The Coast Advertiser Forty'Sixth Year, No. 38. BELM AR, N. J. FR ID A Y , FE BR U A RY 10, 1939 Single Copy 4 Cents j \ Community Nurse SOUTH BELMAR PASSES Outlines Duties for BUDGET OVER SILENCE the Commissioners OF CONNELLY, M’KINLEY Contract W ith M . C. O . S. S. COMMITTEE BACKS Mayor Herbert Defends In­ Renewed; Pflug’s Bid for CHANNEL DREDGING crease on Basis of Better Fishing Pier Laid Over WASHINGTON. — Appropriation of Service. Salary Ordin­ For One W eek. $118,000 for improving the channel of Shark river between Belmar and Avon, ance Offered. Miss Vivian Hunt, Belmar’s Com­ N. J., was one step nearer today with munity Nurse, submitted her annual re­ the inclusion of the item in an omnibus The South Belmar Borough Council port to the Belmar commission Wednes­ bill be the rivers and harbors commit­ passed on final reading a 1939 budget day, stressing the fact that South Bel­ tee of the House of Representatives. increasing the tax rate from $5.75 to mar is the only other community This step is the authorization for the probably more than $5.83 Wednesday served by her office. The commission expenditure. Actual funds will have night. Two members of council with­ authorized renewal of the contract with to be appropriated in another bill. held their aproval after former mayor the Monmouth County Organization William H. Sutphin, representative Charles Smith had questioned the ad­ for Social Service, sponsor of the Com­ from that district testified before the visability of added police and' road. munity Nurse, for the coming year. committee here last week with U. S. costs at this time. The estimated tax was based upon Wall township, Miss Hunt said, par­ INSTALL GRANGE OFFICERS IN COUNTY—Shown above are members of the installing team of the Army engineers in favor of the improve­ last year’s schol budget of $14,000 ticipates in the Manasquan offcie of the Farmingdale Grange as they appeared when they installe officers of Monmouth Pomona Grange at ment which would deepen and widen whereas the school board is offering a. Community Nurse. She attended the the channel up to the Belmar Marine Ardena recently. The same team also installed the officers of the 10 subordinate granges in the county. budget of $15,500 to the electorate next commission session at the invitation basin. Back row, left to right, are: Horace Cook, Doris Conrow, Jesse Smith, Wilbur Huff, James Matthews, Tuesday. It is also probable that the of the members who had suggested at Louise Morris, Bernice Farry, Donald Conrow, Robert Ketcham, William Nicholas, Alma Donahue and county tax rate will go up somewhat. a previous meeting that other com­ Percy Farry, jr. Seated: Marion Cook, Deputy Archie Height of Glendola Grange, Ethel Morris and Mayor Frank E. Herbert defended munities served by the Belmar office S. P. C. A. Employed Sarah Marie Applegate. (Ganslen photo) the budget saying that the increase might contribute toward its support. was slight in view of increased school Belmar supplies the quarters and tele­ By Wall in Place costs and higher county taxes in recent phone ($7 per month) besides the $1,000 Avon Junior Choir Plans LOYALTY SERVICE Mrs. Schultz Is Hostess years. He added that the borough was contribution on contract which is sup­ Of Jack Kendrick on a cash basis and had reduced its plemented by $500 from the board of Annual Music Festival FILLS M . E. C H U R C H To G.O.P. Women’s Unit interest costs from $2,900 to $200. education. South Belmar contributes Township Changes Its Dog Former mayor Smith, comparing $150. The second annual music festival for The South Belmar Women’s Repub­ The First Methodist Episcopal South Belmar with its $843,400 valu­ the children and young people of Avon lican club met Tuesday evening at the Warden. Cancels Water Miss Hunt explained that her duties church of Belmar was nearly filled ation protected by five patrolmen with will be held Friday evening, March 3, home of Mrs. Louisa Schultz, 501 Eigh­ included bedside nursing in assistance Sunday night when more than 150 Rates on H O L C a dozen other towns of greater valua­ in the Taylor Memorial Baptist church, teenth avenue, South Belmar. The to physicians, health examinations at people attended the first Loyalty Serv­ tion and one police officer, said that Avon. The purpose of this affair is home was decorated in keeping with Property. the schools (Belmar public school and ice of a series to be conducted in the aggregate fines of $200 a year did not \ St. Rose’s) of eyes, ears and postures to arouse more interest in music, to church under the direction of the the Valentine’s day. Each member Services of the Monmouth County warrant an $8,000 police budget item. ^ with notification of parents and sub- encourage more children to study minister, Rev. Lawrence G. Atkinson. was presented with a Valentine gift. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty “You don’t want to compare this r sequent follow-up for corrections; music and to help children to become It was Sunday School night and a fine Games were played and refreshments to Animals were employed by the Wall municipality with those farming dis­ checks on the financial condition of at ease when performing in public. representation of the Sunday School served. Those attending were Mrs. township committee Wednesday night tricts,” replied the mayor. Mr. Smith families seeking clinical treatments; scholars and their parents were pre­ Sylvia Herbert, Mrs. Bertha Brower, The festival is sponsored by the jun­ for 1939 to replace those of Jack Ken­ said that although the borough got its inspection of classrooms to guard sent under the leadership of their su­ Mrs. Anna Shaffer, Mrs. Mamie Early, ior choir of this church. The commit­ drick of Neptune, who has acted as money’s worth from road expenditures against communicable disease in perintendent, Paul C. Taylor. Mrs. Lea Lang, Mrs. Belle Woolley, tee in charge is Ruth Clayton, chair­ dog warden in the township for the he did not feel this the time to spend school; a baby program consisting of The attendance banner was present­ Mrs. Anna Sherman, Mrs. Grace Huff, man; Jeannette Chattelier, Rosalind past several years. $7,000 on roads. ed to the classes of Miss Dorothy Davi­ Mrs. E. E. Anderson, Mrs. Helen Ray­ pre-school diet, vaccination and a check Kahn, Jean Prouty, Selma Seaman and “It is a shame that you didn’t have son and Miss Catherine Thompson, mond, Mrs. Ruth Thatman, Mrs. Vir­ The committee voted the change of tonsils, teeth and posture; health in­ Mrs. Arthur Kahn. those ideas in 1933 and 1934, when you both classes having perfect attendance. ginia Leath, Mrs. Viola Whitman, Miss after Chief of Police Vernon Shibla put spection of foster homes for the state Any child who lives in Avon whether were mayor,” retorted Mayor Herbert Paul C. Taylor’s class placed third in Daisey Sherman and visitors present in a plea for the S. P. C. A. and said board of children’s guardians; inspec­ just a beginner or more advanced is in­ comparing the 30-cent state school tax, attendance and was credited with the were T. T. Sherman, Charles Schultz, he was “personally in favor of making tions for the recipients of old age as­ vited to play. The efforts of all will the 87-cent county tax and the 1.12 dis­ largest number of parents present. An Owen Dunfee, John Anderson, B. B. the change.” sistance; complete supervision of pa­ be equally appreciated. trict school tax with the larger fig­ interesting service was held including Schultz and others. Township Clerk Richard Berkstress- rolees from all institutions each month ures of today. “Our budget is only the presenting of pins for faithful at­ (except in cases of adult males); social er, asking permission to address the about $600 more than last year. We tendance by Paul C. Taylor. The min­ service problems of all kinds, includ­ HEAD - ON CRASH G. O . P. C L U B W O M E N committee, said he had found Ken­ have paid our own bills and reduced ister spoke on “Child Value.” ing procuring of eye glasses, braces, drick to be very unsatisfactory and our indebtedness. You have better INJURES THREE The Loyalty Campaign has become etc., andthe discovery of tuberculosis; SELECT OFFICERS urged that the S. P. C. A. be employed lights on F street, better police protec­ an annual affair in the Belmar Method­ to serve the township. transportation of clinical patients to tion and better garbage colection. We ist church, having been started by the At a meeting of the West Belmar Fitkin hospital; working with the Bel­ Three women were injured, one bad­ The society had submitted a contract have paid off an $18,000 debt to the present pastor last year. The cam­ Women’s Republican club Monday eve­ mar and South Belmar auxiliary of the ly, Sunday afternoon as cars traveling to the committee, agreeing to take care school board and a tax note of $5,000. paign was inaugurated last week ning ,>t the home of Mrs. S. Elizabeth Monmouth County Organization of So­ in opposite direction collided between of stray, unwanted and injured ani­ We are paying our state and county Stines, H street, West Belmar, the of­ cial Service which meets every second Seventeenth and Eighteenth avenues Thursday with a Loyalty banquet. mals for $50 for 1939. Kendrick was taxes on time.
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