![[ESSEX.] South Weald](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DIRECTORY.] 247 SOUTH WEALD. [ESSEX.] NORTH WEALD [BASSETT] isas<'attered parish, ternately-, and held by the Rev. Henry Corkerell, M.A., of and ~tat10n on the Great Eastern railway, in the Western Trinity College, Oxford. Arthur Giles Puller, esq., is lord division of the county, hundreds of Ongar and Harlow, of the manor. The principal landowners are George Hart, Epping union and county court district, Ong-ar rural esq., and William Simmonds, esq. The soil is chiefly heavy; deanery, Essex archdt>aconry, and Rochester diocese, 3 suhsoil, chy. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and miles north-east from Epping, 8 north-east from Waltham turnips. The area is 3,777 acres; g-ross estimated renhl, Ahbey and 20 from London. The church of St. Andrew, £7 6~8 : rateable value, £7,051 ; and the population in 1871 situated nearly a mile from the village, is a plain building, was !18-i. with a square brick tower and spire, and containing 6 bell~; Parish Clerk, Charles Olley. it was re-pewed in 1849, and had new roof on nave in 18G5. The register date-o from the year 153.j. The living is a Letters received through E lpin~ at 9 a.m. The nearest vicarag-e, yearly value £445, with residence, in the gift of money order ofhce i., at Epping the BI::.hop of Rochester and Pemberton Barnes, esq., al- Railway Station, Thomas Low, station master Bawtry Samuel Clark & Winch, builders Pegrllm George, lJeer retailer Corkerrll Rev. Hen. M.A.,.r.P.Vicarage Edmunds Jonathan,Bull~Horse Shoe Rayment Willi.1m, blacksmith Hart Mrs. Duck lane Green Samuel, fdrmer Rtdington James, Blacksmiths'Arms, Lindus Henry Hampton Ann (l\lrs.), farmer & poulterer Marsh Josiah, Woodside Hart Georg-e, farmer Smith Charles, farmer COMMERCIAL. Hornsbv William, wheelwright 8mith Henry, carpenter & beer reta"ler Baker Rebecca (Mrs.), blacksmith & Law Edmund, farmPr Smith John Thomas, auctioneer beer retailer Leaversuch Wm. fellmonger, The .Elms Tarling "illiam, farmer Blatch Samuel James, carpenter & .Mayhew Charles, Talbot Tolley William, King's IIead wheelwright Mills Thomas, farmer Tyser Richard, baker Broad J acob, Rainbow ~ Dove Pain I saac, blacksmith Warwick J ames, beer retailer SOUTH WEALD (which sig-nifies "the south wood") country. Situated on a fine eminence, ahout three-quarters is an extensive parish, bi~ected by the London road at of a mile from the Brentwood station, stands the County Brook Street, 2 miles west from Brentwood station, 5 north­ Lunatic Asvlum: seen from the Great Eastern railwav, east from Romford, and 17 from London, and seems to have within ha f a mile of Brentwood, this building, with the existed in the time ot King Harold, by whom it was g-iven tapering spire of its beautiful little chapel, forms a pictu­ to Waltham Abbey: it is in the Southern divi~ion of the resque object: it is in the Elizabethan style, richly decorated, county, Billericay union, hundred of Chafford, Brentwood and will accommodate about 800 patients: in ISG! three county court district, Chafford rural deauery, E~sex arch· additional blocks of buildings were Prected, which accom­ deaconry, and Rorhester diocese. The church of St. Peter modate 75 more patients, and in 1871 anotht>r block for the has a nave and north aisle, and a handsome squ1re stone accommodati(}n of 250 female patients: the wards are spa­ tower containing 5 bells; it contains several monuments and cious and airy, and many command an extemivt> and beauti­ brasses, and a brass taken from the tomh of Sir Anthony ful prospect: the bmlding is approached from the Warley Browne, judge c.P. of 1.'567, of whom C. J. H. Tower, road by a carriage drhe: there are upwards of llO acres of esq., and others of the Tower family, are dPscendants: the land connected With the a'l_ylum, indu lin!.{ Brentwood Hall, church was completely restored in 1868. The register dates and 30 acres purchased in 1873, part appropriated as a from the year 15:38. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly cemetery, and the remainder used as a farm and kitchen• value £600, with re~idence, in the gift of the Bishop of garden and pleasure grounds: the farm and garden are Rochester, and held by the Rev. Charles Almeric Belli, cultivated by the patients, under the superintendence of M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford. A school and ten alms­ attendants. Tl1e principal landowner is Cl1ri.,topher John homes, in the Elizabethan style, were erected about 185G, Hume Tower, esq., .J.P., who is also lord of the manor. from designs by .Mr. Teulon, the eminent architect, of Lon­ The soil is clay and grdvel. The chief crops are wheat, oats don. At Bentley Mill a district SC'hool for boys and girls and barley. The area of the entire pari~h is .j,037 acres; was built by subscriptions, amounting- to about £450, a1 d gross estimated rental, £1!,403; ratPable value, £11,9.32; openf'd in January, 1865, for the children of this and the and the population in 1871 was 2,99-!, exclu~>ive of Brent­ adjoining parbhes of Kelvedon and Navestock. Tl1e wood. parishioners have the right to send their children to CoxTIE GREEN, 2 miles n01·th; PILGRIM'S HATCH, Hrentwood Grammar school. Theimpropriatorof tile great 2 north east, and BROOK STREET, 1 mile south, are tithes is Christopher John Hume Tower, esq., J.P., of populous hamlets. ·weald Hall, which is remarkable for having been the resi­ Pamh Clerk, Horace Bright. dence of Queen Mnry, and formerly the seat ot Sir Anthony Browne, the founder of the Grammar school of Brentw 10d and almshonses of South W Pal d. The mansion has been PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Sarah Bearlle, receiver. Letters from most elaborately restorer!, and many of the rooms are of Brentwood arrive at 7.30a.m.; di'lpatrhed at 6 p.m. The large dimensions, in which there are some fine specimens of nearest money order office is at Brentwood tapestry, and a fine collection of china: the hall is richly Po~,;T OFFICE, Pilgrim's Hatch.-John Clark, receiver. decorated, and has also some very large and beautiful paint- Letters tbrough BrPntwood arrive at 5 a.m. & 11.25 ings, among these being a very large one by Rubens of a a.m.; dispatched at 10.25 a.m. & 7.45 p.m lioness and cubs: there is also some old carved oak furniture County Lunatic Asylum, Warley road, Donald Cochrane in beautiful preservation; the moulded ceiling of this hall is Campbell, M.D. superiutendent; George Am~>den, M.B. of great artistic beauty in design, and considered a very & Rohert L. Shone, allsi'ltant medical officers ; Rev. fine specimen of that kind of workmanship: the lawn im- J oseph Sowter, A.K.c. chaplain; Clmrles Ravner, steward mediately in front of the hall is laid out with flower beds, & clerk; Miss Caruilla North, matron; l\liss Elizabeth which are a fac-simile of the main features in the ceiling- Hillier, assistant matron; Thomas l\Iorgan Gt-pp, Ch~>lm~- of the hall, and have a pleasing effect. The park is well ford, clerk to the vbitors; William Michael Tufnell, timbered, and the sweeps broken by beautifully nndu- Chelmsford, treasurer, & trea~urer of benevolt·nt fund. lating surfaces: it contains traces of a circular camp, sur- V biting da~ s to patients, 1st & 3rd thursdays in the month rounded by a single ditch. Near the church is Belvedere School (boys & girls), l\lrs. Walker, mistress Tower, commanding a fine view over the surrounding School, Bentley .1\lill, Benjan in Cooper, n.a~tet• South Weald. Hanbury Osgood, .r.P. How Hatch Cllapman .Mc1rtha (1\Irs.), farmer, PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hatch Thomas l:lurnthouse farm Amsden Geo. M.D. Asylum, WarlPy rd Hirst Frederick Hotham, Great Ropers Cumbers Geo. farmer, Halfway house ArrowSirFrederick,knt• .J.P. Pilgrim's Pare Rev. [Roman Catholic] Daw,on Alexander, steward of Weald hall, Pilgrim's Hatch Payne l\lrs. Elizabeth Hall estatt>, Luptons Ay ton Robt'rt, Poplars Petre Hon. Frederick, J .P. Oakhurst Garrard William, provision dealer. Bayne Rev.George Smith,M.A.[curate] Tower Christopher John Hume• .r.P. Coxtie green Belli Rev. Chas. Almeric, 1\I.A. fvicarj Weald hall Giblin ~Iary Ann (Mrs.), bakLr, Pil- Campbell DonaldCorhrane,M.n.Couuty coMMERCIAT,. grim's Hatch Lunatic Asylum, W arley road Alien David, farmer, Pilgrim's Hatch Goodchild Wm. farmer, Brook 1auds f<trm Coope OctaviusEdwd .M.P.,.J.P.Rochtts liarnard Thomas, beer retailer Hammond William, family & market Dan·son Alexander, Luptous Brewster James3 beer retailer, Pilgrim's gardener, Hullett's farm Evans Lewis H. Dell house, Pilgrim's Hatl'h Jex John, f'1rmer, Bisl op':. lnl! Hatch j Bright H orace, watch ma.& parislJ clerk Kni!!ht Eh1al .. th (::\Irs.), b.a~..ks.n~ h, Hall Collison, Ditchlejs Brown Wilham.. blacksmith Pilgr1m's Hatch .
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