![Folder: 6/8/78 [2]; Container 80](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
6/8/78 [2] Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 6/8/78 [2]; Container 80 To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Staff_Secretary.pdf ~ .. J, .-· . 1. - t f:c t ~- V,~ . THE WHiTE HOUSE WASHING'l"ON ... June 8, 1978 I~~-.: ··-, - -··· ·.- Frank Moore l. The attached was returned in the Pr-esident's outbox: It is forwarded. to you for appropriate handl:ing. Rick Hutcheson ·~--~·1 bl\11 ....... THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON RECOMMENDED TELEPHONE CALLS TO · Congressman Albert Gore, .Jr. (Tenn.), and Congressman Tim Lee Carter (Ky.} DATE Juae 8, 1978 RECOMMENDED BY: Frank Moore Jll/. BACKGROUND The key vote will oc.cur today on the Santini amendment which would gut the Hospital Cost Containment bill by substituting a voluntary prog.ram to be monitored by a commission which would make recommendations if the hospital industry failed to meet the voluntary goals in ·cost reductions. The headcount in Commerce on final passage is still very close. In as much as we and the labor movement ar.e opposed to the S'antini substitute, we should be able to defeat it. On the motioa to recommit yesterday morning,, we were opposed by the AHA, the FAR, the ~., and labor. The recommittal vote was 24-16. Congressman Gore is still undec.ided but he's L -f l1sten1ng and 1t may be possible to get him. He voted with us on the recommit. , Congressman Carter is stil.l with us, but J _ 0 we can be sure he is getting extraordinary MJl'( press·ure fr:-.om ·his GOP colleagues. He is ~ very important to us -- well worth a call. 0 . I \ - ~ 7/f'.,f,vks Fo-,. ,i o.,. 1/o r-4'/ r'f'l,_"l ....... tllllll·tiUir... <:'if . 'PI! sktlli .,.,·;r·'•·, ' ' Page,2 TALKING POINTS FOR CONGRESSMAN GORE: Hal.e Champion met with Gore yesterday morning; Gore listened well, but the result was inconclusive and Gore remains undecided about his positi.on. However, G.o;re v.oted with us on the m.otion to recommit the bill to Subcommi t.tee, and he should be thanked for that vote. Certain .of Gore's comments t.o the Under Secretary regarding, rural hospitals indicate that he still does n.ot fully understand the bill and that he c.onfuses it with health planning. (On health planning, by the way, strong protections have already been adopted--bo.th in the draft legislat1.on reported by the House. Commerce Committee and by HEW in regulations--to guard ag:ainst disruptions in rural hospitals.) Go\r'e should be a:ssured that we agree with him about the Becessity to protect rural hospitals, especially in und7r­ served areas, and that We bel1.eve--and other rural Comm1.ttee members agree--the current draft bill does as well in that regard as is pos:sible, without. underC\!ltting: the esseBtial purpose o.f the legis]a,tion. ;zr,~,, ~A~•., fPw/IJ' IN 1/1~ ,,,·lflt·rr it TALKING POINTS FOR CONGRESSMAN CARTER: Congres·sman Carter should be called and thanked for his strong support and leadership on this bill, in the face of constant and heavy lobby1.ng from opponents and great pressure from his Republican colleagues. He should be praised and thanked for his eloquent statement this morning in oppos.i tion to the motion to recommit, and urged to continue to avoid eroding amendm7n to the "Rogers/Carter" compromise. (,<,Ill C'I!A' /Ill ()t,JTdo#'J. DATE OF SUBMISSION: June 8, 1978 ·,j; ·:1:.. .'tl:-.- .. .::.:~; ,, ;•• ~· :·;~i-··:: 'i;~ "::':: ·:t'.:., .,) " .. ~{ H .:· ,j( ~-~~·:. T'H E WHIT:E HOUS:E WASHINGTON June 7 , .1978 MEMORANDUM FOR THE. :!?RESIDENT FROM: FRANK MOORE re lacking a credible sponsor for ou:rc endment. to reduce incre es in the HEW bil.ili by $44:0 Millio We have talked to Omar Bu eson (D-Texas), Bill Alexander .D-Arkansas) and Joe Fisher (D irginia). Aillili of them are mpathic to the amend­ ment but a.t his point :none are will'. ·g to be the spo:nsor. I believe a from you. will l·e to get 2 out of the 3. I recommend · u call them i the above order and' whe:n one makes a commitment . •ere i:s· no ne.ed for you to call the others. The amendment yoH them to sponsor does the following: E1.imina:tes the e add-on for Titl~ I Seq, C.oJol c... of the Elementa econdary Education Act. ~e.WM:o -Po.,..- entire add- n for middle llo.s+ 7n•nu:fe• income assistance p ($233M) olc~\,. t' ""'~+ . o..l Elliimin es $107M of Health 'I t..l1 Prof sions Grants. q :ri~ I'll\ talked to you about earli r that Cong. Dave to cut with Cong. Floor, f 11 through. resent schedule .l.n the House is the nue. de:bate on abor/HEW tonight,. interrupt for the New Yo City vote en they go into session at 10:0·0 a.m .. tomorro and then resume debate on Labor/HEW. NEW Y:ORK CITY I recommend that you call the following Members before 10:00 a.m.L tomocrrow morning.: Lee Hamilton (D-Indiana) , Robert Kastenmeier ""­ (D-Wis·consin) and Paul Rog.ers (D-Florida) -bft,. ..-- .·.: .. -~· . -2- The Treasury Department has implied to the press that you have taken a personal interest in this matter and will be making some phone ·calls. I recominend that a few symbolic calls from you to these Members are impocrtant. I have attached Secretary Blumenthal's June 5 memo to you and his talking points for use in these calls. 6, ~..... I i' l I ·----1----~.-. ~. IUJUII THE WHITE HOUSE WAS HING.TON MEETING WITH SENATORS ON TURKEY/GREECE Thursday, June 8, 1978 8:30 a.m. (10-15 minutes) Cabinet Room From.: Frank Moore _/h'J, I. PURPOSE To explain to these Sena.tors who have indica ted support for your program your own deep commitment to it and to ask for their help in developing a plan for bringing the issue to the Senate floor. II. BACKGROUND, PARTICIPANTS & p,RESS PLAN A. Background: We have convened these 1.3 Sena.tors in order to discuss with them how we can build a leadership group to· carry o.ur program to the Senate. floor. Our work in the Senate is more difficult than in the·House because the SFRC, while supporting the FMS. portion of the Eastern ·Mediterranean proposal, disapproved lifting the embargo 8 to 4. During the meeting we should discuss how t.o develop a leadership group for the Senate floor .debat.e and the tactics and timing for the introduc.tion of the floor amendment. When you enter, we will l:lave been meeting since 8:00a.m. Secretary Vance opened the briefing.with a description of your talks with Ecevit and Caramanlis. Secretary Brown will have talked about our ·s.trategic interests. B. Participants: * SeRa.:Ee~-Hewa:~Ei-BakeE-.{R-'±'eRR-.) Senator Henry Bellmen (R-Okla.) Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D-Texas) Senator Dale Bumpers (D-Arkansas) * S'eaa.:Ee£-Ree.e£.:E-B~£Ei-.{Q-W,.:va .... ) Senator John Chafee (R-'R. I.) Senator Frank Church (D-Idaho) Senate~: George McGovern ( D.,..S. 'IDakota.) *'Senators Byrd & Baker unable to attend. Baker is sending Sen. Ted Stevens in his place • )J~~'. i\\ . ........ , . ·.·. ···~·· .. ,·_... Q 2 Senator Robert Morg.an (D-N. C) Senator Sam Nunn (D-G.eo.rgia) · Senator John Sparkman (-D-Alabama) Sena;tor John Stennis, (D-M-is:s ~) Senato.r John Tower (R-Texas) Secretary Vance,_. Sec:::retary Brown, General Jones, . Clark· Cliff·ord, and Atnbassador Ron Spier$ available to _answer questions. · State: Doug Bennet and· Nelson Leds~ky noD: Jack stempler WH/NSC Staff: Bob Beckel, Madel·eine Albrig-ht, Paul Henze c. Press Plan: Brief photo· s·ession with open mikes when you arrive. Whit·e House· press photographer. III. TALKING PO_INTS 1 • _The Eastern Mediterranean ini t±ative is. a top priority· it~Il\ because- the proposals are des±g_ned to break the impasse which is (a) frustrating progress-on the Cyprus problem; . (b) straining _re-lations with two valliled allies-, Greece and' TUrKey; and (c} .contrib1.:1ti-ng to the serious deter iora tipn of U.S .. · and NATO sec.l!lr i ty · interests in .the-Eastern Mediterranean. 2. we have worked out· a plan fOr ±ndividual·contact with · af? many Senators a:s possible by high Adml.nistration officials.. Our Ainb'assador, · Ron Spiers, who is here today, Will be meeting ·with Senators. General Haig . ·})as been ·on_ the Hill and will return for more briefings the week of June · 19 •.. 3 •. We are simu1-taneously working with House members to contact and brief them •. 4. Because the: S·enate is tied up with Labor Reform, the· House will probabl¥' have to vote on bhe question' first. It would obviously be; helpful if we cpuld get· some public actiyity·in the Senate •. Perhaps Senator Stennis. will agree-;to havinghearings'in the-Armed Services Colilmi t:t;ee. ·· . '. ~~-lldiH.. iW~ -1\311 .11 ...... ... THE WHITE HOUS;E W.ASH I NGTON June 8, 1978 MEEI'ING WITH STATE CHAIRMEN Roosevelt Room 10 :'15 a.m. ( 10 Minutes) by: Tim Kraft 1. PURPOSE: Introductory II. BACKGROUND, PARI'ICIPANTS, PRESS: A. BACKGROUND: These state .chainren have been invited to came to the White House for the last in a series of briefings conducted by Senior White House staff rrembers to give them sane insight on Administration poli­ cies and legislative initiatives. This briefing is taking place at the start of the ~ day rreetings of tile Derrocratic National Conmi ttee; this is the first tine, for many of these chainnen, to visit the White House.
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