SpetZtanallq Noted Historian Says: SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE elefee VOL. 49 SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA FRIDAY MAY 25, 1962 Retiring Profs N Feted 'Put Away Athletics' Be honors con- To A suggestion that colleges stop for the first annual threating students like children vocation as San Jose State Reception and "put away competitive ath- , The speaker, a noted American issued yesterday by historian, addressed a capacity au- At Right, Left Theories letics" was A reception honoring seven SJS! Henry Steele Commager, speaks.]: thence of students, parents, and facility and staff members who faculty members for the event. will retire this year will he held ' Attending the event were more 1.111,dilY from 2-4 p.m. in Hl. Will Clash Monday than 200 students whose names Arrangements for the event are appeared on the lists of Presi- by the dent's Scholars and Deans' being made faculty social "To the Right To the Left?" with government based on occu- Scholars. The lists included stu- committee. Two basic political theories will pational representation. dents whose grade point averages econd Guests of honor at the reception clash Monday evening at 8:15 in "Real socialism means an equal following for the last two semesters were e. Not will be the persons, all Allen hall, 325 S. 10th St. voice and vote in the management planning retirement this year: 4.0 and 3.5 and above. Sponsored by the Allen hall and operation of industry and --Lyman H. Daugherty, profes- Congratulations were extended cultural committee, the debate will services by all the social pro botany, who joined - to the honored students by Pres. sor of the fee ducers," he said feature Herbert Steiner, Socialist John T. Wahlquist and the deans ally 1930. Professor Daugherty Labor party's candidate for Rover- On the right, McDill counters ees nationally known as a paleo- of the five divisions. S nor of California, and William R. that "Modern liberalLsm has pat- botanist. RE-CREATION MeDill. representing Californians ently failed." CALL FOR - !sirs. Lillian C. Gray, professor Commagre called for a "re- ts for Goldwater. The debate is free McDill, who is chairman of San education, a teacher at SJS creation" of the ''community of of .ind open to the public. Jose headquarters of the Joe Shell 1932 and a recognized leader learning." He reviewed the contri- since for governor campaign, defines a ear teaching of reading. On the left, Steiner advocates bution which Europe made to in the "right-winger" as a person who Br. Hugh W. Gillis, professor a revolutionary change to social- America during the 18th and 19th believes that there are differences, Body of (if speech and drama, who has ism in the United States by peace- centuries and pointed out that in people such as intelligence, abil- Jilt coat- speech classes and directed ful means of the ballot, according much of the culture of the United taught ity, drive and motivation. s at the student drama productions at the to his statement given to the -:;,tes came from abroad_ The Socialist pro- "To level arbitrarily all differ- HENRY COMMAGER college since 1929. Spartan Daily. DR. 'rhen. he contended. the United ences by the use of state force to come Dr. Margaret C. Jones, pro- gram, he states, calls for a com- ... convocation speaker . States began to export its culture, plete rreonst rz let ion of society is immoral and criminal," he dents is fessor of home economics and edu- ; particularly its political ideas and states. Posed of cation, who has taught in home ideals. Such political -exports" "The society I envision will tit sly. The economics for 45 years, 28 of them ALL'S FAIR IN LOVEThe servant of Don Giovanni, Lepo- H.E. Dept. have resulted in "revolutions" in a society of the ant and the gras, he group at San Jose State. rello (Lawrence McCommas), deceives one of his master's many many parts of the world, he said. hopper, the tycoon and the beach- nd .- Claude N. Settles, professor loves, Donna Elvira (Brooke Shebley), by making love to her ASB Judiciary "Nationalism is rising in many comber, the miserly and the prof of sociology and a community while disguised as the Don. Honors Eight parts of Africa and Asia," the ligate." groups leader for civil rights, who offi- speaker commented. Dr. Comma- Eight SJS coeds, in addition to, retired at the close of the Conflict .Each debater will he given 10 ger said there are two kinds of cially Clears speakers minutes for an opening speech and graduating seniors, were honored the old kind which or Spar- fall semester. He joined the fac- Disagreement between the testi- nationalism, five minutes for rebuttal, accord- at the annual Home Economics is ip train- ulty in 1938. brinevolent and the new kind mony of Edward Pavone. '20-year- ing to Bernard Scoville, cultural department banquet Wednesday 1,.. ted and - Edward S. Thompson, who is Don Giovanni Opens 01d industrial relations major, and committee publicity director. Ques- evening. All of the honorees are ctor and reteing as business manager of ist:TTH: Fot,iTloN tions from the floor majors in that department. and far- the college after 34 years of a San Jose police report was will be an- "liecalise American nationalism swered after the debate. ’ounsei. service. cleared up at a hearing of the Those receiving special awards has been benevolent, we are in a John Simas, resident assistant were: Janis Stayton, junior far- - Dr. K Frances Wittman, as- ASH judiciary yesterday. bet t er posit ion for world leader- ulty award, Betty Lamp charm sistant professor of physics, a College Run Tonight at Allen hall. will be the mod- than other major countries," smooth Pavone told the ASH Judiciary erator. and California Home Economies the historian stated. Is thc member of the SJS faculty since By CIIRIS Iii WINGS by Edwin C. Diu assistant in an open hearing on Tuesday assn. award. $300: Joyce Kaida, plans 1955 who has had a lung and dis- -old story of the Dr. Commager said that the It The century professor of music. Stage director that he was booked by San Jose senior. Helen Mignon award. S'.25. tinguished career as a teacher in challenge confronting the United S Rem- legendary lover, Don Giovanni, is Dr. Jack H. Neeson, assistant police in April for illegal assembly Friday Flicks Carol Deacomis. sophomore. lit'- eastern colleges and universities. States can be compared with such spring. and his self-destruction is repealed professor of drama. and jailed for the night. Hot jazz and the inspiration of ulty award, $50: Karen Snyder. events as the settling of the West, tonight with the Music and Damn , The role of Don Giovanni is Pavone and an unidentified male a polio stricken scholarship, d V. girl provide the freshman, Grange the Industrial Revolution or Amer- departments' opening presentation played by baritone Mike Patter- nines were bending over a small wood drama in tonight's Friday Flick, $100. in two world wars, tragicomic opera. ican victory of Mozart's ' akis. Other principal singers are pile on Tenth st, when he was "Five Pennies," 7:30 at Morris Arlene Donne. graduate. Jose' bat Soph Wins i-irtnit, s'JS The speaker contended that the "Don Chit:arm!" L:.wrence MeCornmas, bass, as apprehended by the police. Dailey auditorium, phine and Frank Morris award, most effective method of meeting the run tonight at 8:15 in College . Leporello; Robe r t Cunningham, The "I didn't have any intention of film is set in the 1920s and $100: Edith Graham. senior, Pa- this challenge was through higher Theater. Performances will re- baritone, as Masetto; James Mac- is based on the life of jazz trum- trons assn. scholarship. $100: Win- education said there is a need Ora/ Award and May 30 lighting a bonfire," Pavone said, fie peat tomorrow Donald, tenor, as Don Octavio; The SJS man disagreed with a Peter Red Nichols and his band. ifred Parrott, senior, departmental for a "peace corps" to take Amer- rifle r t Browning, sophomore through June 2. Jess Russell, bass, as the Com- the Judici- original Five Pennies. Tues- plaque for highest grade point: icentemed tat Page 45 The 1962 opera workshop pres- police report submitted to ....eh and drama student from mandant; and sopranos Pegi Di- day Weld plays Nichols daughter land Loretta Amerian. sophomore entation is based upon the am- ary on Tuesday which described unsylvania, was awarded the Bari, Brooke Shebley and Diane who survives a polio attack and !Spartan Spears. orous exploits of a mid-171h cen- him as having matches in his hand. tannual S50 Dorothy Kaucher iSutton as Donna Anna, Donna Inspires her father's comeback. The graduating seniors of th- tury Spanish grandee. Later confirmation by the ar- Bill Seeks oral interpretation award yester- Elvin' and &Hine, respectively. Red Nichols is played by Danny department were introdurnd Council two-act "drama gio- resting officer corroborated the day for his reading of Jessarnyn , Mozart's "Don Giovanni" tells the story Kaye and the film features Louis ; Dr. Laurence Smardan, coso," which is regarded as the student's testimony. West's "Shivaree Before Break- of the romantic Don, his dalliance Armstrong, Bob Crosby. Shelly pof child development and I. masterpiece of all opera. uncon- Annual S1000 Fund fast." with the ladies and his fatal doom Recommendations regarding the Menne, Bobby Troup and Ray 'relationships. alters comedy with lir Kaucher. in whose honor the ientionally when he is dragged down into action of the administration will Anthony. Guest speaker at the bar with the accent on the award was established its 1950.
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