegon) -4. J. T. WATKINS (Minden) 10. G. A. LoUD (Au Sable) $. ). E. RANSD&l.L (Lake Providence) 1 II. F. H. Dodds (Mount Pleasant) 6. R. C. Wickliffe1 (Francisville) 12. H. O. YoIllig (Ishpeming) 7. A. JJ. Pujo (Lake Charles) MINNESOTA MAINE L J. A. Ta10IIry (Winona) l. A. L. ALLEN (Alfred) 2. W. S. HC"''''I01Id (51. James) 2. 1. P. SWASEY (Canton) 3. C. R. DAVIS (St. Peter) 3· E. C. BURLEIGII (Augusta) 4- F. C. Steve1ls (St. Paul) ~: F. E. GUlR~SEY (Dover) 5. F. M. Nye (Minneapolis) 6. Chas. A. Lindbergh (Little Falls) MARYLAND 7. A. J. Volsttad (Granite Falls) 8. C. B. Mill." (Duluth)" . I. ]. H. CO\'ington' (Easlon) 9. Hawor SIeetterSOll (Crookston) 2: ]. F. C. T.UBOTT (Towson) 3. John Kronmiller- (Baltimore) MISSISSIPPI 4· JOHN GILL, Ja. (Baltimore) 1. E. S. CANDLER. JR. (Corinth) 5. S. E. MUDn (Laplata) 2. Thomas Spight (Ripley) 6. G. A. Pearre (Cumberland) J. B. G. HUMPHREYS (Greensville) 4 Tile American Fort'Stry /lssQcilltiol/ Blllle/ill-No. 2 MI55)5SIP Pi-Colllinlled NEW JERSEY .... T. U. Sisson: (Winona) I. H. C. LOlldctlslagcr (Paulsboro) 5 A. M. Byrd (Philadelphia) 2. }. G. GARDS.ER (Atlantic City) 6. E. J. Bowers (Bay Sf. Louis) 3- B. F. HcnC!ell (New Brunswick) ]. Wm. A. DicksonJ (Centcf\'iIlc) 4. I. W. WOOD (Trenton) 8. ]. W. Collier" (Vicksburg) 5. Chas. N. FrrJJler (Elizabeth) 6. WIU.IAJ,( HUGHES (Paterson) ]. R. W. Parker (Newark) MISSOURI 8. Wm. H. Wiley' (East Orange) s I. J. T. Llo)'d (Shelbyville) 9. E. F. Kinke:td (Jersey City) 2. Wm. W. RI/cker (Keytesville) to. }. A. Hamill (Jersey City) 3. J. W. AleXa/Ida (Gallatin) 4. Chas. F. Booher (Savannah) NEW YORK S. Wm. P. Borland~ (Kansas City) 6. -----' 1. WM. W. CocKS (Westbury) ,. C. W. Ham/ill (Springfield) 2. G. H. Lindsay (Brooklyn) 8. D. W. Shackleford (Jefferson City) 3. r· G. FOELKER (Brooklyn) 9· Champ Clark (Bowling Green) 4- CnAs. B. LAW (Brooklyn) 10. RICHARD BARTHourr (St. Louis) 5. Richard Young' (FJatbllsh) It. P. F. Gill' (St. Louis) 6. W:\f. M. CALDER (Brooklyn) 12. H. M. CoUOR.£Y (St. Louis) ]. J. J. Fjt~gerald (Brooklyn) 13. Polilte Eh,jns* (Elvins) 8. D. }. Riordan (New York CiIY) 14- C. A. Crow' (Carutherville) 9. H.M.GoLDFOGLE (New York City', IS. Chas. H. Morgan' (J0I)lin) 10. WILLIA:\I SULZER (New York City) 16. A. P. Murphy' (Rolla) 11. CRAS. V. FORNES (New York City) 12. M. F. Conl1,.l (New York City) 13. HERBERT PARSOSS (New York ~IONTANA C;ty) Olarles N. Pray (Fori Benton) 14- WILLIAM Wn.LETT, }R. (Long Island City) IS. }. V. V. Olcott (New York City) NEBRASKA 16. F. B. HARRISON (New York City) r. ). A. l\'faguire' (Lincoln) I]. WM. S. BENNET (New York City) 2. G. M. HITCHCOCK (Omaha) 18. }. A. Goulden (Fordham) 3. ]. P. LattaS (Tex-amah) 19. J. E. Andrlls (Yonkers) 4. E. H. HINSHAW (Fairbury) 20. T. W. Bradley (Walden) 5. G. W. Norris (McCook) 21. Hamilton FishS (Garrison) 6. M. P. KINKAID (d'N~ilI) 22. WM. H. DRAPDl. (Troy) 23· G. N. Southwick (Albany) 24- G. W. Fairchild (Oneonta) NEVADA 25. Cyrus Dltrey (Johnstown) George A. Bartlett (Tonopah) 26. G. R. Ma/by (Ogdensburg) 2]. Chas. S. ~'fillingtons (Herkimer) 28. alaS. L. Knapp (Lowville) NEW HAMPSHIRE 29. M. E. DriSi'oll (Syracuse) I. C. A. SUUOWAY (Manchester) 30. J. W. Dwight (Dryden) 2. F. D. CUIWER (Canaan) 31. S. E. Pay"e (Auburn) The American Po/'cstr)' Associalioll Billie/iII-No.2 -.-----------"5 NEW YORK-Continued OI-lIO-Contjlllled 32. }. B. PERKINS (Rochester) 19. W~l. A. THOMAS (Niles) 33· J. S. Pa$selt (Elmira) 20. Palll /lowland (Cievelaml) 34. J. S. Simmons' (Niagara Falls) 21. J. H. Cassidy' (Cleveland) 35. D. A. Driscoll' (Buffalo) 36. D. S. Alexander (Buffalo) 37. E. B. Vreeland (Salamanca) OKLAHOMA I. Bird McGuire (Pawnee) NORTH CAROLINA 2. D. T. Morgan' (Woodward) 3.

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