TZiE SFORfS PAGE Of The YTavnesviilc Mountaineer Monday Afternoon, April is w.9 Defeat Brevard 12-- 0 Elementary Meets Dayton Upset By Mountaineers At V aatWl Ttt. 11 1! Scheduled For Mn.mlmnnnrn Tn BrOVOfd Thursday ?'" . 1 i v Next Two Weeks The Waynesville. Mountaineers ptraigni Loop jj Local Ten-Pi- n Loop will Journey to Brevard Thursday afternoon to meet the Brevard Blue Boys Division To Be Devils in a The Miumiainejeii came liu'oiifch rained Industrial League I oui :u""niij Played This Week; vith another nps-e- la ,ek in till. The game, originally .scheduled . he Waynesville Ten Pin League '',:'. ei-- ' H"-- 1 II ..... week, It'" & AV' Scores "l Girls Next Week hen u.roppfc.l Da-i..- far last was washed out when iht the " the showers canoe down and the UJ' at ik. J lubber bo wit re. mo to one In the Ha?elwood-Enk- a ppd. I The annual Elementary basktt-bal- l t .vo nines will attempt to settle the H,l, .thei match loiled the C. La. Clearwater-Mart- el ppd. touiriitneiu- - are foi Ii scheduled re Culsuiers In hist game of their 1949 diamond 4, "leiritj net ikiealcd the Beacon Canton 3. tl,i this week and ntvt week uiili tin ;,, feud Thursday. boys Itptndents t.o t.i one keen Berkeley 8, Ecusta 3. ''iWJt,r. settling ii.e.r claims it,, Coach Weatherby is expected to die. heir chaiiic; iur the loop lead I Wtfck. send Jun Kuykepdall to the mound j .file. In tt.e tithel sitiedulc.l lu.Jt.li hole The teams have bem retting st i he WaVIcs.ille lu.li.i Ceiiler with Sam Wiggins catching. The WTHS Golf Team na-- Is, mil t for the eient lor t?,e t It earn mm t.i lnin a ti:il u'.j.c wild; starting lineup Bob fflitu, , Robinson, 2b, weeks and are t.) in all out tc Ille WaTCi : ; Vlrel1 lb. Dave Price, Don To Meet Tryon capture the . h... j . - na-- ss, Sammy Bell 3b t.i '.Vaid's lii r 11 l.'.ice ii. to Wf.istnhunt ""nil lit Bub rii, Last ii, ur , and Bill Owen and Caldwell in e.1 tai km. .n.i the t ail ill e of their pl.-- er to how In Loop Match ar(t!. three so team- - er,inr,'. t.,ii ir.e outneid t;.t jr.- me scliool .it. t,.1 i., .' el. el pl.-i- dor The Waynesville High golfer tear,..; ti,, .,,.,1 t- u,. i j I will be seeking ..I.'- the v. ret. ill. ui,l a., fc their fourth win oi event b.... i ..i.d u. n. r. Sepal atillg the hi ! I,,nil lr-- the season tomorrow af lei noon Toe Hj. et .,...1 l,u and r;n Beacon, lln-l- 1,.!,, - Berkeley the loop stulidlli;:- .i .ii.i tin- when they journey to Tryon to "Hill; are deter. dn,- . I..n., a.,,, ut WBi' team ai, lie.l l.,i II,.- n, ; face the Tryon High School Tigoi i n. .1,1 di in. Open With Wins .pot and Da. ton and tin- I id eit i in what shapes up as one of the East Wawu .,u,. I., .n- i.i i , lie tied I., I llill'd best matches of the season. The 1949 VVNC Industrial League The Day tun team capUm-- leant Coach Carl Ratcllfl'e is expected ope iit-r- were handicapped by the Hazeli high Willi I'.,)., o ii,,., !!.,. p--r to string along with his stalling Of bid weather over the weekend and V S , Part W I ' Pigeon In- i!h un- - Sits four that have rung up three onlv two games were played. .ullcelv Willi ..11 ti." ," j straight Blue Ridge Meet Be ed'el The Hazel wood and Enka tilt and Conference To To u- Closed Da lull it am tor lu ll . victories. Jack Rogers, Ear- Hie ivlartel-Clearwa- r panic were Oliver D.i.liun I, ad in S7T rtw,fj ly, Clifl" Green and 1 '.il'i. po.it poned with the other four Harold Mill Wedn, Anglers May 'I. ,1.1 lluvd III the I, each through till ,el', it am- seeing action. oanie with three to Fi-- t 111 h in in 1. lied ill tin i,,i! L!l,', .ja,!,,. V .1 I, nothing scores "in Ii earns Ihe Keacon and Berkeley nines the last mati . ( a l.il.-.- ,, Tl. wood and o , , !ii it Will be :!il7 !'.... nil ,.i j.i with Brevard and are ready ; Vc opi ned with vietorit s as the Bea- to i, secure ,! hi t - Irian's hiu.k ' ec in,, I hi li V .1 U ., 1! ,..,; against the Tigers tomorrow. i,i no I, an i defeated the Canton from M.i. ii Ii .Iiiih- 30. I'o.eoi.s four to three in seven 111 Exc hi i Ballon of the 'I h,b s and I lit.' Berkeley nine scored North ( liiliile Hesource.s i. runs in Ihe itventh inning to Sylva Hurricanes Cancel con, ii .iiiii.uiiK.il Hint ileieit Jack Alexander's Ecusta till- ' !n- alfecl-l.-ilaiv- "'IM sli earns d Friday's Baseball Tilt lirluo. nine, to three. league pennants and the claim to the spawning This is li',l minder that the perennial battle tor the major M;ii;.ii ,.r Ilie Haitelwnod-Enk- a game will The scheduled game . now ump calls the final out in the World baseball i Ml hkI World Urcalcst Baseball Team opened today From until the Ins, ., . be ila t il Wednesday afternoon between the Waynesville mil ruinors-o- f wars will have to take a back scat High i"! Clcarwater-Marte- Series next earthquakes, .shipwrecks, wai VV the l tilt Mountaineers ' VI1.I.K TKX I'lN i.i: i: and the Sylva High 1,1 I' liner from Canton ci siviiiii.. off for June 4. as far as the American baseball fan is concerned Golden Huricanes for Ii msii ii tin- forks at Wood-iow- ; last Friday 1!"' W I. Pet. afternoon on Sylva I"" W9.d and Un Tuckaseigee River, in the field was Jack-u- c Major Leagues Open Campaign Today cancelled Thursday by '. :jiit from the dam at Ward's 19 14 ".Ti; Hurricane null Coach James Dill. Urn 1L' miles to the forks of VV3C HI 14 .:.7li All-Bost- Barnwell when it was Hie riililjti on decided to drop baseball the MM! Dayton 17 Hi i; AP Writer Predicts World Series from the I athletic setup Mi - al.iinuncc,mcnt said Ciiisniers 17 n; .:. i.", for this season. way to steal first base. move Hi. liidepemli-m- "i 111 i By FRANK ECK The was taken when the Improved i t t I'irates Most cost of moving the football I" II, Mountain. ti . 12 21 ::(., A Nev.'.sfcatuns Sports Editor lights kid d. Y(-H- -- - baseball The Pittsburgh are the and getting the field in period. NEW Boston Pirates shape lo Do yon iuff,.r in Play on, was im J fan- ,1k, old be mitjhty happy this most improved team either taken into considera-- 1 " "'" S( lil III 1.1. of tion. Vb ,t.i on. They limin e to have the league. The strange purchase thai l,r,,i .'.mil ci ,n hi Series to themselves - if the Murry Dickson from the Cardinals This move is also expected to .In of this writer bears and Rookie Bill Werle holster an eliminate the playing field of the1 Muun'aineer- - - ( tl. hi troiiiTea. leu , like the Boston aging pitching stall' that should .";ylva Legion team which has been 'eel like nl- - - '. hint. It looks Ila Million but benefited br S Indent inn ar,: , bml tw,.ii.,., ni. ., nd (her Have-- National League and see Bob Chesnes blossom into a regular opponent of the Hazelwood j tbc fllf) VMtnin Wist- -- ll.e, Ii,ll in the (et HE! Til i.ia,! II,. t,m in the Auiei'i-- i real Werle, southpaw sinker team for the past few seasons. lets ritntitn. tnriudlnf iro Ito Be.l Sox slar. Ml I I H'S Ml Phftspbate Arcrpl am itibstl- - I an League. ball specialist, was the rave for leu Try OM1S tor M to dnt. last year and tin h. dn' lied I lie fe tf tad don'l trti vcrt While many experts, meaning San Francisco last year where he roantr rnoib peppier t East Wa nesvilU- l,m :n it, ii 17 7, five of be- Work EoioT Ufel Ihe writers, are picking won and lost them riiv. ut - Cbew I1MIN Ilk Ue4! Al Boih diwsioiis Ihe toiu i.a- Dodgers to the ing one-ru- n Smith . the lliookhn take defeats. (r l. $. merit will he held on Ihe U ayii:--,-- SI. .Naliuiial League pennant, the writ- Other Pirate pitching help THEATI ille High floor and all games ...ill PARK er l inclined to feel that the should come from Hugh Casey, be played in the afternoons. .Mm i lean League again will have Brooklyn's 1917 World Series the real dognght for the top two star who has regainrd his form, PROGRAM i.i, Hi. ,ii',. The Cleveland Indians, Bob Muiiciief, obtained from victors in the e World Cleveland, Clifl' Chambers, and WEDNESDAY, .April 20 tiles vnh the Braves last Octo- b southpaw. Veteran Catch- ber, appear to be the ones to ,m " er Clyde MrCullough, a Cub ..land in the way of an rsi since 1940, is another valuable Squadro World Seiies something that has BILLY SOUTHWORTH joe McCarthy addition to a Buc team that has "Eagle i.evtr happened.
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