Economics THE MIGRATION PROCESS OF ROMANIANS TO ANDALUSIA, SPAIN. FOCUS ON SOCIO- ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS Raluca Mariana Grosu, Vasile Dinu Introductory Remarks Romanian emigrants is not very clear refl ected and Theoretical Basis in the offi cial statistical data provided by the National Institute of Statistics in Romania, as Former communist country, Romania plays an important role in the European Union (EU) in this registers only data associated to permanent what concerns the migration phenomenon. migration. However, more recent efforts are Emigration represents an important part of the oriented towards emphasising the magnitude Romanian international migration. For example, and the complexity of the international a short descriptive analysis of the migratory migration phenomenon in Romania. Both fl ows in the EU member states between temporary and defi nitive migratory fl ows are 2006 and 2010 accomplished by Grosu and aimed for registration. Based on the Population Constantin (2011) revealed that Romania, along and Housing Census developed in 2011 and with Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and the Household Labour Force Survey, the most Poland is an important provider of immigrants recent available data highlights that in 2012 the in the mentioned period for the EU countries. total number of emigrants was of 2.34 millions. During the communist regime, emigration Out of them, 46% were in Italy, 34% in Spain, was practically the only form migration was 7% in Germany, 4% in the United Kingdom, manifested in Romania, and in present times 3% in Hungary, and 6% in other destinations this represents an important phenomenon with (National Institute of Statistics, 2014). Also, implications in all areas and at all levels – for an image closer to reality is refl ected by the example, families that suffer from separation, national institutes of statistics in Spain and Italy, international problems associated to Romanian as they register both temporary and permanent migrants in their countries of destination, etc. migratory fl ows. The data they provide outlines The instability of the political, economical, the importance Romania has among the main and even social environments in Romania providers of immigrants for them. In both determined and still determines more and more countries, Romanians are the most important Romanians to search for better economical community of immigrants. and social opportunities outside the borders During the last years, Romania along of their country. During the last years, Spain with Morocco represented the main suppliers and Italy were the most important receivers of of immigrants for Spain, and implicitly for temporary emigration from Romania. According Andalusia. In 2010 – the most recent data to Suditu et al. (2013), Romania has signed available at the moment when the research a series of bilateral agreements on migration started – 831,235 Romanians residing in Spain with Spain and both countries developed and were registered. They represented 14.46% of implemented strong policies in the area. On the the total foreign population in Spain and 1.76% other hand, in Italy this aspect has not been of Spain’s population. In 2013, their number accomplished, effects being strongly perceived increased up to 870,258 (Instituto Nacional de in the dimension of the socio-economic Estadística, 2014); this was the most recent effects – mainly negative and materialized in data available at the moment when the research human traffi c, ethnic confl icts, or black market ended in 2014. They are the most important development. community of immigrants in Spain. Andalusia, The fact that Spain and Italy are the most along with the Autonomous Community preferred countries for destination by the of Madrid, the Autonomous Community of DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2016-2-002 2, XIX, 2016 21 EEM_2_2016.inddM_2_2016.indd 2211 33.6.2016.6.2016 111:47:431:47:43 Ekonomie Valencia, Catalonia and Castilia-La Mancha Blažević, 2015, p. 1036), we approach in this is one of the most preferred autonomous paper a series of socio-economic implications communities for residence by the Romanians specifi c to the investigated phenomenon. In this that emigrate to Spain. In Andalusia, in 2010, context, we have structured the present paper Romanians were on the third place among the in two main parts. The fi rst one puts forward foreigners residing in Andalusia, at a very short a series of methodological aspects associated distance of the ones coming from the United to the carried out research and the second one Kingdom and Morocco. There were 93,169 outlines the main information resulted from its Romanians, representing 13.23% of the total development. The paper ends up with a series foreign population in Andalusia and 1.11% of of fi nal considerations. the total population in Andalusia (Saseanu & Petrescu, 2011); in 2013 their number 1. Methodological Aspects increased up to 102,352 (Instituto Nacional de Based on a series of information obtained from Estadística, 2014). a very complex and comprehensive case study In what concerns the pieces of research in research carried out between 2011 and 2014, the area provided by the scientifi c literature, it we developed this paper with the main aim to can be assessed that the phenomenon is not highlight a series of socio-economic implications explored and researched to its real potential; on both the sending and the receiving countries, many of its facets can be approached. Different specifi c to Romanians’ migration to Spain, in investigation directions promoted in the particular Andalusia region. In this context, we scientifi c literature refer to motivation, networks, intend to raise awareness among policy makers strategies, practices, migration policies, working in relation with phenomenon’s magnitude and conditions and other labor market implications, complexity, for its proper management. migration models, patterns of mobility and We have developed a descriptive case return, and social aspects (Bleahu, 2004; study as we mainly focused on describing Ahonen et al., 2009; Elrick, & Ciobanu, 2009; this phenomenon and the real-life context in Stan, 2009; Stanek, 2009; Marcu, & Gomez which this took place (Yin, 2003), but we were Nieto, 2010; Serban, & Voicu, 2010; Bradatan, also oriented towards carrying out a series & Sandu, 2012; Marcu, 2011, 2012, 2014; of explicative pieces of research that aimed Moreh, 2014). Ones of the most researched to establish, outline, and explain causal autonomous communities are Madrid and relationships between the obtained variables Catalonia. Regarding Andalusia, pieces of (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2009). We have research are in an incipient phase and they are chosen this method for investigation in order to mainly oriented towards the application of the properly explore the phenomenon and to reveal Extended Model of Relative Acculturation, the its essence (Baxter & Jack, 2008). relationships with education and consumption The studied subject and the context in habits, and entrepreneurship (Navas Luque, which this was placed referred to the Romanian & Rojas Tejada, 2010; Saseanu, & Petrescu, immigrants in the autonomous community 2011, 2012; Saseanu, Petrescu, & Zgura, 2011; Andalusia, Spain. One boundary we have Dinu, Grosu, & Saseanu, 2015). established for the study was in relation with the Based on a complex and comprehensive defi nition of the term “immigrant”. We have based case study research carried out among all our research on the defi nition provided by Romanian immigrants in Andalusia, through Eurostat (2011): “immigrants are people arriving this paper, we aim to provide a wide image or returning from abroad to take up residence in on the migration phenomenon of Romanians a country for a certain period, having previously to Andalusia and to bring a contribution to the been resident elsewhere. According to the enrichment of the scientifi c literature existent 1998 United Nations recommendations on the on this subject. Furthermore, in a framework statistics of international migration (Revision 1), characterized by the fact that “population an individual is a long-term immigrant if he/ growth and its consequences have a long- she stays in his/her country of destination for standing position at the centre of the scientifi c a period of 12 months or more, having previously debate, with the primary goal of predicting been resident elsewhere for 12 months or more”. trends and creating policies that refl ect We developed the research starting specifi c socio-economic conditions” (Škare, & from the basic question: What are the main 22 2016, XIX, 2 EEM_2_2016.inddM_2_2016.indd 2222 33.6.2016.6.2016 111:47:431:47:43 Economics characteristics specifi c to the migratory process to facilitate immigrants’ answers. Afterwards, of Romanians in Andalusia? In addition, we in order to improve the initial version of the also considered other secondary questions: questionnaire, this was debated along with What is the general profi le of the Romanian scholars and experts directly involved in issues migrants to Andalusia? What are the main related to the migration phenomenon, mainly drivers associated with Romanians’ migration members of the organizations in charge with to Andalusia? What is their working status in immigrants. In order to identify the necessary Andalusia, focusing on their entrepreneurial time for fi lling in the questionnaire, to test the manifestations? explicitness of the questions, and to identify if Through the case study research we aimed there are any ambiguous questions,
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