th 30 TAMILNADU STATE UNDER -13 BOYS and GIRLS CHESS CHAMIPIONSHIP -2017 FIDE RATED CHESS TOURNAMENT FOR DOLPHIN TROPHIES AICF EVENT CODE:135216/135219/TN/2016 (TNSCA Approval No.S05/NAM/17-18 ) Organised By NAMAKKAL DISTRICT CHESS FOUNDATION On behalf of TAMIL NADU STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION Sponsored By VIDYAA VIKAS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Tiruchengode Venu VIDYAA VIKAS EDUCATIONAL CAMPUS VARAHOORAMPATTI-PO, TIRUCHENGODE-637214 th rd From 03 MAY to 07 MAY 2017 Prizes Boys Girls - I Rs. 3500 Rs. 3500 II Rs. 3000 Rs. 3000 III Rs. 2500 Rs. 2500 IV Rs. 1500 Rs. 1500 V Rs. 1000 Rs. 1000 VI Rs. 700 Rs. 700 VII Rs. 700 Rs. 700 Total Rs. 30,000/ VIII CASH PRIZES CASH Rs. 700 Rs. 700 IX Rs. 700 Rs. 700 CHAMPION SHIP SHEDULE Date Day Time Round 03.05.2017 Thursday 9.30am Inaugural Function 10.30am Managers Meeting 11.00am Round 1 3.30pm Round 2 04.05.2017 Friday 9.00am Round 3 3.00pm Round 4 05.05.2017 Saturday 9.00am Round 5 3.00pm Round 6 06.05.2017 Sunday 9.00am Round 7 3.00pm Round 8 07.05.2017 Monday 9.00am Round 9 3.00pm Prize Distribution PLEASE NOTE: Only players who take part in this State Championship will be permitted to represent TAMILNADU as Selected / special entries in the forthcoming National U-13 Chess Championship for Boys and Girls. Hence participation in this State Championship is COMPULSORY All District Associations Kindly Advise at your under 13 Player to take part in this Championships. th LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF ENTRIES 30 APRIL 2017 RULES AND REGULATIONS AGE ELIGIBILITY Those born on or after 1.1.2004 are eligi ble to participate.Age proof is required. Certificate should be from the Panchayat/Municipality or corporation obtained soon after birth. Players without the date of birth certificate will not be allowed to participate. As per the rules of AICF,only playe rs whose dates of birth are registered within one year of their birth are permitted to take partinrespective age group state/nationals.Other country passport holders shall not be allowed to participate in the State Chess Championship. LODGING& CANTEEN FACILITY: Free Dormitory type of Lodging will be provided in the venue it self to these eded/ selected players plus one team manager (nominated by the district association).Players are requested to bring their own beddings. All special entries and accompanying persons have to arrange accommodation of their own. REGISTRATION OF PLAYER SWITH AICF: All the participants of TN State U-13 Chess Championship must be registered players of All India Chess Federation.Those who are already registered with AI CF must produce proof there of.The AICF registration fee for the year 2017-2018 is Rs.250/-.Entries without AICF registration fee will be rejected. REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS WITH TNSCA: Participants at all T N State Championships are required to regis ter themselves with TNSCA by paying Rs.100/-as registration fee for the year 2016-2017,the players have to submit their Date of Birth Certificate copy and one passport size photo along with the duly signed TN players' Registration Form. ZERO TOLERANCE The Zero Tolerance rules will befollowed .i.e: Anyplayer who arrivesat the chess board after the start of the session shalllose the game.Thus the defaul ttime is Zero minutes RULES: FIDE rules in force shall apply. SYSTEMOFPLAY: The Tournament shall be conducted on a Nine rounds Swiss System. TIME CONTROL Digital Clock 90 minutes each plus 30 seconds increment per move from number one. TIE-BREAK Buchholz tie-break rules will be applied. In case of tie, prizes will not be shared. CHESS CLOCKS Each Association is requested to provide at least two chess clocks for every four players. APPEALS COMMITTEE: An Appeals Committee comprising of five members plus two reserves will be for me dat the managers meeting. All the members and reserves shall be from different districts. No member of committee can vote on dispute in which a player from his own district/states is involved and in suchcase(s), there serve member takes his place. The decision of the appeals committee is final and binding on all players concerned. TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: The tournament committee consisting of the General Secretary, TNSCA or his representative, and representative from another district to be nominated by the TNSCA s hall decide on all emergency matters. PROTEST: Protest, if any against the decision of the Chief arbiter shall be made in writing with a protest fee of Rs.500/- within 15 minutes of the incident. The decisions of the appeals committee shall be final and binding on all concerned. The protest fee is refundable one if the protest is upheld. WITHDRAWALS: A player may withdraw from the tournament at any stage after informing the Chief Arbiter in writing. ARREARS: The players belonging to Districts which are in arrears to TNSCA will not be allowed to take part. The first roundpairings will not be delayed to solve the problem of arrears RIGHTS OF ADMISSION: The AICF / TNSCA /organizer Tirupur District Chess Association & Frontline Chess Academy/ reserve the right to admit / reject any entry without assigning any reason thereof. The AICF / TNSCA / organizer Tirupur District Chess Association & Frontline Chess Academy reserve the rights of admission to the venue and lodging place. SILENCE IN THE TOURNAMENT HALL Strict silence must be observed in the Tournament Hall. Players who have finished their games shall not remain in the tournament hall. Players shall not analyze the game in the tournament hall. INSTRUCTION TO THE DISTRICT CHESS ASSOCIATIONS: As per the rules of AICF, only the players who sedates of birth are registered within one Year of their birth are permitted to take partinres pective age group Nationals District Chess Associations are di rected he reby to for ward the names of players Hence whose Birth registration have been done within a year of their birth for this TN State under-13Championship. Wherever discrepancies exist, the matter may be taken up with AICF Through TNSCA. This will avoid the inconvenience caused to such players when appear in National U-13 Championship. Eligibility: Eligibility: Subject Subject to to the the age age limit, limit, the the following following players players can can participate participate Only Indian National are eligible to participate. Every affiliated member of TNSCA is entitled to send two entries in each category. The top four rankers of 2015 TN StateUnder -13 (OpenandGirls) Chess Championship subject to age stipulation. Boys - Nil Girls - 1) Lakshmi C (Che) 2) Arputha Jasmine B A(Kan) The top four rankers of 2015 TN State Sub -Junior (OpenandGirls) Chess Championships are seeded to play in their respective categories subject to age stipulation.NIL The top four rankers o f2015 TN State Under -11(Open and Girls) Chess Championships are seeded to play in their respective categories. Boys-1) BalasubramaniamH (Che) 2) Gnanasabesan G (Tnv) 3) AswinKumarBS(Mdu) 4) Bharath Subramaniyam H (Che) Girls -1) Jyothsna L (Cdu) 2) Shivan i Madhu(Che) 3) Abinaya S(Dgl) 4) Shrija K M(Nlc) The Winners of 2015 T N State Under-9 (Open and Girls) Chess Championships are seeded to play in their respective categories. Boys - Gukesh D (Tlr)Girls -Darsana Ms (Ero) The Winner and Runner up of 201 5 TN State U -11 and TN StateU-13 Girls Chess Championships can opt to play in Boys category here. Any player who has qualified to represent Indiain World / Asian Chess Championships. subject to age stipulation Any other player who remits the prescribed special fee: Open: Rs.800/-Girls: Rs.700/- The TNSCA General Secretary can nominate one player in each category. Two players in each category approved by TNSCA will be permitted from are as where no district association exists. The hostTirupur DCA is entitled to add one additional entry in each category. If the number of participants at the start of the Championship in a category is an odd number the host Namakkal District Chess Foundation is entitled to addonemore player in each category to make the total number even. In addition to the above, the following districts can field additional entries by virtue of the players finishing in top four of 2015TN State U-13 Chess Championship held at Hosur. Entryfee: Regular: Rs.400/-Special: Boys:Rs.800/- Girls: Rs.8 00/ - All entries, be it regular or Special, should be routed through respective District Chess Association. Entry fee can be remitted by Demand Draft favouring Namakkal District Chess Foundation, payable at Tiruchengode.Last date of Entry is 30-04 -2016. All All entries entries should should be be sent sent to: to: Mr Mr ..Rtn Rtn ..Dr Dr ..VV..SS.. Ramesh, Ramesh, President, Namakkal District Chess Foundation, SAI RAM DENTAL CLINIC 153 South Car Street , Tiruchengode Pin-637211, Namakkal Distirct. Mobile: 9843251616,9443530495. Note: Note: AA copy copy of of the the entry entry should should be be sent sent to to TNSCA TNSCA .. E-mail : [email protected] While sending the entries District Chess Associations should certify that their players have been selected from the selection/District Chess Championship. If such a certificate is not sent all their entries will be treated as special entries. FOR FOR FURTHER FURTHER DETAILS DETAILS CONTACT: CONTACT: Mr Mr ..SS..GNANASEKARAN GNANASEKARAN ,, Secretary Secretary 9443530495, 7402390480 All All Members Members of of Namakkal Namakkal District District Chess Chess Foundation Foundation The The Previous Previous Winners Winners List List 2017 2017 --2018 2018 gD gD ïï__sBVõ½[ sBVõ½[ sÝBVsÝBV sïVüsïVü ¼ÄìÂçïÑsëD¼ÄìÂçïÑsëD NEET ¼ÃV[Å ¶þé ÖÍ]B ¼>ì¡ïÓÂz] g«Dà x>_ >MÃluEXkz©A VIDYAA VIKAS SENIOR SECONDARY VIDYAA VIKAS SCHOOL (CBSE) COLLEGE OF EDUCATION B.Ed., & M.Ed., VIDYAA VIKAS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & STATE BOARD / TECHNOLOGY MATRIC sÝBV sÝBV sïVüÑï sïVüÑï __sÞW®kªºï^ sÞW®kªºï^ ]òßØĺ¼ïV|Ñ 9ïV«\ç¦ ïÍ>ìk¼ïVâç¦ ÃVçáBD ¼\uïõ¦ Ö¦ºïçá>s« \uØźzD]sÝBV sïVLuz þçáï^ Ö_çé +1 +1 ¼ÄìÂçïÂzÎï ¼ÄìÂçïÂzÎï __sÉÄKçï sÉÄKçï >z] >z] ¼>ì¡ ¼>ì¡ ååV^ V^ ŠŠ 08 08 ..04 04 ..20 2017 17 ÄMÂþwç\?ïVçéË10 ÄMÂþwç \?ïVçéË10 ..00\è00\è 10 10 gDJkz©A gDJkz©A ïè>D ïè>D \u®D \u®D ¶¤sB ¶¤sB __ÃV¦ºï¹ ÃV¦ºï¹ __BB >z] >z] ¼>ì¡ ¼>ì¡ åç¦ØîD åç¦ØîD ..'¶>[>¶½©Ãç¦l '¶>[>¶½©Ãç¦l __ ïï__sBÄKçï sBÄKçï kwºï©Ã|D kwºï©Ã|D LL..KK..GG x> x>_ _ 99 kz©A kz©A kç« kç« ¼ÄìÂçïÑg¼éVÄçª å¦Ímkòþ[Åm.
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