Np. 1 JERSEY CTTY, N. J., SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1943 VOL. XI Bataan Hero Held By Japs Л hero of Bataan, Major Stephen Malevich of Pittsburgh, is a prisoner And there were in the same country shep­ of the Japanese, according to a tel· £ukr\ Шшрігг 2 herds abiding in the field, keeping watch over gram received by his family from the 4ND it came to pass in those days, that their flock by night. War Department. there went out a decree from Caesar Au­ And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon The telegram addressed to his wife, gustus, that all the world should be taxed. them, and the glory of the Lord shone round Dorothy, was forwarded to his moth­ (And this taxing was first made when about them; and they were sore afraid. er, Mrs. Maria Malevich, Vice Presi· Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And the angel said unto them, Fear not: dentess of the Ukrainian National And all went to be taxed, everyone into his for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great 'Association, who for the past several own city. joy, which shall be to all people. months has been doing Red Cross And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out work at Macon, Ga. His father, Mr. of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the For unto you is born this day in the city Vladimir Malevich, former U. N. A. city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (be­ of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Vice-President, is an engineer at the cause he was of the house and lineage of Laughlin Steel Corporation in Pitts­ David). And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall burgh. The parents reside at 344 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, ly­ Becks Run Road, Pittsburgh. being great with child. ing in a manger. During the defense of the Philip­ And so it was, that, while they were there, pines, Major Malevich, then captain, the days were accomplished that she should And suddenly there was with the angel a was in command of an engineering be delivered. multitude of the heavenly host praising God, crew whose work made it possible And she brought forth her first-born son, and saying, for General McArthur's men to with­ and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and draw successfully across a bridge laid him in manger; because there was no room Glory to God in the highest, and on earth damaged by a Jap bomb. for them in the inn. peace, good will toward men! ¶^HERE is a certain calming influence about the above immortal words. In the holocaust of the present world-wide war, with its terrible battles and its agony of body and spirit, these words telling in a simple yet so eloquent fashion the Story of the Nativity, bring a rare peace to our minds. Once more, it seems, we are back in our childhood days when the Story was first told to us, and when the strange wonder of it filled our hearts. Once again we see the Christ Child as He appeared to us then, in all His great power and glory, and yet so near and dear to us. - Next Wednesday evening, when we Americans of Ukrainian descent observe our Christmas Eve (for in religious matters we adhere to the old Julian calendar), may that vision of the Christ Child be with us, no matter whether we be at home with our families, or somewhere far away from home serving our country and cause. May it inspire us as it did on the Christmas Eves of our childhood days, when seated with our parents and brothers and sisters, and perhaps other dear ones, around the traditional and candle¯lit "Sviata Vechera," we partook of the various palatable and specially prepared dishes of old country origin, sang those beautiful and heart-warming "koliadky," wished one another health, happiness and good cheer, and, most important of all, basked in the warm glow of the true family spirit,—which only years of mutual love and respect as well as years of common happinesses and trials and tribulations can engender among us, and which, it should always be borne in mind, is the very core of the true Christian life and therefore MAJOR STEPHEN MALEVICH the one great hope of human salvation. The crew labored 26 hours at If on our Christmas Eve and Day next week some of us become inclined to grieve breakneck speed to make the Carmen because our families are broken up, because those whom we love are far away, and perhaps Bridge, one of the largest in the is­ even in enemy hands, let us at least take some cheer in the fact, and thank the Lord for it, lands, safe for the troops to cross. As" soon as the last detachment that thus far our land and our homes have been spared the suffering and the devastation Was across, the bridge was blasted that has been the lot for years of other lands, especially of the one from which came our to delay the approaching Japanese immigrant parents—Ukraine. troops. Shortly after this, the 31- Very few homes over there, we fear, will have any kind of a Christmas celebration year-old Carnegie Tech. graduate was promoted to major. His parents lats next week. Families have been broken up there to such an extent that in many cases only heard from him in a letter written widows and orphans are left. Most of the men are on the fighting fronts, or in prison in February and received in May, in camps, or buried in their hastily->dug graves—if buried they are at all. Where sturdy, which he stated he was "still going straw-thatched homes stood, only flame-blackened ruins rear to the sky. The countryside strong" and told of his promotion. is devastated and torn, and even the snow cannot conceal its ugly wounds and gashes. In­ Major Malevich, a member of U. stead of the "koliadky"—are heard the hoarse shouts of fighting men or the cries of the N. A. Branch 55, went to the Philip­ pines in July, 1941, as a volunteer. wounded and dying. Instead, of joyful bells heralding the glad tidings of Christ's Birth— While at Carnegie Tech. he had been exploding bombs and shells, the rattle of machine guns, the clank of monstrous tanks, and active in the ROTC. After gradua­ the roar and shriek of diving planes. And over it all—a fitful light, not of the moon and tion he. worked as an engineer to­ the stars, but of raging flames. gether with his father at the Laugh­ And so on Ukrainian Christmas Eve next Wednesday, let us bear all this in mind, lin Steel works. and let us utter a'prayer of thankfulness to God that we are privileged to be native sons and daughters of this land of the free and the home of the brave. SEASON'S GREETINGS Let us then also resolve to do everything within our power and make every ne­ ¿ From the cessary sacrifice to advance bur. country's war effort and bring closer the day of its. ul­ Ukrainian National Association, the timate ^victory over its enemies. And with that resolve let us breathe a prayer that when that great day comes and our arms and our cause are triumphant, freedom and demo­ Weekly cracy will reign once more.also in Ukraine. awe *"K0LIADKY4 AND Merry Christmas "SCHEDRIVKY** our American boys of Ukrainian extraction щ military.--service ТТ» |в interesting to observe that БОГ ПРЕДВІЧНИЙ НЛ РОЛ И ВСЯ БОГ СЯ РАЖДАЄ- Very few peoples observe their, holi­ We* are apptr^ching another Uk­ days with so much singing as do the rainian Christmas; -according to our Вог Предвічний народився, Бог ся раждае, хтож Го може Ukrainians. This is especially true of thousand year old tradition, with the (2) Прийшов днесь із небес, знати, — Christmas and New Year's, which realization that a war torn and Щоб спасти люд свій ввесь, — in accordance with their Julian cal­ battle scarred world is suffering. The Тай утішився. Ісус Му імя, Марія Му Мати! cause for which the Prince of Peace (2) Тут ангели чудяться, endar they observe on January 7th В Вифлеемі народився and 14th respectively. came seems, for the moment, to be Рожденного бояться, hopelessly lost. However, we at home (2) Месія, Христос наш. Ancient \aturer>Vor.sh¡ppin¾;. will observe His birth without many всіх нас,- А віл стоїть,. трясеться, Господь наш, для Ukrainian of you, but with firm belief in the Нам народився. Осел смутно пасеться, - survival of that cause. We are will­ Пасти pie клячать, The great majority of these songs, „Слава Богу" заспіваймо, as we have pointed out several times ing to support that belief with suf­ (2) Честь Сину Божому, Бога в плоти бачать on these pages, originated in dim? pre? fering and,sacrifice if necessary, so Господу нашому Тутже, тутже, тутже, тутже, тут! historic timeat when tie ancestors, of tfiat "Peace on earth and good will Покл ін відда ймо! the present day Ukrainians _were toward men" will eventually come. І пастирі там к Ньому nature worshippers. As t|ilers of the In the meantime many of you are прибігають, soil they paid special homage to the in the armed forces, and some of you ВСЕЛЕННАЯ, ВЕСЕЛИСЯ! " В Ньому Господа ·свойого Sun, whom they called "Daiboh"— are in far distant places. To each Всел¢нная, веселися, Витають.
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