Commodity Legend

Commodity Legend

COMMODITY LEGEND Code Index Commodity Index *¦* AB Asbestos ¦ Aggregate AT AG Silver ¦ Alunite AI AI Alunite ¦ Anhydrite AN AN Anhydrite ¦ Antimony SB AS Arsenic ¦ Arsenic AS AT Aggregate ¦ Asbestos AB AU Gold ¦ Barite BA BA Barite ¦ Bentonite BN BE Beryllium ¦ Beryl BY BI Bismuth ¦ Beryllium BE BN Bentonite ¦ Bismuth BI BS Building Stone ¦ Building Stone BS BY Beryl ¦ Cadmium CD CD Cadmium ¦ Cerium CE CE Cerium ¦ Chromium CR CH Chrysotile ¦ Chrysotile CH CL Coal ¦ Clay CY CM Corundum ¦ Coal CL CO Cobalt ¦ Cobalt CO CR Chromium ¦ Copper CU CU Copper ¦ Corundum CM CY Clay ¦ Diatomite DE DE Diatomite ¦ Dimension Stone DS DO Dolomite ¦ Dolomite DO DS Dimension Stone ¦ Feldspar FD FC Fireclay ¦ Fireclay FC FD Feldspar ¦ Fluorite FL FE Iron ¦ Gallium GA FL Fluorite ¦ Garnet GN GA Gallium ¦ Gemstones GS GE Germanium ¦ Germanium GE GN Garnet ¦ Gold AU GR Granite ¦ Granite GR GS Gemstones ¦ Graphite GT GT Graphite ¦ Gypsum GY GY Gypsum ¦ Hydromagnesite HM HG Mercury ¦ Indium IN HM Hydromagnesite ¦ Iridium IR IN Indium ¦ Iron FE IR Iridium ¦ Jade/Nephrite JD JD Jade/Nephrite ¦ Kaolinite KA KA Kaolinite ¦ Lanthanum LA LA Lanthanum ¦ Lead PB LS Limestone ¦ Limestone LS MA Magnetite ¦ Magnesite MT MB Marble ¦ Magnesium MG MG Magnesium ¦ Magnesium Sulphate MS MI Mica ¦ Magnetite MA MN Manganese ¦ Manganese MN MO Molybdenum ¦ Marble MB MR Marl ¦ Marl MR MS Magnesium Sulphate ¦ Mercury HG MT Magnesite ¦ Mica MI NB Niobium ¦ Molybdenum MO NI Nickel ¦ Nepheline Syenite NS NS Nepheline Syenite ¦ Nickel NI OP Opal ¦ Niobium NB OS Osmium ¦ Opal OP PA Peat ¦ Osmium OS PB Lead ¦ Palladium PD PD Palladium ¦ Peat PA PE Perlite ¦ Perlite PE PH Phosphorus ¦ Phosphate PP PL Pyrophyllite ¦ Phosphorus PH PP Phosphate ¦ Platinum PT PT Platinum ¦ Pozzolan PZ PU Pumice ¦ Pumice PU PZ Pozzolan ¦ Pyrophyllite PL QZ Quartzite ¦ Quartzite QZ RB Railroad Ballast ¦ Railroad Ballast RB RE Rhenium ¦ Rare Earths RS RH Rhodium ¦ Rhenium RE RM Rubidium ¦ Rhodium RH RS Rare Earths ¦ Rubidium RM RU Ruthenium ¦ Ruthenium RU SB Antimony ¦ Sapphire SP SE Selenium ¦ Selenium SE SG Slag ¦ Silica SI SI Silica ¦ Silver AG SN Tin ¦ Slag SG SO Sodium Carbonate ¦ Sodium Carbonate SO SP Sapphire ¦ Sodium Sulphate SS SR Strontium ¦ Strontium SR SS Sodium Sulphate ¦ Sulphur SU SU Sulphur ¦ Talc TC TA Tantalum ¦ Tantalum TA TC Talc ¦ Tellurium TE MINFILE Reserves/Resources Inventory in B.C. 11 COMMODITY LEGEND Code Index Commodity Index TE Tellurium ¦ Thorium TH TH Thorium ¦ Tin SN TI Titanium ¦ Titanium TI TR Travertine ¦ Travertine TR UR Uranium ¦ Tungsten WO VA Vanadium ¦ Uranium UR VL Volcanic Ash ¦ Vanadium VA VM Vermiculite ¦ Vermiculite VM WL Wollastonite ¦ Volcanic Ash VL WO Tungsten ¦ Wollastonite WL YR Yttrium ¦ Yttrium YR ZE Zeolite ¦ Zeolite ZE ZN Zinc ¦ Zinc ZN ZR Zirconium ¦ Zirconium ZR MINFILE Reserves/Resources Inventory in B.C. 11 MINFILE / pc RUN DATE: September 14, 2005 DEPOSIT TYPE INDEX PAGE: 1 Geological Survey Branch Ministry of Energy and Mines Latitude UTM Zone (NAD27) MINFILE No. Name Commodities Status NTS Map Longitude Northing/Easting Deposit type: A01 Peat 092F 556 TURTLE LAKE VL PA DEPR 092F07W 49.3289 124.9603 10 5465660 357560 Deposit type: A02 Lignite 103K 002 SKONUM POINT CL PROS 103K01E 54.0317 132.0583 8 5990832 692659 Deposit type: A03 Sub-bituminous coal 092HSE212 BLACK CL PAPR 092H07E 49.4292 120.6022 10 5477720 673870 092HSE227 BETHLEHEM COAL CL DEPR 092H07E 49.3933 120.5792 10 5473790 675670 092INW047 HAT CREEK CL PAPR 092I13E 50.7697 121.6028 10 5624925 598525 093B 036 QUESNEL COAL CL DEPR 093B16W 52.7903 122.4569 10 5848861 536622 093L 147 COAL CREEK CL PAPR 093L13E 54.8297 127.7167 9 6076382 582440 093O 028 CARBON CREEK CL DEPR 093O15E 55.9458 122.6583 10 6199889 521339 094D 039 SUSTUT COAL CL DEPR 094D10W 56.5186 126.9544 9 6265450 625850 103F 013 ROBERTSON CL DEPR 103F08W 53.2900 132.2567 8 5907824 682856 Deposit type: A04 Bituminous coal 082GNE001 COAL MOUNTAIN CL PROD 082G10E 49.5000 114.6583 11 5485457 669552 082GNE003 MARTEN CREEK CL DEPR 082G10W 49.5200 114.8458 11 5487275 655913 082GNE004 TENT MOUNTAIN CL PAPR 082G10E 49.5408 114.6833 11 5489940 667602 082GNE005 LEACH CREEK CL DEPR 082G10W 49.5639 114.7972 11 5492255 659289 082GNE006 MARTEN RIDGE CL DEPR 082G10W 49.5736 114.8528 11 5493220 655241 082GNE007 HOSMER WHEELER CL PAPR 082G10W 49.6125 114.9056 11 5497435 651305 082GNE009 MCGILLIVRAY CL DEPR 082G10W 49.6444 114.7847 11 5501237 659929 082GNE010 MICHEL SOUTH CL DEPR 082G10W 49.6617 114.7958 11 5503128 659070 082GNE011 SPARWOOD RIDGE CL PAPR 082G10W 49.6833 114.8583 11 5505406 654491 082GNE014 J-AREA (SPARWOOD OPERATIONS) CL PAPR 082G10W 49.7181 114.8069 11 5509373 658085 082GNE016 BALDY COMPLEX CL PROD 082G15W 49.7519 114.8403 11 5513070 655574 082GNE017 ELKVIEW CL PROD 082G15W 49.7861 114.8264 11 5516897 656465 082GNE018 CROWN MOUNTAIN CL DEPR 082G15E 49.7811 114.7250 11 5516558 663779 082GNE019 TEEPEE MOUNTAIN CL DEPR 082G15E 49.8833 114.7472 11 5527874 661838 082GNE020 LINE CREEK CL PROD 082G15W 49.9292 114.7750 11 5532909 659691 082GNE022 MOUNT MICHAEL CL DEPR 082G15W 49.9792 114.7639 11 5538491 660323 082GSE023 PARCEL 82 CL DEPR 082G07W 49.4236 114.8403 11 5476571 656622 082GSE027 TAYLOR EAST CL DEPR 082G07E 49.4986 114.7153 11 5485176 665434 082GSE028 LODGEPOLE CL DEPR 082G07W 49.3347 114.7556 11 5466870 663060 082GSE030 LILLYBURT CL DEPR 082G07E 49.3667 114.6361 11 5470686 671626 082GSE031 HOLLEBEKE MOUNTAIN CL DEPR 082G07E 49.3694 114.5944 11 5471090 674641 082GSE032 HARVEY CREEK CL DEPR 082G07E 49.2853 114.5806 11 5461767 675949 082GSE033 CABIN CREEK CL DEPR 082G02E 49.1333 114.7069 11 5444590 667270 082GSE034 SAGE CREEK CL DEPR 082G02E 49.0792 114.5486 11 5438931 679014 082GSE052 CORBIN CL DEPR 082G07E 49.4806 114.6583 11 5483295 669619 082JSE002 EWIN PASS CL DEPR 082J02E 50.0028 114.7500 11 5541147 661240 082JSE003 MOUNT BANNER EAST CL DEPR 082J02W 50.0306 114.7542 11 5544225 660848 082JSE004 EWIN CREEK CL DEPR 082J02W 50.0583 114.7725 11 5547274 659443 082JSE005 BURNT RIDGE EXTENSION CL DEPR 082J02W 50.0903 114.8139 11 5550738 656377 082JSE006 BARE MOUNTAIN CL DEPR 082J02W 50.1042 114.7833 11 5552346 658516 082JSE007 GREENHILLS CL PROD 082J02W 50.1111 114.8700 11 5552938 652297 082JSE010 GREENHILLS (FORDING) CL PROD 082J02W 50.2111 114.8978 11 5564000 650000 082JSE011 BINGAY CREEK CL DEPR 082J02W 50.2117 114.9750 11 5563908 644487 082JSE012 FORDING RIVER CL PROD 082J02W 50.2208 114.8583 11 5565160 652781 082JSE013 ELK RIVER CL DEPR 082J07W 50.4000 114.9333 11 5584928 646878 092F 313 HAMILTON LAKE CL DEPR 092F11E 49.5833 125.0583 10 5494121 351214 092F 315 COMOX CL FC PAPR 092F11E 49.6317 125.0367 10 5499452 352926 092F 316 CHUTE CREEK CL DEPR 092F14W 49.8758 125.4086 10 5527390 326940 092F 317 ANDERSON LAKE CL DEPR 092F11E 49.7083 125.1750 10 5508254 343184 092F 319 QUINSAM CL FC CY PROD 092F14W 49.9356 125.4861 10 5534209 321593 092F 320 BENSON MOUNTAIN CL DEPR 092F01E 49.1250 124.0361 10 5441649 424404 092F 322 WOLF MOUNTAIN CL PAPR 092F01E 49.1467 124.0264 10 5444048 425146 092F 333 TSABLE RIVER CL PAPR 092F10W 49.5300 124.9200 10 5487928 361062 092HNE094 COLLINS GULCH CL CY PAPR 092H10E 49.5139 120.7336 10 5486820 664050 092HSE157 COALMONT COLLIERY CL BN PAPR 092H07E 49.4892 120.7531 10 5484040 662740 092ISE058 MERRITT COAL CL PAPR 092I02E 50.1008 120.7428 10 5552063 661427 092ISE139 QUILCHENA COAL CL DEPR 092I02E 50.0800 120.5025 10 5550294 678687 093H 005 BOWRON RIVER COAL CL DEPR 093H13W 53.8319 121.8917 10 5965176 572944 093H 130 BEAR RIVER CL DEPR 093H13W 53.8333 121.8783 10 5965345 573819 093I 010 QUINTETTE (SHIKANO) CL PAPR 093I14E 54.9833 121.0583 10 6094445 624253 093I 011 BABCOCK (QUINTETTE) CL PROD 093I15W 54.9361 120.9903 10 6089315 628758 093I 013 MONKMAN CL DEPR 093I10E 54.7806 120.7378 10 6072500 645500 093I 014 BELCOURT COAL CL DEPR 093I09W 54.5500 120.3125 10 6047823 673819 093I 016 SAXON CL DEPR 093I08E 54.3167 120.1250 10 6022351 687003 093I 019 COAL RIDGE CL DEPR 093I01E 54.2167 120.0500 10 6011430 692345 093L 147 COAL CREEK CL PAPR 093L13E 54.8297 127.7167 9 6076382 582440 093L 156 TELKWA CL PAPR 093L11E 54.6272 127.1597 9 6054650 618806 093O 007 NOMAN CREEK CL DEPR 093O09W 55.6000 122.3417 10 6161544 541483 093O 008 WILLOW CREEK CL DEPR 093O09E 55.6000 122.2333 10 6161614 548309 093O 012 PEACE RIVER CANYON CL DEPR 093O16E 55.9383 122.1483 10 6199329 553202 * Contains 7 or more commodities. MINFILE / pc RUN DATE: September 14, 2005 DEPOSIT TYPE INDEX PAGE: 2 Geological Survey Branch Ministry of Energy and Mines Latitude UTM Zone (NAD27) MINFILE No. Name Commodities Status NTS Map Longitude Northing/Easting Deposit type: A04 Bituminous coal 093O 025 DOWLING CREEK CL DEPR 093O16W 55.9750 122.2917 10 6203309 544206 093O 032 TREFI CL DEPR 093O09E 55.6750 122.0000 10 6170148 562891 093O 034 GOODRICH CL DEPR 093O08W 55.4964 122.3669 10 6150000 540000 093O 036 FALLING CREEK CL DEPR 093O08E 55.4625 122.0833 10 6146427 557962 093P 001 BULLMOOSE CL PROD 093P04E 55.1472 121.5069 10 6111976 595158 093P 005 PINE PASS CL DEPR 093P05W 55.4833 121.9833 10 6148833 564251 093P 007 BURNT RIVER CL DEPR 093P05W 55.3833 121.7667 10 6137927 578141 093P 009 SUKUNKA RIVER CL DEPR 093P05E 55.3000 121.6458 10 6128796 585976 093P 012 BULLMOOSE (CHAMBERLAIN) CL DEPR 093P04E 55.1667 121.6000 10 6114017 589184 093P 014 SUKUNKA (BULLMOOSE) CL PAPR 093P04E 55.1833 121.5167 10 6115981 594453 093P 015 MOUNT SPIEKER CL DEPR 093P03W 55.1292 121.3806 10 6110147 603259 093P 019 QUINTETTE CL PROD 093P03E 55.0278 121.1944 10 6099157 615416 093P 021 WAPITI CL DEPR 093P02E 55.1417 120.5750 10 6113025 654566 093P 024 HASLER

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