A Cubism Reader

A Cubism Reader

CONTENTS jsirations xv Acknowledgments xix Documents 1. "L'APPEL DE 1906," pamphlet published by the Abbaye de Creteil, 1906 15/ Commentary 19 2. MARTIN-MAMY, "Chronique du mois," Le Feu (September 1907): 162-65 22 / Commentary 24 3. GELETT BURGESS, "The Wild Men of Paris," The Architectural Record ([New York,] May 1910): 400-414 26/ Commentary 40 4. GUILLAUME APOLLiNAiRE, "Georges Braque," preface, Exposition Georges Braque, 9-28 November 1908, Galerie Kahnweiler, 28, rue Vignon, Paris 42/ Commentary 45 5. LOUIS VAUXCELLES, "Exposition Braque. Chez Kahnweiler, 28 rue Vignon," Gil Bias, 14 November 1908 48/ Commentary 48 6. GERTRUDE STEIN, "Picasso" (1909), Camera Work ([New York,] August 1912): 29-30 50 / Commentary 52 7. ELIE FAURE, "Preface," Exposition de peinture moderne (Societe de peinture moderne), Salle Boiildieu, Rouen, 20 December 1909-20 January 1910, pp. 1-2 56/ Commentary 57 8. JEAN METZINGER, "La feerie," lie Sonnante (April 1910): 152 60/ Commentary 61 Vil ! viii » CONTENT S 9, LEON WERTH, "Exposition Picasso," La Phalange (20 June 1910): 728-30 64 / Commentary 66 10. HENRI LE FAUCONNIER, "Das Kunstwerk," Neue Kunstlervereinigung Miinchen, Moderne Galerie Thannhauser, Munich, September 1910 69/ Commentary 70 11. JEAN METZINGER, "Note sur la peinture," Pan (October-November 1910): 49-52 75 / Commentary 78 12. ROGER ALLARD, "Au Salon d'Automne de Paris," L'Art Libre ([Lyons,] November 1910): 441-43 84 / Commentary 86 13. JACQUES RIVIERE, "Exposition Andre Lhote. (Galerie Druet)," La Nouvelle Revue Francaise, no. 24 (July-December 1910): 806-8 90 / Commentary 92 14. HENRI GUILBEAUX, "Exposition Pablo Picasso (Vollard, rue Laffitte)," Les Hommes du Jour (7 January 1911): n.p. 94 / Commentary 95 15. j. c. HOLL, "Une enquete sur I'orientation da la peinture moderne. Part 2: Le Fauconnier," La Revue du Temps Present (2 May 1911): 466-67 97 / Commentary 98 16. MARIUS DE ZAYAS, "Pablo Picasso," America, Revista Mensual lllustrada ([New York,] May 1911): 363-65 100/ Commentary 105 17. CYRIL BERGER, "Chez Metzi," Paris-Journal, 29 May 1911, p. 3 108/ Commentary 111 18. ROGER ALLARD, "Sur quelques peintres," Les Marches du Sud-Ouest (June 1911): 57-64 113/ Commentary 120 19. JEAN METZINGER, "Cubisme et tradition," Paris-Journal, 18 August 1911, p. 5 123/ Commentary 125 20. ARDENGO SOFFICI, "Picasso e Braque," La Voce ([Florence,] 24 August 1911): 635-37 128/ Commentary 140 21. ALBERT GLEIZES, "Art et ses representants," La Revue Independante (September 1911): 161-72 145/ Commentary 152 22. LA PALETTE [PSEUD. OF ANDRE SALMON], "Pablo Picasso," Paris-Journal, 21 September 1911 154/ Commentary 154 C O N T E N T S « ix » 23. LA PALETTE [PSEUD. OF ANDRE SALMON], "Jean Metzinger," Paris-Journal, 3 October 1.911 157/ Commentary 158 24. URBAIN GOHIER, "Notre peinture," Le Journal, 10 October 1911 160/ Commentary 164 25. HENRI GUILBEAUX, "Le cubisme et MM. Urbain Gohier et Apollinaire," Les Hornmes du Jour (11 November 1911): n.p. [8] 163/ Commentary 184 26. LA PALETTE [PSEUD, OF ANDRE SALMON], "Georges Braque," Paris- Journal, 13 October 1911 188/ Commentary 168 27. LA PALETTE [PSEUD, OF ANDRE SALMON], "Andre Derain," Paris-Journal, 25 October 1911 170/ Commentary 170 28. MAURICE VERNE, "Un jour de pluie chez M. Bergson," L'Intransigeant, 26 November 1911 172/ Commentary 175 29. ALBERT GLEIZES, "A propos du Salon d'Automne," Les Bandeaux d'Or ([Arras,] November 1911): 42-51 178/ Commentary 187 30. RENE BLUM, "Preface," Exposition d'art contemporain (Societe normande de peinture moderne), Galerie d Art Ancien et d'Art Contemporain, Paris, 20 November-16 December 1911, p. 1 189/ Commentary 190 31. JEAN METZINGER, "Alexandre Mercereau," Vers et Prose (October-December 1911): 122-29 192/ Commentary 211 32. LA PALETTE [PSEUD. OF ANDRE SALMON], "Courrier des ateliers: Exposition probable," Paris-Journal, 21 January 1912, pp. 4-5 213/ Commentary 213 33. OLIVIER HOURCADE [PSEUD, OF OLIVIER BAG], "La tendance de la peinture contemporaine," La Revue de France et des Pays Francais (February 1912): 35-41 215/ Commentary 223 34. "LETTRE D ANDRE MARE A MAURICE MARINOT," 2o February 1912 (collection Mme. Mare-Vene, Paris) 226/ Commentary 229 35. MAURICE PRINCET, "Preface: Robert Delaunay," Les Peintres R. Delaimay, Marie Laurencin, Galerie Barbazanges, Fauburg Saint-Honore, Paris, 28 February-13 March 1912 232/ Commentary 234 X » CONTE N T S 36. OLIVIER HOURCADE [PSEUD, OF OLIVIER BAG], "Enquete sur le cubisme," L'Action (25 February, [10 March?], 17 March, and 24 March 1912) 237/ Commentary 244 37. JACQUES RIVIERE, "Sur la tendance actuelle de la peinture," Revue d'Europe et d'Amerique (1 March 1912): 384-406 249/ Commentary 267 38. PIERRE DUMONT, "Les arts: Les Independants," Les Hommes du jour (part 1: 6 April 1912, n.p.; part 2: 13 April 1912, n.p.; part 3: 20 April 1912, n.p.) 269/ Commentary 278 39. JACQUES DE GACHONS, "La peinture d'apres-demain (?),"/<? Sais Tout! (15 April 1912) 281 / Commentary 284 40. JACQUES NAYRAL [PSEUD, OF JACQUES HUOT], "Preface," Exposicio d'art cubista, Galeries J. Dalmau, Barcelona, 20 April-10 May 1912, pp. 1-7 287/ Commentary 293 41. OLIVIER HOURCADE [PSEUD. OF OLIVIER BAG], "Le mouvement pictoral: Vers une ecole francaise de peinture," La Revue de France et des Pays Francais (June 1912): 254-58 297/ Commentary 303 42. ELIE FAURE, "Preface," Troisieme exposition de la Societe normande de peinture moderne, Rouen, 15 June-15 July 1912, pp. 2-4 306/ Commentary 308 43. MAURICE RAYNAL, "Preface," Troisieme exposition de la Societe normande de peinture moderne, Rouen, 15 June-15 July 1912, pp. 9-1:1 312/ Commentary 314 44. MAURICE RAYNAL, "Conception et vision," Gil Bias, 29 August 1912 318/ Commentary 321 45. "M. LAMPUE S'INDIGNE CONTRE LE SALON D AUTOMNE," Le Journal, 5 October 1912, p. 1 324 / Commentary 325 46. RENE BLUM, "Preface, Salon de 'la Section d'or,'" Galerie cie la Boetie, 64 bis, Paris, rue de La Boetie, 10-30 October 1912, pp. 1-2 328/ Commentary 329 47. LA SECTION D'OR. NUMERO SPECIAL CONSACRE A L'EXPOSITION DE LA "SECTION D'OR,"vol. 1, no. 1 (9 October 1912). Redacteur: M. Pierre Dumont. Secretaire de la Redaction: Pierre Reverdy. Guillaume ApoUinaire, "Jeunes peintres ne vous frappez pas!," 1-2; Maurice Raynal, "L'Exposition de la 'Section d'Or,'" 2 5; G. Buffet, "Impressionisme musical," 5; Pierre Reverdy, "A un pauvre ecoeure," 6; Marc Bresil, "La revue de la presse et des livres," 6-7 332 / Commentary 345 C () N T E N T S « Xi » 48, LAN-PU-HE, "Cubist Bar," Fantasia, 15 October 1912, p. 195 351 / Commentary 353 43. PIERRE LAMPUE, "Lettre ouverte a M, Berard, sous-secretaire d'Etat aux Beaux-Arts," Mercure de France (16 October 1912): 894-95 355 / Commentary 356 50. ANDRE SALMON, "Histoire anecdotique du cubisme," in La jeunepeinture francaise (Paris: Societe des Trente, Albert Messem, 1912), 41-61 357/ Commentary 367 51. ANDRE SALMON, "La peinture feminine au XXe siecle," in l,a jeune peinture francaise, 111 and 114-18 370 / Commentary 375 52. LOUIS VAUXCELLES, "La 'jeune peinture francaise,'" Gil Bias, 21 October 1912 377 / Commentary 380 53. LA PALETTE [PSEUD. OF ANDRE SALMON], "Robert Delaunay," Paris- Journal, 1 November 1912, p. 4 381 / Commentary 381 54. HENRI LE FAUCONNIER, "La sensibilite moderne et le tableau," in Moderne Kunstkring (Musee Municipal [Stedelijk], Amsterdam, 6 October-7 November 1912), 17-27 384/ Commentary 388 55. "DEBATS PARLEMENTAIRES," Journal Officiel de la Chambre des Deputes (3 December 191.2): 2924-26 395/ Commentary 405 56. MAX GOTH [PSEUD, OF MAXIMILIEN GAUTHIER], "L'Art decoratif au Salon d'Automne," Les Hommes du Jour (26 December 1912): n.p. 410/ Commentary 414 57. ALBERT GLEIZES AND JEAN METZINGER, Du "Cubisme" (Paris: Eugene Figuiere, [27 December] 1912) 418/ Commentary 435 58. HENRIQUEZ-PHILLIPE, "Le cubisme devant les artistes," Les Annales Politiques et Litteraires (July-December 1912): 473-75 438 / Commentary 446 59. GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE, "Realite, peinture pure," Der Sturm ([Berlin,] December 1912) 453/ Commentary 457 60. ALBERT GLEIZES, "La tradition et le cubisme," Montjoie! (1 and 2 February 191.3) 460 / Commentary 466 61. GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE, "Die moderne Malerei," Der Sturm ([Berlin,] February 1913): 272 471 / Commentary 475 < Xii » CONTEN T S 82. GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE, Lespeintres cubistes: Meditations esthetiques (Paris: Eugene Figuere [17 March], 1913) 477 / Commentary 514 63. LES COMPAGNONS DE L'ACTION D'ART, "Monument du poete Oscar Wilde par EPSTEIN," broadside distributed with L'Action d'Art (15 April 1913) 524 / Commentary 525 64. [ANONYMOUS,] "Evolution de 1'art: Vers ramorphisme," Les Homtnes du Jour (3 May 1913): 10 530/ Commentary 533 65. FERNAND LEGER, "Les origines de la peinture et sa valeur representative," Montjoie! (29 May 1913): 7 and 14-29; (June 1913): 9-10 535 / Commentary 543 66. YVONNE LEMAITRE, "An Interview with Jean Metzinger on Cubists and What They Are Doing in the Art World," Courier-Citizen, [Lowell, MA,] 12 May 1913, p. 7 547 / Commentary 551 67. GABRIELLE BUFFET [PICABIA], "Modern Art and the Public," Camera Work, special issue ([New York,] June 1913): 10-14 555 / Commentary 560 88. "EXHIBITION OF NEW YORK STUDIES BY FRANCIS PICABIA," Camera Work ([New York,] April-July 1913): 19-20 565 / Commentary 567 69. ROGER DE LA FRESNAYE, "De l'imitation dans la peinture et la sculpture," La Grande Revue (10 July 1913): 316-25 569 / Commentary 577 70. "MODERNS KUNSTKRING, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Exposition Internationale du Cercle de 1'art moderne a Amsterdam," De Kunst: Een Algemeen Geillustreerd En Artiskiek Weekblad ([Amsterdam,] 8 November 1913) 582 / Commentary 595 71. ROGER ALLARD, "Le Salon d'Automne," Les Ecrits Francais (14 November 19x3): 3-4 598/ Commentary 599 72. JEAN METZINGER, "Kubisticka Technika," Volne Smery 12 ([Prague,] 1913): 279-92 602/ Commentary 612 73.

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