Avera^ Daily Net Press Ran TTie Weather For H ie Week Ended raid with patchy fog tonight; September U , ItflO low in low 60s. Tom orrow m ost­ ly sunny, warm, Increasing cloudiness. ' Wednesday cloudy, 15,792 shower possibility. Manche»ter— A City o f VUhtge Charm VOL. LXXXK, NO. 299 (TWENTY PA6ES—TABL0ID) ' MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY;, SEPTEMBER 21, 1970 .(Classified Advtfrilsiiig on Page 17) PRICE TEN CENTS Nixon Administration Teachers Boosts Anticrime Bill End Strike WASHINGTON (AP) — Under heavy pressure from In Somers the a^inistration and the House Republican leadership AwuKVATirn pripm mov^ today toward expected % e™ rs^S^rers «d“ approval of a tough anticnme bill. _ their strike and returned to their T o Cease in Jordan The biU, moved along by classrooms today, but teachdhs’ O i^an Bm^uel ttU* D- entered tteir ninth day N.T., to head ott a (30P ^ a t Haven and West Haven, BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Wiretapping to force acOon, is aimed pitoa- Members of the Somers Fed- rily at organix^ crime and- to- eraUcm of Hiachers, AFLrCIO, — King Hussein ordered eludes sun antibombing provi- over the weekend to re- his army to cease fire as of Gets Backing . ■ . turn to work while negotiations 5:16 p.m. — 11:16 ajn. With law and order a major on a new contract continue. To- EDT — today while heavy • campaign issue this year, mem- day, for the first time tiiU term, fighting was reported con­ i / f LfCUlCUlVlO ^ anrious classes were in session for aU tinuing in northern Jordan. to get on r^ord against crime, grades The order was another in In New Haven, striking teach­ a succession of similar one­ US^n 218 signatures needed to bring ers said ^they would conduct a the bm could be rounded up. teach-in to tell the people of sided cease-fire orders giv­ ^ d ld a t e fo r GKMP-sponsored discharge New Haven vdiy they cue strik­ en to the Jordanian forces proposed a five-point threat was fhrtm ade Hiursday, ing. in the past three days and a ^ k on crime to t^ state to- causing CeUdr to go along with invariably broken. In a broadcast over Radio Amman, the king said he was asking his soldiers to stop shoot­ Daddario’s anticrime package tensive changes. tomoon and larted^ toto" the nlg^ht._ ing to response to his cmiscience —which contains sections on po- The result is a biU closely peur- Negotiations between the two and historical responslbllitlea to lice culmlnlstratlcm' courts, alleltog the vdrslon passed 78 to parties had broken off early Sat­ enable the wounded to be treat­ crime prevention emd corrections 1 last January by the Senate. A urday memtog. And that session ed and because of the grave sit­ and oigcuiized crime—echoed major difference is the culdltion had gotten underway Friday uation created by the war. some of the proposals made a of a new section aimed cd tlie only when the national union, In the north, the king’s out­ week ago by his Republican op- o?® °*. explosives to (error the American ' Federation of numbered forces were taking ponent. Rep. Ohomas J, Meskill. bombings. heavy casualties to battles with The Democratic congressman, Tb^ bUl requires manufactur- (Bee Page Eight) tanks from Syria at Irbld, Jor­ vdio unveiled his proposals at a ***. dealers aiid Importers ot , dan’s seemid largest city,,Radio news conference here this mom- explosives to be licensed by the Amman reported. tog called for-' federal government. It also bars Israeli military informants to -^IstabUshnient of a State De- per^ under 81, M- O - k Tel Aviv said they had received partment of Justice to coordinate ^ addicts, Md anymie j^ n d t e A C H O II information that Irbld, about 60 the prosecution of crime. ? resident of the state to miles north of Amman, had fall­ -Creation of a special roUce which the p u r ^ U made, or en to a force of S^et-bullt Offleere TTOlntog Program that ^ on S o u g h t O n tanks that entered Jordan on j Although a final decision on Sunday to the second of two penalties bas not been madd, thrusts from Syria, i to ^ sdhool gr^uates l^^t^ove approval has been giv- wto m ^e-a commitment to en- Vote Reform The Jordanian broadcast said tor police service for a period Convicted of a bombing to two brigades of tanks converged <» Irbid to support of Palestini­ .. _ which a death occurs. WASHINOTON (AP) — Sen. Soviet-made artillery piece rolls through Syrian villa^ en route to Sjyian bor­ -Provisions for six-man Juries addition to covering feddral Birch Bayh threatened Monday der with Jordan. Tank brigades are supporting guerrillas. (AP Photofax) Mideast an guerrillas holding the city’s ,to certain criminal cases. buUdtogs, the blU makes it a to try to bring all the Senate’s center to the fifth day of their —Establishment of a Oonnecti- cjinie to bomb property used or business to a halt if a vote is war against King Hussein's gov­ cut Bureau of InvestigatlMi with- jeased by the government, blocked on a constitutional At-a-Glance ernment to Amman. to the state police to help the which would cover Selective___ __ amendment providing for elec- The Amman broadcast ex- state Justice department and lo- serried ^ c e s Mid military re- H®® Ibe president by^dlrect, Syrians Heighten Chance By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS horted troops of the 40th Royal cal authorities. cruittog stations. popular vote. TEL AVrV--IsraeU military Tank Brigade to Irbld to “hold —Stronger legislation to The provlslwis dealing with Tbe Indiana Democrat told sources said a Syrian tank force fast and teach the heretic rulers strengthen tovestigrative ability organised crime streng;then'the bis colleagues that “I deeply of about 100 heavy tanks cap- Syria a lesson to heroism.” o< state police forces, such as wide variety of laws and court hope this wwi’t be necessary” Jordan’s second laigest clty.Ir- The Syrians denied their forces court-atqiroved wire taps and procedures to h (^ s of making but he declared he is willing O f U.S. Action in Jordan bid, today after heavy fighting 1'®*^ entered Jordan, broadened witness Immunity, it easier to arrest and convict fight fire with fire” as a last re­ fighting against King Hussein’s Kta« Hussein himself went on "I know it is politically popu- syndicate leaders. ^ sort. have been put on alert lor possi­ the Rusrian government to dem­ outgunned forces. t*»e radio later, accusing the By JOHN H . HIOHTOWEB BEIRUT—Jordan accused Syrians of hatching a plot that lar these days to deal with the Thd many sections of the bill He said that if senators don’t AP Special Correspondent ble use in evacuating Ameri­ onstrate what it is willing to do crime issue to simplistic rhetoric establish special grand Juries like the direct- election proposal, cans from Jordan. to curb the peril of spreading Syria of sending tanks across would aUow Israel to occupy aU and self-serving sloganeering,” with expanding authority to of which he is the chief Serude WASHINaTON (AP) — The conflict to the Middle East. the border to fight for Palestlnl- Jordan. reported Syrian intervention to The Nixon administration’s in­ Daddario told the news confer- tovestlg;ato organized crime, sponsor, "vote it down but at The official and public posi­ an guerrillas to the Jordanian “But Jordan is defended by the Jordanian civil war appears itial reaction took the form of civil war, and Amman Radio Uons,” the young king declared, ence. Other prorislons create new least have the ^courage to stand the Rogers denunciation and tion of the Nixon administration to increase the possibility of di­ said today about 80 Jordanian He praised the 12,000 Iraqi “I have chosen instead to view rules of contempt, perjury and up and be-counted on it.” Warning and a direct request to has beeh 'one of concern for rect U.S. involvement to the tanks faced double their number troops stationed to Jordan since thin coitaplex proUem to a com- immunity to an effort to compel A______ vote____ last ____Thursday on shut- the Soviet government, plus dip­ more than 400 Americans, in­ conflict. But U.S. officials hope from Syria to Irbld. Amman the . 1967 Middle East war and prehensive way and to pre^ose wltnrtwes to testify before grand debate on the issue fell lomatic appeals to other govern­ cluding 38 out of 64 hostages, specific stops which will produce Juries. ■ guort of the necessary two- urgent appeals to Russia, Syria claimed its forces drove back a tills was taken to mean he was and other nations will avert ments, to put pfessure on Syria held by the Palestinian guerril­ real and substantial Improve- PTOrision is made for protec- majority. Senate leaders las, with the possiblUty that Syrian force near Ramtha Sun- appealing indirectly to them to broadened fighting. to end Its intervention. ments to our system of criminal of witnesses before they weighing whether to make a force would-be used if it was day after a 12-hour battle. intervene on Jordan’s behalf. Justice.” testify, strengtora federal au- gg^^^d attempt to invoke thq Secretary of State William P. The appeal to Moscow was WASHINOTON— Calling the They had been encamped near made through the ranking So- Judged necessary to evacuate Under the five major heading;s Senate’s debato-cloetog cloture Rogers condemned the alleged them. alleged invasion “irresponsible Irbld before the fighting began, tovsMion Stmday as "irresponsi­ ■vlet diplomat here, Mtolster- and imprudent intervention.” The Iraquls are reported to of his anticrime package.
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