T. Baines: Yorkshire, Past and Present (1871), 2 Vols., Passim; W

T. Baines: Yorkshire, Past and Present (1871), 2 Vols., Passim; W

NOTES CHAPTER ONE I. H. Heaton: Yorkshire Woollen and Worsted Industries (Oxford, 1920), 366 seq.; T. Baines: Yorkshire, Past and Present (1871), 2 vols., passim; W. B. Crump and G. Ghorbal: History of the Hudders­ field Woollen Industry (Huddersfield, 1935), ch. 10; E. M. Sigsworth: 'Leeds Cloth Halls' (Leeds Jour., Nov. 1954); J. W. Turner: 'Bradford Piece Halls' (Bradford Antiquary, I, 1888). 2. D. Defoe: A Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain (1727), III, 101. 3. D. Defoe: The Compleat English Tradesman (1738), 1841 ed., II, 188. 4. F. Engels: The Condition of the Working Class in England, tr. W. O. Henderson, W. H. Chaloner (Oxford, 1958), 10-11; cf. Henderson, Chaloner, 'Engels and the England of the 1840'S' (HT, VI, 7: July 1956). 5. Crump and Ghorbal, 67; E. Hargrove: History of • •• Knaresborough (York, 1789), 27; J. Holden: A Short History of Todmorden (Manchester, 1912), 159. 6. P. Gaskell: The Manufacturing Population of England (1833), 36; G. J. French: Life and Times of S. Crompton (1859), 91; W. C. Taylor: Notes of a Tour in the Manufacturing Districts (1842), 141, Hand Book of Silk, Cotton and Woollen Manufactures (1843), 105. 7. See E. Baines, jr.: History of the Cotton Manufacture (1835); G. W. Daniels: The Early English Cotton Industry (Manchester, 1920) ; L. C. A. Knowles: Industrial and Commercial Revolutions . .• (1922); J. L. and B. Hammond: Rise of Modern Industry (1926), The Skilled Labourer (1919); P. Mantoux: The Industrial Revolution (1947 ed.); A. P. Wadsworth, J. Mann: The Cotton Trade and Industrial Lancashire (Manchester, 1931); T. S. Ashton: The In­ dustrial Revolution (1954 ed.); A. Ure: The Cotton Manufacture of Great Britain (1861). 8. H. C. Cameron: S. Crompton (1951); F. Espinasse: Lanca­ shire Worthies (1874), II, ch. I. 9. W. Radcliffe : The Origin of the New System of Manufacture (Stockport, 1828), 61-2; A. Aspinall: The Early English Trade Unions (1949), 20; HO, 42/47. 10. E. Baines, 215; T. S. Ashton: Economic History of England. The I8th Century (1955), 124. 11. W. H. Chaloner: 'Sir T. Lombe and the British Silk In­ dustry' (HT, III, 11: Nov. 1953); G. C. Miller: Blackburn. The Evolution of a Cotton Town (Blackbum, 1951), 341-2; H. R. F. Boume: English Merchants (1866), II, 149-56. 12. R. S. Fitton, A. P. Wadsworth: The Strutts and the Ark­ wrights (Manchester, 1958). 13. G. Unwin, A. Hulme, G. Taylor: S. Oldknow and the Ark­ wrights (Manchester, 1924); G. F. Foster: Ashton - under - Lyne (Ashton, 1947); H. W. Clemesha: History of Preston (Manchester, 428 NOTES 1912); H. Bateson: Centenary History 0/ Oldham (Oldham, 1949); C. H. Saxelby: Bolton Survey (Bolton, 1953); R. Speake, F. R. Whitty: History 0/ Droylsden (Stockport, 1953); A. M. Crowe: Warrington, Ancient and Modern (Warrington, 1947); J. Aikin: Description 0/ the Country from 30 to 40 Miles round Manchester (1795), 179, 227; W. Glover, J. Andrew: History 0/ Ashton •.. (Ashton, 1884). 14. R. Holmes: Keighley, Past and Present (1858); PP, 1816, III, 121; R. MitchelI: Brighouse ... (Brighouse, 1953); J. H. Turner: Ancient Bingley (Bingley, 1897); E. E. Dodd: Bingley (Bingley, 1958); D. F. E. Sykes: History 0/ Huddersfield (Huddersfield, 1898) ; W. Cudworth: Rambles round Horton (Bradford, 1886). 15. G. M. MitchelI: 'English and Scottish Cotton Industries' (SHR, XXII, 86: Jan. 1925); W. H. Marwick: 'The Cotton In­ dustry and the Industrial Revolution in Scotland' (ib. XXI, 83: Apr. 1924); Ann. Reg., 1792; OSA, XV, 46; Bourne, II, ch. 22. 16. Mantoux, 247; J. S. Fletcher: The Making of Modern Yorkshire (1918), 87; DNB, III, 221-3; S. J. Chapman: The Lancashire Cotton Industry (Manchester, 1904), 28; G. R. Porter: The Progress of the Nation (1851 ed.), 192. 17. Holden, 159-60; F. Collier: 'An Early Factory Community' (EH, II, 5: Jan. 1930); Unwin, 123, 160; Clemesha, 215; J. McConnel: A Century 0/ Fine Spinning (Manchester, 1906); Miller, 393-5; Bourne, II, 195-8, 266 seq.; R. Smith: 'Manchester as a Centre for the Manufacture and Merchanting of Cotton Goods' (Univ. 0/ Birmingham Hist. Jour., IV, I: 1953); G. M. Trevelyan: Life 0/ John Bright (1913), 7. 18. G. W. Daniels: 'S. Crompton's Census of the Cotton Industry in 181 I' (EH, II, 5: 1930). 19. Ferrand MSS. in Cartwright Museum; AspinalI, I; HO, 42/19· 20. Ann. Reg., 1812; R. Taylor: Letter on the Lancashire Riots (Bolton, 1813), 9; The Blackfaces 0/ I8I2 (Bolton, 1839); F. O. Darvall: Popular Disturbances and Public Order in Regency England (Oxford, 1934), 91-105; J. Clegg: Annals of Bolton (Bolton, 1888), 70-2; J. C. Scholes: History of Bolton (Bolton, 1892), 518-20. 21. Clemesha, 219; Hammonds, SkilIed Labourer, 78 seq.; Bateson, 96; AspinalI, 246-310; E. C. Tufnell: Character, Objects and EJfects 0/ Trades Unions (1834), 18; A. Redford: Manchester Merchants and Foreign Trade (Manchester, 1934), 229. 22. Report 0/ the Proceedings ... at Ramsay (Manchester, 1829). 23. AspinalI, 95-103, II4-15; Miller, 98; Holden, 96; Ham­ monds, Skilled Labourer, chs. 4-5. 24. S. Bamford: Early Days (1843), Passages from the Life 0/ a Radical (1842); R. J. White: Waterloo to Peterloo (1957); D. Read: Peterloo (Manchester, 1958). 25. Crump and Ghorbal, 64; W. B. Crump: The Leeds Woollen Industry, I780-I820 (Leeds, 1931),7; Ashton, Economic History, 124; F. Peel: Spen Valley, Past and Present (Heckmondwike, 1893), 230; D. George: England in Transition (1953 ed.), IIO. 26. Annals 0/ Agriculture, X (1788), 167; J. James: History of the Worsted Manufacture (1857), 437; E. Baines, jr.: 'The Woollen Manufacture .. .' (1858), in T. Baines, I, 681; Sir J. H. Clapham: 'The Transference of the Worsted Industry from Norfolk to the WR' (EJ, June 1910); M. F. L. Pritchard: 'The Decline of Norwich' (EcHR, 2S, III, 3: 1951). 430 THE FACTORY MOVEMENT, 1830-1855 27. H. D. Fong: The Triumph of the Factory System (Tientsin, 1930); Ahier Coll., HRL; Mitchell, 46; Turner, 297; P. Slater: History of ... Guiseley (1880), 193, 148; Yorkshire, 50 Years of Progress (Leeds, 1887), 20. 28. Bourne, 11, 219-29; W. G. Rimmer: Marshalls of Leeds (Cambridge, 196o); H. Heaton: 'B. Gott and the Industrial Revolu­ tion in Yorkshire' (EcHR, 111, I: 1931). 29. Cudworth, 38-9; James, 592; T. Baines, 11, 276; LM, 25 NOV.1799. 30. Aikin, 573; cf. W. White: History ... of the WR (Sheffield, 1837), I, 512. 3 I. Annals of Agriculture, XVI, 422, XXVII, 3°9; S. Rayner: History ... of Pudsey (1887), 229; T. Baines, U, 280. 32. Fong, 57; Slater, 148 seq.; R. Bretton : 'The Crossleys of Dean Clough' (THAS, 1950); The History of the Firm of James Akroyd, Ltd. (Leeds, 1874). 33. Slater, 259; Crump, 48; W. Hirst: History of the Woollen Trade (Leeds, 1844); J. Willans : Recollections of Dewsbury (Badey, 1881), 31; Turner, 297 and History of Brighouse ... (Bingley, 1893), 287; Mitchell,46. 34. See A. Ure: The Philosophy of Manufactures (1861 ed.), 281 ; Aspinall, passim. 35. AspinalI, 64; PP, 1802-3, V, 265; C. Driver: Tory Radical. The Life of Richard Oastler (New York, 1946), 17; PP, 1806, III, 445· 36. Darvall, 62; cf. E. Lipson: History of the Woollen and Worsted Industries (1921), 125-7; PP, 1806, UI, II; A. Gooder: Parliamentary Representation of the County of York (1938), II, 153-4. 37. F. Peel: Risings of the Luddites, Chartists and Plugdrawers (Heckmondwike, 1888); Sykes, eh. 13; Darvall, 106-34. 38. Fong, 82; Fleteher, 141; Knowles, 56; H. Duncan: IOO Years (Odey, 1953), 12; E. M. Sigsworth: Black Dyke Mills (Liver­ pool, 1958). 39. An Address to the Labouring Classes ... (Halifax, 1823), 5,7 ; G. D. H. Cole: Attempts at General Union (1953), eh. 5; S. and B. Webb: History of Trade Unionism (1950 ed.). 40. E. Baines, jr.: Life of E. Baines (1850), chs. 5-7; Peel, Spen Valley, 262-3, Risings, eh. 36; Sykes, 295-6. 41. Fleteher, 102; E. Baines, eh. 10; H. Speight: Chronicles ... of Old Bingley (1898), 224; White, I, 437; T. Baines, I, 679; W. Cudworth: Manningham, Heaton and Allerton (Bradford, 1896), 152-3; Busfeild diaries in YAS eolleetion. 42. W. Cudworth: Round about Bradford (Bradford, 1876), 147; J. Bisehoff: History of the Woollen and Worsted Manufactures (1842), 1,315 seq.; PP, 1840, XXIV, 591. 43. Observations on Power Looms (Glasgow, 1826), 4, 17, 18; Letter to Farmers and Manufacturers (York, 1826), 6, 8, 14; J. J. Sadler: The New Invention of Double and Quadruple (1831). 44. T. S. Ashton: 'The Standard of Life of the Workers in England, 1790-1830' (Tasks of Economic History, IX, 1949). 45. P. Gaskell: Artisans and Machinery (1836),37; A. L. Bowley: Wages in the United Kingdom in the I9th Century (Cambridge, 1900), II-12; Saxelby, 65; PP, 1839, XLII. 46. Articles of Quilting Weavers (Manchester, 1829); DA, 15 Feb. 1833. 47. E. Baines in T. Baines, I, 651. NOTES 43 1 48. E. Baines: To the Working Classes (Leeds, 1824), To the Unemployed Workmen (Leeds, 1826), etc. 49· See J. J ewkes: 'The Localisation of the Cotton Industry' (EH, II, 1930); A. J. Taylor: 'Concentration and Specialisation in the Lancashire Cotton Industry' (EcHR, 2S, 1,2-3: 1949). 50. See M. Beer: A History of British Socialism (1929), I, 143 seq. 5 I. Report . of the Society for the Promotion of Co-operative Knowledge (1829); see A. E. Musson: 'The Ideology of Early Co-operation in Lancashire and Cheshire' (Trans. Lancs. and Cheshire Antiq. Soc., LXVIII, 1958). 52. LM, 12 Feb. 1825. 53. A. Redford: Labour Migration in England, I8oo-I8SO (Man­ chester, 1926), 19 seq.; 'Alfred' (S. Kydd): The History of the Factory Movement (1857), I, 16; W. R. Croft: The History of the Factory Movement (Huddersfield, 1888), 3. 54. O. J.

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