October 1, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H9201 the right thing to do. We think that it face of adversity was inspiration for all measured by its length but by its qual- is the right thing for our senior citi- of us. Dan Quisenberry became the sec- ity. zens. ond Kansas City Royal to fall victim to f I wanted to thank every Member of this disease, joining manager Dick FIRST SURPLUS SINCE 1969 this Congress who has joined with us in Howser, who died in 1987, just 2 years cosponsoring this legislation. We hope after leading the Royals to the world's The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. we can pass it for our senior citizens so championship. EWING). Under a previous order of the folks like Ms. Frances Staley, my con- Dan Quisenberry developed a reputa- House, the gentleman from Illinois stituent in Orange, Texas, can be able tion as a ``flake'', based on his friendly (Mr. WELLER) is recognized for 5 min- to afford her prescription medication. banter with reporters who always utes. f sought him out for a good quote. This Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, I thought is a man who, finding success after a I would take a few minutes to just talk COMMUNICATION FROM THE rare downturn in his pitching fortunes, about something that is pretty excit- CLERK OF THE HOUSE told a reporter that he had found a de- ing, I find, for the folks back home in The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- livery in his flaw. But, Quisenberry the south suburbs of Chicago and the fore the House the following commu- also was an intelligent and articulate South Side of Chicago and the rural nication from the Clerk of the House of man, a witty man who turned to poetry areas and the bedroom communities I Representatives: after his retirement from baseball. have the privilege of representing back home in Illinois. OFFICE OF THE CLERK, He also was the best relief pitcher U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, the Kansas City Royals had ever October 1 is a big day. It is a big day Washington, DC, September 29, 1998. known. He was the first pitcher to save that many of us, particularly in my Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, 40 games in a season, and he still holds generation, have been waiting a long The Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, the American League record for most time to see come. The reason October 1 Washington, DC. saves in two consecutive seasons with is such a big day is, today is the first DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- 89. At the peak of his career, he was a surplus that Washington has seen since mission granted to Clause 5 of Rule III of the 1969. Thanks to this new majority that Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, factor in every game; unique for a the Clerk received the following message pitcher. has been in place here, the Republican from the Secretary of the Senate on Tues- Baseball writer and fellow Kansan majority that has been in place now for day, September 29, 1998 at 12:45 p.m. Bill James put it best in his baseball the last 31¤2 years, we have the first bal- That the Senate Agreed to Conference Re- abstract, ``The logic was this: let's say anced budget in 29 years, a balanced port H.R. 6. that the Royals were one ahead in the budget that is projected to generate That the Senate Agreed to Conference Re- fifth inning, but the other team had a $1.6 trillion in extra surplus tax dollars port H.R. 4103. man on and Babe Ruth at the plate. over the next 10 years. With warm regards, You'd be thinking `Well, if he gets the Essentially the folks back home are ROBIN H. CARLE, sending more money to Washington Clerk. Babe out here he's got the bottom of than we need, producing a mammoth f the order up in the sixth. That means that Babe and Lou and company don't surplus, thanks to the fiscal respon- COMMUNICATION FROM THE come up again until the seventh at sibility that began with the Contract CLERK OF THE HOUSE worst, and if it really gets tough in the with America in 1995. I find that folks back home are pretty excited, because The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- seventh inning, Quiz can come in and we talk about what we are going to be fore the House the following commu- the Royals will still win. So if he just doing with this surplus. There are nication from the Clerk of the House of gets Babe out here in the fifth inning, some, particularly down at the White Representatives: then the Royals win.'' House, that want to spend it. They b OFFICE OF THE CLERK, 1545 would rather take that surplus and U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Well, it was not just the Royals who Washington, DC, September 30, 1998. spend it on whatever they can call threw this way, either. Managers would Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, emergency spending, trying to avoid The Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, use their pinch hitters in the 5th and the budget rules and, of course, avoid Washington, DC. 6th innings, trying to keep Quisenberry the budget discipline that we have. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- out of the game. In a sense every That is what a lot of folks back home mission granted to Clause 5 of Rule III of the Royals game revolved around trying to say. They say, if we do not set aside Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, get to Quisenberry, and it was some- that surplus now and give it to a spe- the Clerk received the following message thing that you started thinking about cific purpose, those Washington politi- from the Secretary of the Senate on Wednes- really as soon as you got to the park. cians will spend that extra money. We day, September 30, 1998 at 10:45 a.m. This is about a man who threw un- That the Senate Agreed to Conference Re- made a commitment here 10 days ago port H.R. 4060. derhand to major league hitters and to do something with that $1.6 trillion With warm regards, got them out. But Dan Quisenberry was surplus. We made a commitment to ROBIN H. CARLE, more than a great baseball player. He save Social Security. We made a com- Clerk. was a great human being. He was ac- mitment to eliminate the marriage tax f tive in Harvesters, an organization penalty. We made a commitment, es- that collects food for the homeless, and sentially, to give $1.4 trillion, two TRIBUTE TO DAN QUISENBERRY Village Presbyterian Church. He gave times what President Clinton origi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a something even more precious than his nally asked for back in January, to previous order of the House, the gen- money, he gave of his time. His dedica- saving Social Security, $1.4 trillion. tleman from Kansas (Mr. Snowbarger) tion to charity and to children was ad- Now, the $1.6 trillion in the budget is recognized for 5 minutes. mirable. surplus, of course, the 90±10 plan, as we Mr. SNOWBARGER. Mr. Speaker, the I think it is appropriate to remember now call it, sets aside 90 percent of the Kansas City area, our national past at this moment the immortal words of extra tax revenue and makes a com- time of baseball, and everyone who ad- the fabled sportswriter Grantland Rice, mitment to put that money aside for mires courage and grit suffered a tragic words which very well might have been Social Security. The remaining 10 per- loss yesterday. Dan Quisenberry, written for Dan Quisenberry: cent we are going to give back to the former relief ace for the Kansas City When the one great scorer comes to write American people, because we do not Royals, lost his battle with brain can- against your name, he marks not that you want it spent here in Washington. We cer at the age of 45. won or lost but how you played the game. want to use it to help families. Quiz faced death with the same Mr. Speaker, I ask this body to join I have often raised the issue of the unblinking fearlessness with which he me in offering condolences to the marriage tax penalty over the last faced a Wade Boggs or a Don Mattingly Quisenberry family. Let them take year, asking a simple question: Is it or a Reggie Jackson. His courage in the comfort in the fact that life is not fair, is it right that under our Tax Code H9202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 1, 1998 that 28 million married working cou- It helps small business people in Illi- Committee on the Judiciary, I move to ples pay higher taxes today just be- nois. Helps those who want to send take from the Speaker's table the Sen- cause they are married? Is it right that their kids off to college. We eliminate ate bill (S. 2073) to authorize appropria- our Tax Code charges a married work- the marriage tax penalty for a major- tions for the National Center for Miss- ing couple with two incomes more in ity of those who suffer it. The bottom ing and Exploited Children, with House taxes than an identical couple with line is, we also save Social Security by amendments thereto, insist on the identical incomes living together out- setting aside $1.4 trillion.
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